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The Cosmic Spark

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by Leo Ndelle



  The characters and events in this book are fictitious, despite references to certain real persons, living or dead.

  Do not purchase this book without a cover for any reason.

  Copyright © 2018 by Leo E. Ndelle

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems without the written permission of the writer.


  The Cosmic Spark! The last manuscript of The Soulless Ones series. I am as excited as I am proud of myself for seeing this project through to completion. I am blessed and grateful for the support and love from my amazing family, great friends and wonderful fans. It took two years to complete the first drafts of the entire series and fourteen months to revise, edit and publish the series. Thank you for continuing to spark the ethers of the success of this project.

  “What’s your source of inspiration?” I have been asked.

  I have always been fascinated by ancient history, mythology, the cosmos and mythical creatures. Angels will always be cooler than dragons are and the weakest youngling angel in Celestia will take out the toughest dragon anytime, anywhere. Serpents are my second favorite set of creatures on Earth Realm; the bigger the better. Wild cats are my favorite set of creatures and lions are my all-time favorite. It has nothing to do with the fact that my father was a Leo, most of my siblings are Leos and my name is Leo… Just saying.

  I am an avid reader and consider myself a seeker. There is so much about life that I do not know and would love to know. During this journey of seeking, there are a few books and individuals who have made a significant impact in my life.

  Some of these books include The Aquarian Gospel of Jesus The Christ, by Levi H. Dowling, the Christian bible, The Hermit, by T. Lombsang Rampa and A New Earth, Awakening to Your Life’s Purpose, by Eckhart Tolle.

  My father was the greatest man who ever lived. Among the countless things he did for me, the biggest of them was introducing me to the life of a seeker and the rest was history. I have fond memories of the many conversations we used to have and his patience with me and my never-ending questions. I am not shedding tears as I write this. I guess I have come a long way. Creation will write another script for my father and I. Of this, I am certain.

  Master Eric! I know, I know. We go a long way back, since secondary school. You are that one person who has always been as crazy as I have been to be open and welcoming to possibilities beyond the status quo. We dare to admit we do not know and we are seeing the results of our admission. Anyway, here is to you and the role you have played in my life and for being a source of inspiration in The Soulless Ones. Thank you.

  Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev is another person who has made a significant impact in my life. Thanks to his generosity, there were a few aspects of The Soulless Ones that were inspired by his words of wisdom. I know he may never get to see this but thank you Sadhguru.

  A special thanks to Mr. Karl S. Araneta (@karlseanaraneta) for your amazing work as graphic designer. See you on the next projects.


  To Stacey and Riannon!

  My two favorite ladies. Love you two very much!


  39,000 B.C.E.

  IT WAS THE most prosperous region on the realm economically, scientifically and spiritually. Their technological and scientific advancements were rumored to dwarf those of their ancestors, who settled here when theirs was destroyed by a great deluge that purged Earth Realm scores of millennia ago. However, the giant scientific and economic strides ascribed to this region paled in comparison to the evolutionary status of the creatures residing therein. It was an evolutionary status which heralded the future of the next evolutionary leap of the less evolved species placed on the realm, humans; a leap that would take millennia to achieve at the current rate of the evolution of these humans. These creatures from realms far beyond the Dimension of Solaris would leave bread crumbs in the sands of Earth Realm’s history as beacons to humankind’s potential. History would later refer to these otherworldly, humanoid creatures as The Seven Architects.

  The Giza Plateau was the best spot for what the Seven Architects had in mind for their latest project. Their choice of the Giza Plateau had nothing to do with the lush greenery of the land, the immense body of water to the north, or the nurturing Nile River to the east. It had everything to do with this region acting as a focal point for Earth Realm’s esoteric energy and power, as well as the immense, growing, dark energy buried here which would destroy Earth Realm if unchecked. Only creatures who had attained a certain level of evolution could perceive Earth Realm’s esoteric energy as well as the promise of perdition that was contained in this region. The project of the Seven Architects would reflect aesthetic perfection in architecture and serve as conduit for the buildup of dark energy within Earth Realm, as well as help to stabilize Earth Realm’s esoteric energy.

  The timing could not be more perfect for the Seven Architects to do what they do best. Sirius and Solara are central realms to their respective dimensions, Siryus and Solaris. They are also binary realms to each other. As such, both realms have the same vibrational frequency and belong to the same cosmic cluster. Sirius and Solaris were closest to each other, a cosmic phenomenon that occurred once every 26,000 Earth Realm years. This was a golden era for both Sirius and Solaris and every realm governed by their esoteric energies, because the esoteric energies and vibrational frequencies of both realms were in sync and in resonance, which presented opportunities for harmony in every field of existence at the physical and etheric levels. Most of all, this resonance was the perfect opportunity for the next evolutionary leap of the species within that cosmic field of resonance.

  It was with the blessing of this cosmic resonance that the Seven Architects went about with their project. They decided to construct four pyramids instead of three, because Earth Realm’s consciousness had just synced with the number four. It took them three days to conceive the design for each pyramid, three days to construct each pyramid and three days to establish esoteric resonance with the esoteric energy from Earth Realm’s core, as well as discharge the dark energy buildup within the realm. At the completion of this project, the humans of Earth Realm marveled at the glory of the pyramids while the Seven Architects and their counterparts from realms beyond Earth were satisfied at the notion that Earth Realm’s esoteric core was no longer unstable.

