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Peach Tree Manny: Gay Romance

Page 26

by Trina Solet

  "I think I was like that too. I didn't think anything like this was waiting for me, or anyone like you," Julian said as he gazed at him with a beaming smile on his face.

  Their languid morning in bed didn't last. Once they got up, Christie helped Rob with breakfast, and Julian took a cup of coffee with him so he could attend to a few things at the office. When he got back to the kitchen, Julian overheard Danny warning Rob.

  "Be careful, Rob. Don't put your feets in the doggy water," Danny told him though he wasn't anywhere near the dog dish.

  "Feets? OK. I'll be careful," Rob told him.

  "Julian put his foot in the doggy water," Danny said. Seeing him approach, he pouted at Julian disapprovingly. "He spilled it."

  "And I was duly punished with a wet sock," Julian said, but Danny continued to pout at him. Julian finally had to promise, "I'll be more careful."

  "Hear that?" Rob whispered to Julian. "He feels comfortable enough to scold you."

  "That's what progress looks like?" Julian said with a sigh. Rob laughed at him, but then he consoled him with a kiss.

  With breakfast done, Danny got some papers and coloring pencils. The "big kids" were always talking about their homework, so Rob made up some homework for Danny too. It was just writing his name with Rob's help but he did it eagerly and he was so proud to show off his work to Julian and Christie.

  "This is D for Danny," he said, pointing out a squiggle that couldn't be called a D no matter which way Julian looked at it or how hard he squinted.

  "That's a really good D," Julian told him anyway and smiled at Rob.

  "This is big kid paper. It has the lines. See? It's for doing writing," Danny explained to Christie.

  "And you did some good writing," Christie praised him.

  "Rob helped me." Right after that, Danny wanted to get back to it. "Hold my hand again, Rob. I want to write more."

  That was such a sweet sight, Julian wished he could sit there and just watch them all day. But after what happened to Thayer, Julian had more work than ever plus clients to reassure, so he was back sitting at his desk again.

  Stretching, ready to take a break, Julian walked out of his office and saw Christie in the hallway watching Danny and Lenny. Danny was sitting on the stairs with a book in his lap and Lenny was sitting next to him.

  As Julian went over to Christie, she told him what Danny was doing. "Danny is reading to Lenny. Or pretending to read, but Lenny doesn't know the difference. He has that Super Strong Little Bee book memorized."

  "Danny was showing off that drawing of a bee you made for him," Julian told her. He was happy that Danny was so fond of her, and it seemed to be mutual.

  "He's a great kid, and it's incredible to see Rob with him. I never imagined he could be so good with kids," Christie said. "When I made him babysit with me, he always complained and then said, 'never again'."

  "Really? He got an excellent recommendation, and he's amazing with Danny."

  "I'm glad he's doing well. Rob was always so aimless. I was afraid he would just keep coasting along and have nothing real in his life. But he is a new man." She sounded pleased and proud of him. "I think it's because he's needed here.

  "He's loved," Julian corrected her. But she was right. They needed Rob. And Julian needed him like he needed air to breathe.

  "Hey, there you are," Rob said, coming up behind them. He looked at both of them, but then focused on Christie. "Can you watch Danny and Lenny one more time before you leave?"

  "Sure. I'd love to."

  "Great. I'm stealing you away," Rob said to Julian as he threw him his jacket. "Danny, hold down the fort. We'll be right back."

  "I guess we're going somewhere?" Julian said as he put on the jacket while walking to the front door.

  "Not too far. I just want to take advantage of Christie while she's still here," Rob said and they waved to Danny before shutting the door.

  Stepping out in front of the house, Rob took a deep breath and Julian admired how his chest expanded.

  "Where to now?" Julian wondered, looking toward the car, thinking they might take a drive.

  "How about a walk in the orchard?" Rob said as he took his hand to lead him in that direction.

