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Page 11

by Pepper North

  “Did you get every sandwich that they had?” Penelope giggled looking at the display.

  “Yes, I did. Here’s your favorite. It has egg, ham, and cheese,” he said proudly.

  “You remembered!” Penelope smiled. She leaned in to kiss him as his reward.

  “What did you get me?” Jack asked.

  “Oh, just choose one,” Dylan said laughing. “It will be fun to see what you get. I’m taking this one.” He selected one from the display and unwrapped it. He and Penelope bumped their sandwiches together as if they were toasting each other.

  Jack picked a sandwich and bumped his against the other two. They all took a bite, and mmms filled the room as they all enjoyed the treat. Dylan usually prepared very nutritious meals for them. Fast food was a dirty word in their kitchen. “You must have really enjoyed this a year ago. Are we going to get to eat this every anniversary?” Jack asked. His eyes twinkled with laughter.

  “It’s all your fault, Jack. If you hadn’t bought all those sandwiches, I would have never tried them. Now, I’m addicted. I’ll only eat them on our anniversary to celebrate the most important day of my life. I had no idea how much my world would change when one Little girl came to live with us. I love you both so much,” Dylan said seriously, stopping to kiss them each lightly again. “To show you all how much I love you, I’m willing to destroy my body on our special day,” Dylan tried to say seriously, but they all laughed at his justification of eating the evil fast food.

  They laughed and kissed through the unusual anniversary meal. When they all had finished their sandwich, Penelope grabbed her pillow and swung it fiercely across the bottom of the bed, knocking all the remaining sandwiches onto the floor. Dylan and Jack looked at her in astonishment. Penelope apologized in a Little girl voice, “I’m so sorry, Daddies. It was an accident. Please don’t spank me!”

  “That was no accident, Penelope. You were very naughty. A spanking is only the first step of your punishment today,” Jack said sternly, winking at Dylan.

  “What a bad Little girl, you are,” Dylan added. “Off with your diaper. Over my knee, Penelope. Jack, I think we’ll need to put an anal plug in to remind her to be good.”

  “I agree completely. A naughty Little girl is going to need that reminder. We’ll have to see if she behaves when her bottom is filled. If not, I bet we can come up with all sorts of ways to punish her,” he said in his gruff voice.

  Penelope looked over her shoulder as she laid nude over Dylan’s legs. “Happy anniversary, Daddies!” she said happily before turning back into the spanking position her Daddies required. She was going to get lots of attention today on their anniversary, and she couldn’t wait.

  The End


  If you’ve enjoyed this story, it will make my day if you could leave an honest review on Amazon. Reviews help other people find my books and help me continue creating more Little adventures. My thanks in advance. I always love to hear from my readers what they enjoy and dislike when reading an alternate love story featuring age-play. You can contact me on

  my Pepper North or Dr. Richards’ Littles Facebook pages,

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  I’m experimenting with Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest and MeWe. You can find me there as well!

  For your reading enjoyment, my other age-play stories are:

  Dr. Richards’ Littles

  A beloved age play series that features Littles who find their forever Daddies and Mommies. Dr. Richards guides and supports their efforts to keep their Littles happy and healthy.

  Zoey: Dr. Richards’ Littles 1

  Amy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 2

  Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  Jake: Dr. Richards’ Littles 4

  Angelina: Dr. Richards’ Littles 5

  Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  The Digestive Health Center: Susan’s Story

  Charlotte: Dr. Richards’ Littles 7

  Sofia and Isabella: Dr. Richards’ Littles 8

  Cecily: Dr. Richards’ Littles 9

  Tony: Dr. Richards’ Littles 10

  Abigail: Dr. Richards’ Littles 11

  Madi: Dr. Richards’ Littles 12

  Penelope: Dr. Richards’ Littles 13

  Christmas with the Littles & Wendy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 14

  Olivia: Dr. Richards’ Littles 15

  Matty & Emma: Dr. Richards’ Littles 16

  Fiona: Dr. Richards’ Littles 17

  Oliver: Dr. Richards’ Littles 18

  Luna: Dr. Richards’ Littles 19

  Lydia & Neil: Dr. Richards’ Littles 20

  A Little Vacation South of the Border

  Roxy: Dr. Richards’ Littles 21

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: First Anniversary Collection

  Jillian: Dr. Richards’ Littles 22

  Hunter: Dr. Richards’ Littles 23

  Dr. Richards’ Littles: MM Collection

  Grace: Dr. Richards’ Littles 24


  Pepper North introduces you to an age play community that is isolated from the surrounding world. Here Littles can be Little, and Daddies can care for their Littles and keep them protected from the outside world.

