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Defender Hellhound (Protection, Inc: Defenders Book 3)

Page 30

by Zoe Chant

  He could see her desire in the brightness of her eyes, hear it in the huskiness of her voice. He could even could sense it through the mate bond they shared. But that bond wasn’t only of lust, but of absolute acceptance and unconditional love. Ransom, who had never in his life felt that he belonged, knew that wherever Natalie was would always be his home.

  They were both wearing the plain black pajamas that the Defenders kept on hand for clients who needed a safe place to stay and hadn’t had a chance to pack. Natalie’s pair was too big for her; the pants were baggy and the shirt fell low. As his gaze dropped to her cleavage, he saw a flush color her chest, rising upward as if her body was responding to his gaze alone.

  “It’s like you’re touching me already,” she murmured.

  The tone of her voice made him want to rip her clothes off and have her then and there. But he’d promised to show her what he’d imagined, and it hadn’t been that. At least, it hadn’t only been that. And after all that long, frustrating time of being so close and yet unable to touch, he wanted to savor the experience to the fullest. And to tease her, just a little bit. She’d teased him often enough.

  He unbuttoned her pajama top, taking his time while he listened to her breath catch and watched her flush deepen. Without touching her skin yet, he could feel her heat. Her scent surrounded him, lemon sharpness and a hot feminine musk, going to his head like whiskey.

  When the last button was open, he pushed the top off her shoulders. In all that time sharing motel rooms, she’d never undressed in front of him and he’d always been careful not to look. He’d never seen her breasts before. They were small and perfect, pale where the rest of her body was lightly tanned. He thought of white pearls touched with pink, and white roses with pink hearts.

  He cupped them in his hands, drawing a gasp from her, then bent his head to kiss them. Her nipples hardened under her tongue, and he felt her breath catch again.

  “That’s what you imagined?” Her voice was ragged and stuttery.

  “That’s only the start of it.” He felt on the edge of losing control himself. “I want to taste every inch of you.”

  “Do it.”

  Taste and scent were intertwined; if you can’t smell, you can’t taste. Maybe that was why her skin had a tang of salt and lemons. It was unexpected and irresistible, like Natalie herself. It made him want more and more. The more he kissed her, the more he wanted to.

  He kissed her breasts and teased at her nipples, then went upward, giving the delicate hollows and graceful arches of her collarbones the attention they deserved. And up to her mouth, where he nearly lost himself in its heat and passion. Then down again, to her strong shoulders and silk-skinned forearms and clever fingers. When he finished kissing her hands, he put each fingertip in his mouth, one by one, and sucked gently.

  “No one ever did that before,” she said, her voice filled with wonder as well as desire.

  He pulled back to ask, “Do you like it?”

  But he could see her answer in her body before she gave it to him in words. The flush had spread all over her body. Her eyes were bright as stars, her hair darkening and curling with sweat, shining moss green and ocean blue and old gold. He could see the rapid rise and fall of her chest, and her rose-pink lips were parted.

  “I like it,” she said, once she caught her breath. “I never knew it could feel so good.”

  “The hands are an underrated erogenous zone.”

  Her laugh was a summer breeze on his face. “No, Ransom, I think it’s just you.”

  He caught her by the hand and tugged her to her feet, leading her so she stood with her back against the wall. Then he knelt at her feet.

  “Oh,” she said in a tone of enlightenment. “Yes, please!”

  She stepped neatly out of her pants, kicking them aside. He wanted to take a moment to just look at her, completely nude and beautiful, at her breasts like pearls and her skin like pink silk and at all the lovely lines of her slim, strong body. But her scent was everywhere, driving him wild, and he’d held himself back as long as he could bear.

  He bent to her, inhaling her intoxicating scent. She made a soft sound and leaned back, her thighs parting to let him in. The soft curling hair was its natural color, the golden brown of beach sand. He smoothed it aside to reveal her pink folds, wet as roses in rain. She squirmed, her breath coming quick and hard, and her hands came down to grip his shoulders. When he gave her the first exploratory lick, they clenched down hard, and she gasped aloud.

