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The New World: Crimson Winter

Page 19

by Andy Skrzynski


  “Yeah, we’ve been getting acquainted. Here he is.”

  He half-heartedly waved at the screen. “Do you have that update for me?”

  “Absolutely. We’ve made lots of progress. The modified Quaker is up and functioning as expected. Better yet, I’ve already made the necessary tweaks to Brain Meld’s sensing function so it can interpret all of the Blue Moon Generation’s brainwaves without any headgear. Their awgful supplement allows them to tap three times the mental capacity of a normal human. Skeeter and I have been practicing on increasing his ability to project his brainwaves with greater amplification so as not to require the headset.

  Salty’s heart jumped so hard it felt like it was going to burst from his throat. He coughed. “What do you mean? Brain Meld is supposed to be experimental!”

  “Don’t worry. I’ve checked every line of code with all possible scenarios, and it works perfectly.”

  He covered his eyes with his hands and shook his head. This thing is getting way out of hand! I’ve got to talk to Speedy as quick as possible!

  As his mind churned, Andralec kept rambling. “I’ve downloaded the enhanced version to Ukkiville’s Halo Devices, including Terminator, Slayer and all their smart weapons.”

  Gasping, Salty struggled to catch his breath. It’s too late! Every BAT member in the world will know what us humans are thinking. How can this be? Concerns about the whole AI movement had always nagged his better judgment, and now his worst fears were surfacing right before his eyes.

  He clutched his chest as the overzealous android never slowed. “I’ve spent a good deal of time this morning teaching Hoot how to amplify her brainwave projection. With a little more practice, she’ll be as efficient as Skeeter.”

  Bertha praised her idol. “You’re amazing! I wish I was as creative as you. By the way, did you receive the news from Speedy, yet?”

  “You mean about Havoc? I’m thrilled! In fact, I’m on my way to Ukkiville as we speak. I’ll assemble him when he arrives. We’re going to have so much fun.”

  Salty lowered his head and mumbled gibberish even he couldn’t understand. He sighed What on Earth have we done?


  Mayhem Looms

  The Afternoon of November 2, 2105

  The Skalag Caverns

  Hunger tore at Kree’s gut while she hid behind a boulder in the enormous cave housing most of the denamods. Her body trembled with hate as she bit her parched lips. If he wants to be with that Uke woman, he can die with her for all I care.

  Swollen and cracked, like dead flesh left to bake in the sun, her tongue made it difficult to swallow or breathe. She held her hand over her mouth to muffle the wheezes as two burly warriors with torches marched out the exit. Now’s my chance.

  She slunk in the shadows as she gingerly approached the closest cages. A flurry of thoughts tormented her mind. I gave him everything I had and how did he treat me? Like filth! What did I ever see in him anyway? The scum.

  Demonic eyes stared at her as denamods began to stir in their prisons. Muffled growls rumbled their warnings, but Kree pressed forward despite her struggles to breathe.

  A claw swiped her leg, and she swerved away from the cage. Her calf burned like a searing iron pressed against her skin.

  Clutching her mouth, she screamed to herself in pain. I hate him!

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as she grabbed a rod. With a limp, she ran past the cages and unlatched each of the gates.

  Nothing could stop her now. She rattled the steel bars with the rod and yelled with a raspy voice. “Kill them! Kill them all!”

  In chaotic flight, the mutants stampeded over each other and fled their confinement. Kree remained determined and freed more of the monsters as she continued along the row of prisons.

  Deafening howls and screeches chilled her to the bone. Cowering behind a large boulder, she loathed in her shivers of fright. Now, he’s got more than the clickers to fear! We’ll see how he likes it!

  Salty’s Desk

  After finding nothing but a few unearthly scouts nosing around the western ridge the past couple of days, Salty decided to broaden his search. “Bertha, let’s see what’s happening closer to the alien colony.”

  “Got it. Looping to the south now.”

  He watched as the drone’s view rose higher up the bluff’s wall. Snow covered the rocky ridges in the upper reaches as the craft swung away from the peaks and flew above the trail back to Ukkiville. After nearing the southern-most edge, it ascended and banked left toward the northeast.”

