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Come Play: An Erotica Charity Anthology

Page 16

by Quin Perin

  Aggressive had never been my style—wasn’t even sure I could do it. Actually, there was a pretty good chance I could pull it off with a chick, but me being sexually aggressive with Christian? The thought of it was daunting.

  Christian’s laughter over something one of his team members said caused me to look his way. The dark stubble on his perfect jawline stood out against his bronzed skin. His black hair looked so damn silky that my fingers itched to caress it. His lips…damn, but I knew what they could do.

  No, I didn’t know what this was, whether it had a fucking label or not, but I knew it was something I had to explore. I wasn’t leaving the United States until I could be in the same room as him and my cock not immediately get hard. The demon known as Christian Reisen had to be exorcised from my mind…or else.

  We did some target shooting as a group, each one of us trying to outdo the other, but Christian ignored me. When I tried to talk to him, he politely shut me down. Hell, I’d run home with my tail tucked between my legs if his eyes didn’t smolder with lust every time he rebuffed me.

  Or maybe I was seeing what I wanted to see?

  As we broke the rifles down, Elijah, the man that had come down to breakfast with Christian, walked over to me and said, “You’re pretty good with a rifle, London.” He eyed my target sheet. “Not bad at all.”

  “Thanks,” I answered. “But my target sheet looks just like everybody else’s here. Why are you really here, talking to me?” I knew my response hadn’t been friendly, but I wasn’t here to make friends. I was here to determine why in the hell Christian had managed to consume my every thought since he’d sauntered into, and then out of, my life.

  He leaned in. “Don’t fucking hurt him, London. You messed with his head with that stunt you pulled months ago. Not cool. Do it again and you’ll have to answer to me.”

  I laughed. “Oddly enough, that doesn’t really scare me, America. You do know that I know how to do all the things you can do, right? Probably even better.” I was leaner than most of the other guys but that didn’t make me weaker. “Answering to you doesn’t send chills of fear down my spine.”

  “How about answering to me, then? Does that scare you, Hudson?” Christian purred in my ear.

  So damn close.

  When had that happened? How had that happened? He’d moved so close that his chest touched my back…the outline of his cock bumped against my ass. Like in London, my body responded immediately. My heart sped up. My nerves felt itchy. My body turned hot. You know, all my regular Christian symptoms.

  “Uh…n-n-no.” Wait, add the stuttering to my humiliation list. “You, uh, don’t scare me, Christian. We’re friends.” I cleared my throat because the Sahara had suddenly moved into my mouth.

  Christian laughed. “Is that what we are? Wow. I was wondering. I guess now I know.” He slapped my ass. “Good to know, London.”

  I knew it wasn’t possible, but my ass sizzled from the touch.

  “You’re being mean to me. Why?” This time I turned around so I could face him…and stop myself from focusing on how his cock felt against my ass. Fuck. Turning around didn’t help. Now I had to be afraid that I’d get totally lost in his stormy gray eyes. How could I listen to his words when all my focus remained on his lips? Maybe I should just turn back around?

  “Mean? You think I’m being mean?” He inched closer. I hated that I had to look up at him. “I don’t agree. I’m treating you with the same professional respect that the remainder of your team is receiving.” His fingers snagged my belt loops and he yanked me forward, causing our groins to collide. “How did you expect to be treated…London?”

  We hadn’t been in this position more than a few brief seconds, but my cock was hard and lined up against his through our thin cargo pants. Explosions went off in my head. Shit. Nope, the shit in London hadn’t been a fluke. I licked my lips and answered, “Like this, America. Just like this.” I leaned closer to him—not because I wanted to but because his body had some sort of magnetic power over mine.

  He laughed. “It looks like straight boy is confused.” His hips flexed, the movement causing his cock to bump mine. “The thing is, London, us gay guys don’t like to play straight boy games. If you’re curious, find somebody else to play with.” He gently shoved me away from him. “I’m not into that physical exploration bullshit.” Another smack to my ass. “A lot of guys are, though. It shouldn’t be too hard for you to find a willing participant for your games.”