  Standing in rows that formed slightly crooked lanes, the trees weren't much to look at now. Only dry leaves dotted the branches, but Rob was looking up at them like he could see what they would become – green, thick with blooms then heavy with peaches that seemed to blush in the sun. Now Julian could see it too, and he couldn't wait to walk this way with Rob in every season.

  "I hear people get married in this orchard," Rob said suddenly.

  "Sometimes," Julian said wondering what Rob was up to bringing him out here and talking about weddings.

  Rob stopped between two of the bigger trees and patted one of the tree trunks. "What do you think of this spot right here?"

  "What about it?" Julian asked as Rob took him by the hand and led him two steps over.

  "You can stand right here. I'll stand here and we can say our vows," Rob said while gazing intently into Julian's eyes.

  "Vows?" Julian gasped and Rob squeezed his hand tighter and cupped his face.

  "Marriage vows. What do you think?"

  "Wha..." Julian couldn't even finish the word. All the air got knocked out of him. Rob had to kiss him to get him breathing again. "Is this your way of asking me to marry you?"

  "You want me on one knee? Done," Rob said and he got down on one knee in front of him. Then he clasped Julian's hand and spoke in a deadly serious voice. "Julian, you have to marry me."

  "That's not a question," Julian said ready to laugh and cry at the same time. "But I will marry you right here. I love you so much."

  "I love you," Rob said in return, his voice thick. "I understand if you need time to..."

  "No. I meant what I said. Yes, I want to marry you," Julian told him and pulled him up to his feet.

  Up off the ground, Rob hugged Julian till he couldn't breathe. Fingers threaded through his hair, clutching at him desperately, painfully happy, Julian had him in a vise grip too.

  Stepping back and letting him take only a single breath, Rob kissed him, making him breathless all over again. The orchard seemed to spin around them, and Julian felt like he was dancing and flying and happier than he knew it was possible to be.

  "God, I love you so much. I want to make you happy more than anything," Rob told him as they stopped kissing but didn't let go of each other. "I don't want a single day without hearing your voice, seeing your face, feeling you against me when I wake up. I want to marry you, Julian."

  Rob's eyes melted and he looked like he would cry. Speechless, shaking with emotion, biting back tears, Julian was right there with him. He was so grateful when Rob kissed him so he could let his feelings flow into that kiss. Their lips brushed, their tongues danced, their hands were restless, searching for a way under their clothes.

  Julian didn't know how much time passed while Rob pressed him against the tree trunk and they kissed. Eventually they made their way back to the house.

  "Now we get to tell Danny," Rob said shutting the front door behind them.

  "Me?" Danny said popping up from under the stairs.

  "There you are," Christie said coming out of the library.

  "Oh no, you found us," Danny said as Lenny came out from under the stairs too.

  "You were playing hide and seek?" Julian said.

  "I guess Christie won," Rob said to Danny. "You want to come with us and take Lenny for a walk, and we'll tell you some news?"

  Both Danny and Lenny were eager for an outing. While Rob helped Danny with his jacket and his shoes, Christie gave them questioning glances.

  "We'll be back soon," Rob told her with a wink. "Then you might hear some news too."

  "Why do I have to wait?" they heard her asking as they went back outside.

  "She can't come with us?" Danny asked.

  "She has to wait her turn," Rob told him. "We want to tell you and Lenn
y first."

  "OK," Danny said, but he wasn't as impatient to find out as Christie was.

  "You're going to be in trouble with your sister," Julian predicted keeping his voice low as he put his arm through Rob's and they followed Danny and Lenny down the path.

  "She gave me a hard time. She deserves it."

  After letting Danny and Lenny roam around for a while, Rob led the way back to the orchard. Julian had to stop him though. He pointed at the sign. "Dogs aren't allowed in there. Sorry. We can leave Lenny here."

  Danny got down to hug his little dog. "No Lenny?"

  "I'll carry him," Rob said, and he had Lenny in his arms while he took Danny by the hand.

  Julian was pretty sure that wasn't allowed either. "I don't think... Oh, all right," he said, giving up.