  This, this was what he wanted: to taste her, to make her tremble, to feel her come under his mouth. He licked at her clit, and felt it swell under his tongue. She tasted and smelled sweet and tangy as lemonade, but that was too innocent an image. There was nothing innocent at all about her wetness, her heat, the pulse of her inner walls, her female musk, the trembling of her inner thighs, her gasps of “Go on, go on, there, there, yes!”

  He felt as well heard it when she came with short sharp cry. Her whole body stiffened and trembled, then relaxed, her hands resting lightly on his shoulders rather than gripping for dear life.

  “Oops,” she said.


  “Your shoulders.”

  He twisted his head to see. She’d clenched down so hard on his shoulders that her short-clipped nails had bitten into his skin, leaving tiny half-moon cuts.

  “Don’t worry about it,” he said. “I imagined that, too.”

  Natalie had come harder than she had in her entire life. But her appetite was more whetted than satisfied. She’d waited so long, she needed more of him. And though he’d obviously enjoyed himself, she wanted to give him some of the same pleasure he’d given her.

  She let herself lean on him for a moment, resting her weight on his broad shoulders. She hadn’t meant to cut him with her nails—she hadn’t realized that was even possible, given how short she kept them—but once she realized he didn’t mind, she liked the thought of having marked him.

  “It means you’re mine,” she said.

  “Always,” he replied, looking up at her. His dark deep eyes now held endless love rather than endless sorrow.

  She took him by the hand and tugged. He came easily to his feet. The lean musculature of his chest was heightened by a mist of sweat, and his masculine scent was making her lightheaded. Bandages were still taped to his chest and side, stark white against his skin. He seemed fine, but she didn’t want to do anything too acrobatic. Luckily, that wasn’t what she wanted right now anyway.

  “I feel underdressed,” she said, startling a laugh from him. “Better take off your pants.”

  He stepped out of his black pajama pants. For the first time, she saw him completely naked. His body was glorious, a masterpiece of strong lines and firm muscle. He was too tall to be a trapeze artist or acrobat—they tended to be on the shorter side—but he was built like one otherwise, with his long legs and lithe body.

  And, looking down, she had absolutely no doubt about exactly how much he wanted her.

  “Come on,” she said. “Let me show you what I imagined.”

  She led him to bed, and gently pushed him down on his back. A tremor coursed through his body, and his hands fisted in the sheets. She could see how hard it was for him to hold himself back, but he was doing it for her. All that strength and control, and he was giving it to her, offering himself up like a gift. The sight of it made her even more hot and wet than she was already. Desire surged within her, making it impossible to wait and taste and tease him, as he had done to her.

  “You always were the patient one,” she muttered.

  She settled down on top of him, straddling him, taking him within her in one smooth motion. He slid in easily, she was so wet and ready.

  “Natalie!” Ransom gasped.

  She couldn’t speak. The feeling of being filled by him was too intense for words. Pleasure sparked and blazed along every nerve as she began to rock against him, bracing her palms on his shoulders. He grasped her around the upper arms, steady
ing her as they moved together in perfect sync.

  They were joined, not only physically but in the heart and spirit. She could feel the bond between them like a thread bright as sun and strong as steel, a love and a commitment that would never break.

  “Mine,” he said, in a voice that held a hint of a growl.

  “Yes!” Natalie said. “Yes, yes, yes!”

  “I love you,” Ransom gasped, his eyes opening wide as he gave himself up to ecstasy. “Natalie—”

  A wave of pleasure bore her along, higher and higher, as if she was flying. When it finally crashed down, she saw stars.

  They fell together, utterly satiated. Natalie slithered down and lay alongside him, and he gathered her into his arms. They lay as if they’d been poured onto the bed, boneless as a pair of cats. She turned her head and lazily kissed the hollow of his throat, tasting the salt of sweat.

  “Just think,” she murmured. “We could do this every day. We could do it tomorrow!”

  “Why wait for tomorrow?” Ransom returned. “We still have tonight.”

