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Page 5

by Pepper North

  He carried her to the nursery and laid her on the changing table to remove her diaper. Again, he rolled her onto her side and picked up the large thermometer that had been left out, stuck in the open jar of thick lubricant. He separated her thin buttocks and pressed the thermometer in deep. Despite her protest, he held it in place for ten minutes before removing it and smiling at the scale on the side.

  “No fever, Penelope.” He looked at her seriously. “Do you need some pain medication?”

  She started to shake her head “no,” but her arm hurt. “Yes, Daddy,” she admitted.

  Dylan wrapped a securing belt around her to hold her in place. When he knew she’d be safe, he walked to the supply cabinet and opened it to remove two blue suppositories. Carrying these, he returned to her side and slid them in place as she wiggled in protest. Holding his finger in her rectum to prevent his Little girl from pushing them out, Dylan asked Penelope easy questions to distract her. He learned that her middle name was Mae and her favorite color was sky blue. She liked cauliflower but hated everything about lima beans. Finally, he wrapped a fresh diaper around her and lifted her back in his arms.

  He carried her over to the rocking chair and sat with her cradled in his arms. He rocked slowly. Watching her sweet face, Dylan saw her eyes close and heard her breathing settle. He knew he should tuck her in her crib, but he wanted to hold her close. He tried to memorize the amazing feeling of holding her in his arms. His Little girl was so light. He vowed to use his knowledge of nutrition to help strengthen her body. This world needed Penelope. He and Jack needed Penelope.

  Several long minutes later, Dylan stood smoothly and carried her over to the crib. He laid her on the soft mattress and covered her with a warm blanket. He realized something was missing, and he walked quickly to the nearby master bedroom, returning with Persimmon. Once the stuffed animal was tucked into the crib with her, he raised the railing to keep his Little safe. Flipping on the intercom, Dylan closed the door slightly on his way out to help the room remain quiet. Running his fingers through his short hair, Dylan decided to go work out in the home gym. He needed to burn off some energy.

  Chapter 16

  Waking up in the bright nursery, Penelope hugged Persimmon to her body and called out softly, “Daddy?” She waited a couple of minutes and then began to talk to her stuffed cat. “Persimmon, Daddy is on his way. I know he’s a good person. What do you think about our new home? Yeah, I think it’s beautiful, too. I think it might be too beautiful for us, but I’m not going to point that out. I like it here,” she whispered in confidence to the pointed ears.

  “I like it here, too!” Dylan’s voice came from the doorway. His hair was damp from the shower he’d taken after his punishing workout.

  “Hi, Daddy. I woke up,” Penelope said with a smile.

  “Yes, you did. I’m glad you slept well. How is your arm?” he asked with concern,

  “It’s okay. I don’t need any medicine,” she said quickly.

  “Daddy is going to bathe you, sweetheart. We might jostle that arm. I think it might be a good idea to stop the pain before it starts. What do you think?” Dylan suggested waiting for Penelope to decide. He knew she was embarrassed by the suppositories, but he was worried that her pain would become unbearable.

  Penelope sat quietly with Persimmon clutched against her small breasts. “My arm does hurt a little. Persimmon walked on it while I slept. Could I just take a pill?” she implored with big eyes.

  Dylan unlatched the railing of the crib and leaned in to kiss her lips softly before gathering her carefully in his arms. He carried her over to the changing table and rolled her onto her side. Dylan wrapped the wide restraining belt across her waist. “Let Daddy take care of you, Penelope. Medicine goes in your bottom. That’s best for you.”

  When he reached for the thermometer, Penelope said, “I feel good! You don’t have to check my temperature.” Her Daddy didn’t hesitate. Within seconds, she felt the large thermometer slide into her bottom. She tried to push it out, but Dylan held it firmly in place.

  “Little girl, I will spank you if you’re naughty. The thermometer will stay in your bottom for ten minutes. Settle down,” Dylan said, giving her one firm spank on her bottom.

