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Men of Endurance Limited Edition Collection

Page 25

by Siera London

  "Your life is more complicated than mine. Three weeks ago, I would've handled this differently, Rui. But, I trusted you with my heart and my body."

  "And you still can,” he plead. “I love you, Autumn."

  She shook her head, convinced that Rui believed every word he'd spoken. But, he also wanted the life he and Kirsten could have had.

  "Rui," she sighed, “I was a trial run until your Hollywood special came home.” She grappled to find the right words. “I can't be a substitute wife. Not even for you."

  "No, Autumn,” his tone one of rising panic. “I'm not asking you to be a stand-in for Kirsten. You walking away, this isn't you."

  Autumn recoiled at his assumption. What did he know about her. She knew his life, what did he know about what she wanted out of life. After all, she got paid to make his life easier, not the other way around.

  "Rui, you don't get to say that to me," she grabbed her suitcase. "I was happy," she screamed. "You did this," she charged. "You broke us," a sob escaped, “for her.”

  Surrendering to another man was a path she could not afford to tread again.

  "I want to be the man you need." She could hear the pleading in his voice, that little nudge for her to conform to his will. "I'm teachable. I promise," he paused, "I’ll make this better, but–,"

  And there it was, the part where she was supposed to cave in.

  "I want, no-," she said, feeling the ball of anger swelling inside her, "I deserve a man that will go the distance for me, who’ll make me his priority."

  "I am," he started to say more, but Autumn turned accusing eyes on him. How could he think keeping Kirsten in this house, with her, was putting her first?

  "You are a handsome liar, Rui Conners."

  "You have to give me more time to fix this. You know I love you, but Kirsten just got back. Simone needs to-,"

  "No," she hissed. "The man who will love me forever, would never ask me to wait. This situation with Kirsten hurts me, Rui."

  When he just stood there, a mask of defeat on his face, she knew. It was time to go.

  "I want you here."

  She nodded. "I know. And the fact that you refuse to acknowledge why I can't stay, tells me you're the wrong man for me."

  Her fantasy of a sweeping love affair that crossed the finish line with a marriage proposal ended with her car packed and pulling out of Rui’s driveway. With one last glance over her shoulder, Autumn punched the gas pedal and drove away from the man she’d fallen in love with.

  Chapter 11

  Rui opened the door to his bedroom needing an acetaminophen tablet, a bath, and a drink. Had he really done what Autumn accused him of? Wooed her, seduced her, and then discarded her when Kirsten arrived. Either way, he’d made a big mess where his woman was concerned. First, he needed to get rid of Kirsten, and then figure out a way to bring Autumn home.

  He flipped on the light to find his ex-wife in her birthday suit.

  "I thought you'd never come to bed," Kirsten crooned.

  Black stilettos covered her feet and her hair flowed over on his pillow. The pillow he'd used to cradle Autumn's head.

  "Kirsten," he let the exhaustion seep into his voice. "I told you to stay away from me."

  "And," she leaned forward, pushing her cleavage higher, "I heard you, but, I decided against it."

  "I don't want this," he said pointing to her nude body. "Not now. Not ever."

  "Since when, Rui?" She began to crawl towards him, a sly smile on her painted lips. "We both know you've been waiting on me to come home."

  The fact that she knew he'd waited for her to realize he and Simone needed her grated. Well, they had moved on-he had moved on. He loved Autumn.

  "Your being here is confusing everything."

  "No one is confused, Rui. You wanted to play with the nanny. I don't have a problem with you scratching an itch. I wouldn't mind a taste of her too."

  He backed away, disgusted he’d ever been attracted to this woman. "She's not the babysitter. I'm in love with her."

  Kirsten scoffed, giving up all pretense of seduction. Back propped against the headboard, she covered her ample chest with both arms.

  She met his glare. "Yes, I can imagine," she smirked. "You and Tommy so eager to run to her defense, apparently."

  Rui balked at the insinuation that Autumn was playing both men.

  He laughed. "Every woman doesn't manipulate her man, Kirsten." Turning he walked to the door. "Pack your stuff. I want you gone within the hour."