  Bertha’s friendly voice floated from the speakers. “Approaching the colony, a half-mile away.”

  Salty drew a deep breath. Though he loved the natural attractions within his home territory, the snow-capped crest of Erik far surpassed any scenery he had witnessed in Texas.

  A loud alarm pierced his ears while a red mass emerged along the farthest edge of the screen. Bertha’s more urgent tone filled the room. “Large contingent of aliens moving west.”

  Salty swallowed hard. “Projected path?”

  “The Skalag encampment.”

  Could this be it? Should he warn Zo? The last thing he wanted to do was to kick off a full-fledged attack with little preparation.

  He sucked a quick breath. “Bertha, use the scatterer and take out the leading edge.” More than 20 red blips filled the screen with two marks per heat signature.

  “Targets locked and ready.”

  His stare remained glued to the screen while he waited for Bertha to fire. This better work. He held his breath.

  The Cloning Lab

  Zo helped his brother and sister with the final alterations to a handful of the denamods. Most of his sibling’s plans made sense, but he still wondered if the latest changes would work or not.

  He walked to Vra’s station. “How’s it going over here?”

  “This is my last. I’ll help Gno with a couple more in a minute.”

  After fidgeting with a scalpel for a moment, he set it down on the tray. “Have the Ukes left yet? It’s been so crazy, I haven’t had a chance to check.”

  She tied the last stitch and snipped the end. “All but one took off early this morning.”

  A wry grin creased her lips. “She’s still here if that’s what you’re wondering. Hoot had to get back after the initial archer training, so Caru stayed behind to help those still struggling with their trick shots.”

  A soothing calm settled over him. Maybe I’ll get to see her before she lea….

  His heart jumped as penetrating beeps emanated from the drone’s remote. While Gno grabbed the device, Zo and Vra rushed to his side.

  Gno mumbled. “This ain’t good. Look!”

  He pointed at the screen. “A large group of clickers is approaching. There’s more than 50 heat signatures in all.”

  Zo watched the view from the drone’s cam. The pack of six-legged monsters slowly neared the caves.

  His brother tapped a button on the remote. “They’re within a mile!”

  Suddenly, an array of laser beams showered the stalkers. Several at the leading edge collapsed in a heap.

  Fascinated, Zo watched the remainder scatter when Jrok’s terrified voice suddenly knifed his ears. “Come quick! The denamods are loose!”

  He looked at his brother. “Stay put! Use the drone to attack the clickers if needed.”

  As Zo raced toward the exit, he listened to Gno’s conversation.

  “Is that you, Salty?”

  “Yes. I hit several snatchers that were headed your way. The rest are fleeing back toward their col….”

  Their voices faded when Zo cleared the corner and raced toward the denamod cavern. Vra and Jrok sprinted alongside. Partway there, he caught up to Caru at the head of several archers.

  He rushed past her and waved his arm forward. “Hurry, before they get away!”

  The closer he got, the louder every type of animal roar and human cry emanated from the entrance. When h
e reached the vast cave, pandemonium ruled. Skalags ran for their lives with several varieties of mutants on their tails.

  He spun toward the Uke. “Set up the archers over there. Save as many people as you can!”

  Turning toward Vra, he motioned. “Do you have your kill switch?”

  She groped around in her pocket and retrieved a device. “I got it.”

  He pointed toward the commotion. “Stun as many denamods as you can. We’ve got to save them for the battle.”

  Sprinting toward the closest clusters, she kept pushing a button. Several denamods collapsed in heaps as she continued to run.

  A horrific mutant with a tiger head and gorilla body attacked a helpless woman warrior, valiantly swinging her ax to no avail.

  Zo hollered. “Caru! Over there.” He pointed toward the slaughter. Arrows soared overhead, striking the assailant.

  He whirled toward Jrok. “Get every warrior you can to capture these things!”

  She pointed. “Look, there’s Kree!”

