Edge of Danger

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Edge of Danger Page 13

by Barb Shuler

  Drew took my hand and led me around to the back yard. When I saw my entire family was standing there, smiles on their faces, I lost it. Daddy was going to love this. He needed something cheerful after the ordeal he’d been through. I wiped at my face as I pulled back from Drew’s arms.

  I opened my mouth to say something when Daddy was pushed from between the crowd before me. A big ass grin was on his face.

  “Daddy,” my voice broke as I rushed forward to hug him. His arms felt strong as he squeezed me from where he sat in his wheelchair.

  “Hey, Princess. What do you think of the house?”

  “I love it! Do you like it, Daddy?” I said as I squatted down beside him. I clasped his hand tight.

  Tyler came over and grinned at me.


  “Yeah, baby?”

  “You like your suspise?” she asked me.

  I smiled and brushed a stray hair from her face.

  “I like it, but the question is, does Gramps like it?”

  “It’s not Gwamps suspise. It’s yours.” She made a face at me. That ‘duh, stupid’ look that I used to use. I scooped her up and kissed her cheek loudly.

  “What she’s trying to say, Princess, is-” he stopped and pulled my hand up to his chest. I met his gaze again. “This is for you. It’s for you and your family.” I tilted my head y. “I’ve been trying to get things straightened up for the last year or so. This house, the house your Mama and I built, is now yours.”

  “No. It’s yours,” I stood, my heart hammering in my chest.

  “It’s too damn big for just me. You’ve outgrown Drew’s place. I want you to have this house. I want you to raise my grandbabies here. I want your Mama’s influence around them.”

  My tears made it hard to see him. I felt Tyler hug my neck tighter. “It’s okays, Mommy. I’ve got you.” Her little words had a sob escaping me.

  I felt a strong arm wrap around me. Then little hands, then more arms. I sniffled and saw that Derek, Gabby and Elijah had joined our embrace. I cried then. A body shaking, overwhelming sob that had my family holding me tighter.

  I finally pulled back the tears, and after a few deep breaths, I was able to speak. I kissed Tyler’s cheek and clasped Derek’s. My eyes scanned my small circle, then I looked down at my Daddy. He gave me a watery smile.

  “Your Mama would want this, too. Everything has been refreshed and there are two new rooms added to the back of the house. Who needs a living room, a sitting room and a den? It’s just a waste of space.”

  “I can’t kick you out of your house. I won’t.” My voice croaked, but I got my words out.

  “You’re not, Princess. I have my own little place back behind the barn. Out by the wood line. I’ll still be close, but not underfoot. I want this for you, for me.”


  “Finally!” Stella grumbled as she came out of the crowd, a goofy grin on her face.

  “Princess, you can thank the Malone’s for busting ass to get this ready so fast. They came in and with the help of everyone here, this house was restored to its original glory. The way your Mama had it.”

  “But with no outdated furniture,” Anna chimed in.

  Drew snorted when I sighed.

  “No worries, love. What we have is coming over, but a few things have been added.”

  “Daddy,” I said bringing my attention back to him. “You are you staying up here until you get better. I can’t have you back there all alone.”

  “He won’t be alone,” Robert said. “We’ll all be helping with his rehab and making sure his stubborn ass does what he is supposed to. Lori’s agreed to come and check bandages and his overall conditioning as well. No offense to Doc or Shelby.” He said.

  I snorted. “I knew it.” I said looking down at my Daddy. That shit eatin’ grin said it all. He had a fucking thing for Lori. Hot damn!

  “Knew what?” Drew asked. I exchanged a look with Derek and he grinned too. He had seen enough of them around the hospital to figure it out, as well. He leaned in and whispered something to Tyler, she beamed as she turned to face everyone.

  “Gwamps has a girlfwiend!”

  Everyone laughed and I moved to hug my Daddy. He stole my child, which was normal, and I moved to thank everyone for what they had done. We were truly blessed to have all of them in our lives.


