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Peach Tree Manny: Gay Romance

Page 22

by Trina Solet

  It wasn't the kind of food Rob usually ate, but it was good and he could tell Julian wanted this to be a special and memorable meal and he chose everything with care. It made Rob feel valued, a feeling he never experienced with anyone else.

  Before now, dates were just something to do on the way to fucking, but this was completely different. Every moment with Julian was special, part of something bigger.

  After dinner they got up and danced to the music that reached them from downstairs. Pressed close they swayed and then Julian whispered, "I'm actually happy."

  "Don't be so surprised," Rob told him.

  "But I am," Julian confessed and Rob drew back a little so he could see him better. As he looked into Julian's eyes, Rob could see both happiness and sadness in them. "I thought I would never be able to live any sort of life that was at all satisfying, that had any joy in it."

  "And now?" Rob prompted him while nuzzling the side of his neck, rubbing his face against his beard.

  "If you're asking if I'm satisfied...?" Julian paused to smirk at him. "Not yet."

  The music mingled with the breeze and washed over them softly. Their bodies fitting perfectly, impossibly close, they danced. The slow burning friction made Rob harder and Julian too. As close as they were, the arousal was undeniable and building with every swaying motion and every warm breath against Rob's earlobe as Julian sighed with pleasure.

  Letting his lips brush Julian's beard, Rob growled his name. In an answering move, Julian traced Rob's clean-shaven jaw with his parted lips then rubbed his beard against his cheek.

  Heat was coiling in Rob's belly, growing stronger working its way lower. Rob's hands moved along Julian's waist to his lower back then rubbed and lingered before following the perfect curve of his ass while Julian groped him the same way. The feel of it set Rob on fire. He needed Julian so much, but first there was something he needed more.

  Pulling his head back to lock eyes with Julian, Rob took a shaky breath then he told him, "So this is love, huh?"

  Julian's eyes went wide. "Are you asking me or telling me?"

  "Both. I'm kind of amazed, kind of in shock. I didn't know it would feel so painfully good, so crazy."

  "Me either. It scares me, but I love you anyway. I can't help it. I want a chance with you more than anything," Julian said breathlessly, like Rob's declaration had knocked the wind out of him.

  "I want everything with you." Rob pressed a kiss to his lips, deep but soft then he told him. "I love you."

  Still dancing and kissing they made their way inside. They stripped each other, discarding their clothes on the floor until they reached the bed, fully naked.

  Julian pushed Rob down on the bed and kissed his way over his thighs and to his cock. He licked from his balls to the tip then let the head slide between his lips while he moaned. A few hard pulls and Rob was hissing between his teeth telling himself to hang on.

  Easing off, Julian drew in a breath and took him deeper but sucked more gently. He was driving Rob wild, but he had to stop him. Rob murmured his name and finally told him what he wanted. "Julian. I want you to fuck me."

  Julian stopped sucking and looked up at Rob questioningly.

  "Please," Rob said to make himself clear.

  "OK," Julian said softly and his kisses drifted up Rob's body until they he reached his mouth. They kissed and Rob got up, got condoms and lube and handed them to Julian.

  Even as he took them from him and uncapped the lube, Julian was still questioning him with those serious, dark eyes.

  "I'm not trying to prove anything," Rob said to answer his unasked question. "I just want you."

  Julian nodded and watched Rob get into position, propped up on pillows, legs spread out, eager for Julian. Kneeling between his outstretched legs, Julian first leaned in to kiss him then he spread some lube on his fingers.

  He fingered Rob then kissed him with his fingers pumping inside him, driving him out of his mind. But that was just a taste, a tease. The real thing came soon after – Julian driving his cock inside him slowly, eyes so deadly serious. Then Julian was fucking him, every thrust sure and powerful like he knew exactly what Rob needed.

  Rob loved it. More than anything he loved that it was Julian inside him, stretching him, making him keen and moan. Wanting to scream out, coming undone for him, because of him, this was something he never felt before and only wanted to feel with Julian.