  Chapter 33

  They took a long, leisurely shower, delighting in each other’s bodies and presence. The bright colors of Natalie’s hair darkened under the water, scarlet becoming maroon and lemon becoming mustard, then lightened again as Ransom helped her dry her hair.

  “I need coffee,” she said. “I have a lot of phone calls to make, and I need to be fortified for them.”

  “To who?”

  “The circus. I need to apologize for running out on them, and tell them I’m all right, and I found my awesome sexy mate, and I met up with Merlin, and…” She leaned her head back against his chest, looking up at him. “And I have to tell them I’m not coming back. I guess unless you want to run away to the circus.”

  “Janet did invite me to join on as a juggler.”

  “Do you want to?”

  Ransom remembered the surprising joy he’d felt performing, and how tempted he’d been to say yes. “I was tempted at the time. But I didn’t want to leave my team. And I don’t think it would suit me in the long run. But if you want to go back, I’d go with you.”

  “I’d rather go in with you. Think the Defenders could use an acrobat who can turn into a Gabriel Hound?”

  “Absolutely,” he said, without even having to think about it. “You fought like you were born to it, you can pick locks and break into buildings, and you always have a story ready. I’d love to work with you. That is, if you were serious.”

  “I was. We had a lot of time to talk, driving back to Refuge City. I like your team. And hey, I’ve got a new lease on life. I’d like to try something new.”

  “Let’s talk to Roland. I’m surprised he hasn’t asked you already.”

  The puppies reappeared, then flopped down on the bed and went to sleep. Apparently they’d taken the “long walk” command very seriously.

  “Is everyone going to be waiting for us as soon as we leave the room?” Natalie asked. “I’m picturing opening the door and everyone jumps out, yelling, ‘Surprise!’”

  “It’s a bit early in the morning for that. Though I wouldn’t put it past them.” But once Natalie had put the idea in his mind, he opened the door with caution. To his relief, no one leaped out. The building proved to be inhabited only by Roland, whom they found in his office, prodding at a wilting potted plant.

  “If the leaves turn yellow and fall off, does it mean I’m over-watering or under-watering?” Roland asked the room at large, then said, “Don’t answer that. I’ll Google it.”

  “Neither,” said Ransom. “It needs a bigger pot and more sun. And you don’t need to worry, that just came to me. It didn’t hurt.”

  Roland’s gaze flickered from him to Natalie, and then he said, “I have some things I wanted to ask both of you about. I could do it separately…” They both shook their heads. “Together, then. Have a seat.”

  They sat down, their hands clasped over the arms of the two chairs. To save Roland any awkward explanations, Ransom said, “Natalie already knows how I left.”

  “Yes…” Roland looked them both over, lines of thought creasing his forehead and cheeks.

  Once Ransom would have assumed he was being judged or critiqued in some way. Now he thought how lonely Roland’s office seemed, with the plants that never seemed to thrive, the big chair where he sat like a solitary king, and the desk that crouched in front of it like a barricade.

  “About that ultimatum I gave you,” Roland said. “Forget—”

  Ransom held out his hand. “Give me the number for the coyote therapist.”

  Roland hesitated. “I should probably tell you, I was going to say that I was wrong to—”

  Natalie held out her hand as well. “I want the trash panda.”

  Amusement twinkled in Roland’s eyes. “Good choices.” He rummaged in his desk, produced the slips of paper, and handed them one each.

  “Do you have someone to talk to?” The question escaped Ransom without planning.

  His boss looked taken aback. “You don’t need to worry about me. I’ve got all of you.”

  Yes, Ransom thought. But do you ever really talk to us?

  But if he’d learned one thing on his road trip, it was that you couldn’t make someone talk, any more than you could strong-arm them into seeking help. Sometimes you had to sit still, hold out your hand, and wait for them to come to you.

  “Last night—or whenever that was—was the last time you’ll ever have to pick me up off the floor,” he promised. “I’ve got much better control over my powers now. And my hellhound and I aren’t fighting each other anymore. Anyway, I’m doing better.”