  He heard her move, but he kept moving toward the exit. "What about Simone?"

  "I'll tell our daughter that you left."

  The sound of the front door opening and closing snapped him out of his newfound hell. How could he have driven Autumn away?

  "Daddy. Autumn," Simone yelled through the house.

  His daughter had transformed from a petulant kid to a well-mannered little girl who, on occasion, still shouted at the top of her lungs.

  Not turning around, he called out. “I’m here.”

  To Kirsten he said. “I’ll handle this. Get dressed and packed,” he paused a bit. “In that order.”

  "Mr. Jose said I can ride home from school with Lupita anytime."

  His daughter had actually made a friend. Realization of Autumn’s impact in their lives drove home the fact that he was a fool. He should have begged her to stay. Instead he made excuses for why she should wait on him.

  "We'll see," he called. "I'll meet you in the kitchen." Seconds later he was seated at the table when Simone entered the room. With her over-shirt tied around her waist, she went to remove her backpack, then thought better of it. God, Autumn had changed them both.

  "Where's Autumn?"

  He had no idea how Simone would respond to Autumn's absence. If the sick feeling in his gut was any indication, he was in for a long night of restlessness. He'd drive over to No Limit and talk her into coming back home.

  "Come here," he said pulling out the chair next to him. "Sit."

  Looking around the kitchen, she sniffed the air. "What's for dinner? I hope Mom isn't going to try to make us drink that dirt, grass, and berry stuff again."

  Rui mirrored his daughter's frown. "No honey. No flaxseed spinach smoothies tonight."

  "Then, why isn't Autumn cooking? We going out?" Simone took a hesitant step toward the chair he offered.

  "I need to talk with you about something that happened while you were in school."

  "Okay, but I have to practice. Tonight is the last night for me to get all my dance steps right."

  "I know. That's what I want to talk with you about."

  "Wait," Simone said, her small hand still on the chair back. "Did Mom leave?"

  Simone's eyes reddened.

  He crossed the room and pulled his little girl into his arms. He thought she would protest, instead she hugged his waist tight.

  "I knew she would leave us. She does not love us daddy, not like Autumn."

  He scooped her up in his arms, holding her tight until he felt her head settle on his shoulder.

  "Shh, honey," he soothed. "Your mom loves you and, she didn't leave us."

  "Then what's wrong, Daddy?"

  "Your mother is moving out."

  When Simone didn't respond, Rui turned his head to get a better look at her face. "Did you hear what I said?"

  "Yeah," she sniffled. "That's okay. This way Autumn can be happy again."

  At the mention of Autumn's name, the bottom fell out of Rui's stomach. Even his eight-year-old realized he'd hurt Autumn with his stupidity.

  "There's more?"

  Simone lifted her head, using the hand stamped with a smiley face to wipe her tears away.

  "Daddy," she protested. "Autumn's going to make me do the waltz first if I'm late."

  "She won't," he whispered.

  Simone smiled, "Yeah, you're right. When she sees I earned my third Good Apple Award two weeks in a row, she'll forgive me. I would've had three if-"

  "I know, th
at boy was asking for it?" he repeated the argument he and Autumn sat through when the incident first happened.

  She got animated, arms opening wide. "Told him to leave me alone. I tried to turn the other cheek like Autumn said, but he'd pushed me too far."

  Rui could see his error clearly. Like that bully with Simone, Autumn had endured enough of Rui taking her love for granted.

  "Simone," he cut in, "Autumn is not here."

  "When is she coming back?" she said, cheer in her voice.

  "She's not?" Not on her own accord, Rui thought.

  "What...why, Daddy?" Simone's eyes started to tear up.

  "Autumn's going back to her old job," he offered, trying to show a brave face.

  "She can't. She liked it here before Kirsten came. She wanted us."

  Simone studied his face for an instant, seeing the pain he'd caused etched on his face. Her arms dropped, and the smile fell away.

  The tears he thought were done flowed freely over his daughter's cheeks. "Why," she sobbed. "What did we do, Daddy?"