  No one else could get him to be this open and vulnerable, begging for more until Julian had him coming. Rob's cock held by the root, Julian let his come flow up and over his hand as he came inside him.

  They were cleaning up, kissing, then Julian was lying with his head on his chest. Rob stroked his hair and down the back of his neck as he tried to put into words how Julian made him feel.

  "I knew it would be like that, but I didn't know it would be like that," Rob said, and Julian laughed against him, shaking them both.

  They kissed some more then quieted again. "You're good at this," Rob complimented him while Julian caressed his chest.

  "I may have done it once or twice," Julian said modestly then he admitted something. "I usually topped, until you."

  "So I'm special?" Rob asked kind of thrilled to hear it.

  "You know you are," Julian said, his voice thick, and he turned to kiss Rob passionately. When he stopped, he told him more. "It just felt right with you, to let you in."

  "Same here," Rob told him.

  He knew there was a reason he wanted this and there it was – this feeling, this closeness. Overcome with the hot, sweet ache of it, he kissed Julian with so much blind desire, trying to let him know that this was everything to him. This was part of the love he felt for Julian.

  Chapter 26

  After the love they shared there, Julian wanted to stay in that bed with Rob and never leave, but he didn't want to be away from Danny all night. So they got out of bed in the middle of the night, drove back to the house and climbed into Julian's bed.

  That meant dressing and then undressing each other again, touching warm skin until it became hot, kissing and getting to suck off Rob, taste him, love him in his own bed. Rob did the same for him.

  Even as his eyes started to close, Julian thought he was too excited and happy to fall asleep, but being satisfied and exhausted won out.

  In the morning, he took a deep breath against Rob's chest and woke up to Rob tilting his face up to kiss his eyelids.

  "Good morning," Julian said with a lazy satisfied grin. "This is a nice way to wake up."

  "Nothing nice about it. I'm waking you for purely selfish reasons. Time is short and I want to spent an eternity on you," Rob said and flipped him on his back.

  Julian was struck by the word eternity but tried not to dwell on it. That word still spun around in his head. If he could spend an eternity like this with Rob, he would.

  "I'm never going to be able to get enough of you," Rob said as his hands started to roam Julian's body and his hard cock pressed into his hip.

  "Same here," Julian breathed. "I never want to leave this bed."

  "Good. This is where I want you," Rob told him. He dipped his head down for a kiss then they heard a yippy little bark.

  Rob raised his head and Julian groaned.

  "Christie promised me she would keep them busy," Rob said just as they heard her telling Danny to show her the kitchen. Once they were gone, Rob pinned Julian to the bed and nibbled his way from his earlobe to his shoulder.

  "I guess some peace and quiet is too much to expect on the day of the festival. This is the only time we're going to get alone together all day," Rob grumbled.

  "We can shower together to make up for it," Julian suggested.

  Rob grinned and kissed Julian long and hard to let him know he was taking him up on it.

  Julian felt like he really owed Christie for looking after Danny and keeping him occupied that morning, but it seemed like she and Danny were having fun.

  "You know I remember having a little brother. It
wasn't like this," she said to Julian while they were waiting for Rob to finish helping Danny get ready for the festival. "From the second he was born, Rob bugged me so much. I guess it's different when your little brother is so much younger."

  "Danny is very special to me," Julian told her, but he didn't think he could ever put into words how much Danny meant to him.

  Christie looked at him oddly. "You're so different from what I expected. I thought you would be some arrogant, overbearing, high finance, Wall Street bro."

  "Would Rob be interested in someone like that?" Julian couldn't imagine that be would be, but Christie wasn't so sure.

  "I don't know. With men and with jobs, Rob always seemed to go wherever the wind blew him."

  Looking at her as she said that, Julian saw more sadness than disapproval in her eyes. Julian wanted to say something to reassure her, but Danny was tromping down the stairs already followed by Rob. Danny was chattering to Lenny about the festival and why doggies couldn't go, and Rob was impossibly gorgeous.