  Sharing Shelby: A SANCTUM Novel

  Looking After Lindy: A SANCTUM Novel

  The Keepers

  This series from Pepper North is a twist on contemporary age play romances. Here are the stories of humans cared for by specially selected Keepers of an alien race. These are science fiction novels that age play readers will love!

  The Keepers: Payi

  The Keepers: Pien

  The Magic of Twelve

  The Magic of Twelve features the stories of twelve women transported on their 22nd birthday to a new life as the droblin (cherished Little one) of a Sorcerer of Bairn. These magic wielders have waited a long time to take complete care of their droblin’s needs. They will protect their precious one to their last drop of magic from a growing menace. Each novel is a complete story.

  The Magic of Twelve: Violet

  The Magic of Twelve: Marigold

  The Magic of Twelve: Hazel

  The Magic of Twelve: Sienna

  The Magic of Twelve: Pearl

  Other Titles

  Electrostatic Bonds

  Excerpt From Brad: Dr. Richards’ Littles 6

  Brad breathed the late afternoon air deeply on his walk to the hospital. It was only a few miles from his small apartment, and his path led him through some beautiful areas of the city. Brad enjoyed getting some fresh air and exercise before he concentrated fully on helping the most injured patients recover. His job was challenging and sad sometimes but very rewarding when patients made amazing recoveries.

  Brad walked past the ornate gates of the Burmingham estate. He had never met any of the Burminghams. They operated at a much higher socioeconomic level than an ICU nurse did. The elder Burminghams had moved from the family estate to a posh retirement area in Texas. As far as Brad knew, the only resident now in the huge mansion was the son and heir, Thorston Burmingham. He ran the largest bank in the city and was well known for his philanthropic activities. Brad stopped for a moment and looked through the wrought-iron gates to wonder what it would be like to live in a huge home like that. It would have everything. A little voice in the back of Brad’s head told him that it might be pretty lonely too without a family to fill the rooms with life.

  Two huge German shepherds appeared at the gate to bark ferociously at him. “Hi, guys!” Brad said carefully stopping to talk to the two dogs. “It’s just me. I’m headed back to work. It really is a nice day today.” Brad liked dogs a lot. He couldn’t have one in his apartment, and his twelve-hour shifts would not be good for a dog to be cooped up in an apartment, anyway. So, he just talked to everyone else’s dogs. He’d been working on these two for months trying to make friends. They were very stubborn about maintaining their guard dog attitudes.

Suddenly a large, handsome man in his forties, appeared on the inside of the gate. He had black hair feathered lightly with silver and amazing grey eyes. “Heel, Zorro, and Villa. That’s enough now.” The dogs immediately stopped barking at Brad and circled back to stand at the man’s sides. “Can I help you, sir?” he addressed to Brad in a curt tone.

  “Um, Hi! I’m sorry. I’m Brad Murphy. I’m just walking to work at the hospital,” Brad gestured vaguely at the blue scrubs that he was wearing. “I didn’t mean to bother you. I just like dogs and yours are beautiful beasts. I couldn’t resist chatting with them.”

  The man’s grey eyes seemed to peer deep into him. He considered Brad from head to toe. Brad knew what he was seeing. Brad was a paradox. He was short. Only about 5’4” and slightly built. In his baggy scrubs, he looked downright skinny. But Brad was strong. He needed muscles to help lift and shift patients at the hospital. He had long dark, brown hair that he wore pulled into a bun at the back of his head. His brown eyes were calm and gentle. He was very reassuring to his patients. He just looked like a good person.

  “I’m afraid, Zorro and Villa, will not make good friends for you. They are trained to patrol the estate,” answered the other man. He was wearing a dark suit that had obviously been expertly tailored to fit his wide, athletic build.

  Brad ]recognized him immediately from pictures in the local paper. “Again, I’m sorry to bother you or Zorro and Villa, Mr. Burmingham. I’ll excuse myself, so I can make it to work on time.” Brad smiled and waved as he walked quickly away.

  “Whew! I guess I’m not supposed to talk to the dogs anymore,” he thought to himself. “It was great to see Thorston Burmingham in person. He is amazingly attractive.” Brad shook his head. No way Thorston Burmingham would be interested in him. Brad had known his entire life that he was different. He was attracted to very powerful men. He wanted a strong man to be in charge of their relationship. He’d dabbled with age play briefly with a couple of other men. But they had only been interested in age play as a pretend game occasionally. Brad had been fascinated with the idea of having an every-day Daddy to make the rules of his household. Thorston looked like a man that would not brook any mischief.

