Book Read Free

The Cosmic Spark

Page 31

by Leo Ndelle


  The seven-faceted crystal of Creation pulsated in perfect sync seven times before it split into The Logos.

  Bach: Welcome to a new cycle.

  Ich: Thank you.

  Vach: Our new idea was a resounding success.

  Rach: Free will… indeed.

  Gach: Let us beam in the new vibration for this new cycle

  Och: After we bring in our newest member.

  Yach: We agree.

  And then, The Logos summoned their newest member.



  SHI’MON’S TEAM SLOWLY rose to their feet. The energy blast had flung them in different directions. Aaron and Yaakov were slammed against a pyramid, Miryam found herself on the ground somewhere beyond the pyramids, and the others were scattered about in various locations. But Sarael, Patrick and Yehuda remained close to the Sphinx. Yehuda still could not get up from the floor but he was very much alive and well. Weak, but well. The rest of the team teleported to the Sphinx and they immediately realized that something was amiss. The master was not there, but that was not surprising.

  “Where’s Uncle Shi’mon?” Sarael asked.

  No one could pick up Shi’mon’s esoteric signature. Patrick scanned the realm. Nothing! His mentor was gone. Patrick crashed to his knees and bowed his head. At first, he did not know what to feel, or how to feel at all. A few seconds later, it hit him and Patrick buried his face in his hands. Even Sarael’s arms of comfort around his shoulders did nothing to ease his pain. The rest of the team started shedding silent tears for their dead leader.

  Sasha ran to Yehuda and cradled his body in her arms. She was weeping for joy as she kissed him several times on the face and spoke in incoherent phrases.

  “He saved me, Sasha…” Yehuda said weakly. “He sacrificed himself to save us. All of us.”

  Miryam walked towards the empty space that was once occupied by the love of her life. She reached towards the space in front of her with her left hand, hoping for a miracle; any miracle. Alas, she touched nothing but air. Her lover was gone once again, and an even deeper sadness enveloped her. Shi’mon was dead and her lover had left without saying goodbye. Or maybe he too was dead, just like Shi’mon was?

  “I am very much alive, my love,” a voice Miryam would recognize anywhere and anytime said from behind her.

  Miryam screamed for joy as she turned around and crashed into the partially materialized form of Yeshua. Yeshua accelerated his materialization so that she would not pass through his form. Sarael left the weeping Patrick on the ground and teleported towards her parents. The rest of Yeshua’s apprentices followed suit. Yehuda forced himself to his feet and half-ran, half-limped towards the group hug. He could not teleport just yet. There was joy a plenty. Sasha smiled and teleported towards Patrick. She took him by the shoulders.

  “Hey, big guy,” she said fondly. “Come now! Let’s enjoy this moment with the rest of the team. We will mourn your father later.”

  Patrick raised tearful but grateful eyes towards Sasha and nodded. He stood up as Sasha took his hand and gave it a squeeze of encouragement. It only took a few seconds before the reality of the situation hit Patrick like a wrecking ball. He was actually going to meet the one popularly known as….

  “Come, Patrick! Guardian of Earth Realm,” Yeshua beckoned.

  Team Shi’mon chorused the same thing and began applauding. For a moment, Patrick’s pain and sorrow were gone and he just stood there, not knowing what to say or do.

  “Come now, Patrick!” Yeshua beckoned some more. “I don’t need to walk on water to make you come here, do I?”

  Patrick erupted in laughter and hurried towards Yeshua. He knelt in front of Yeshua and bowed his head instead of hugging Yeshua.

  “Lord,” Patrick spoke reverently. “I-”

  Patrick felt two unusually strong hands pick him up from the ground and wrap around him in a tight hug.

  “My name is Yeshua, not lord,” Yeshua spoke into Patrick’s ear. “But, if you must address me otherwise, you may do so as your mentor did.”

  “Very well… Master,” Patrick stammered. “Oh my God! I can’t believe this!”

  It was Patrick’s turn to fan-girl at the situation.

  “Sasha!” Yeshua called out and opened his arms.

  Sasha grinned shyly and disappeared into Yeshua’s hug.