  As the tattered woman slowly emerged from behind the boulder, Zo cupped his hands over his mouth. “Kree! Get out of there!”

  Ignoring him as if in her own world, she stood firm with her fist high in the air and stared at him. “I told you you’d regret working with them.” He barely understood her raspy voice.

  She scowled. “I hope you both die!”

  Glancing at Caru for a moment, he turned to look at Kree again. Two more tiger-gorillas stalked her from each side.

  He hollered. “Vra, use the kill switch!”

  “It won’t work, she’s too far away.”

  He rushed to his sister and snatched the remote from her hand. As he raced toward Kree, a flying eagle-bobcat slashed his arm with its talon. He stumbled to the ground in pain. While struggling to his feet, he looked back at Caru.

  She grabbed two reapers, aimed, and let go. The arrows struck each of the mutants. Tumbling to the rocky floor, the injured creatures writhed in agony.

  A third emerged from the shadows and slowly stalked Kree from behind. She remained fixed as if in shock — oblivious to everything.

  While Zo sprinted toward her and constantly pushed the button with no results, he glanced back at Caru again. She quickly retrieved two more reapers, but the vicious tiger-gorilla opened its jaws wide and chomped Kree’s head before she could fire. Instantly, monsters of varying mutations rushed to the kill.

  Zo fell to his knees and sobbed. “Why, Kree, why?”

  Vra snatched the remote from his hand and feverishly pushed the button as she sprinted toward the denamods. The beasts finally collapsed around Kree’s remains.


  A Drink of Havoc

  Early the Next Morning on November 3, 2105

  A Hallway in Salty’s Office Building

  Opening a door, Salty stepped into a crowded storage room. “Come on, let’s talk in here.”

  Speedy poked his head in partway. “You sure? Looks pretty cramped.”

  Salty yanked his arm. “Get your butt in here!”

  “What’s going on? Why all the secrecy?”

  “Quiet!” He put his finger to his friend’s lips. “Not so loud.”

  “Now you’ve really got me worried. What’s happening?”

  He whispered. “It’s Brain Meld. No, not just Brain Meld, it’s everything to do with Artificial Intelligence!’

  Speedy’s eyes widened. “What are you talking about?”

  “The other day, when I was testing your new headgear….”

  Shortly After Dawn

  Outside Ukkiville’s Walls

  Cautiously curious, Skeeter stood behind his sister and watched his favorite android assemble the latest robot to visit the village. I hope he’s not angry when she wakes him up.

  Nightmares from Angella’s shocking antics still tortured him. One terrifying robot flinging a scalpel at his head was more than enough for him. He ducked more tightly behind Hoot’s waist.

  When his mechanical buddy finished piecing together her brother, Skeeter gawked at the newcomer who lacked the muscle and dark tan of men in Ukkiville.

  Even more peculiar, his hair was odd as ever, all slicked up into a pointy ridge of a tuft. It looked silly, like a rooster’s comb, but purple as grape juice. Do most men in Texas look like him?

  He hated acting like a baby next to his sister and finally gathered enough courage to venture out into the open. He slowly approached the newcomer and gingerly stuck out his hand. “Hi. I’m Skeeter. Can you change your hair and clothes like Angella?”

  A confused expression spread across his face. “I’m Havoc, but who’s Angella, and why would I alter my appearance? The selection I’ve chosen accents my most handsome features as no other could.”

  The peculiar android’s sister rolled her eyes. “Aren’t you the conceited one, as usual. By the way, I’m Skeeter’s best buddy, and he prefers calling me Angella because it fits my angelic personality.”

  Havoc’s eyes grew large. “Is that so? Angel doesn’t exactly come to mind when I recall Speedy’s favorite nicknames for you. Hmmm, let me think. There’s ‘Fury from Hell’ which he uses a lot…,” he paused and put his finger to his chin, “…but the one most endearing to my sensibilities is ‘Demon from the Scrap Heap.’ In fact, I think it hits the nail on the head, as humans like to say.”

  “Oh, you’re always trying to get even with me because Speedy named you Havoc. You should take it up with him instead of picking on me.”

