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Nerds in Force

Page 17

by D. R. Grady

  “It might not have been to take control of his assets exactly.” Harlow studied the information still scrolling on Hunter’s computer. “She might have concluded she didn’t need him anymore.”

  “That’s cold.” Verity spun back to her keyboard. The list she brought up of the Nunes holdings showed they did indeed own the shipping company. But a small bank also popped up on the list.

  “They own the bank here that Horgate uses? What? It’s the oldest bank on the island. My great-grandfather knew the owner.” Harlow stepped closer to Verity’s chair.

  “There are several asterisks. Go deeper.” Keith joined Harlow behind Verity.

  She typed and soon they fell down a rabbit hole of holding companies and business fronts. “This indicates that the Nunes family own that bank now. Their acquisition of it looks…” Verity pointed to a line on the screen.

  “Fraudulent.” Harlow supplied the word.

  Beside her, Chad took that information and delved deeper into the bank portion of the business. By this time the Rembrandts joined them. The twins offered additional business information for Chad after they informed the two businessmen of their findings.

  Their aid helped Chad go even further. The entire situation turned murkier and murkier until even a bright spot light might not pierce the dark.

  “This is bad.” Gage muttered the obvious.

  “I have no idea how to read any of this.” Chad pointed at the screen. He looked up at Harlow then at the twins.

  “Gage and I could probably work it out but this situation requires adept auditors.” Finn leaned over Chad and moved the mouse. He clicked on something that made no sense to Keith but Gage also took in the information before tugging out his phone. He rattled off a business name that Finn considered before he agreed.

  Gage made a phone call and moved away from them.

  “He’s calling auditors to look into this?” Chad verified with Finn.

  “Yes. They’ll be able to unravel this mess.” Finn clicked something else but eventually shook his head.

  “How much of this is illegal in some way?” Keith wanted facts, not theories. If this woman had killed all these people—and so far the theory barreled in that direction—he wanted her brought to justice.

  “A cursory glance tells me there are definite crimes here. A forensic auditor team will have to uncover all the evidence.” Finn released the mouse. “This information goes way deeper than I want to sink.”

  “Did you find out anything about that contract we found in the safe?” Harlow’s eyebrow quirked at Finn.

  “We have enough to put a team on it. And that’s what kept us. We hired a different firm to investigate. They are lawyers who specialize in this sort of crime.” Finn didn’t go into detail. Keith approved. He favored using professionals for this type of job.

  Harlow nodded. “I’m interested to learn what they discover.”

  “What’s the next step?” Chad asked.

  Everyone looked at everyone else.

  “Good question,” Keith said. He thought about what they had learned and what they still needed to learn.

  Gage returned after placing his call. “It’s all set up and they’re super excited to get into this. They’ve been hearing rumors through the years about companies like this one.”

  “They’ll enjoy the challenge.” Finn appeared satisfied. He apprised his brother on what they’d discussed.

  “We now believe that the engineers involved were killed because of their knowledge of that super secret project headed by my dad.” Sorrow jabbed Harlow’s heart before she collected herself and moved on. “We believe we have that motive. Perhaps now you look into what Savannah’s mother discovered?” She eyed Verity and Hunter. “Unless you’ve already done so?”

  “Only the preliminary search. We put that on the back burner.” Hunter glanced at Verity.

  She nodded ever so slightly. “We figured it would become important, but at the moment wasn’t.”

  “That makes sense.” Keith followed their logic. “It’d be interesting to see whether what she discovered related to that engineering project.”

  “I’ve been wondering that too. Did she die because of that project as well or for an entirely different reason?” Harlow pursed her lips. “We know she died of a heart attack but whether this happened naturally or was induced by poison might be determined by what she discovered.”

  “Maybe she didn’t discover anything.” Keith felt compelled to point out the obvious.

  “She found something.” Verity and Harlow spoke at the same time. He agreed, to a point.

  “We need to figure out what.” Finn summed up the situation.

  Chapter 19

  After a full day of work and speculation yesterday, Harlow awoke Tuesday morning with the urgent knowledge that she needed to leave the house. She hopped over the side of the bed and leaped onto the floor to land softly so as not to awaken the others in the room. Then peered into Verity’s bed.

  “We need to spring out of here.” Verity rubbed her face and echoed Harlow’s thoughts.

  “That’s what I was thinking.” She headed for the bathroom aware of the other woman following her.

  “I can think of at least three arguments we’re going to get.” Verity hitched up to the sink to brush her teeth. She looked as good this early in the morning as ever.

  Harlow finished cleaning her teeth with mouthwash and grabbed her brush. After the usual fight her hair finally looked presentable. They dressed quickly and headed to the kitchen. The time showed early morning. The sun hadn’t thought of rising yet.

  “What do we want to accomplish in town?”

  “I need clothes.” Verity looked down at what she wore. “We didn’t pack for an extended stay. Molly and Savannah bought some extras and had them shipped here to the house but I have to try clothes on.” Verity’s mouth turned down.

  “Same.” Oh how I understand.

  They peered at each other’s curves and nodded at the same time. “We’re made a lot differently than Savannah and Molly.” Not that she needed to state the obvious.