  The Seven Architects then proceeded with the final phase of their project. They constructed another structure to serve as a cosmic and esoteric marker, for they that would be wise enough to perceive it as such. It would indicate the astrological position of the Dimension of Solaris in its twenty-six millennia cycle, called the Zodiac, at the time of the construction of the esoteric marker. The marker would symbolize the current level of spiritual awareness of Earth Realm’s greatest pride; humans. It would also symbolize the true potential of every human in every facet of existence: from the physical, psychological and ethereal. Finally, the structure would mark the spot in which the greatest threat to the realm, and beyond, lay contained; The Darkness!

  And so it came to pass that in three days, the Seven Architects built another impressive structure. To construct the pyramids, the Seven Architects used sonic vibrations, brainwave resonance and telekinesis to alter the atomic structures of the immense stones they carved out to perfection. They transported these multi-ton stones using teleportation from various quarries, some of which were located several kilometers away. They then covered the newly-constructed pyramids with pure, white marble sparked from the ethers. However, they used a single piece of stone for the final part of their project; the ma

  The marker had the shoulders of a bull, the body of a lion resting on its paws, the wings of an eagle resting across its torso and the face of a human. When it was complete, The Sphinx of Giza symbolized it was built during the Age of Leo. It also symbolized that Man is royalty, hence, the body of a lion; that Man was strong enough to uplift himself beyond all obstacles, hence the shoulders of a bull; and that Man could soar in every facet of existence and evolve beyond base, earthy, physical forms. Hence, the wings of an eagle. Most of all, the Sphinx of Giza was a reminder that Man must never forget Man’s true nature. Even when dark times arise, which they will, let Man be reminded of his true nature. As the Sphinx watches the sunrise every morning in the horizon, so too Man must watch and look towards the next golden age and never forget what lies beneath the lion’s paw of the Sphinx. Beneath the lion’s paw of the Sphinx lies Emok, The Darkness, who The Scribe planned to set free at the start of the next golden age, a golden age which coincides perfectly with his birthday, the Cosmic Spark!



  HOW DO YOU free a prisoner? Is that supposed to be a trick question? A rhetoric one? I mean everything has a purpose. But what, pray tell, is the purpose of your foolish and pointless question? Even I cannot fathom any purpose for this misplaced set of words strung together into such a stupid sentence. How do you free a prisoner? Really? Forget it! I will not even indulge this nonsense. But not so fast, my dear friend; not so fast! You will indulge me and you will indulge me NOW! Do you want to pretend you do not know why; just like you are trying to pretend you are not as excited as I am about this perfect opportunity laid before us? Are you trying to pretend that you do not see how everything is coming together perfectly? Tell me you disagree and I will certainly excuse myself from this venture of yours!

  But The Scribe knew the purpose of the question he asked himself. This was just another schizophrenic episode of his. Damn the Cosmic Spark! As excited as he was for his upcoming first birthday, The Scribe hated the way Creation was messing with him. He cursed again as he watched Lunok, the fallen Shemsu in the Necheru body of Deni, snore quietly in his sleep. In Tanki’s body, The Scribe had become Deni’s best friend, teammate and brother since childhood. Tonight, as was the case with many other nights since Deni’s childhood, The Scribe was going to attempt to tap into Lunok’s subconscious through the arduous, primitive and stifling limitations of the Necheru vibrational frequency.

  As a multidimensional being, The Scribe could simply use his conscious potential to obtain what he wanted from Lunok’s subconscious. But there were certain rules of Creation that could not be circumvented. One of such rules warranted he function as a Necheru while in Necheru Realm. As such, The Scribe had to submit to the Necheru vibrational frequency. He also had to ensure that this delicate procedure did not cause Lunok to awaken to his Shemsu identity because, as an awakened Shemsu, The Scribe could not pry what he wanted out of Lunok’s essence without giving up his location in Creation to Akasha.

  Lunok’s subconscious was proving to be a lot more difficult to access than The Scribe had anticipated. Necheru centuries and countless attempts later, The Scribe was still unsuccessful. Lunok, too, was also showing signs of awakening. Time was not on The Scribe’s side.

  Time… The Scribe thought. What an illusion! The Scribe leaned forward in his seat and stared blankly and mindlessly at the peaceful, snoring form of Lunok. How do I get to you, Shemsu? The Scribe asked himself. How?! Feelings of frustration began to mount within him but he shoved the feelings away. He had to focus. Let us give this another try! The Scribe encouraged himself. The Scribe then leaned back in his seat, closed his eyes and went to work.

  The Scribe perceived Lunok’s etheric body. He cloaked himself in Necheru vibrational frequency and projected it over Lunok’s etheric body like an etheric hologram. He held this etheric hologram in that position for a few minutes until he achieved etheric resonance, which is the syncing of vibrational frequencies of two entities of different vibrational frequencies at the etheric level. Usually, it is easier for the entity with a higher vibrational frequency to drop theirs to sync with that of the entity with a lower vibrational frequency. Still, the procedure is very delicate and difficult to achieve, without initiating esoteric changes within one or both parties involved in the process.

