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Waking in the Stars (Marston Chronicles Book 2)

Page 33

by D Patrick Wagner

  “However, there is one difference which I need to address.”

  Finally, Princess Analyn came to Buster.

  “Legate Buster, please come forward.”

  Leaving Vidhee’s side, Buster followed Princess Analyn’s direction. Standing weaponless in his dark blue tunic, Buster allowed himself to be put on display.

  Keiko leaned over to Krag. “Tell Buster, it’s alright. I see where this is going. It is a good thing.”

  Using his imbedded communicator, Krag relayed Keiko’s observation.

  “We all saw Legate Buster take action. We saw his speed in which he reacted. We saw his strength. We now know that he is a level one synthetic with combat algorithms.”

  The crowd broke into anxious conversations, worrisome motions.

  “Calm, calm, my people.”

  Once again, the room followed Princess Analyn’s lead.

  “Within Human law, this is legal. In fact it is part of Human society. In our Constitution, as we all know, a synthetic with combat algorithms is banned, reset. However, Legate Buster is not bound by our Constitution. He is held accountable and protected by the laws of Humanity. If we are to accept Humanity as a new, rather different, clan, we must accept Legate Buster.”

  Once again the room of Elonians broke into conversations. Above the din, Princess Analyn announced, “Let the banquet begin!”

  Krag and his group took their seats. Buster returned to his place beside Vidhee.

  During and after the speech, Mack had continued to study his surroundings.

  “Lassie, unless I miss my guess, those four guns look like gravity guns.”

  “I thought the same. I thought the guardsmen only carried those power shafts.”

  “The wily commander must have had them in reserve.” Leaning the other way, Mack spoke to Krag.

  “Cap. You see those weird guns?”

  “Yes. I figure they are some sort of gravity rifles. Probably for Buster.”

  “My thought exactly, Cap.”

  “Buster,” Krag began mindspeaking.

  “Yes, Captain?”

  “I think those four weapons are for you. Mack thinks that they’re some sort of gravity guns.”

  “I ascertained that when they entered.”

  “If the Elonians move on us, we do not fight back.”

  “But Krag,”

  “No buts. These are good people. Furry, but good people.”

  “But what if my combat matrix kicks in?”

  “See that it doesn’t. I would rather surrender than harm any of these beings. Besides, even if we succeed in protecting ourselves, we have no place to go.”


  “Buster, that is an order. Shut down your combat matrix. It stays dormant unless I give you a specific order to activate it. Is that clear?”

  “Yes, Captain.”

  “Good. Re-activate when we return to Griffin. Now continue enjoying your new friends.”

  “You really know how to put a damper on a party, Krag.”

  Unknown to the two, Vidhee had been listening.

  “My Princess. A moment?”

  “Of course, Vidhee.”

  “I have been monitoring a communication between Buster and Captain Marston. Without their permission, I fear. However, under the Extreme Circumstances clause and per your command, I believe the monitoring is justifiable.”

  “What is it?”

  “Captain Marston would rather have himself and his people be imprisoned rather than cause any harm.”


  “Captain Marston explicitly ordered Buster to deactivate his battle matrix, to be activated only if Captain Marston gave a direct order.”

  “That is very important to know. Please save the recording of Captain Marston’s conversation with Buster. I wish to study it and possibly send it to my father.”

  “I have filed it in a permanent crystal, My Princess.”

  Sir Mahajani left his usual guard position and approached Captain Marston. Gopai remained one step to the left and one step back, following in his Liege’s path.

  “Captain Marston, May I have a moment of your time?”

  “Of course,” Krag responded as he wiped his mouth and stood. When he saw Sir Mahajani take a few steps away from the dais, Krag hopped down and followed.

  Joining the Royal Bodyguard, Krag saw that they were joined by Gopai. “This is going to be good.”

  “Gopai has something to say.”

  Both Mahajani and Krag waited expectantly.

  Gopai dropped his head, ears and tail. With paws clasped against his chest, he began. “Captain Marston. This warrior is wrapped in shame. You acted honorably and with a warrior’s will to win. I did not respect that. Instead, I lost my true soul as a Royal Guardsman, as an Elonian warrior. I let my animal control my heart. For that I am deeply, deeply ashamed. I ask for your forgiveness.”