  Whereas the other two were tall and thin with subtle curves she and Verity veered toward much more obvious shapes. Hers was overt. Verity’s matching hourglass figure didn’t do her any favors either. Harlow managed to keep her curves in check with exercise as did Verity but she’d trade figures with Savannah or Molly any day.

  The coffee machine sputtered the last of the first brew and Harlow thrust the mug at Verity who immediately went to inspect the warming drawer. “There is food in here.” She gazed into the interior with satisfaction.

  “Do we eat first or exercise first?” No sense in leaving for town this early as none of the shops would be open yet. They opened earlier on Toliliel but not this early.

  “Let’s have coffee on the way to the fitness room.” Verity took a long swallow.

  “My exact thought.”

  They made their way leisurely there, sipping coffee and talking. She didn’t need to hide her true self from Verity. Her new friend totally got her. She had lived a life similar to Harlow’s.

  That sort of understanding didn’t come along every day. Harlow thought Verity appreciated their new friendship as well. A friend who brought instant comfort into the relationship was rare. And for Harlow, utterly valued. She couldn’t believe how much she had missed female companionship over the years. She’d had a few friends during high school and college. Life tended to bring and take friends like an an ocean wave.

  She got this woman on so many levels.

  Harlow shoved open the door to the fitness center and the first thing she saw was Keith on the weight bench. He bench pressed a staggering amount. She blinked at his bulging muscles.

  Cian stood over him at the ready to grab the bar should it be necessary.

  His intervention didn’t appear necessary. Keith raised and lowered the bar with steady power. The evidence he’d done this before showed in his smooth movements. Not that he didn’
t have to put plenty of energy into it. The strain was evident. That was the point after all.

  As he raised and lowered the barbell Cian counted for him. At thirty Keith placed the bar back into place. He sat up and soon traded places with the other man. Who removed weights before he took his place. They caught sight of her and Verity and this distracted them because both men took time out of their weight lifting endeavors to greet them. Keith kissed her good morning and she almost purred.

  After the brief hiatus, in which Cian kissed Verity, the men returned to their exercise and she and Verity began theirs. Today was leg day for them. Verity settled into the machine next to hers and they started their routine.

  By the time they finished, showered, and changed to head to the kitchen she was ready to drive into town.

  Keith and Cian had both already finished eating but they lingered at the dining room table.

  “What are your plans for today?” Keith asked as she sat beside him at the table.

  “We need to go shopping.” She pointed to Verity.

  “Didn’t you just go shopping?”

  “I did. I bought the essentials. They’re working well. But I knew I’d need to expand my wardrobe. Today is that day.”

  Keith looked like he wanted to protest. Her eyebrow rose. Maybe in silent challenge so she could shoot him down. She was cognizant of Verity doing pretty much the same thing with her fiancé.

  “We need clothes. We’re going to town.” Verity didn’t expound on this. She didn’t need to.

  “We’re taking the Porsche instead of the flashier cars that we really want to drive.” Harlow allowed that concession. The Porsche would blend in better than the Ferrari or Lamborghini also parked in the garage. The twins kept those in the car vault anyway. So they’d be a pain to retrieve.

  Both Keith’s and Cian’s lips firmed but they kept their peace. Wise. Keith might be the largest man she’d ever met but his brain matched. A good thing for him because hemming her in was a surefire way to lose her.

  Verity had been cast from the same mold.

  Since he was making a tremendous effort she kissed him before heading for the garage.

  She guessed Verity did the same with her significant other. They climbed into the fast car and with ease she backed the sports car out of garage and headed for town.

  A gust of air whooshed from her lungs after they lost sight of the house.

  “I didn’t think they were going to trust us to leave the house.” Verity’s laconic comment made her laugh.

  “If we get shot at…” She made sure the way was clear ahead and behind them. Harlow accelerated.

  “We fire back.”


  “Do we go after them or trust that they’ll be fine?” Keith asked Hunter as sweat broke out along his top lip.

  “We trust their skills.” Hunter might be remembering the look both women had given them, as though daring them to speak out about the two highly trained women leaving for a much needed break. And maybe they did need clothes.

  He couldn’t buy much in the shops since most places didn’t carry his sizes. His waist wasn’t big but his shoulders, arms, and legs were. And he stood head and shoulders above most men.

  “I’ve seen Harlow in action. She doesn’t miss.” He tried to console himself.

  “We’ve seen her in action, too. She’s probably got better skills than both of you.” Finn piped up from behind them.

  He and Hunter faced the twins. Keith didn’t doubt Harlow’s skills. But whether hers exceeded his or Hunter’s… He had a hard time believing that.

  “You don’t believe that but she worked harder than any man on perfecting those skills. When she wants to learn something or needs to master a new skill, stay out of her way. She goes all in and doesn’t stop until she’s conquered it.” Gage’s warning backed his brother’s.

  “Harlow could take both of you out before you even realized she’d fired.” Finn didn’t back down from his conclusions.

  “Verity’s skills aren’t to be trifled with either. She’s been training since age eight.” Hunter’s insertion made all three of them gape for a nanosecond.

  “Age eight? Training to be an operative?” Gage voiced what he and Finn had to be thinking.