  “No need. I’ve actually grown fond of such a forceful moniker. Humans rarely mess with me after hearing my name. It gives me an edge if you know what I mean.”

  Dumbfounded, Skeeter stared at the squabbling androids. Brutish, and Sis thinks I’m immature?

  Hoot stomped her foot. “Enough with the blabbering. I think we could all do with a little less of your artificial intelligence. Why don’t you two turn down your adolescent setting a tad, so we can all get to work.”

  Skeeter smiled. “Not to offend you, Angella, but I have to agree with Sis.”

  The female robot lowered her head. “You’re right. We have been acting rather rudely, and we all have a lot to do. What we’re about to face with these aliens is very serious.”

  She looked at her brother. “Prepare to be mounted.”

  Hoot immediately covered Skeeter’s eyes and shot a glare at the android. “Not in front of my brother! What are you doing?”

  Angella’s chest whirred. “Oh, you were thinking…,” she shook her head, “…no, I wouldn’t do that in front of the young man. Mounting is a term we use for downloading program updates. Watch.”

  Walking around Havoc, she stood directly behind him. “Ready for download.”

  Her brother nodded. “Proceed.”

  A tic later, she backed away. “That should do it. You now have all of my experiences since I’ve been in Ukkiville.”

  Havoc lifted a finger. “Wait a moment. Let me assimilate what you just downloaded.”

  His chest started whirring like his sister’s did earlier. After a couple of seconds, the noise ceased. “Now, I’ve got it.”

  Puzzlement filled his eyes. “Wow, things are pretty primitive in Ukkiville. Is it true? They use iceboxes and wood-burning stoves?”

  Hoot snapped. “What of it, Robo Snob? We’re proud to live off the Earth and not rely on all your mumble, jumble technology.”

  “Sorry, young lady, I didn’t mean to offend you.”

  He looked at Skeeter, then back at her. “To be honest, I’m quite impressed. I’ve never known any humans with the ability to influence the actions of intelligent devices with mind control. You’re both very special.”

  Hoot chuckled. “Okay, okay, we know we’re special, but if we don’t get cracking and practice using our powers, the aliens will put an end to us anyway. So, let’s get going. We need a lot more practice controlling drones and other smart weapons.”

  Skeeter’s parents rarely gave him the opportunity to operate
grownup toys. This is my chance!

  He raced to the armored vehicle parked next to the pine-log wall and looked at his sister with a huge grin. “Can I start with Slayer?”

  In the Crowded Closet

  When Salty finished sharing his fears about AI, he looked at his friend. “Are you with me?”

  Speedy scrunched his nose. “Sure, but shouldn’t we think about this some more before doing anything?”

  Fear and frustration knotted his stomach. “You’re absolutely right. Just thinking about what Bertha could do shook me up. Now is not the time. The aliens are a much greater threat, and from their latest moves, I think they’re staging to strike.”

  “You’re right about that. We noted well over a hundred moletran instances last night alone, and we know they’re not transferring snatchers out. Our sensors have detected a new heat signature with each molecular transference.”

  Salty rubbed his eye. “Yeah, Ambush told me the same when we bumped into each other. It looks like we’re going to need every bit of help we can get from our AI friends.”

  He paused. I sure hope they’re our friends. “Let’s keep our focus on the aliens, for now. I’m gonna warn Thoruk and Zo about this latest development.”

  Speedy cheered up. “Hey, how about some good news? We’re making progress on that shiny thing with the symbols. They finally cracked the seal.”


  His friend chuckled. “You won’t believe what they discovered, and it was by dumb luck, no less.”

  “Keep going.”

  “One of the guys investigating it accidentally knocked his drink over, and the shiny metal instantly began to dissolve. Fortunately, he wiped it off right away to stop the reaction. They’re running tests on the liquid to make sure, but…” A grin spread wide across Speedy’s lips.

  Impatient as ever, Salty chided him. “Come on, what was the guy drinking?”


  Dazzling Moletrans

  Three Days Later on November 6, 2105


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