  With that, he walked away…leaving me burning with fury and lust. Mostly lust. I pushed my fist against my cock, willing it to calm the fuck down. So Christian didn’t like curious playing, huh? Good for him. I didn’t like mixed signals.



  Day one—a total fuckup. Luckily, I hadn’t expected anything more. I managed to either dodge Hudson for the rest of the day or make sure we were never alone like yesterday at the firing range. Yeah, the minute I’d stepped over to Hudson and Elijah, my teammate had hustled around to make certain the few stragglers disappeared—leaving us alone. Alone was very dangerous territory. It had become very clear to me that I couldn’t keep my hands off Hudson, regardless of what was right or wrong.

  Oh, and I’d jerked off to images of him three times during the night, thinking that would surely get him out of my system. Nope. It only made me want him more. As I walked in the direction of our onsite gym, I asked myself why I couldn’t be that man? Why couldn’t I fuck his very hot, very perfect, very virgin ass and walk away, leaving him with the collateral damage to deal with?

  Because I wanted more.

  “Fuck,” I muttered as I pushed open the gym door. I didn’t have to worry about being late. I’d already convinced Elijah to partner up with Hudson so I couldn’t be trapped into all that body-touching with the man of the moment. The last thing I needed was to go one-on-one with Hudson while demonstrating Shorin, Goju, and good old fashioned wrestling moves to our counterparts.

  “Thanks for blessing us with your presence, Agent Reisen.” Roman, head of the Pennsylvania organization, said to me. There was a smirk on his face as he watched me walk across the floor to join them. He knew my issues with Agent Donovan. He understood and was cool with it, so I gave him the finger as I walked past him to get to my team.

  The London team looked at me like I was a crazed maniac for such blatant disrespect to our leader while my team gave me high fives. We clearly operated differently than they did. Our group was like family. Roman wouldn’t get mad at me. He might get even one day, but angry? Nope.

  “Well, now that we’re all here, let’s get started,” Roman began. “And listen, men and women. I know the skill set is more than likely equal between the teams and I doubt there’s anything we can teach you or you teach us but for some reason, upper management has determined we need this training week. Try to be professional about it.” There were a few snorts of laughter, from our side mainly. Roman leveled a look at me. “Since Agent Reisen was late, let’s pick on him, shall we?”

  From the sound of the group, punishing me was something they could all get onboard with. Whatever. Not one bit afraid of facing any of these guys in a fight, I stepped forward and said, “I’m game, Roman. Hit me with your best shot.”

  Another smirk. “Agent Reisen is an expert in Shorin, Goju, among other things. He also prides himself on possessing the skillset of old fashioned, all American, down and dirty wrestling moves.” He winked at me. “Let’s be honest, some of his moves are made from the stuff we see on entertainment wrestling versus professional wrestling. Having said that, he’s still damn good.”

  “Thanks for all that, asshole,” I grumbled as I made my way to the center of the mat. “Come on, Elijah. I need a victim,” I yelled over my shoulder.

  Roman held his hand up. “No need, Elijah. I feel certain Agent Donovan won’t mind assisting Christian.” He motioned for Hudson to join me on the mat. “Let’s go, Donovan! I don’t have all day!”

  Oh, shit.
Putting Hudson’s perfect body in submissive positions was probably not the safest thing for me to attempt. I knew Roman was a vicious son of a bitch, but I never thought he’d act so quickly…kick my ass so thoroughly. I wanted to turn around and whine to him but my pride wouldn’t allow it.

  Hudson moved gracefully toward me and my body immediately caught fire. He was wearing the same workout garb as the rest of us—loose-fitting workout pants and not another damn thing. His chest, London-pale but so fucking perfect, captured my attention and I couldn’t have looked away if my life depended on it. Every lean angle preyed on my soul. His pecs were defined. His nipples a pretty pink…and puckered. He had a nice flat stomach with a hint of a six pack. A sexy V ran along his pelvic bone, making my mouth fucking water.

