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Come Play: An Erotica Charity Anthology

Page 21

by Quin Perin

  Of all the days for Nate to get called into work, it had to be today. With Jase and Chris relaxing up on the terrace, enjoying the evening sunshine, Alex popped back downstairs to check his suit once again. The pale grey silk mix fabric had passed Chris’s critical eye already, and he had to admit the narrow silk tie matched his green eyes perfectly. He still wished he could wear a hoodie tomorrow. Speaking in front of a crowd, with his father staring at him? A shudder went through his body. If he’d managed to eat anything today, he would have lost it. Even the thought of answering the questions of the prosecution lawyer, a middle-aged woman who had reassured him endlessly that it would be ‘ok’ gave him the jitters. She’d said he could be in the witness box being cross-examined for days.


  Fuck, he wanted to cut, more than he’d ever done before. He needed to forget for a while before he exploded, maybe imploded, he didn’t know which, but it would be fucking messy and knowing his luck right in the middle of a crowd. He pictured himself crouched on the floor in the middle of the court, arms over his head, shivering and shaking as his father sneered, “See? I told you he was pathetic.”

  “Tick tock, times a wasting.”

  Alex flinched and spun around; he hadn’t heard Chris come into the room. “What?”

  “One of the clinic’s new doctors is around. Nate thought it would be useful for you to get a physical and maybe something short-term to settle your nerves.”

  Alex swallowed. The last thing he wanted was to go out in public. “I’m fine, I don’t–”

  “Yeah, yeah, and I’m in training to become a sniper because I’m great at sitting still. Move your arse, hoodie boy.”

  That was how, twenty minutes later, Alex found himself sitting alone in an empty waiting room that stank of paint. Jase drove, and Chris abandoned Alex at the door with a grin after saying, “I won’t come in. Hospital stuff still freaks me out. Have fun.”

  Yes, he’d been here before, but each time it’d been full of construction workers with music, talking, and electrical equipment as they turned the old country hotel into a rehab and detox facility. Now, it was pristine and eerily empty as if the people who should be here had been sucked into oblivion in some sci-fi show.

  However, Chris was wrong, it didn’t look like a hospital, or at least it didn’t look like any of the ones Alex had entered. The floors were polished wood, and the chairs were padded, comfortable, and not bolted to the floor. The coffee machine in the corner of the reception area didn’t have a money slot, and the cups lined up on the counter were china, not disposable plastic. It suited Nate, but for a bunch of recovering drug addicts, he mentally corrected himself to ‘those with substance abuse issues,’ it looked too posh. Maybe Nate thought a taste of the good life would inspire the temporary residents to strive for more.

  The red scrolling sign that had been displaying ‘The Baccioni-Cooper Trust,’ flashed with a new message.


  Swallowing down his nerves and straightening his shirt, Chris had been adamant about no hoodie, Alex headed up the corridor. At least Nate had passed on the fact that he hated using his surname. Most doctors referred to their patients as Mr. This, or Ms. That, as a sign of respect. Or maybe this would be an informal place, with everyone being known on a first name basis. Alex would rather keep the doctor title; it gave him the distance he needed to relax.

  One of the heavy wooden doors was slightly open.

  Peeking in, he saw a man’s white coat covered back, and a standard examination room, with a washable tiled floor, a grey examination couch, and all the other medical paraphernalia he expected in a doctor’s office. So much for a country hotel.

  “Put the gown on please; I’ll be with you in a minute.” The doctor didn’t turn around, but Alex would know that voice anywhere, even if it wasn’t currently muffled.


  “No Nate here today, just Dr. Knutts. Come on, I haven’t got all day. A full physical takes quite a lot of time.”

  It took Alex a full twenty seconds to pick his jaw up off the floor. Nate, or rather, Dr. Knutts, hadn’t turned around and seemed content to carry on filling out a form on a clipboard. Roleplay, this is roleplay like in the porn videos. Goosebumps spread over his body as he grinned. Hell yeah, he could do this.

  “Everything off?” he asked.

  “If you would. Dr. Cooper did request a particularly thorough physical. Close the curtain, we wouldn’t want you getting a draught, would we?”