  Moving Forward


  I’ve never been so happy to be home as I have been for the last few hours. Dani Lynn was the only one that didn’t know I’d be here - which if I’m honest, is a miracle. Some of these people couldn’t keep a secret if their very lives depended on it. What one knows, they all know, in less than twenty minutes, but they knew this was something special. I had to be here. Period!

  There was no way in hell I was missing the look on her face when she saw the work that had been done here to honor her Mama. Everything has changed for us all over the last few years, and after recent events, I needed to make changes in my life.

  This place had slowly been dying since Dani Lynn grew up and moved out. The last ten years had been hard on the old place. Right now it brought back memories of the past, wonderful memories. The day I first walked Abigail across the threshold after our wedding. The first night we spent together in the house as husband and wife. The first time I cooked dinner for her. The day Abbie told me I was going to be a daddy. The day we brought Dani Lynn home from the hospital.

  As I sit here now and watch her look the place over, my heart breaks that my sweet beloved Abigail can’t be here. I know she’s watching over us, I can still feel her at times. She’s never far from my heart. This keeps me from completely losing it some days.

  I pulled my truck up to the house and parked. I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. Two days ago our first child, our sweet baby girl was born. I looked over at my wife. She was sound asleep. I chuckled before turning to look back at my daughter. She was asleep, too. I quietly got out of the truck and moved around to get the baby, but the squeaking of the back door made Abbie jump.

  “It’s okay darlin’, just me opening the door. We’re home. Let me get the baby, then I’ll help you inside.” I unlocked the snaps on the buckles holding my perfect little human in the car seat.

  “I’m more than capable of getting myself out of this truck, Gabriel.” She cut a glare my way as I stopped before her door. I just grinned.

  “Yes ma’am. Will you allow me to at least help you, though?” I asked. She sighed and with a little help was able to get herself off the seat and onto her feet. She was still in some pain, but she wouldn’t let the pain beat her. That was my girl. Always tough as nails. I pressed a kiss to her temple as we took the stairs up to the front door. My daughter was pressed to my chest, my arm protectively around her.

  Once we got inside, I helped Abbie upstairs and into bed. My girl was a beauty as she sat there against the headboard and held our daughter. I was a lucky son of a bitch. Our younger years had been good, then as we aged, things had gotten better. Then something inside of me called to her. I couldn’t stop the attraction. I leaned in and pressed a feather light kiss against our daughter’s cheek before I met Abbie’s lips with mine.

  “I love you,” she whispered.

  “I love you too, darlin’. Always-”

  “And Forever,” she continued. I pressed another kiss to her lips.

  “You rest, baby. I’ll go put this little angel in her bassinet and then go make you some lunch.”

  “I’m not hungry.” She settled down into the covers more after I took the baby from her. “I can eat later.”

  “Yes, dear,” I replied, smiling as she closed her eyes and let out a long, soft sigh.

  I took in a deep breath, inhaling the baby powder and new baby scent. I closed my eyes and moved to the rocking chair. I could go make lunch in a few. Abbie needed her rest. My boots came off, my feet went up on the footrest and I looked down at the little bundle covered from head to toe in pink that I had in my

  My sweet little angel. I had big plans for her. She was going to be one of the smartest girls in town. I would teach her how to hunt, fish, and kick the boys in the nuts when they bothered her. I thought my life started when Abbie said I do, but right now, my life was starting all over again. I’d always be here to protect my little girl. Always!

  I was pulled back from my memories when Dani Lynn’s smiling face came into view. “You okay, Daddy?” She squatted down beside this stupid ass chair. I smiled and nodded at her question.

  “I’m fine, princess.” I reached out and booped her on the nose, the same way I had when she was a kid. Her smile made my heart melt. My girl had grown up into this magnificent woman. Her Mama would be so proud. “Just remembering the day we brought you home. You were so tiny. Your mama was so tired, but she fought it every night. I’d try to get up with you, but she would just swat me on the ass and send me back to bed.”

  Dani Lynn took my hand and rested it on her cheek. I could feel the wetness there. I sighed softly as she spoke, “I miss her so much.”