  Yes! Etheric resonance! Finally, The Scribe was successful. For the briefest of moments, The Scribe and the Shemsu, Lunok, were one entity. Everything that Lunok knew, The Scribe now had access to. If Lunok was conscious, he could have had unlimited access to all The Scribe’s knowledge as well. For a procedure as delicate as this was, The Scribe had to act fast. As such, he searched through Lunok’s subconscious until he found what he was looking for. He could now end the etheric resonance and make his exit; but first, there was something he had to do while he had access to Lunok’s subconscious. He made a temporary copy of what he came for because retrieving it would have sounded the alarm in Lunok’s essence, meaning Lunok could have awakened immediately to his Shemsu essence, if The Scribe had attempted to retrieve what he was looking for. And The Scribe did not want that; not yet, at least.

  The Scribe made a clean exit from the state of etheric resonance as Lunok stirred in his sleep. The mission was a success. The Scribe stood up and headed for the nearest wall to Deni’s bedroom. He could easily teleport back to his house, but he chose to walk instead as he fused what he had copied to from Lunok’s subconscious to his essence.

  What next? If I proceed now, I risk sounding an alarm and that make cause Akasha to locate me. If I wait too long, I may lose the potency of this copy. Regardless, I must wait until Deni awakens as Lunok. Only then will my copy be activated and ready for use.

  The Scribe then floated to the ground and morphed into Tanki. It was a short walk to his house, which he did not mind taking. That night, Tanki went to sleep with a smile on his face.


  Two Necheru years later, Deni became awakened as Lunok and The Scribe could now proceed to the next phase. He teleported to the realm of interest he had seen in Lunok’s subconscious. He located the esoteric signature of his search and teleported to the location. The Scribe stood above the epicenter of the energy source. So beautiful! He relished. He began his descent into the earth, feeling the pull of the dark energy within the earth growing stronger the closer he got to the source of the dark energy. The feeling was like an esoteric high. When he got to a certain level of depth, the thing he had copied from Lunok’s subconscious began to glow and burn deeper into his essence. It was an imprint of a seven-faceted crystal, Lunok’s part of the key to Emok’s prison. This is so exciting! He mused, innately knowing he had arrived. But there was nothing around him. The esoteric signature was there, but there was no form to accompany the signature. Then, he remembered he was still oscillating at this realm’s frequency and the object of his search was cloaked in Shemsu frequency. The Scribe shook his head and switched to Shemsu frequency.

  “Pleased to meet your acquaintance,” said The Scribe telepathically.

  Two pairs of red orbs glowed in a dark, viscous energy form.

  “Who are you, creature?” demanded The Darkness.

  “A friend,” The Scribe replied.

  The dark, viscous energy froze and its glowing, red orbs dimmed.

  “How did you locate me?” asked The Darkness.

  “Through a mutual friend,” The Scribe replied. “I made a copy of his part of the key to your prison while he was asleep.”

  The Darkness remained still and radiated an aura of caution and curiosity.

  “What do you want, creature?” The Darkness asked.

  “I have a proposition for you,” The Scribe said.

  “And what could you possibly have that I need?” The Darkness scoffed.

  “A way to set you free,” The Scribe replied.

  It was more about the power The Darkness felt pulsating from The Scribe than the tone of The Scribe’s telepathic voice t
hat convinced The Darkness that The Scribe was not joking. This creature was a being from a dimension much higher than Asah, and if this being could even make a copy of Lunok’s key, then this being must be telling the truth.

  “I assume you know what I am?” The Darkness asked.

  “Indeed,” replied The Scribe.

  “And you are not afraid?” it asked, though it already knew the answer.

  The Scribe stared The Darkness down with dispassionate condescension and The Darkness cowered under the sheer power The Scribe was radiating.

  “Why?” asked The Darkness

  “Why what?” The Scribe asked in return.

  “Why do you want to free me?”

  “Because you are the key to it all,” The Scribe replied. “I created you and you are my biggest catalyst for the vibration of chaos in this part of Creation.”


  A few centuries went by before The Scribe returned to Earth Realm with the copy of Lunok’s key to the prison of The Darkness. Surprisingly, the copy of Lunok’s key still maintained its potency. The Scribe realized he could not release The Darkness just yet for various reasons. Firstly, the moment had to be perfect and the only perfect moment was at the Cosmic Spark. The Cosmic Spark was very nigh, but not there yet. Secondly, releasing Emok before the Cosmic Spark would create an interference in Creation so huge that it would warrant his immediate destruction by Akasha and The Logos. Despite his near-omnipotence, The Scribe still thrived on survival.

  But he was here for a reason! It was impossible for him to subject all five Shemsus, who carried a part of Emok’s key, to his will. As such, he needed a new plan of action. The Scribe summoned his copy the key on his right hand as he appeared near Emok’s prison.

  “You have come again,” Emok said flatly via telepathy.

  “But not to free you,” The Scribe replied audibly.


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