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Home Fires

Page 23

by W L Ripley


  “I don’t know.” Staring off into the distance.

  “Losing interest. So you handed her the weapon and then?”

  “Said she didn’t know how to fire it and wanted me to show her, so I did. After that she sent me to fix a cattle waterer, one of those automatic ones, that was... shit, it wasn’t broken.” The guy putting things together in his head.

  Jake marveled. Did the man know how stupid he was? The big man made a face pondering it. Jake wondering if it made Haller’s head hurt to think.

  Jake said, “So, she sent you to fix something that wasn’t broken, and someone busted into the house, stole Alex’s handgun, walked across the street to kill Vernon and left you dangling. That what you’re telling me?”

  “Had to be someone did that, didn’t it?”

  “Ask yourself why break into one house, steal a weapon to kill someone across the street and then leave the weapon with your fingerprints on it, yours Haller, and no one else’s. Was Pam wearing gloves when you handed her the weapon? Catching on yet?”

  Dawning on the guy now. “Motherfucker,” said Fat Boy, almost to himself.

  “How used do you feel right now?” Pam pretending to be his friend so he wouldn’t talk. Why would Pam kill Vernon? Why would anyone? Vernon wasn’t a great guy, but Jake didn’t see any reason to put his lights out. Too many people’s fortunes tied to Vernon.

  “Fucked, ain’t I?” said Fat Boy.

  “Christmas is going to suck badly unless you talk to me. That’s Gage’s Ram outside. You drive it?”

  “I didn’t know whose it was.”

  “You don’t know anything I want to know, do you? Just got miracle here, that’s what you’re going with?”


  “You drove Gage’s truck. Want to tell me about that?”

  “Get me out of here and I’ll tell you.”

  “You kill Gage?”

  “No.” Shaking his head, looking different now. “I’m no killer. I’m serious. Gotta believe me. I’ll help you.” Anxious. Wanting Jake to believe him.

  “You don’t know who killed Gage then that’s two homicides you’re going to take the full weight. Makes you a repeat offender. The needle in your neck or your new forever home in an eight by twelve with no toilet lid. They do have an exercise program where you could lose some weight, make yourself more appealing to the bull-queers. You didn’t kill Gage but you know something about it. Better talk.”

  Defeated now.


  Jake waited.

  “We took the dog. Stole his truck. All we did.”

  “Who’s ‘we’?”

  “Me’n Tommy. Supposed to be a joke. Tommy thought it’d be funny, panic the guy.”

  “Why would he want him panicked?”

  “Alex fired Gage. Tommy made a smart remark to Gage about getting fired, Gage telling Tommy he could fix it so Gage could entertain the nurses at ER. Tommy a little afraid of him, Gage kinda scary, got crazy eyes. Tommy’s a weird guy, too, always wants payback.”

  “Never heard why Alex let him go. Was Gage not doing his job?”

  “You don’t know why?”

  “You hear me asking, right?”

  “Alex thought Gage was fucking Pam. Tommy made an issue about it. With both of them.”

  “Both of who?”

  “Alex and Gage. Tommy and Alex don’t always get along. Tommy don’t like Alex and Pam bossing ’im around so Tommy started riding Alex about Gage and Pam doing the ultimate naughty.”

  Jake thought about that. Explained a lot and confirmed his thoughts.

  “So how did Gage die?”

  “I don’t know.”

  “Losing patience with you.”

  “We took the dog like I said. Took it to the elevator. Just holding on to him. I would never hurt one. I like dogs. Tommy called Gage and told him he had the dog, messing with him, so Gage drove to – ”

  “He drove? The Dodge outside?” The killers used Gage’s Charger not the Ram for the accident.

  “Yeah, but that’s all we did. We were kidding him about us hiding the dog, Tommy pimping him, telling him we put the dog in the silage pit. Burnell, he got all pissed off, showed up threatening us.”

  “Who hurt the dog?”

  “Tommy did. The dog wouldn’t listen to Tommy, snarled at him. Tommy kicked him a couple times, but I made him stop.”

  Jake let that simmer. “I’ll square that with Tommy later. Okay you were at the elevator, then what?”