  “Me too, but I see her in you everyday. She would kick me in the ass if she caught me feelin’ sorry for myself. I’m sorry for everything you’ve gone through, baby girl. I want to-”

  “Daddy, it wasn’t your fault. There’s nothing you have to be sorry about. You taught me to take care of myself and I think I’m doing pretty good, if I do say so myself.”

  She grinned.

  “You do damn good, Princess. I’m very proud of you.”

  “I’m proud of you, old man. I’m so happy they discharged you. I hate that place.”

  “You hate it?” I said, chuckling. “You ought to have Nurse Ratched barking out orders all day and night like you’re a new recruit being dressed down. I’ve seen Drill Sergeants with less anger in them. I’m so glad to be away from that damn place.” I grumbled.

  “Oh, please. You’re such a baby. You know, the nurses threw a party after you left. We celebrated having a quiet floor again.”

  I turned in my chair to see Lori standing there. Her hands were resting on her hips. Hips that the tight jeans she had on outlined perfectly. Dani Lynn’s laughter pulled me from gazing at the fiery redhead glaring back at me.

  “What’s funny, kid?” I asked.

  She stood and shook her head. Tyler’s screeching pulled my attention to her. She, Kaitlyn, Taylor, Robbie, Elijah, Ryan and three puppies were running from Derek and Carter. I chuckled. Then, I spotted Lana with her arms around Gabby, who was sound asleep. A sigh escaped me. I felt Lori come up and rest her arms around my neck. I turned to place a soft kiss on her cheek.

  “‘Bout time you got here,” Robert said as he came over. “I thought you changed your mind.”

  “Never,” she replied. “This big jerk made me a promise and I’m going to make damn sure he keeps it.”

  “Mooooooommmy!!!!” The scream had all heads turning. I caught sight of the littlest all toppled over on the ground.

  “Shit!” Dani Lynn said before she moved towards the kids. Kristol, Shelby and Anna were on her heels. The kids were looked over, but when Ryan started crying, that loud, scared, in pain scream that every parent hated, people moved faster. Dani Lynn took her from Kristol and moved her to the picnic table.

  “What is it!” I asked as did Jacks and Shelby. Shelby went into Doctor mode.

  “It’s minor, I promise,” Dani Lynn said. “She hit her face against someone’s head. Busted her lip.”

  “Why is she bleeding like that?” Kristol asked. I reached over and took her hand.

  “She’s okay. Head wounds of any kind bleed like crazy. She’s responsive and talking so she’ll be fine.” Lori tried to reassure Kristol.

  “Mommy! Wyan okay? I didn’t mean to make her fall.” Tyler asked as she climbed up on the table. Her little face was scrunched up and she had tears in her eyes.

  “She’s okay, baby girl. See?” Dani Lynn said taking the gloves Shelby had given her off. Ryan had a tiny cut on her bottom lip, and it was a little swollen, but she was calm now.

  “I otays,” Ryan nodded. Her eyes searched for her Daddy and she sniffled as her arms went up, fingers wiggling at him. Jacks scooped her up and kissed her cheek.

  “I remember the first time you fell like that.” I chuckled. “You we’re climbing that tree,” I pointed to the big Oak by the side of the barn. “You were four. Your Mama screamed as if she was being murdered when she saw you up there. That scared you and you fell. By the time I got from the barn to you, you were trying to climb back up the tree.”

  “Why does that not surprise me?” Drew said as he came over to wrap his arms around her.

  “Nothing should anymore,” I replied.

  “Hey, what’s that supposed to mean?” Dani Lynn asked, her arms crossing over her chest.

  “Really?” I asked. “When you were a kid you were a daredevil. Where do you think Tyler gets it from? You were always into something. Then came the others,” I said waving my hand around. “Y’all are getting payback for what you put all of us through.” I smirked. “Ain’t it grand?”

  “Damn,” Drew and Jacks said at the same time.

  “Stop with that freaky twin stuff!” Stella protested. That just made them laugh harder.