  The theme of the festival was fall colors and food. They could see some of the decorations they helped with and there would be more. Danny was excited but with so many people filling the sidewalks, he stayed close to Julian and Rob. Plenty of tourists had come for the festival, so the crowds were bigger than at Halloween but not as scary-looking.

  While keeping an eye out for people they knew, they showed off the town to Christie. "The food you liked so much came from there," Rob told her while pointing out the Peach Tree Café. "Some friends of ours work there."

  "Calling them 'our' friends already," Christie said, teasing him.

  Rob denied it. "Did I say friends? I meant some guys, some random guys. Sam is really nice though." Leaning over, Rob told Julian. "All morning I kept waiting for Rico to show up at the last minute with some crazy costumes for us. Making us dress up as turkeys or pumpkins or something."

  He looked grim but Julian had to laugh. "We got here safely."

  Danny looked up at them, and he seemed a little nervous with so many people there.

  "He's not loving this crowd," Rob said.

  As he looked down at Danny to reassure him, Julian saw his face break out into a big smile. He had spotted the other kids, and they were all running over to him noisily, talking over each other about food and games.

  Now that he was surrounded by the other kids, Danny didn't seem scared at all. They were so good at distracting him, he hardly seemed to notice the crowd.

  All the kids were there in one group but not the guys. Lara and Noreen where with them along with a pretty brunette. Lara started by introducing her to everyone.

  "This Wyatt's friend, Raquel," Lara said then she introduced Julian and Rob to her. "And this is Julian's little brother, Danny."

  "Hi there. Are you friends with Riley and DJ?" Raquel asked Danny.

  "Everybody's friends with me and Lenny," Danny said and Julian couldn't believe how much it warmed his heart to hear it.

  "Lenny is his little dog," Noreen explained.

  "That's great. Then we should be friends too," Raquel told him.

  Christie got introduced to everyone next, starting with the kids, but right away, Lara made a grab for her.

  "Another one. She's mine too," Lara announced and hooked an arm around Christie's. Her other arm was already hanging over Raquel's shoulders.

  "What is happening?" Rob's sister asked.

  "Look at her stocking her girl harem. That is a picture of greed," Rico said, appearing suddenly and pointing at Lara.

  Christie looked to Rob for help, but he only shook his head. He wasn't about to attempt to explain any of this to her.

  Rico and Mitch got to meet Christie. "There's no escaping now that you're part of Lara's harem," Rico told her then he wondered, "Is everyone's sister in town?"

  "You have something against sisters?" Rob asked him.

  "Just hers." Rico pointed to Lara. "That hussy tried to steal my man, but my victory was assured." Rico flexed his arms.

  "That's just the way she is. Stella is family, and you got your man. She's back there on the phone. No holding grudges. Be nice when you see her," Lara warned him and Rico grumbled.

  Julian looked over at Christie then at Rob, wondering how she was taking all this craziness. She seemed amused and eager to sample some food.

  "Candy apples in a town called Peach Tree. Smacks of sacrilege," Rico said shaking his head in disapproval as they passed a booth that sold them.

  "Caramel apples, candy apples, toffee apples," Raquel counted off.

  "Sacrilege, all of them. These people have no decency. This is Peach Tree."

  "Rico is mad at the apples," Danny said.

  "Rico, look. Apples with candy eyes on them," Sammy said.

  "You think we can eat them?" Rico asked distracted from his outrage for the moment.

  Sammy was quick with her verdict. "No. They have eyes."

  "I see peaches too. They're poached in spiced vinegar," Christie said reading the label.

  At the mention of vinegar, all the kids made faces. There were also pitchers of apple cider and something called peach cider.

  "It's like drinking a pie," Noreen complained.

  "Load me up," Raquel said and ordered some from the vendor.

  Julian decided to treat the kids to some drinks, and Rico took the opportunity to question Danny, "What's new, little buddy? What did these guys do last night?"

  Danny had a little information for him, "Julian and Rob had lots of fun going to a date."

  "Aha. What else?" Rico pressed him.