  Haller starting to answer when Jake heard a vehicle pull down the lane to the cabin.

  Chapter Forty-Nine

  Tommy saw Burnell’s Ram SUV, wondering why it was here. They had hidden it after Gage threatened them, crazy shit, over a dog. Thinking back now to the night they took Burnell’s dog. Shoulda known better. Burnell being a crazy dude. They’d hidden the truck in an old abandoned garage on the south of town and planned to tell him later but then Gage died. They stowed it in the garage at the old Grange house. Somebody found it and was driving it. Only he and Fat Boy knew where it was.


  Fat boy was here at the cabin. Had to be.

  Now what? Not bad. Tell people he found Fatty, turn him in and make the sonuvabitch pay for killing his dad. Hell yes, be a hero, make Kellogg think twice about prosecuting him for rape, which it wasn’t, even if it was his own daughter. Wishing he’d never touched her, fucking woman was radioactive.

  This could fix things, get him back to some kind of redemption.

  He parked back up the drive where it would be hard to see his vehicle. Creep up on his old buddy.

  Tommy slid out of the truck, gun tucked in the back of his jeans. Looking forward to the surprised look on Fat Boy’s face.

  Jake noted the shadow and a flash of light flicker through the windows. That’s how he saw the vehicle arrive and Tommy Mitchell get out of the car.

  “Tommy’s here,” Jake said, smiling. “This is going to be fun. Well, for me, not for you.”

  “He’ll kill me,” said Fat Boy, worried now.

  “He’s pretty mad at you.” Working Fat boy, nodding with a smile when he said it, enjoying himself. “And he does have a gun. Sticking it behind his back now. Tommy, you sneaky boy, you. Wonder why he brought a gun to see you?” He paused, then said, “Oh yeah, now I remember. He may be under the mistaken impression you killed his dad. But you just tell him you’re innocent, and it’ll all work out.”

  “You have to protect me.”

  “I don’t know,” Jake said, shrugging. “He looks dangerous. Maybe I’ll just ease out the back door and see what happens.”

  “What if he shoots me?”

  “I’ll arrest him for murder. I can see it now, ‘prodigal son returns, apprehends fugitive and his killer’. Sounds pretty good. Always wanted to be a hero.”

  “You can’t do that.” Panic in his voice. “You’re a cop – ” stopping to think about it now like he just realized it.

  “Then talk. And do it quick. Here he comes.”

  “Okay, okay. Look, we took the dog.” Coming in a rush of words now. “Burnell showed up with a gun, pissed off. We were just messing with him. When we saw the gun, Steve told – ”

  “Steve Barb.”

  “Yeah. Then what?”

  “Barb ’fronted Burnell when he showed. They started arguing. Burnell hot and not scared of anything. Willing to take everyone on. Wanted his dog back.”

  “What were they arguing about?”

  “A woman. What else. Hanna whatshername.”

  “Anyone else there?”

  “Barb’s buddy, Robby Warner.”

  “That’s it?”


  Thinking about it now. “How mad was Barb about Gage going back to Hanna Stanislaus?”

  “A lot. He went after Gage when he showed up. They got into a fight.”

  “Who won?”

  “Burnell was winning until Warner jumped in and they bea
t him pretty bad. Tommy liked it for a while, but I made them stop.”

  “Two against one. Sounds like them. Then what?”

  Fat Boy swallowed. “Gage didn’t look so good. We told Gage the dog was okay, but I don’t know if he knew what we were telling him. Gage wouldn’t quit. Kept getting back up no matter how bad they beat him. Said he was going to square things with all of us. We got out of there while Barb and Warner held onto him. Tommy and me took the dog and chained him out at Tommy’s until we could think what to do. I couldn’t stand to see the dog penned up. Tommy wouldn’t take care of it wanted me to kill it after we found out Burnell was dead. Couldn’t do that, so I cut his chain and told Tommy he broke loose.”

  “Tommy shoot at me that day I was hunting?”



  “Shit,” Haller said. “It was Pam.”

  “Well, well,” Jake said, to himself. He had considered that, but part of him, the part that was a high school kid didn’t want to accept it. Harper had been right about that. “You were the other driver?”