  Just that one smack was enough for Penelope. Her Daddy’s hands were large and hard. She knew he had only tapped her this time. She didn’t want to feel a real spanking. Her eyes darted to the naughty corner that Dylan had pointed out last night. Penelope blushed bright red. She pressed her face to the changing table’s cushion. She shouldn’t be aroused by the thought of being spanked.

  Dylan watched the emotions roll across his Little’s face. He could almost read her thoughts. He definitely could see the shining fluid gathering between her legs. Interesting, he noted to himself. Penelope is turned on by the thought of a spanking. He had wondered if her previous experience with the abusive man who had called himself Daddy had included physical abuse. It appeared that he had been incredibly neglectful and emotionally abusive. He would have to tell Jack that their fears that she had been beaten were incorrect. He asked one more time, “Penelope, tell me how you broke your arm. The truth, please.”

  She closed her eyes. “My Daddy was yelling at me because I had eaten the leftover spaghetti for lunch. It was the only thing in the house to eat, and I was so hungry. I knew he’d be mad, but I ate it. He was so loud. I knew the neighbors could hear. I grabbed Persimmon and tried to hide until he cooled off, but when I got to the top of the stairs in the apartment complex, he caught me. When I jerked my arm out of his hand, I lost my balance and fell. The nice lady across the hall came out and started to call 911. He stopped her and told her he’d take me to the hospital. He jerked me up by my hurt arm and marched me out to the car. When we got to the emergency room, he pushed me out of the car. I barely caught hold of Persimmon’s ear, or I would have lost her too,” Penelope said. Her eyes oozed big tears that puddled on the cushion below her.

  Silence filled the room. Penelope could hear her Daddy breathing heavily. She could feel his hand cupped over the thermometer that rested in her small bottom. Was he angry at her? She felt a drop of water hit her shoulder. And then another one dripped on her. She peeked up to see her huge Daddy’s eyes filled with tears. “It’s okay, Daddy. I’m here now with you. Persimmon’s here, too. Jack’s coming back. I know I can trust him. He won’t leave me.”

  In a voice that was gruffer than normal, Dylan promised, “Neither of us will ever leave you, Penelope. You’re ours now. And we treasure what’s ours.” He wiped his eyes with a big hand. Leaning over to kiss her, Dylan took control of her mouth, plundering its sweet depths. He moaned at her taste. When he stood up, they were both shaking. “You’re ours now, Penelope.”

  When she nodded her head in agreement, Dylan smiled. “Now, this little thermometer can’t bother a brave girl like you, right?” He twirled it inside her bottom before removing it slowly. Checking the scale, he told her, “Perfect!” He cleaned the thermometer and placed it back in the lubricant jar for the next time. Stepping away from her body tethered on the table with a warning, “Lie still, Penelope. We don’t want Dr. Richards to have to fix your other arm.” Dylan turned the warm water on to fill the tub and retrieved some pain medication. When he returned, he carefully inserted two suppositories deep into her wriggling bottom.

  “Time for your bath, sweetie,” Dylan said as he picked her up and carried her over to the elevated tub. Dylan took time to wrap her injured arm in a large bag before he propped her cast up to the rim of the tub to stay dry. Setting her carefully in the warm water, Dylan soaped her body and rinsed her off. He didn’t want her to get chilled, so he tried to work quickly.

  Penelope’s body, however, had a different idea. As his warm fingers spread lather over her small breasts, the pink nipples gathered into tight points making Penelope groan in reaction. Spreading her delicate folds between her legs, he discovered a gush of slippery fluid that made him investigate this area more closely. Her legs
spread automatically to give him access to her clitoris and tight vagina. He pressed his large index finger deep into her slippery channel, moving it in and out. He drove her to moan and grip his hand – not to push it away but to press it closer to her body as Penelope held her breath searching for something just out of reach. Dylan leaned down to suck her nipple into his warm mouth. When he rolled his teeth across her nipple, Penelope surged toward him with a scream of pleasure.

  Dylan quickly whisked away the stubble between her legs and finished her bath as she lay panting against the tub. He wrapped her in a towel and walked around the nursery holding her wrapped in his strong arms as she recovered. When he felt her shudders fade, he kissed the top of her head. “I love you, little girl. I would never have thought that I could fall so hard and so fast, but you’ve wiggled your way into my heart.”