  Gopai held his pose of abasement, with a quick side glance at his liege. Mahajani gave a quick muzzle twitch. Gopai relax, just a very small amount.

  “Gopai. I know how much it tears at you to lose. I can’t tell you the rage which I go through when I do. You are young. You have shown you have the heart of a warrior. But you have yet to learn how to control that passion, that fire.”

  Krag looked at Mahajani who returned a head nod and ear flick.

  “You made a mistake. The key is to not repeat it. I accept your apology and forgive your rashness. You and I, we are fine.”

  After another peek and another muzzle flinch, Gopai straightened and dropped his arms. “Thank you, Captain Marston. I shall always remember how you conquered me and your honorable response to my misbehavior.”

  “Well done, Gopai,” Sir Mahajani said. “Now, I have a request, Captain Marston.”


  I request that, as Clan Leader of Griffin, you accept Gopai as a vassal and tutor him in the ways of Human honor and life.”

  “What? A moment, please.”

  “Buster, a little help.”

  “What can I do for you, Cap?”

  “Cap now? Mack and I are going to have words. Sir Mahajani just asked that I tutor Gopai, make him a vassal of the Griffin Clan. What’s going on?”

  “Let me get Vidhee involved.”

  “Hello, Captain Marston. Buster has apprised me of your question.”


  “Elonian clans have, for centuries, cross-trained clan members with other clans. Sometimes this is done for political reasons. Sometimes this is done to straighten out a wayward cub. Sometimes it is for education and training.”

  “So which one is this?”

  “Probably all three. For a person of rank, Sir Mahajani, to put himself in a position for possible rejection is a great honor to you. And trust. The fact that he has asked you to tutor a member of the Royal Family makes it an even greater honor.”

  “Gopai is Royalty?”

  “The son of Sir Mahajani’s brother.”

  “I’m stuck, right?”

  “It would be extremely unwise to refuse.”

  “But I have nothing to teach him.”

  “Not true, Captain Marston. You have your strange fighting ways. He will appreciate this as a warrior. You have Human customs and traditions. A warrior must know his enemies and his friends. And you have shown him your courage and graciousness. I suspect that this is what Sir Mahajani wishes his nephew to learn. Gopai has been somewhat of a hothead.”

  “Great. Just Great. Thank you, Honorable Vidhee for your insight.”

  “My pleasure, Captain Marston.”

  “And you, Buster. No more ‘Cap’. And no laughing. This is a serious matter.”

  “I would never, oh Captain, my Captain.”

  After finishing his mindspeak conversation with Buster and Vidhee, Krag came back to the now. “I accept. First question. Where will Gopai establish his quarters?”

  “In your hold, if that is acceptable. We can assemble a small structure and emplace a small co
oling unit within. With his cooling shield, there will be no issues.”

  “Meals? Toiletries?”

  “As your vassal, he will live your life, your way. Treat Gopai as you would a fledgling crew member.”

  “Our way is to give the fledgling crew members, we call them ‘newbies’, all of the worst jobs.”

  “That would be perfect.”

  Looking at the forlorn Elonian, Krag asked, “When does Gopai start?”

  “At your discretion.”

  “Tomorrow morning. Ten a.m.”

  “Gopai will be at your entrance at ten a.m. I do have another request. A personal one.”

  “Anything, Sir Mahajani.”

  “Will you be training tomorrow?”

  “I had planned on it. With Ambassador Suzume. Mack and Sue are just beginning. They will also be training.”

  “I request that I be allowed to partake in your training, learn your ways of combat.”

  “Of course. You are always welcome. Gopai will also begin his training tomorrow.”

  “Thank you, Captain Marston. You are an honorable being.”

  “And thank you for creating this opportunity to bring our two peoples more closely together.”

  Sir Mahajani left Krag standing there, looking at Gopai.

  “Well, I guess it’s you and me, Gopai.”