  “It is so good to finally meet you!” Yeshua said.

  Yeshua turned towards Yehuda and winked.

  “I like her already,” Yeshua whispered to everyone’s hearing and much to Sasha’s embarrassment. “Don’t lose this one, you hear?”

  “I won’t, Master,” Yehuda replied and then met Sasha’s eyes. “I promise.”

  “Ah! No greater love than he who is ready to lay down his life for a friend,” Yeshua said to no one in particular. “And unless a seed be planted, and should it die, it can only spring up. Anyone remember?”

  “Yes, Master,” was the unanimous reply.

  “When I went through the Shadow of the Soul as Yeshua,” Yeshua said as he snuggled Sarael against his body. “I could fully access the Dimensions of Space, Time, Energy and Ether, just like The Scribe could and because of that, I could beat The Scribe at his own game. From our perspective, The Scribe was an anomaly. From The Scribe’s perspective, I was an anomaly. But no one, except for Akasha, knew I could access these four major dimensions. Not even The Scribe. I only mentioned these dimensions during your training in passing because you were not ready then to receive any form of training regarding these dimensions. Akasha kept the secret very well, not out of honor or anything like that. She had her own game to play, which was fine by me because her keeping her mouth shut played out to my advantage.”

  Yeshua knew he now had everyone’s full attention.

  “The Scribe had written many manuscripts on the Book of Creation, which mapped out his ultimate plan to undo all of Creation. He set up various catalysts across Creation that would initiate a chain reaction for his plan. In this section of Creation, Emok, the embodiment of the entity called The Darkness, was going to be his major catalyst. Other smaller catalysts involved the Bright Eyes, sinisters, fallen angels and archangels, polarized paradins just to name a few. The Scribe called his manuscript for this portion of Creation The Soulless Ones.”

  Yeshua chuckled but no one understood why he chuckled.

  “When I gained access to the four major dimensions,” Yeshua continued. “I could also write my own scripts to counter those written by The Scribe. So much of Creation’s ‘history’ has changed because of that, unbeknownst to the creatures therein. The Scribe was frustrated beyond belief because he didn’t know who was making the changes to his scripts. It was like a timed game of chess between two chess grandmasters. The Scribe and I knew we only had until the Cosmic Spark to finalize our moves. Some of my scripts won over his and some of his won over mine, meaning, the vibration of chaos was unleashed through certain portions of Creation, while on others, that vibration was stopped. The Soulless Ones was actually the last of the scripts. Whatever happened here would have determined if Creation became undone or not.”

  “Are you saying we saved Creation, father?” Sarael asked.

  “Yes, my love. We did,” Yeshua replied with a grin.

  Team Shi’mon was too shocked for words. They thought they were merely fighting evil and trying to save Earth Realm when, in fact, they were fighting for Creation. The Master’s words thousands of years ago finally made sense to them, when he used to say their purpose extended far beyond Earth Realm.

  “You conceptualize ‘time’ as chronological,” Yeshua continued. “But that is not the case. Once you can access the Dimension of Time, you’ll realize that ‘time’ is anything but chronological. ‘Time’ is ever-present. That’s why I could exist in so many incarnations at the same ‘time’. Like Enoch, Melchizedek, Lunok, Deni an a few others you don’t know of. I could also rewrite so much of the stories of my incarnatio
ns to counteract The Scribe’s plan for this part of Creation. I was editing the script of The Soulless Ones.”

  “If you were as powerful as The Scribe was, my love,” Miryam said. “Why did you not just wipe out that thing, that Darkness thing?”

  “When a being can access the four major dimensions of time, space, energy and ether,” Yeshua replied, “this ability to access these dimensions becomes the being’s natural state. There’s a law in Creation which prohibits such beings from interacting directly with the path of a realm while in their natural state. They can only interact as a creature of that realm, provided they only function up to the current level of the evolution of the most evolved species within the realm. That’s why The Scribe could only function here as a human and I could only fight Emok, The Darkness, as Lunok within a Shemsu protection barrier. Their realm is called Atlantia and their dimension, Asah, by the way.”