  Swallowing against his dry throat, Alex slid the green curtain around the grey couch, eyeing up the blood pressure machine and the cylinder of gas beside it. God, he hoped it was some sort of anesthetic, not that the Master of Medical Ethics would ever use it on him, but then again, who would’ve thought Nate would arrange something like this?

  Covered in goosebumps, even though it wasn’t cold, Alex stripped and put the green gown on, for the first time not embarrassed that the thing opened at the back. He hopped up on the low examination table and leaned against the reclined back.

  “All ready for me?” As the gravelly, somewhat muffled voice that Alex loved sounded from two feet away, he swallowed and looked down. Yep, he was ready, every part of him; his erection obscene as it tented the rough cotton fabric.

  “Yeah,” he squeaked out and swore he heard Nate grin.

  The curtain swished back. Alex gaped. Nate wore one of those blue face masks, his blue eyes sparkling with mischief showed over the top.

  “Now then, no need to look so worried. The examination may be a little uncomfortable at times, but it shouldn’t be overly painful.”

  FUCK, YES PLEASE rang in his head, but Alex only managed a swallow and a nod.

  “Words, Alex.” The familiar admonishment settled him. Nate needed consent for whatever he intended to do.

  “Yeah, that’s fine.” Alex licked his lips, and his gaze met Nate’s. “Whatever needs to be done, Doctor.”

  Nate turned, and one of those metallic trollies rattled as he pulled it closer. Alex craned his neck to see the contents. A green cloth covered one half of the tray, but Alex could see various instruments including a stethoscope, a silver hammer, and a collection of clamps. Alex shivered, and his nipples hardened at the thought of where they would be going. The end of a large syringe stuck out from under the cloth.

  Alex’s gaze shot to Nate’s face. That looked exactly like the one on the good medical kink video. Had Nate looked at Alex’s search history? The invasion of privacy stung, but if Nate knowing what turned him on resulted in this, was it a bad thing?

  “I’ll be monitoring your respiration throughout the examination, and that involves a breathing mask.” Alex swallowed again as Nate picked up the clear cup that would fit over his nose and mouth.

  “This will monitor your breathing rate, but I can put a puff of oxygen in if it's needed. Which it might be.”

  Alex thought it might too, given his current breathing rate. The dizziness, the out of this world feeling of breath play had always interested him but trying it on his own was fucking stupid.

  With calm surety, Nate put the mask over Alex’s face and then encouraged him to lift his head so he could put the elastic around it. That they were both wearing masks helped Alex sink into the fantasy. He shut his eyes, breathing deeply, and reached for serenity.

  The puff of gas coming through the mask had his eyes shooting open.

  “Just showing you what it’ll feel like if we need to use it. No need to panic.”

  “I’m fine,” Alex tried to say, but the mask muffled it. He reached to take it off.

  “No, don’t take it off. I’m used to understanding people wearing masks, it’s an occupational hazard. Besides, I’ll be keeping a close eye on you. If you want me to stop, hold up a hand. There’s no need to talk if you don’t want to.”

  Fuck, he’s perfect, he’s fucking perfect. All this and not having to talk either? Tears prickled his eyes, then Nate was pulling down his own mask, leaning i
n, and placing a gentle kiss in Alex’s forehead.

  “I’ve got you, and I always will, understand?”

  Alex nodded, blew out a breath, and settled back. Nate put his mask back on, and the instant of Nate and Alex vanished back to Dr. Knutts and his patient.

  “So, first I’m going to take your blood pressure and listen to your lungs, gut, and distal pulses.” Nate didn’t wait for an answer, he just popped one of those finger monitor clamps on Alex’s index finger, which caused a machine next to him to beep long with his pulse. Then he picked up the stethoscope and draped it around his neck. Nate had always drawn his eye, but he looked hotter than ever right now. Tall, muscular, tanned, and utterly in charge in his medical gear. And Alex knew exactly what lay under the scrubs. Defined but not ripped, with a scattering of masculine body hair, and biceps and thighs that made Alex salivate.

  Nate pulled out a pair of blue latex gloves from the box on his trolley. The reaction of Alex’s cock was so instantaneous dizziness, swirled for a second. The pulse monitor certainly sounded as if it was getting a workout. Alex bet that Dr. Knutts would get some damn interesting results if he’d done his blood pressure checks before and after getting out the gloves. Gaze glued to Nate’s big capable hands, he watched the tanned flesh disappear into latex.