  I wanted to attack and conquer him, make him understand that he belonged to me…beneath me…my cock so deep inside of him that he’d never be able to question his sexuality again. No more games, only submission. Just him belonging to me and no one else. Something primal came over me with each step he took. It caused tunnel vision. One minute we were in a training seminar and the next it was only Hudson and me on the mats.

  “Hey, Christian,” he said. “I’m ready if—”

  He never got a chance to finish the sentence. For some damn reason, one I’d be humiliated for later, I lost control. My body was on him in a flash and his ass was on the mat, all within the blink of an eye. He landed on his back, trapped beneath my weight, and unable to do one damn thing about it. How I’d landed forced his legs apart to accommodate my size. With little to zero effort, I could be buried inside him.

  “Try to pretend to be professional, Reisen!” Roman whispered as he slapped the back of my head. “This is a dog and pony show, show and tell, a fucking training seminar on submissive holds. Get your shit together!”

  The haze started to clear from my head and I could feel a blush start to burn my neck. Embarrassed, I looked down at Hudson and opened my mouth to apologize. Before I could, he bucked his hips and said, “Show me what you’ve got, America. So far, you’ve been all talk.”

  Roman muttered something about there being nothing he could do now, and the haze returned to my vision, blocking out everything except Hudson. After flexing my own hips against him, I yanked him up until we were both standing again. With a lust more powerful than any I’d ever experienced in my life controlling me, I began going through submissive holds that suddenly resembled blatantly sexual positions. We’d started with missionary and then moved straight to doggy style. Next was one of my favorites, stand and deliver. Sixty-nine was incredibly hard to turn into a wrestling hold, but I managed. Wolf whistles and catcalls followed that one. I forced his limber body into the pirate’s bounty position, making sure one of his legs was pushed up as high as his muscles would allow. After a few more that I wasn’t sure there were names for, I started back through the list again.

  He fought me on some, but that only fueled my desire to dominate him. Being smaller, he was fast…but not fast enough. Before the thirty minutes ended, I’d had him in every fucking position I’d ever seen, heard of, read about, or imagined. Who was I fooling? There were so many more, and I wanted him in every one of them.

  We were both panting and both our dicks were rock hard by the time Roman whistled loudly through his teeth, calling an end to the session. Fuck. Had I honestly just done that to him? In front of his team and mine? He’d probably file sexual harassment charges against me, and I wouldn’t be able to say one thing to defend myself.

  Since there was no way I could remain in the gym, not with my cock about to rip straight through the fabric of my sweats, I jumped to my feet and turned to make a hasty exit. Roman could deal with me later.

  I hadn’t taken two steps before Hudson attacked. His muscled leg swiped at my ankles and he’d knocked me on my ass before I’d made any run-for-your-pride progress. His move had been so quick and so unexpected that I’d barely caught my breath before he was on top of me, his legs straddling my hips. With his hands planted on each side of my face, he leaned over me and whispered, “You forgot one—the cowboy. I imagine it would be nice.” He winked. “It feels good right now, that’s for fucking sure.”


  Oh. Holy. Shit. I couldn’t believe what I’d done in the gym—straddling Christian in a way that left zero doubts that I wouldn’t mind riding in his saddle. That was nearly three hours ago and my face still burned with embarrassment. I had to be honest with myself; I liked it so much more when he was the aggressor. It wasn’t that I didn’t enjoy playing with him. No, it was more like I didn’t have a fucking clue what to do…how to do it. Things definitely weren’t going the way I’d envisioned them in my head.

  Since I hadn’t wanted to face the guys, his team or mine, I’d waited until the dining hall had cleared out. When the last guy had exited, I snuck in to grab some fruit and cheese. If I was going to keep playing the aggressor, I would need every ounce of energy I could muster. I’d just fixed a plate of freshly cut fruit and chunks of cheese when I felt someone else’s presence in the room. Thank the fuck. Hopefully Christian had finally come for me—finally ready to give me some of the things he’d promised in London.

  I sat my plate on the table and spun around to give him one of my sexiest smiles. It froze on my face when I realized it was Elijah and not Christian. What the fuck? I really wanted to dislike this guy, but I couldn’t—not when he was so obviously worried about his friend. I wiped the sexy smile off, replaced it with a friend version, and asked, “What’s up, America? What have I done wrong now?”