  “Tommy was passed out drunk, so we took him along. You pissed her off at her dad’s place, wanted to scare you. After Pam shot at you, laughing her ass off, we took off in Tommy’s truck and left him. Pam’s idea was have you think Tommy shot at you. Tommy didn’t have any way back to town, so he took your truck. She wanted to kill you; I promise she could’ve. She can shoot good as anybody I know.”

  Something else to file away. Pam shot at him, wanting to blame Tommy. She could shoot and was good at it, according to Haller.

  “Yet she had you thinking she didn’t know how to shoot a handgun. She come on to you or just show you a little?”

  Haller put his head down, sheepish.

  Jake moved to the window, wondering why Pam would shoot at him, Pam involved in everything. He hadn’t seen it. Blind to it. He watched Tommy walk stooped over as if it made him invisible, getting closer. “Almost here.”

  “Shit,” said Fat Boy. “Do something. Tommy’s got no sense when he’s mad.”

  “Sit tight,” Jake said, putting the SIG in a holster on his hip. He didn’t need another shooting. The authorities might not overlook a second one in one week. “I won’t let him shoot you.”

  “How you gonna do that?”

  “Magic. Haven’t you been watching me?”

  Tommy excited now. This was going to be so fucking good. He threw open the door, gun drawn.

  “Put it away,” Jake said.

  Tommy wheeled around, his gun at his side. “Shit! Why?”

  “Because you don’t want to shoot him.”

  “Maybe I want to shoot you,” Tommy said.

  Jake moved his jacket away to reveal the SIG Sauer on his hip. “Being stupid doesn’t mean you have to get shot.”

  “I’ve got mine out, motherfucker.”

  “Check the safety.”

  Tommy turned the pistol to look at it and when he looked up Jake had his gun pointed at him.

  “See the difference, Tommy? This isn’t the movies. Put the gun down.”

  Tommy struggling with it now. “Maybe I don’t care what you do.”

  “Sure you do.” Tommy making him tired. “People pretend they don’t, but the reality is everyone wants to continue.” Jake raised his weapon higher. “Put it down.”

  Tommy dropped the handgun to his side, his shoulders sagging. “What about this asshole killed my dad.”

  “Well, I don’t know. Maybe we talk about that, compare stories see where that leads us. After we’re through talking, you think he did it you can shoot him. And, what the hell happened to your lip?”

  Tommy’s hand went to his mouth. “Long story.”

  “Goddammit, Tommy,” said Fat Boy. “Don’t shoot me. I didn’t do it.”

  “Shut up,” Jake said.

  “You’re going to let me shoot him?” Tommy said.

  “Of course not. Just funning around.”

  “You think this shit’s funny?” said Fat Boy.

  “Most things are,” Jake said, “you look at it right. And now boys, we’re all going to sit down, have a beer, and talk. And don’t screw up. Remember, I don’t really like either one of you.”

  Chapter Fifty

  “So, big deal, I took your truck,” Tommy said to Jake. Tommy and Fat Boy were sitting at the long table, the solitaire cards still spread on the table. As Jake promised they both had a beer in front of them, this seems to be a new thing he was doing with bad guys. Refreshments. Jake Morgan, concessionaire to the criminal class. “I was passed out, woke up when I heard shooting. I just wanted the hell outta there. I didn’t shoot at you. I did you’d be dead.”

  “Keep talking tough, Tommy,” Jake said. “It confirms everything I think about you. How’d you get this stupid?”

  “This fat fuck here,” Tommy said, “killed Dad. I’m gonna get you for that, Fatty.”

  “He didn’t kill your dad,” Jake said.

  That stopped Tommy. “What? How do you know?”

  “He had no reason.”

  “It was Pam,” Haller said. “She set me up. Frame job like in the movies. She had me shoot a gun then used it to – ”

  “Mother fucker,” Tommy said, perking up. “Are you fucking kidding me?” You could see him chewing on it. “Damn. Fucking cunt did same thing to me. She’s telling I raped her.”

  This surprised Jake. “What?”

  Tommy told them how Pam invited him out to her place where they had a sexual encounter.