  Alex knew it was weird, but for him, latex gloves were linked with caring, no judgment, gentleness, and praise for his bravery during the often-painful examinations. The only positive attention he’d received as a child had come from medical professionals after ‘falling down the stairs’ again.

  Alex literally jumped when Nate snapped a glove. At Alex’s scowl, his eyebrows wiggled, and he snapped the glove against his wrist again. The sound that came from Nate was a cross between a groan and a snort of laughter as he schooled his features and popped the earbuds of the stethoscope into his ears. Watching Nate struggle with the scene both reassured Alex and annoyed him a little. They were in this together, but Nate’s antics brought him out of the fantasy. The blood pressure cuff inflating on his arm helped him sink back into the mindspace he needed.

  “If you wouldn’t mind slipping your arms out of the gown, I’d like to listen to your chest.” Most doctors slipped the disk of the stethoscope under Alex’s clothing, but this wasn’t just any examination. The thought sent a tingle down his spine as Alex reached up and undid the tie behind his neck then pushed the gown down. He’d left the back undone, as he hoped he might lose it at some point. The thought of how far Nate would take this game swirled in his head, pushing out some of his previous anxieties.

  “Sorry, a little cold. I think they make these things with built-in chillers,” Nate murmured, as he placed the stethoscope on Alex’s chest, moving it around every few seconds. As he usually did when being examined, Alex concentrated on keeping still and his breathing even, but he couldn’t help the sharp breath as Nate folded the gown down further and checked out Alex’s belly.

  “More regular meals would stop all this gurgling; someone needs to be looking after you more.” Nate’s voice was so low, he could have been talking to himself. Alex breathed in deeply, savoring the slight chemical smell from the mask. I’m nothing but a body, no judgment, only care.

  “Just going to check your femoral pulse.”

  Femoral? Wasn’t that in– Alex’s thought was confirmed as without saying anything else Nate folded up the gown from the bottom leaving only a strip of material across Alex’s belly. Two latex covered fingers pressed firmly into a spot almost at the root of Alex’s erection.

  “That all seems fine, now I’m going to do some oncology screening.”

  “That’s cancer, right?” Alex squeaked, then managed a slightly more manly, “I’m a bit young for that, aren’t I?”

  Nate peered at him over his face mask, as if he wore old-fashioned half-moon glasses. “Statistically speaking, yes. But I’d rather a patient of mine wasn’t the exception to the rule. First I’ll do a breast exam.”

  Alex’s hands twitched towards his chest. “But I haven’t got breasts.” He might not be the biggest or boldest guy in the world, but he had no desire to roleplay being a woman.

  “You have breast tissue, all men do. Now, if you’re finished with your questions, do you think we can proceed?”

  Alex felt about six years old, but he loved being bossed around for his own good, especially if it involved touching.

  “Left arm behind your head.”

  Alex complied instantly and shut his eyes. The expected touch didn’t come, and after a few seconds, Alex opened his eyes again. Nate’s gaze roamed over his chest. Alex waited a few more seconds, worry rising. Was this it? All the gloves and stuff and he wasn’t even going to be touched?

  “Aren’t you erm… going to, you know?”

  Nate’s eyebrows rose. “You wouldn’t be trying to teach a doctor how to do an examination would you?”

  Alex shook his head. “No, no, of course not but don’t you have to like–” Alex made a grasping motion with his free hand.

  The mask over Nate’s mouth twitched, and a slight strangled groan emerged. “You don’t have enough for–” He repeated Alex’s gesture with both hands, looking like an utter pervert. “–but I will be palpating you in several, make that many, places most thoroughly.”

  A wave of heat rushed over Alex’s face and torso.

  Nate hummed and reached out a gloved finger, tracing over Alex’s flushed cheek. “Quite a pronounced case of idiopathic craniofacial erythema.”

  The beeping from the heart monitor kicked up a gear.

  Alex glanced down at his chest and then back up at Nate. “I’ve got what? Is it bad?”

  “No, not bad at all. I quite like the way you blush so easily.”

  Alex glared at him and started to bring his arm down. Even though he couldn’t see Nate’s mouth, he knew he was grinning by the way his eyes crinkled.