  Krag turned, hopped back on the dais and retook his seat. Gopai followed, taking up a guard position behind him.

  Keiko leaned over. “What was that all about?”

  “Apparently we have a new crew member.”


  “Yup. He’s Mahajani’s nephew. I’m supposed to mentor the kid in Human ways, or something.”

  “I get to watch, Cap.”

  “You’ve got work to do. And no more influencing Buster. He just called me ‘Cap’. One of you is enough.”

  “Just because you’re all cranky over your new job, dunna mean you gotta take it out on me.”

  “Well, Griffin does need you. Especially if Varrini gets you those boards and circuitry.”

  The conversation ended when Princess Analyn stood and again addressed her assemblage. Upon seeing their Princess standing, the room quieted.

  “Now, my fellow Elonians, I give you Commander Tarunga!”

  Again, the room erupted, with the loudest coming from the tables holding Royal Guardsmen. The Commander rose and strode to off-center of the dais, not blocking his Princess, turned his back to the audience and saluted her. After princess Analyn’s acknowledgement, he turned back to the room and yelled, “Tikon, step forth and receive your reward!”

  If possible, the room grew louder. The winner of the expert division left his group of friends and approached the dais. Upon hopping up, Commander Tarunga guided him to a place on the Commander’s right.

  “Captain Marston, step forth and receive your reward!”

  Everyone continued to cheer, clap and flick as Krag took his place to the Commander’s left.

  Princess Analyn grabbed two plaques, circled the table and centered herself on the dais. The room quieted in anticipation.

  “Captain Marston.”

  Krag turned, stepped towards the Elonian Princess and performed a deep, human bow. After Princess Analyn’s acknowledgement and his rising, the Princess held up one of the plaques for all of the room to see.

  “Witness all! I proclaim Captain Marston, a true friend of Elonia, novice victor of Wisdom Seeker’s first Tournament of Interstellar Friendship!”

  As she handed the plaque to Krag, everyone exploded to their hind paws, clapped their forepaws, vociferously huffed, raised their muzzles and yowled.

  Everyone on stage paused, waited for the din to die down.

  Once she could be heard, Princess Analyn continued, “Henceforth, this day shall be marked as Interstellar Friendship day. Every year, we shall conduct a tournament in honor of this meeting of our friends from across the stars!”

  More mayhem.

  Mack leaned across Krag’s empty seat and commented to Keiko, “The Princess is laying it on pretty thick, ain’t she.”

  “Politics. She’s good at it. Developing support and backing. She’s giving them a show so that they will forget the show at the tournament. Besides, after seeing that brother of hers, I suspect she’s trying to stop whatever he has planned. And put her father in a corner, force him to go along with her agenda.”

  “Ah. I’m glad I only have to play with Griffin, not with all these political snakes.”

  “We each have our own path.”

  “True, Wee-One. True.”

  “Gopai, step forward!”

  A startled Elonian sprinted around the long table, snapped to attention and saluted. Princess Analyn flicked an acknowledgement and turned back to the crowd.

  “Captain Marston has agreed to accept Gopai as his vassal and agreed to train him in the ways of Humanity. I give you Gopai, Vassal and student to the Gregor Clan!”

  More applause. This one died down more quickly.

  Turning in her chair to eye Vidhee, Keiko asked, “Vidhee, why did Sir Mahajani ask Captain Marston to accept Gopai as a vassal?”

  “Gopai gave Sir Mahajani and Commander Tarunga a pretty nasty problem to solve, Ambassador Suzume. He is Sir Mahajani’s nephew. And a Royal Guardsman. Standards for Gopai’s actions are very high. Violations are very severe. Normally any Guardsman who violated their code of conduct, as Gopai had, would be immediately expunged with dishonor from the guard. Rather than destroying Gopai’s life and career, Sir Mahajani and Commander Tarunga arrived at this solution.”

  “I see. It also puts one of your people aboard Griffin.”

  “Astute, Ambassador Suzume. But wrong. Gopai is not a spy. In fact, he is just the reverse. Vowing fealty to Captain Marston and the Gregor Clan, it is now his responsibility to aid, in any way he can, in helping the crew of Griffin accomplish whatever goals Captain Marston deems worthy.”