  As he followed them, Julian found himself in the same spot where Rob proposed. It was still incredible to him that such a thing really happened, and now Rob was telling Danny about it.

  "We brought you here because this is a really important place," Rob said to him then he turned to Julian. "You want to tell him what's going to happen here."

  Julian nodded while he tried to find his voice. It wasn't easy. He felt so choked up and his heart felt like it would burst. "This spot right here is where Rob and I are going to get married."

  Danny looked all around. "Here? With me and Lenny?"

  "Yes, with you two guys right beside us and everyone else too," Rob told him.

  "OK," Danny said, but it was clear he didn't grasp how momentous this was.

  Rob tried to explain it. "When Julian and I are married, you and me will be family."

  "Like me and Julian?" Danny asked.

  "Yes. We'll all be a happy family. Everyone is going to come here and celebrate with us," Rob said and smiled at Julian.

  "All the kids?" Danny said, thinking of the most important people first.

  "Yes, all the kids. And there will be cake," Rob said.

  "Yay! Cake!" Danny said, finally getting excited.

  Rob and Julian smiled at each other and kissed while Lenny looked up at them from Rob's arms.

  "I love you," Julian said.

  "I love you too," Rob told him.

  Hearing them say that, Danny spoke up as well. "Me too. I love Julian and Rob." Then he added, "And Lenny."

  "And Lenny of course," Julian said and picked up Danny to hug him. Rob brought Lenny closer and now everyone was in on the hug.

  "We love you guys too," Rob told Danny and scratched Lenny's head.

  They left the orchard so Lenny could be free to scamper around. Danny and the dog ran ahead of them, and Julian and Rob followed, holding hands.

  "I can already see it, you know," Rob said as he gazed into the distance.

  "Our wedding under the peach trees?" Julian guessed. It was all he could think about.

  "The wedding and everything else. I see it stretching out in front of us like that." Rob pointed out the view in front of them with the river running through colorful autumn scenery and the sun shining down from a blue sky. "No matter what happened before, we are going to be happy. I know it."

  Looking from the view to Rob's beautiful eyes, Julian believed it too.

  The End

  Also by Trina Solet

  Peach Tree Life

  Wyatt was never the good brother. He was the troublemaker, the one who escaped to Europe when his family couldn't accept who he was. But now that his older brother is gone, Wyatt is the only one who can take care of his two little nephews, DJ and Riley.

  Is Wyatt up to the daunting task? No one is sure, not even him.

  It's a big change in his life, but his nephews need him. After losing their parents, the two little boys are heartbroken. Wyatt doesn't want to uproot them so he moves to the small town of Peach Tree. He doesn't expect small town life to be to his liking until he meets Sam, the young guy who works at the cafe in town.

  They have an immediate connection, and Sam is the sweetest guy. But Sam is prone to panic attacks and he only just escaped his abusive ex.

  Sam doesn't plan to get involved with anyone until Wyatt comes along. He thinks a real relationship between them is impossible, but Wyatt isn't so easily discouraged. He's a man who knows what he wants, and he's not afraid to go after it. Sam came into his life on the heels of tragedy and that makes Wyatt treasure him all the more.

  Just when Wyatt is sure to get his way, trouble finds them. With Wyatt by his side, can Sam finally fight back against his fear, or will it wreck everything he found?

  Peach Tree Love

  Peach Tree works its magic on Mitch and Rico as the handyman with a kid and the college student without direction find exactly what they were looking for.

  When a job offer falls through, Mitch agrees to fix up an old house that hides unexpected trouble. Rico is recruited to be his assistant and can't help but fall in love with the gruff handyman. Could Mitch ever feel the same?

  Until he met Rico, Mitch believed he was straight. Now his whole word has been turned upside down. After all the hardships in his life, could this be the one time when everything works out just right?

  A Christmas Manny

  Christmas is approaching fast and Gary Radcliff is still recovering from an injury. He can use some help especially with his little boy, Scotty. Gary doesn't want him to be cooped up when there might be snow out there any day now. He hires Wayne to help him give his kid a happy Christmas.