  “She bit my lip, clawed my back and I dropped my dick down her like an oil well. I didn’t rape her; she asked for it.”

  “With your smooth delivery and colorful language. How could she resist?”

  “Then she called a deputy come out and tell me I might be charged with sexual assault. Rape even. Total bullshit. Sonuvabitch, she screwed me over and wanted me in prison.”

  “Both of us,” Haller said.

  “Woman deputy?”

  “Yeah, Bailey’s her name. Scared shit outta me.”

  Pam used Bailey rather than calling her father. Consider that.

  “Have you been arrested for rape?”

  “No. Bailey just said Pam was thinking it over. Hadn’t told Doc yet.”

  Also remarkable. Holding the faux rape over Tommy’s head. Statute of limitations was years. By the time it had passed Tommy would either be compliant with Pam’s authority or she could damage him with the allegation backed by Deputy Bailey. She already had Alex in her pocket, so Tommy was a logical step. Neutralizing opposition, that is, if she was the person pulled the trigger on Vernon. But why kill him? Did she inherit? Would get that eventually if she stayed hitched to Alex. Was there another reason? Still not sure who killed Gage but Barb and Warner were emerging as leading candidates.

  And, what had Vernon been after?

  “She set us up, Tommy,” said Fat Boy. “Shot at this guy. Bet she has plans to push Alex out of the way and get all the money. She was just here though and bailed me out. Why would she do that? I’d bet – ”

  Jake interrupted. “It’ll go better if you don’t talk a lot and try to remember thinking isn’t your long suit.”

  “Yeah, Fatty,” Tommy said.

  “Eat shit,” said Fat Boy. “I didn’t kill your Dad.”

  “So you say.”

  Like talking to kids.

  “Shut up, the both of you.” Listening to them made his head hurt. “How old are you guys, anyway?”

  Jake putting things together formulating his next step. If he could trust Haller’s story, Pam’s frame was a good one. No one was going to believe Haller over Pam Mitchell, especially when her father was the investigator. Haller had run making him appear guilty and Pam had paid him well to do so. Haller too thick to see through it.

  “You guys know about the planned airfield?”

  “What they want me to know,” Tommy said. “I get a salary and a profit-sharing percentage. Pam and Dad run everything. Alex ran the
fertilizer plant and the elevator. Acts like Alex is more special than Jesus. Since mom died, I get shit on. Me’n Fat Ass here took care of the farm and the cattle.”

  “Better quit the names, Tommy,” Haller said. “Startin’ to get mad at you.”

  “So what? You gonna sit on me, you fucking hippo.”

  Jake put a hand to his forehead. “How about you save the pre-school spat for the county lock-up? Just answer my questions or I turn you over to Doc and you can take your chances. I’m sure he’ll love hearing how his daughter set you boys up. Sound like something you want a shot at?”

  They glared at each other for a moment but settled down.

  “So,” Jake said, to Tommy, “you were your mom’s favorite?”

  Tommy looking at him with a sour expression. “You a psychiatrist now? She just didn’t let Dad shit on me.”

  “But Alex and Pam ran things.”

  Tommy shrugged. “Mom thought Dad favored Alex. Heard her say it.”

  “Either of you know a man named Franklin Yoder?”

  Shaking their heads now, like BBs rattling in a tin can.

  “So, we’re back at the elevator, Barb and Warner ganging up on Gage with you two watching. I should pistol-whip both of you for that.” Feeling heat rising behind his neck. “Or just shoot you and let Doc sort things out. A fugitive murderer and the guy raped his daughter. Both appeal to me but doesn’t get things done. Who killed Gage?”

  “Had to be Barb and Warner,” Tommy said.

  Jake believing them but needed more.

  “Was this fight close around the silage pit in the elevator?”

  “Yeah,” Tommy said. “Yeah, it was. How you know that?”

  “And you two left with Travis and Gage’s Ram?”

  “Who’s Travis?” asked Tommy.

  “The dog, stupid,” Jake said, with a little heat. “You didn’t even know his name; just like to beat up animals? So you left and Gage was still with Warner and Barb. Didn’t you make a connection when Gage ended up dead?”

  “Told us he had an accident,” Tommy said.

  “Who told you?”


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