  Dear God, his child didn't deserve any of the blame. The fault lay with him. He'd betrayed Autumn's trust. He'd selfishly tried to hold onto his past, while telling Autumn she was his future.

  "Shh, baby," he said, his voice cracking. "You didn't do anything wrong."

  "I did cause Autumn said when you love somebody you stay with them, you fight for them."

  And that's exactly what Rui planned to do...fight. Holding his daughter in one hand, Rui dialed Owen’s number with the other. He needed help if he wanted to win the race for Autumn’s heart.

  * * *

  Autumn pulled into the parking lot behind No Limit Bar & Grille and cut the engine. She dropped her head to the steering wheel, not sure if running away had been the right decision. She never had any real attachment to a man, a family, or a location. An army of one didn’t need a team. So what if she, Rui, and Simone made the perfect trio. Had the best weeks of her life, falling in love with Rui and Simone, been a lie? How could she stay in this town, which had become an integral part of her existence, now that Rui had pushed her aside? Maybe it was time to leave Endurance and keep heading south. There were still ample job opportunities in the San Diego area.

  A knock sounded on her window. She looked up to find Tommy standing in the lot, peering into her car.

  "You okay?" he yelled. "I saw you and Rui arguing in front of the house."

  God, this is when she valued the anonymity of a large city. Everyone in Endurance would know she'd moved out of Rui's place within the hour.

  "I'm fine," she called back, not opening the door.

  "The big race is tomorrow maybe we could help each other."

  Oh god, not now. She didn't want a hero. She wanted to be left alone. When she didn’t say anything else, Tommy just stood there, waiting.

  Realizing he wouldn't go away, she rolled down the window.

  Turning to face him, she pasted on a smile. He was a nice guy. Rui had seemed like a nice guy too, she thought.

  "Please, know that I appreciate you checking on me, but I really need to be by myself right now."

  He leaned in and Autumn noticed how handsome he was. With his pale skin and ginger curls, he had a boyish quality. But, she’d already given her heart to a brainiac with onyx eyes and straight black mane. Rui. She’d slept with him even after seeing he wasn't over his wife. He said he would get Kirsten out of the house, but Autumn wouldn’t let her heart trust his words. Not anymore.

  He smiled, his lips lifting into a half-crooked movement. "I can understand that," said he, dipping in a little closer.

  Autumn could smell the crisp scent of soap and clean male skin. Nice.

  "Thanks, Tommy. I value your friendship."

  He chuckled then. He lifted a hand and brushed it against her cheek. "You know," he began, "Rui Conners is a dumb genius if he lets you get away."

  She was just about to say thank you when his pressed his lips to hers. Autumn was momentarily paralyzed. His lips felt wrong against hers. She stiffened, and he broke away.

  "Nothing?" he asked.

  With the back of her hand, she wiped her lips. "Well," she paused. Did all the men in Endurance try to solve a woman’s problems with a kiss?

  "That bad, huh?"

  She didn't want to hurt his feelings, but no way did she want a repeat. Damn you, Rui Conner. Tommy, a perfectly fine specimen of a man who loved to run, was totally a no-go.

  "Let's just say, I never want you to do that again."

  He winced. "Ouch. Run across my male ego with your rocker bottom tennis shoes, you would."

  Now it was Autumn's turn to wince. Had she been too harsh?

  "Oh, Tom-"

  He held up a hand. "Don't apologize. I was out of line."

  Her first thought was to disagree, but she halted the words in her throat. It was time to start being true to what she wanted. She'd tried to please everyone. It was time to please herself.

  She sighed. "Thanks for understanding. You're a terrific guy."

  "But, not for you."

  She shrugged. "I think I'm a goner for someone else."

  "Speaking of someone else."

  They both turned to see Owen crossing the lot, his long legs moving fast.

  "You're needed in the bar. Now."

  Eyes wide, Autumn shoved her door open. What could be wrong? Getting the window back in place would have to wait.

  "What's wrong?" Had something happened to Ivy or Cai? No. He wouldn't need her help. "Is it Rui? Where's Ivy?"