  Elijah snorted and crossed his arms over his chest. “Don’t know. You tell me, London.” Before I could answer, he kept talking. “I’m pretty damn sure I made myself clear about you playing head games with Christian, and then you go and pull that Cowboy shit in front of everybody. I don’t know what you boys across the pond call it, but it sounded a lot like a fucking flirt to me.”

  “You know what? Back off, Elijah. Your buddy was the one that put me in all those sexually suggestive holds in front of both teams! You do realize those were meant to embarrass and humiliate me, right? Maybe you should be having this conversation with Christian instead of me.”

  He edged closer but it didn’t feel threatening or inappropriate. “Did they, London? Did those holds embarrass and humiliate you?”

  “Of course they did,” I answered quickly, letting the lie flow from my tongue naturally. Actually, they had embarrassed me…or my response to them had been what embarrassed me.

  He tilted his head and studied me. Finally, he asked, “Did they do anything else?”

  Well, shit. He went straight for the jugular. I opened my mouth, ready to lie because I couldn’t begin to identify my reactions to Christian so it didn’t seem appropriate to try and voice them to another person, but something altogether different tumbled out. “They turned me on.” As soon as I said the words, I wanted to do a ‘take back’. I didn’t know Elijah—wasn’t sure if he could even be trusted. Hell, I didn’t even know what I wanted from Christian but I was certain that it wasn’t head games or sexual exploration. Let’s be honest, I wasn’t the type of person to explore something as significant as sex before knowing for certain it was what I wanted.

  A huge smile spread across Elijah’s face. “Purrfect,” he said as he rubbed his hands together. After clapping me on the back, he said, “You two kids have some fun, and don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.”

  Huh? Not the response I expected. He started to walk away and I grabbed his arm and hauled him back. “Wait!” His eyes drifted down to where my hand held his arm, but he didn’t yank away from me. I dropped my hand away from him. I needed his help so I wasn’t going to provoke him—if I could avoid it. “Listen…uh…what…uh…would you suggest I do to…uh…you know…make him notice me. He acted very interested in London but since being here, there’s nothing. Hell, he’s doing everything in his power to avoid me.” It was so damn humiliating to admit my fears to
a complete stranger, but practically two full days had passed and I’d made zero progress. Time was running out for me.

  Elijah leaned his ass against the heavy wooden dining table and barked out a laugh. “London, are you kidding me? A blind man could see the lust in his eyes when he looks at you. He’s just, you know, scared. We’ve been friends since college, and I’ve never seen him lose his shit over any other guy before. He’s more a fuck and duck kind of man. With you, he acts different. Now, I’m not promising you love, rose petals, and white picket fences. I’m simply saying that you have him squirming in his pants. Literally.”

  I couldn’t help it; I glowed when he said Christian was losing his shit over me. My blood hummed with excitement. “So, uh, just keep doing what I’m doing?”

  He placed his hand beneath his chin and studied me for a few seconds. “No, I think you’re going to have to do something a bit different. How you’re handling it now would be awesome if you had more time. As it is, you’ve only got five more days to break down his scaredy cat defenses.” His fingers rubbed his chin thoughtfully. “No, we’re going to have to go on the offensive.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Dammit, America! I’ve been on the offensive. That’s about as offensive as I get.” I wasn’t exaggerating; I wasn’t sure how to be sexually aggressive with another man.

  “No, no,” he dismissed with a wave of his hand. “Christian’s offensive would be you on defense. He likes the chase.” Waggling his eyebrows, he added, “I mean he really likes the chase.”

  “That doesn’t feel right,” I complained. “As a matter of fact, I think that was pretty much what you threatened me about when I first got here. It seems dishonest—like I’m playing him. I’m not. I’m just not sure what I want from him. This is all new to me. But I do know that he’s different; he’s special to me. He makes me want things I’ve never wanted before.” I looked at him. “I don’t want to pretend, Elijah. This is real for me.”


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