  Follow Brad’s story now on Amazon!

  Excerpt From Carrie: Dr. Richards’ Littles 3

  “I know your secret, baby girl!” Carrie reread the message line of the email that had just appeared on her private email. Deciding that it was probably just a scam of some kind, Carrie clicked the delete button. Five minutes later, biting her lower lip between her teeth in a nervous gesture, Carrie clicked on the trash icon in her email to pull the message back to her inbox. Should she open it or not? It was the baby girl reference that was worrying her. Just over a year ago, Carrie had accidentally opened a site on the internet that had lots of pictures of adults dressed as children. They were all carefully attended by “mommies and daddies” that loved them. That first time, she’d quickly clicked off from that site, but over the last few months, Carrie had gone back frequently.

  Working as a lawyer in an exclusive downtown firm, Carrie was used to making decisions, not only for herself but also for her clients. The pressure of all the responsibility that came with her position was often intense. Peoples’ lives and their futures depended on her. What would it feel like to give complete control to someone else? It sounded like heaven to Carrie.

  Holding her breath, Carrie clicked on the email to open it up. She scanned the email quickly and then shakily read it again carefully. She was horrified and utterly fascinated at the same time.

  Dear Carrie,

  Sweetheart, I know you are reading this email with both excitement and dismay. Let me introduce myself. I am an entrepreneur here in our city. I’ve located you through sophisticated tracking software that I attached to a website you’ve often visited over the last few months. My goal is simple. I’m looking for a companion just like you who is drawn to a certain lifestyle. I guarantee you that I will protect your privacy and reveal to no one your interest in being a special young lady to a specific type of caring adult. I only ask that you meet me so we can determine if our personal tastes and interests would complement each other.

  Your brilliant mind will quickly think of how to discount this message so let me give you the names of several personal references that you already know. Please ask them about me. They know nothing about our interests. They will give you an insight into our mutual professional and business relationships. I will email in two days so that we can set up a meeting in a location of your choosing. I am eager to meet you and hope you will soon decide to fill a void in my life as my special baby girl.

  The email ended with a name very familiar to Carrie. Thomas Covington was a prominent member of her home town’s business and industry. He had made his mark in the Information Technology field working with the largest corporations and companies in the bustling city. Thomas, known for his philanthropic generosity and support, was a very handsome man in his early 40s. Carrie quickly opened a new window and googled him for more details. Thomas grinned back at her from the publicity photo of a recent charity event. Dressed in a jet black tux and jaunty bow tie, Carrie felt her pulse quicken as she studied his athletic build.

  She quickly opened the other two documents that Thomas Covington had attached. One, as promised, was a list of very reputable people that Carrie knew well: a judge, a diplomat, and even one of her law professors from college, among a select group of others. The other document was Thomas’ current curriculum vitae. His whole background was laid out in front of her in concise detail. Thomas wasn’t trying to hide anything about himself. It appeared that he really wanted Carrie to investigate him. “Okay, Mr. Thomas Covington,” Carrie muttered to herself aloud, “I’ll bite. Let’s see what I can find out about you that doesn’t appear on your pristine documents.”

  Accessing her professional resources, Carrie searched for obvious flaws like a criminal background and any whispers of perversion on social sites. Carrie contacted not just one person on the list but most of them, casually requesting information about Thomas Covington. Over the next two days, she pried into dark corners and looked under proverbial stones trying to find negative information about Thomas. “Nothing!” Carrie was amazed. Everyone had some skeleton in their closet. “Can Thomas really be as upstanding as his background information indicates?”

  When the next message appeared, Carrie opened it immediately. “You’ve been a very busy Little girl, Carrie,” the message read. “I hope you’ve discovered information that reassures you. I’m very eager to meet with you in person. Would you like to meet for dinner? We have a lot to discuss. I think you’d probably be more comfortable speaking in private. Have you learned enough about me to trust me if I suggest dinner at my home?”

  Carrie immediately replied. “Thomas, I also think that privacy is important. My suggestion would be that we have dinner at my home. Are you free on Wednesday evening at 6?” Carrie clicked the send button. She’d meet with Thomas. She was very intrigued to hear what he would propose, but Carrie wanted to do it on her own turf. She received an immediate reply to her email confirming that Thomas would arrive promptly at 6.

  Follow Carrie’s story now on Amazon!




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