  “Eight. Her brother Vlad started at age five. The only reason Verity didn’t start that soon is because her father and prince missed the signs in her because she’s a female.” Hunter held up his hand. “That’s my personal theory. Vlad’s aggression at that age is what landed him in the training. Verity’s manifested a little different so they missed it for three years. Once her prince caught on he immediately set up her training as well.”

  “The moral of these stories is that you need to allow those two women some much needed freedom and trust in them and their skills.” Finn said so with finality.

  “Yeah, what measures have you taken?” Keith saw through that in a second.

  “We’ve got guards on the ground and on buildings all over town.” Finn halted his comment with an upraised hand. “They’re back up should the women need it.”

  “Right.” Hunter wasn’t any more convinced than him.

  “This will give the ladies some breathing room but they’re still safe,” Gage added.

  “Keep in mind, those same guards are there for any of us who venture into town.” Finn’s disclaimer shut Keith’s mouth.

  “Okay, that works.” Hunter spoke for both of them.

  Keith nodded. “The girls can’t get upset if the security is in place for all of us.”

  Hunter’s laconic look made him smile. “You don’t know Verity Wellington then.”

  Finn shrugged. “I’m joking. Sort of. But I’m also aware that no matter how good your skills are having back up is helpful and I’m sure Harlow would agree.”

  “Harlow knows us so she’ll spot the security detail upon arrival.” Gage pursed his lips.

  “Whether we hear about it or not is the question.” Finn didn’t seem concerned either way.

  “You don’t know?” Keith tried to imagine her not taking offense.

  “Harlow is first and foremost practical. She realizes she’s not invincible. We’re guessing she’ll take the extra firepower in stride.” Finn shrugged.

  Keith realized he still had a lot to learn about this woman who had caught his interest. He’d have predicted she’d hit the roof but neither twin seemed fazed and they’d known her all her life. If they thought she wouldn’t be upset…he had trouble envisioning this.

  “Verity will get upset that no one mentioned the extra detail to her because her inclination will be to shoot first and ask questions later. If she knows they’re supposed to be there she won’t be tempted to use your men for target practice.” Hunter offered his own take on the situation.

  Gage winced. “The hope is that Harlow will warn Verity about the men.”

  “How will she know?” Keith failed to follow this logic.

  “She knows us.” Finn sounded sure of his facts. “Pretty sure she’ll stop Verity from putting bullets in our security. Plus they know who they’re protecting.”

  That made sense. “They’re aware both women are armed and dangerous then.” He relaxed a little.

  “Oh yes. We’d never send them in blind.” Finn veered toward offended.

  “You’re talking about at least one sharp shooter. I’ve heard Harlow never misses.” Keith cocked a brow at the twins.

  “She doesn’t.”

  “Verity could be classified the same way. She’s confident but she doesn’t shoot from the hip either. She’ll make sure they’re the enemy before she shoots.” Hunter didn’t emit much concern. But this contradicted his earlier statement. Maybe he’d had time to think?

  Keith didn’t know whether he should be reassured or terrified.

  His fingers itched to tug out his phone and call Harlow. That way he’d be sure she and Verity avoided disaster.

  Finn eyed him knowingly. “Harlow doesn’t miss much and she wouldn’t
have gone into town if she wasn’t assured they’d be safe.”

  Gage eyed him. “You sent in guys to watch over them too.”

  Guilty. Keith cleared his throat. “Maybe.”

  Both twins laughed. “Our guys are all going to be tripping over each other.” Finn and Gage both tugged out their phones. “Tell your guys we’ve also got men on the roofs and scattered all through town.”

  “We’re in so much trouble when those two return.”

  “Maybe.” But Hunter’s eyes gleamed. “I’m willing to take the risk.”

  Keith all but groaned. He had a relationship to nurture. Now wasn’t the time to blow this.

  Chapter 20

  Harlow downshifted to take the next turn, ever watching around them. Verity, seated beside her, followed suit. Neither relaxed their vigilance.

  “What’s the probability that this place is crawling with security?” Verity didn’t take her attention off their surroundings.

  “One hundred percent for the twins. They’ll have men scattered all over town and on the roofs. I’m thinking a fifty percent chance Keith also called in some favors.”

  “It’s probably higher than that.” Verity used her chin to subtly point out the buildings that indicated they had arrived. “I’ve spotted six so far.”

  “That’s what I’ve counted as well.” Harlow continued to tick off that count in her head. By the time she parked near the first store that number had swelled to eleven.

  “They’re out in force.” Verity exited the car with grace and power after they had determined it was safe to do so.

  Harlow followed her, keeping watch as they headed inside the store. Here they didn’t relax their guard either. Only two store employees remained in sight but neither Verity nor Harlow were comfortable shopping until they determined whether someone lingered in the dressing rooms or in the back. They rejected the offer of help as that could place the employee in danger.

  The women must have caught the right vibes because they gave them wide berth.

  Fanning out, Harlow took one side of the store and Verity the other as they swept the entire area before they converged on a rack that caught their attention. Neither relaxed her guard as they offered part of their attention to the clothing and the other to their surroundings.


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