  “Thank you, Vidhee.”

  “And now, the first Master Champion of the Wisdom Seeker’s Interstellar Friendship Tournament. I give you Tikon! Tikon, step forward and receive your reward.

  Again the room exploded, matching the din and mayhem awarded to Krag. A chant of ‘Tikon’ rose as he accepted the plaque, turned to face the crowd and held his award above his head.

  As the crowd continued to cheer and everyone on the dais continued to stand, multiple serving robots delivered or refilled drinks for everyone. Once the Princess saw that everyone had been served, she raised her own, newly delivered goblet.

  “People of Wisdom Seeker!”

  Everyone stopped, looked at Princess Analyn and, upon seeing her raised cup, confusedly hoisted their own.

  “Humans have a ritual. It is called a ‘toast’. It signifies acknowledgement, reward and a finishing. I give you a toast!”

  Understanding, everyone lifted theirs a little higher.

  “To our new friends across the stars. To the Gregor Clan! To Wisdom Seeker’s new champions!”

  Upon seeing their Princess take a long swig, everyone followed. After wiping a cloth across her muzzle, Princess Analyn completed her presentation.

  “Enjoy. In two cycles we will be home, Elonia is waiting!”

  As the din continued, Princess Analyn returned to her seat. Everyone followed, except for Tikon, who returned to back-slaps, hugs and well-wishes from his friends and comrades-in-arms.

  “Very well done, Your Highness.”

  “Thank you Ambassador Suzume. Here’s hoping it goes this well with Father.” Princess Analyn raised her glass for one more toast.

  Aboard Skadi

  Skadi continued its ballistic journey through Bridgelen, its velocity no faster than other objects speeding through space. With every energy-generating piece of equipment shut down, the crippled ship, with its tethered cargo, appeared as nothing more than a chunk of metal coming from nowhere and heading in the same direction. With the derelict alien vessel snugged in close, Skadi didn’t even prese
nt a shape of a ship, but a deformed, giant rock of no interest vectoring back into the other millions of other rocks which made up the massive asteroid belt circling the Bridgelen star.

  Captain Young sat in his command pod, not bothering to close it. He knew that, if Skadi is found, they were all dead anyway. He ran through the checks of his vacuum suit once again, a nervous habit, insuring that he was still protected against the killing cold and dead air which permeated the bridge.

  “Mr. Parker?”

  “Coming fast, Captain. Flyby in two minutes.”

  “Mr. Reyes, everyone suited up?”

  “Yes, sir. With about another day of air and energy. Everyone’s good.”

  “Nothing on?”

  “Still cold and dead as Davey Jones’s locker, Captain.”

  “Engine room?”

  “Last I checked, buttoned up and shut down. Nothing coming from that end.”

  “Ok. Just a little longer. We are a rock. Nothing to see here, you crawly bugs.”

  “Just passed,” Sensor Specialist Parker whispered, as though the alien super dreadnaught could hear him.

  “Five minutes. Then send the squawk, Mr. Brown.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  Five minutes passed. Everyone held their breath as they waited for the monster ship to turn and home in on their crippled ship. It didn’t happen.

  “Send the packet, Mr. Brown. Tight beam, only.”

  Moments later, the communications specialist reported, “Sent, no response from the com-sat, Captain.”

  “Is it out there?”

  “Unknown, sir. Doesn’t respond to a ping, either.”

  “They’ve jammed us. Sneaky bastards. Shut it down. We don’t need those bugs knowing we’re out here.”

  “Aye, aye, Captain.”

  “Damn, damn, damn. Now HQ won’t know about the effectiveness of the X-cannon. And they won’t know we have an alien ship. Ok. We dig in and wait. Mr. Reyes.”


  “Use thrusters, only. Re-vector us to the densest part of the asteroid belt. Find us a good rock to hide behind.”

  “Aye, aye, sir. Permission to power up the sensor board.”

  “Permission granted. Nothing else. We stay cold.”

  “Aye, aye, Sir.”


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