  Chapter 17

  Dylan and Penelope set off on a shopping trip after her pleasurable bath. He fastened her seatbelt, securing her safely in the back seat of his huge SUV. He looked in the rearview mirror to see her short legs bouncing up from the seat. Her legs didn’t reach the floor thanks to the booster seat that he had luckily purchased months ago.

  Meeting his eyes in the mirror she tried again, “I could sit up there with you. I sat in the front seat with Jack when he brought me home from the hospital. It’s really silly for me to sit back here all by myself.”

  “You are safer in the back seat, Penelope. Jack has installed a booster in his car now as well. This is not open to negotiation,” he said sternly. “Now, we’re on our way to Gordon’s to get you some supplies and clothes that fit you, and that will stretch over your cast. What kind of clothes do you like to wear?” When she didn’t answer, he suggested, “Jeans or leggings? Sweaters or sweatshirts?”

  Penelope shrugged behind him. “I don’t care, Daddy. I like things that are soft. I’ll wear whatever you want me to wear.”

  “You’re not helping me plan our shopping list very well, little girl.” He was amazed. Most young ladies loved to shop. “Are you feeling okay? Are you in pain?”

  “No, Daddy. I’m not in pain. I feel good,” Penelope answered quickly. She didn’t know if he’d brought more pain medication with him or not.

  “Alright, sweetheart. I’m going to pick out all the things I like. Let’s see, do you think they make sweaty gym clothes in a size XXS?” Dylan joked.

  Penelope laughed with him. She watched him pull into an entryway with a coded gate. Dylan punched in the code, and the gates opened revealing a large store with many cars in the parking lot. “Is this Gordon’s? I’ve never heard of that store.”

  “No, Penelope, you probably haven’t. It’s owned by Benton Gordon. Many days, his Little girl, Charlotte, and he work at the store. He’s designed it to provide anything that a Mommy or Daddy might need to take care of their Little. It’s a fun store to look around. We won’t stay too long because I want to have you home for lunch and a nap this afternoon,” Dylan shared with her.

  “I already took a nap,” Penelope protested.

  “I know, little girl, but I think you probably could nap again. We need to build your strength back up. Little girls need lots of rest to heal and feel their best,” Dylan soothed. “Let’s park here.” He pulled into a parking spot and turned the key off. Getting out of the car, Dylan opened the rear door and unbuckled Penelope, setting her on her feet. She was wearing her old, battered tennis shoes. Dylan planned to replace those holey things today as well. He held onto her left hand, and they walked slowly into the store. He sat her in the plastic seat in front of the basket that had been designed for Littles, and they set off through the store.

  Penelope looked around with her mouth open in amazement. There were Mommies, Daddies, and Littles everywhere. “I had no idea there were this many Littles in the world – much less in our city,” she whispered.

  “The Little community here is very organized. Gordon’s and Dr. Richards’ practice are drawing items for Little families looking to settle down in a safe place,” Dylan explained as they walked down the aisle toward the Little girl section.

  A Little girl with long brown ponytails fell into the aisle in front of them. Dylan immediately rounded the cart and helped her back on her feet asking if she was okay. “Thank you! I’m sorry I almost threw myself in front of you. I’m okay. Sometimes, I’m a little clumsy,” she confessed. She was wearing a name tag that read, ‘Charlotte.’

  Penelope said quickly, “Hi, Charlotte. My Daddy told me you might be here. I’m Penelope, and this is one of my Daddies, Dylan.”

  “Hi, Penelope. Hi, Dylan. I’m glad to meet you.” Charlotte hesitated for a minute and then added, “Wait! You said one of my Daddies. How many Daddies do you have?”

  “I have two,” Penelope bragged.

  “Whew! I don’t know if I’d like two Daddies. What if they both wanted to spank you? Your bottom would be on fire!” Charlotte fanned herself dramatically.