  "Rob said it was the bestest date," Danny said, and Julian shared a smile with Rob.

  "What else did Rob say?" Rico asked and eyed Rob wickedly.

  Blinking, Danny had to think hard about it. Then he came up with something. "Rob said, 'Hurry and brush your teeth.'"

  Everyone laughed at that and Danny looked around, not understanding why.

  "So where was this date?" Noreen asked.

  "At the Stone Creek Inn," Julian said though he wasn't about to tell them much more than that.

  "You reserved one of the private dining rooms, of course," Lara guessed.

  "Something like that," Julian said evasively, reaching the limit of what he was willing to share.

  "Something like that?" Rico repeated with a look of suspicion. "What did you get up to, you sneaky bastard?"

  "Nothing you need to know about," Rob answered for him.

  Seeing that the kids were milling around, Rico gave up. "I want all the dirty details later," he demanded in a low voice.

  Julian promised him nothing.

  Next they met up with Wyatt and Sam who were with two of Wyatt's guy friends from out of town. Yu and Stan became part of another round of introductions.

  "I always show up for these festivals, and I always leave disappointed," Stan said. He was the chubby, very casually dressed one.

  "He wants a procession of shirtless guys," Yu explained. He was trim and more stylish. They were a completely mismatched pair.

  "Shirtless in this weather?" Rob said.

  "That's the only issue you see? The weather?" Sam asked him.

  "What?" Rob said with a shrug.

  "See why I like him?" Wyatt said and clapped Rob on the back.

  "Do you even need us any more?" Yu asked him.

  "Of course I do. I love you guys," Wyatt told them.

  "You're supposed to be the freshest of the fresh meat, and you two are already paired off. How does this always happen?" Stan asked as he eyed Rob and Julian disapprovingly.

  "You're doomed to be disappointed," Yu told him with no sympathy whatsoever.

  The whole time, Julian kept a close eye on his phone since he knew Mr. Upton was on his way. While the kids were debating what to do next, Julian got a text from Mr. Upton letting him know that he was over by the cranberry crafts booth. That wasn't very far. Leaving Danny and Rob to have fun with the others, Julian went ahead to meet him. He spotted Mr. Upt
on easily and that wavy, silver hair of his. He stood out in his expensive but casual outfit more appropriate for a champagne brunch, but he was smiling at what he saw around him.

  Julian barely started greeting him, when he saw Mr. Upton's eyes light up and he stood a little straighter. Lara and her group had gotten his attention as they made their way over. All together like that, they were a sight, especially now that Lara's sister had joined them. She was the flashiest one of the group.

  "I've heard in a small town like this, everyone knows everyone," Mr. Upton hinted.

  Julian indulged him. "I'll introduce you."

  "Yes, indeed, this is a lovely little town," Mr. Upton said right after he was introduced to Lara and all the girls she had gathered around her and her sister as well.

  Julian saw that he would be making more introductions as the rest of the guys joined him. For now, Mr. Upton was preoccupied with the girls.

  "Is that him?" Rico asked. "Look at him strutting his moneybags."

  "I want to be that guy, but with a bunch of hot guys around me," Stan said seeing Mr. Upton laughing it up with the girls. "What is he, like a hundred?"

  Rico shushed him. "Keep it down. That's Julian's boss."

  "Now you're mister decorum," Wyatt said to him and got a glare in return.

  Mr. Upton was too busy chatting with the girls to notice the rest of them. Stella was by far the most receptive to his charms, and the other girls seemed happy to let her monopolize him.

  Eventually, Julian did get to introduce everyone else as well. Mr. Upton seemed a little surprised that he was meeting so many people. "To think you used to be downright antisocial," he whispered to Julian.

  Rob and Danny were the only ones Mr. Upton still had to meet, but they were with the other kids watching some apple carving. When they all finally came over, Julian started with Rob. "This is my boss, Mr. Upton. This is my boyfriend, Rob Gerric."

  Rob looked a little startled at that, and Julian wondered if he was really surprised. It was who he was after all.


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