  “That’s why you ‘vanished’ before reappearing briefly,” Yaakov said.

  “And that’s when you asked us to pitch in,” Yehuda interjected.

  There was a brief moment of silence which turned into deep sadness.

  “What had father become, Lord, I mean, Master,” Patrick asked.

  “I gave him the ability to access the Dimensions of Time and Energy,” Yeshua replied. “But he could only do so temporarily. He wasn’t even aware of it until the moment was perfect.”

  Yeshua chuckled and kissed Sarael on her head. She beamed like a toddler.

  “You should have seen him in action,” Yeshua spoke with a lot of pride. “He still wasn’t aware of what he was doing. He just moved on instinct and released just the right amount of energy needed to offset that of Emok’s.”

  “And he paid the ultimate price for it,” Patrick said and his voice broke.

  “Says who?” echoed a voice from everywhere.

  Tiny specks of light began to form in air and coalesce into a brilliant, white form. Even before the figure of light completed its materialization, Patrick was already teleporting towards it. Patrick crashed into Shi’mon’s open arms as tears of joy flowed freely and it was Shi’mon’s turn to be smothered in a big group hug amid much rejoicing.

  “Two thousand years later, they hear my words and still don’t listen,” Yeshua chuckled as he walked towards the rest of the group.



  LITHILIA APPEARED NEXT to her dead son and cradled him in her arms. Team Shi’mon and Yeshua walked towards her, while Miryam crouched next to Lithilia and took Lithilia in her arms.

  “Tell me you did it, sister,” Miryam whispered softly.

  “I did not,” Lithilia replied and sniveled. “But Michael did. She’s no more.”

  “Good,” Miryam nodded and let go of Lithilia. “How was Michael?”

  “He’s something else entirely now,” Lithilia spoke with deep admiration. “I now know where Cahen got his height from.”

  Lithilia and Miryam laughed a little before a moment of silence followed.

  “We must give him a proper burial,” Miryam offered.

  Lithilia peeled her tearing eyes away from her son and looked at Miryam.

  “No burial, Eva,” Lithilia shook her head.

  It was the first time Lithilia had ever called Miryam ‘Eva’. Miryam was moved.

  “I want his body cremated,” Lithilia said, as she stroked Cahen’s severed head that lay next to her feet. “You were a far better mother to him than I ever was. So, please, do the honors.”

  Miryam was deeply saddened, honored and surprised by Lithilia’s offer. Team Shi’mon remained silent, respectful observers to the situation.

  “Why don’t we do it together,” Miryam offered after brief consideration.

  “May I please join?” Sarael asked. “I don’t have to participate in the cremation. I just want to be close when you do it. Please.”

  “Of course, my child,” Lithilia replied tearfully. “Come! Kneel next to me.”

  Sarael did as she was told as silent tears rolled down her cheeks.

  Lithilia nodded tearfully. She was in so much pain, as was Miryam. Lithilia lay Cahen’s body on the ground and placed his severed head on the exposed stump on his neck where his head was supposed to be. Lithilia and Miryam held their right hands over Cahen’s body. A green flame burned from Miryam’s hand and a pale, purple flame burned from Lithilia’s hand towards Cahen’s body. The flames flowed over Cahen’s body, engulfed and consumed his entire mortal remains leaving no ashes behind. Lithilia broke down and wailed.

  Miryam took Lithilia in her arms and cried her heart out as well. Sarael shed tears of pain and sorrow, but hers were nothing compared to the two mothers. Team Shi’mon and Yeshua remained silent and respectful.

  A few minutes later, the three women joined the rest of the team.

  “Before I leave, I’d like to thank you all for these past few moments of my life,” Lithilia said. “They have been filled with the greatest of joys, and the greatest of pain. You all have been the reason for my greatest of joys and you have been so supportive during my period of mourning thus far. I will never forget that.”

  “You’re welcome, Lithilia,” Patrick spoke for everyone.

  “Where are you going from here?” Shi’mon asked.