  “Alright,” Wayne said clapping his hands together. Everyone turned to look at him. “Let’s get this party started. We have three grills worth of food. Girls, if y’all would get the things from the kitchen and bring them out, us guys will get the picnic tables setup.”

  Everyone scattered to get things together. The little ones were left to Derek, Lana and Carter, which they loved. I moved to where they sat and took Joey into my arms. Jacks was not my son, but these babies were my grandkids just the same. I loved them all to pieces.

  “Gwamps?” I looked down to Ryan and smiled.

  “Yes, Princess?” She grinned and patted my good leg.

  “I can sits up here, too?”

  “Of course, you can,” I said and looked up to ask one of her kids for help but Lana was already scooping Ryan up and settling her into my lap.

  “You have to be still, okay? Gramps has a boo boo, remember?”

  “I memmers,” she nodded and pointed to her lip. “I gots boo boos too.”

  “You do, now we match, right?” I asked, softly chuckling.

  “Yeps. Us masses.” She laid back against me and stuck her finger in her mouth. I gently pulled her hand from her face and shook my head.

  “Who’s ready to eat?” At Robert’s words my stomach growled.

  Ryan looked up at me with a big grin and giggled.

  “GWAMPS WEADY!” She yelled. That gave Tyler the perfect opportunity to chime in. Soon all of the little people were singing out that they were ready. I chuckled, a deep soul healing chuckle.

  These people - big and small - were the reason I fought so hard to survive the shit I had been through in the woods. I couldn’t leave my family, I wasn’t ready yet. I wouldn’t let myself get bogged back down in those memories. I’d already talked to the Doctor at the hospital, and I had made an appointment with Dr. Crandall for next Monday. I knew Dani Lynn and the girls trusted her, so I would too.

  Also, I now had Lori by my side. Things were still new, I mean it had been years since we dated, but things were different now. I was ready to move on. The last time we tried this, I was still struggling with the loss of my wife. I would always miss and love the woman that gave me the biggest and best gift anyone could ever ask for, my daughter, my Dani Lynn. However, it was time for me to move on and live life the way she would want me to.

  Abbie would want me to be happy, and dammit, come hell or highwater, I was going to do my best to do just that.

  Happiness isn’t going to leave someone willing to hold onto it. Right now, I had both hands wrapped tightly around it and I was holding on for dear life.


  One Year Later

  Dani Lynn

  “How in the hell did she get up the

  I growled as I looked up, head fully back to see my six year old screaming from the top of a tree the size of a skyscraper. I sighed before yelling up at her.

  “Hang on, baby, I’m coming up. Do not let go of that tree. You hear me?” I was panicking. “Jesus, please let me get her down safely. Please keep me and my little ones safe. Then I will glue her to a chair… I promise.”

  I took in a deep breath and pulled off my boots and socks. I pulled my hair back into a messy bun and pulled my T-shirt off. My tank top was less likely to get stuck on things since it clung to me, unlike that T-shirt. I’d not climbed this God blessed tree since I was about ten, but I knew I could do it. Thankfully, the branches were closer together than some of the other trees.

  “Dani Lynn, don’t you dare climb up there! Call the fire department,” Daddy yelled from across the yard.

  I’m sorry, I wasn’t waiting. My baby was scared and if she let go of that brach she would tumble fifty or so feet to the ground. Yeah, fuck no. I wasn’t about to let that happen.

  “Dani Lynn Abigail Landry!”

  “Not now, old man,” I whispered as I reached up and climbed onto the bottom limb. It was way too low to the ground. No wonder Tyler had monkey climbed her ass to the top of the tree. I slowly started making my way up the tree. I could do this. I would do it.


  “Burke County Sheriff’s Office. How may I direct your call,” Anna’s voice rang through the line.

  “Put me on speaker,” I ordered.

  “Uh, yes Sir.” I heard the line click over. The room was quiet.

  “Who’s in there?” I asked.

  “Landry here,” Jacks voice filled the room.

  “McKenna,” Charlie called out.

  “What’s up, Gramps?” Derek asked. I grumbled into the phone.


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