  A man with black hair sprinkled with gray with a beard appeared behind her. “Maybe Penelope doesn’t misbehave and get spankings regularly,” he said in a low voice, raising one eyebrow at Charlotte. He reached a hand to Dylan and said, “I think I’ve seen you in here before with a black-haired man? I’m Benton Gordon.”

  “That’s my other Daddy, Jack. He’s busy at work this morning,” Penelope explained.

  “I know I haven’t met you, little girl. What an accident you must have had!” Benton said looking at her arm.

  “That’s why we’re here. Penelope just came to live with us after her accident, and we need to get some clothes and shoes that will fit her. She also needs some diapers and other supplies,” Dylan explained.

  “I could help!” Charlotte volunteered.

  Benton laughed. “Charlotte enjoys being a personal shopper. She’s a designer by trade, so she knows a lot about colors. She knows our stock here at Gordon’s as well as I do. If you’d like to look around by yourself, you’re welcome to explore.”

  Penelope tugged at Dylan’s hand. “Can she help us? I don’t know what to choose.” Charlotte skipped over to the cart and whispered something in her ear. Both girls turned to look at the men and giggled.

  Dylan groaned. “I may be in trouble here, Benton. Come save me if I throw a pair of panties in the air like a flare.” The other man smiled widely and nodded his head. Charlotte pantomimed a pair of panties being launched into the air and floating down slowly inflated by the air.

  Chapter 18

  Dylan looked in the rearview mirror at the packages in the back of the car and his animated Little. Penelope and Charlotte were best friends now. Benton had promised to bring her over for a playdate when Penelope felt like having visitors. Charlotte had been a lifesaver. She’d led them directly to the supplies they needed, helped them find the right size, and had great suggestions for dealing with Penelope’s injured arm. His Little was seated in her booster chair, bouncing her legs up to look at her new sky blue tennis shoes. He still couldn’t believe that Charlotte had found those. Penelope chattered happily to him, relaying all the fun stuff that she’d learned and seen. He knew that she would be exhausted very soon from all the day’s events.

  The big SUV pulled into the garage and parked next to Jack’s luxurious sedan. “Daddy’s home,” Penelope cheered. “I can’t wait for him to see all the great things I got!”

  The door opened, and Jack walked, into the garage. He opened the back door to unbuckle Penelope. “What treasures have you all found?” he asked carefully. He didn’t want Penelope to think that he was upset by the number of purchases that they had made.

  “Look at my shoes, Daddy! They’re my favorite color. Charlotte found them for me. She's my new best friend,” Penelope said quickly, the words tumbling from her mouth in her excitement.

  “Those are the prettiest shoes that I’ve ever seen. Did they have them in my size?” Jack teased.

  “No! These are Little girl shoes – not Daddy shoes.” Penelope laughed. She tumbled o
ut of the SUV, and Jack was there to catch her. He lifted her up into his arms and squeezed her tight.

  “I missed you, Penelope,” he said, softly pressing brief kisses to her lips. He was not surprised to feel her relax on his shoulder. Her energy was zapped. He rubbed her back as she yawned widely. “Come inside, baby. I have a bottle waiting for you and then, back to bed.” When she began to protest, he put a finger to her lips. “No arguing with your Daddies. You need plenty of rest to recover and heal.” Jack carried her inside as Dylan unpacked the car, stowing everything in the garage for now.

  Jack swayed slightly, holding Penelope to rock her exhausted body as the bottle warmed. Her yawns were coming more frequently. Shaking the bottle, he carried her to the nursery and sat in the rocking chair, cradling his Little. Jack teased her lips with the nipple of the bottle and smiled to see her eagerly open her mouth and begin to suck strongly. She needed the extra nutrients in the formula according to Dr. Richards. Thank goodness she likes it, he thought to himself. As Penelope finished the bottle, he felt Dylan enter the room. For a big man, he moved very quietly.

  Dylan offered to pick her up, and while Jack didn’t want to let his precious armful go, he knew Dylan would be headed to work at the gym. He smiled at his partner and let him lift Penelope. Dylan changed Penelope’s diaper without waking her from her drowsy state. He kissed her and laid her in the crib whispering, “I’ll be home soon. You be a good girl for me.”


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