  “Ah, ah, Alex, back in position,” Nate warned.

  Clenching his jaw, Alex obeyed, but if Nate tried to embarrass him one more time to see his idiotic crano thing, he’d leave. Well, he wouldn’t, but he’d certainly think about it real hard.

  Nate didn’t waste any more time. He swept the whole of his fingers over Alex’s left pec, pressing lightly.

  “No visible anomalies,” Nate murmured to himself. “Quite excellent skin condition.” Using the pads of three fingers, he pressed a little harder, working his way around Alex’s nipple in ever increasing circles. Nate’s almost constant murmuring of praise and his deft touch lulled Alex. Yes, he was in safe hands. Nothing could hurt or humiliate when he was with a doctor.

  Alex changed arms when instructed, but he didn’t open his eyes or speak; he certainly didn’t want Nate to hurry.

  “All that’s fine, now I’ll move on to screening for urology issues; testicular and prostate.”

  Alex’s eyes shot open. He’d been expecting it, had been hoping for it, but hearing it out loud made it real.

  “Do you ever examine yourself, Alex? When you’re in the shower, all warm and soapy? Right after you’ve orgasmed is a good time to check your balls, you want them to be relaxed, hanging, not all tight and ready to blow.”

  Nate’s calm, low and incredibly dirty words had that idiotic thing happening again. He swallowed.

  “Well, do you, Alex? Do you touch yourself when you’re alone?”

  Alex found his head nodding. Actually, both his heads were nodding.

  “Ever found anything that worried you?”

  Alex swallowed, wondering how to answer. If he said no, a real doctor might accept his patient’s word. How true to life did Nate want to play this?

  “Well, erm no, but I’m not sure if I’m doing it right. Could you show me?”

  Nate nodded solemnly. “I think that would be best, don’t you? Raise your knees a little, and try to think relaxing thoughts, you’re a little… tense down here.”

  Alex pulled his feet up, almost tucking his heels to his backside as he splayed his knees. He
was hard, and getting harder, but Nate said he needed to be soft for this. His usual erection destroying thoughts revolved around his parents, but his mind shied away from them. They had no place here, no place in his life even as a method for wilting his cock. Instead, he tried to picture working on a sketch.

  “Whenever I have a similar problem I go through naming all the nerves of the body, or I think about the winter vomiting virus that overwhelmed the A and E for a whole week, we used up so many disposable bowls that… Ah, there we go, problem solved,” he said brightly.

  With a slight clatter, Nate folded the end of the couch down and stepped to the end. “Let's get you at a better height.” The bed groaned a little and then inched down, putting Alex’s naked butt right at the same level as Nate’s crotch.

  “Ah, ah, none of that now.” A latex covered finger tapped his hardening cock. With reluctance, Alex thought about horrible things again, rather than his delectable boyfriend who was about to play with his balls.

  “OK, so when doing a self-examination, usually, you’re standing up, legs apart and letting things hang. Pull your penis out of the way.” Nate’s latex covered hand took hold of his cock. Alex’s eyes closed as he pictured toothless old ladies with digestive issues.

  “Then feel around each testicle separately, systematically, feeling for any lumps, bumps or soreness that’s out of the ordinary,” Nate said as he demonstrated what he was describing. Alex gritted his teeth, praying not to go hard, although the more he thought about it, the more he wondered why it was such a problem. This wasn’t a real examination.

  “You have a remarkably neat scrotum, Alex, very symmetrical.” Nate finished the examination by wrapping his hand around the top of Alex’s balls and giving a firm tug. Alex gave a little grunt, then breathed a sigh of relief at not having to worry about getting hard again.

  “Now, do you know the most accurate way to take a temperature?”

  Alex opened his eyes, and they nearly bugged out. Nate held the large lube syringe and a scarily big thermometer.

  “I thought we’d get this bit over with before I check your prostate.” He sounded so matter of fact, so bright, as if he did this all day long. And he did, well, maybe not using rectal thermometers, but Nate did spend his days touching other people. For the first time, jealousy rose for Nate’s patients, and not only for the mental and emotional attention he gave them. What if people perved on him at work? Men and women enjoying his touch, while Alex sat at home on his own.


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