  “My reputation in this realm isn’t the best,” Lithilia replied. “Michael gave me unrestricted entry to Celestia. But I don’t think I’ll ever use it. I have no reason to go there. I’m not welcome in most places because of my past. No matter how much remorse I feel and no matter how much I ask for forgiveness, my history will never go away and I have made peace with that. So my last option is Hell. It may not be a home, but it’s the best place for me right now.”

  Lithilia smiled weakly and shook her head when Miryam wanted to protest. She’s far too good for her own good, Lithilia thought. Lithilia was right, though. Hell Realm was her best option for now. She hugged Miryam and Sarael tightly and kissed both of them on the cheek. She then gently let go of them, spared a brief glance at the rest of the team, nodded her thanks and sighed.

  “Goodbye, everyone,” Lithilia said and teleported to Hell Realm.

  “Well, I think I am next in line for a departure,” Yeshua said. “You should all be feeling something different about yourselves right about… now!”

  They all felt it, though they could not explain what it was. It was more than just an esoteric upgrade. They looked at the hands and bodies as if they could see any physical signs of what they were experiencing.

  “You have all undergone a transmutation of being, thanks to the new wave of consciousness that has just flooded Creation,” Yeshua explained. “This is unlike anything you have ever experienced before because you are now more in sync and in resonance with the Will of Creation than ever before. As long as you remain in sync with Creation, you will never be apart from one another.”

  Yeshua turned and faced his wife and daughter. He was pleased to see there was no sadness in their eyes as he hugged and kissed the two of them.

  “I can feel you, father,” Sarael said. “I know we will never be apart again!”

  “Never ever again, my love,” Yeshua replied, kissing the crown of her head before kissing Miryam gently on the lips.

  “I love you,” Miryam said.

  “I love you too,” Yeshua replied. “And you, my beautiful daughter.”

  “I love you too, father,” Sarael replied and hugged her father.

  “He’s a keeper,” Yeshua whispered in her ear, referring to Patrick.

  “Father!” Sarael exclaimed and punched her father in the triceps.

  “My task here is done,” Yeshua addressed everyone. “I must go to Atlantia as Lunok. But, like I told you before, I will be with you, until the end of time.”

  “Really, Master?” Yochanan rolled his eyes as everyone erupted in laughter.

  “Nothing wrong with a little sense of humor, right?” Yeshua chuckled.

  His apprentices smiled
and bid him farewell as Yeshua’s form dematerialized into many sparkling specks of light.

  “So, where is everyone heading to now?” Shi’mon asked the group.

  “I’m going wherever he’s going,” Sasha replied punching Yehuda in the arm.

  He was now fully healed and back to full strength. While everyone was busy sharing ideas on where to go to next, since their missions were complete, Miryam turned to face her daughter.

  “You will be alright, my child,” Miryam said confidently and Sarael nodded.

  “Take care of yourself, mother,” Sarael replied.

  For the first time in her existence, Sarael felt truly independent and free. Mother and daughter hugged each other.

  “Yeah, I know, you’re going to tell me you’ll be around, bla bla bla,” Patrick rolled his eyes.

  “That obvious?” Shi’mon laughed and shook his head.

  Many hugs and goodbyes were exchanged. One-by-one, they dematerialized. Where they were going to, what they planned on doing, were irrelevant. Out of sight was not out of mind, especially when everyone was now connected and in sync with Creation and with one another.


  Lithilia appeared in Hell and was given a queen’s welcome. The creatures of Hell bowed their heads and prostrated themselves as she walked towards what used to be her domain. Then a demon walked towards her, head bowed towards the ground.

  “Respectfully, madam,” the demon said in a trembling voice. “Could you please follow me?”

  Lithilia was very surprised by everything, but she was not afraid. She had chosen to come to Hell as penance for everything she had done in her life. However the penance was meant to be, whether by incarceration, torture or even death, Lithilia was ready for it. She was not afraid and she was at peace with her decision. With Cahen gone, she no longer had any reason to keep going on. She had not still forgotten about the bounty on her head and Kazuk’s. Speaking of Kazuk, where was he? She would seek him out later, but not from a prison cell, from the looks of everything happening.


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