  "Nope and Ivy's out on an errand." Owen barely glanced at Tommy. "Save your moves for tomorrow, bud. I need Autumn inside."

  Out of the car, Autumn rushed to catch up with Owen. Who would come for her?

  * * *

  "Rui be reasonable," Kirsten railed. "Where am I going to stay? It’s race season.”

  He cared, but not enough to keep Kirsten in the house another night. “Save your breath. You’re leaving. I’ve arranged for someone to drive you to Sacramento.”

  When he brought Autumn back home, he wanted no sign of Kirsten within a thirty-mile radius.

  "Be reasonable. How about be honest," he charged. "Why do you want back in our lives?"

  In the years since their divorce, not once had Kirsten hinted that she wanted to be a part of their family. Rui had prayed, hoped, and wished but nothing changed. Finally, he had a woman who could share in his life. Autumn loved being at home with him and Simone. Though she'd never told him so, she took joy in running their household, in planning special meals for them to share, in teaching Simone how to coordinate her clothes and dance. She loved them more than Kirsten ever did.

  "Fine," she huffed. "I've been offered my own talk show here in the US," she beamed. "My agent thinks the family angle would attract a broader audience."

  Rui stared at his ex incredulously. Who was she kidding? Kirsten did not have a family-centric bone on her plate, least of all in her body.

  "Being a mother and raising a family isn't an angle, Kirsten. Don't you get that?"

  She threw up her hands. "Of course I do. That's why I want you and the nanny to take care of Simone. Like I said, I won't come between you two. I’m more than willing to-"

  "Stop. Don't say it," he growled. God, why had he never noticed that Kirsten inhibitions had no limits? No wonder she'd succumbed to temptation within months of leaving him in Endurance.

  "Okayyy," she crooned, a teasing smile on her lips. "Just trying to make everyone happy."

  He snatched her up. "Did your daughter look happy when she ran to her room in tears? Did Autumn look happy when she packed her bags and left me?" he raised his voice, furious he’d allowed this to happen. "Do I look happy?" he roared, breathing through his nose. "You've managed to wreck our home not once but twice." A small voice whispered that he had a role in allowing Kirsten to hold his life captive. He should have moved on years ago. With Autumn he'd been ready, but now was it too late?

  For the first time si
nce her arrival, Rui recognized a real emotion cross his ex-wife's face, confusion. She would never understand him, yet he understood her too well.

  "When you leave this time, don't come back without asking me first. I'm going to look in on our daughter."

  When he walked away, Kirsten didn't follow. Rui opened Simone's door and froze. The bed was empty.

  * * *

  Chest heaving, Autumn caught up with Owen. He gripped his elbow.

  "What's going on?"

  He kept moving through the back door of No Limit. The back of the bar and grille held an addition with a small kitchen, a dining area, and a television room. There were three bedrooms above stairs and one bath.

  "Go see for yourself," he said pointing to the door leading into the bar.

  Crossing the room, Autumn stood on tip-toes and peered in the square pane in the door.

  Simone sat on her bike in the middle of the bar. Autumn turned and stared at Owen. Eyes red, with tears streaming down her face, Simone had parked her Schwinn front and center. Autumn’s chest clenched. Where was Rui?

  "She's your ward," he frowned. "I tried to calm her down." He ran a large hand through his blond tresses. "It didn't work."

  "Were your scowling like you are now?"

  He rubbed his chin as if to ponder the question. "Not sure," he said. "My wife’s not here. There’s a heartbroken little girl and a bike in the middle of my floor."

  Owen was a good guy, but he had two speeds, grumpy and grumpier.

  "I called Rui too, but I think you might be what she needs."

  Autumn had never been someone to be needed. Rui had made her feel desired for a time, but in the end, he wanted more than he was willing to give. Autumn could admit she was tolerant, maybe to a fault, but she didn't share.

  "Autumn, are you here?" Simone called.

  Owen raised a brow like Simone's outcry had proven his point.

  She tipped her head in acknowledgment and exited the room. Time to earn that final paycheck.


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