  Wayne has worked as a health aid before but never as a manny. He takes his work seriously, but it turns out that working for Gary and Scotty is more fun than work. Right away, he fits in with those two.

  He also finds himself incredibly drawn to Gary. Unaware that Gary feels the same way, Wayne thinks it's hopeless. If only Wayne can be brave enough to speak up, their attraction might turn into so much more.

  It doesn't take much to ignite their desire, but will demands of real life get in the way of their happy life?

  Our Boys

  After getting burned in his last relationship, Diego isn't looking to get involved. He is willing to allow only one little guy into his heart. That little guy is his irrepressible, four-year-old son, Jamie. But Trevor, a young neighbor who just moved in, might turn out to be too much of a temptation for Diego.

  Trevor is taking care of his one-year-old cousin, but he's worried he might lose custody. He has quite a few challenges in his life, and Diego is driven to help him overcome them.

  As the two families bond, the guys find their feelings for each other growing stronger. It's only a matter of time before they'll have to admit that they found in each other everything they ever wanted.

  The Forever Manny

  Marshall Bowen is more comfortable sitting in a boardroom, but now he has his baby niece, Tessa, to take care of. Until very recently, Marshall didn't even know he had a sister, and the baby is a complete shock to him. He's out of his comfort zone and doesn't know the first thing about taking care of a baby. But he'll have to learn fast.

  He does have some help. Cody is his late sister's best friend, and he has become incredibly attached to the baby. After he and Cody meet, Marshall is determined to keep the young man around. It's only for Tessa's sake, of course. He would never indulge in his budding attraction to the baby's manny.

  Cody is glad to help Marshall take care of Tessa, but it's only a temporary arrangement. Once Marshall gets the hang of parenting, Cody will go back to his old life. He can't stay Tessa's manny forever, can he?

  But what will happen when Cody wants more? Will Marshall want a future with him?

  A Bookworm for Christmas

  Miles is not looking forward to a lonely Christmas when a chance encounter with his ex boss changes his prospects.

  When Miles worked at his bookstore, Gavin was a strict boss and a secret crush. Gavin's life has changed since Miles saw him last, but he still seems unattainable.

  Miles can't stay away from him though and ends up spending time with his little boy too. Ben
ji is the big change in Gavin's life, and being a dad suits him perfectly. But will he see Miles as someone who can join their family, or will his misgivings win out in the end?

  The Professor and the Manny

  Ned needs a babysitter for his daughter, Mina. When he hires Jeff, he ends up with a manny and so much more.

  Mina is a vulnerable child who has endured too many losses. Ned has given her a new life, but she doesn't come out of her shell for just anyone.

  When Jeff comes into their lives, he wins her over and starts out babysitting for only a few hours a day. That's long enough for him to realize that he's incredibly attracted to Ned.

  Ned feels the same way, but he's a professor and Jeff is a student at his college. Ned is determined to keep his distance. That only lasts until he learns that Jeff has been keeping something from him. When Ned finds out that Jeff has no place to live, he invites him home and hires him as Mina's manny.

  There's no turning back now. Living in the same house, neither man can deny his feelings for long. But when danger disrupts their happy life, Jeff blames himself. Can Ned convince him to stay? The next time danger strikes, Jeff might be the only one who can protect what's most precious to them both.

  Key To His Heart

  Phillip Morton is a disciplined and self-assured young executive, but that's only on the surface. His heart is in turmoil. He has just discovered that his late brother might have left behind a child. This child is only a rumor, a possibility, but Phillip sets out to find him.

  To help him with his search, he brings along Leon, his assistant. Leon is very young and new to his job. Phillip doesn't want things between them to turn too personal, but he needs Leon to keep him sane.

  Even as he searches for his nephew, Phillip is afraid to hope. After the heart-wrenching loss of his estranged brother, it seems too much to expect that this child could be real.


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