  “I can see,” Roland said simply. “Welcome back.”

  And beneath those words, Ransom heard, Welcome home.

  “Natalie, I don’t know what your plans are,” Roland went on. “But I’ve seen you fight as a woman and as a Gabriel Hound. I’ve seen that you can take initiative, take orders, and work as part of a team. You’re absolutely fearless, you have unique skills, and you could fit into some places the rest of us couldn’t.”

  “Yes, you’re all on the large side,” said Natalie, nodding seriously. “Except Merlin, but he’s got broad shoulders. I could definitely squeeze through some openings the rest of you would get stuck in.”

  Roland smiled. “I’ll keep that in mind. But I meant in terms of going undercover.”

  “Like at a nunnery?” Natalie suggested, her eyes gleaming mischievously.

  Ransom couldn’t help laughing at that. Roland joined him, then said more seriously, “I was thinking more of a girls’ school. Or even a regular high school. Any place where you either need to look younger than even Merlin can manage, or where men aren’t allowed.”

  “A sorority,” suggested Ransom. “Or a women’s self-defense class.”

  “Or a lesbian bar,” said Natalie. “Or Tomato Land 2: No Boys Allowed.”

  “Or the Flying Broom International Film Festival,” said Ransom.

  “Is that for real?” Natalie asked.

  “Yes, it’s held in Ankara, Turkey and—”

  Roland held up a hand. “I feel like we’re getting a little off-track. Natalie, would you like to join the team?”

  “Would I ever! I can’t think of anything I’d love more than getting to work with Ransom and Merlin and an office full of flying kittens, and get to wear disguises and pick locks and be a Gabriel Hound and fight crime!” She looked as radiant as Ransom ever seen her, lit from within by sheer joy. Then, turning to him, she said, “So long as you don’t think it would be awkward and unprofessional to date a teammate.”

  “Nope,” he said, echoing her deadpan. “We’re good.”

  “Then absolutely! Thank you so much!”

  Natalie practically danced out of Roland’s office. The puppies materialized when the door closed, hopefully holding their leashes in their mouths.

  “I thought you guys were walked out,” Ransom said. “Want some celebratory coffee and glu
ten, to commemorate your new job?”

  “Absolutely. I love your boss. My boss. Our boss. I’ll buy him a really special desk plant as a thank-you present.”

  “Don’t get too attached to it.”

  “Maybe a cactus,” she said, after some thought. “All else aside, I could definitely use a paycheck. There’s something expensive—probably discounted now, but still expensive—that I have my eye on.”


  “The Mustang. I know it’s insured, but we did damage it. I think the rental company would take an offer to buy it.”

  Ransom thought of all the paychecks that had been piling up in his bank account, both from his work at Defenders and from his time in Marines, while he spent absolutely nothing on himself because he thought he didn’t deserve nice things. And he thought of Natalie’s rainbow hair blowing in the wind with the top down, the puppies sticking their heads out the windows, the scent of sea brine, and how for the first time in his life, driving had been a pleasure rather than a necessity.

  “Great idea,” he said. “We’ll fix it up, and we’ll give it a good home.”

  He walked her to Darker Than Black, which he was relieved to see had not only survived, but was bustling. Natalie was very satisfactorily delighted with the décor, and Annabeth the barista was delighted to see Heidi again. Natalie took the puppies outside to claim their table while Ransom paid.

  “Gonna be a regular here?” Annabeth asked. “Merlin is.”

  Ransom hadn’t been a regular anywhere in years. A ghost of his old guilt and fear rose up at the thought of being seen, being known. There were many more victims of Apex than the ones he’d personally confessed to.

  If any find you, then you will tell them, his hellhound said in his gravelly voice. Just as you told your pack.

  “Sure,” he told Annabeth. “I like the coffee.”

  He met Natalie at her outside table, and they carefully cut their pastries in half to share them. Glancing up after his first bite of the Coroner’s Cake, he caught Natalie watching him with that hound-found-a-squirrel-up-a-tree expression. “What?”


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