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Implosion: Can America Recover From Its Economic and Spiritual Challenges in Time?

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by Joel C. Rosenberg

  In The Copper Scroll, an ancient scroll describes unimaginable treasures worth untold billions buried in the hills east of Jerusalem and under the Holy City itself—treasures that could come from the Second Temple and whose discovery could lead to the building of the Third Temple and a war of biblical proportions. One month after it was released, Biblical Archaeology Review published a story describing the real-life, intensified hunt for the treasures of the actual Copper Scroll. The Copper Scroll spent four weeks on the New York Times hardcover fiction bestseller list, two weeks on the Wall Street Journal bestseller list, two weeks on the Publishers Weekly hardcover fiction list, and several months on the CBA bestseller list. It won the 2007 Logos Bookstores Best Fiction Award.

  In Dead Heat, America is in the midst of a heated presidential election when the Secret Service learns of a catastrophic terrorist plot to assassinate one of the candidates. U.S. forces attempt to stop the terrorists before millions lose their lives, but events threaten to spin out of control. Dead Heat debuted at #4 on the New York Times hardcover bestseller list. It also became a USA Today, Wall Street Journal, Publishers Weekly, and CBA hardcover bestseller.

  Epicenter: Why the Current Rumblings in the Middle East Will Change Your Future, Joel’s bestselling nonfiction title, explains why the eyes of the nations are increasingly riveted on the State of Israel and gives readers ten future headlines before they happen. It explains what is happening in the Middle East and how it will impact our world by examining geopolitical and economic trends, as well as examining events through the “third lens” of the Bible. It contains exclusive interviews with top political, military, intelligence, business, and religious leaders in Israel, Iran, Iraq, and Russia. It also contains previously classified documents from the CIA, Pentagon, and White House. Epicenter is available in hardcover and a 2.0 updated and expanded softcover edition. Epicenter appeared on the New York Times political bestseller list, as well as the CBA and Publishers Weekly religion lists. It also appeared on the Top 100 list in Christian Retailing and won the 2007 Retailers Choice Award from Christian Retailing.

  Inside the Revolution: Why the Followers of Jihad, Jefferson, and Jesus Are Battling to Dominate the Middle East and Change the World explores the growing tensions within the Muslim world three decades after the Islamic Revolution in Iran. A national bestseller in 2009, it describes the Radicals, the Reformers, and the Revivalists, explaining in detail who each group is, why they matter, what they want, and how far they are willing to go to get it. An updated paperback edition was released in 2010.

  The Twelfth Imam and The Tehran Initiative are the first two political thrillers in a new trilogy and were released in 2010 and 2011, respectively. Both were New York Times bestsellers and widely acclaimed as the best of Joel’s novels. They focus on David Shirazi, a CIA operative of Iranian descent, who is sent undercover deep inside Iran to disrupt or destroy Iran’s nuclear weapons program without sparking a new war in the Middle East. The series also considers these questions: What if an American president, well-meaning though he might be, miscalculates on Iran? What if he waits too long to take decisive action to neutralize the Iranian nuclear threat, and Tehran suddenly emerges with the Bomb? What would Iran do then? What would Israel do? What would the U.S. do? The novels also consider how Shiite End Times theology could be driving Iranian foreign policy and what might happen if someone claiming to be the Islamic messiah known as the “Twelfth Imam” or the “Mahdi” were to emerge in the Middle East. How would that reshape events and potentially set into motion the apocalypse?

  Joel is an evangelical Christian with a Jewish father and Gentile mother. He was raised in Fairport, New York, graduated from Syracuse University in 1989, and studied at Tel Aviv University. He and his wife, Lynn, have been married since 1990 and have four sons. They live just outside of Washington, DC.


  9/11 chapter 13 chapter 13


  Abortion chapter 13 chapter 17

  Adams, John chapter 17

  Afghanistan chapter 10

  Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud chapter 2 chapter 10

  al Qaeda chapter 2 chapter 10 chapter 10

  Al-Zawahiri, Ayman chapter 10

  American Dream chapter 1 chapter 1 chapter 2

  Armstrong, Herbert W. chapter 8

  Asbury, Francis chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15

  Assadi, Mohammad Ja'far chapter 10


  Babylon chapter 8

  Baptist Church chapter 15

  Barna, George chapter 13

  Bates, Edward chapter 3

  Beck, Glenn chapter 2

  Beecher, Lyman chapter 15 chapter 15

  Ben-Gurion, David chapter 6

  Bennett, William J. chapter 3 chapter 13 chapter 17

  Bible prophecy, America in chapter 1

  Bin Laden, Osama chapter 2 chapter 10 chapter 10

  Black Tuesday chapter 3

  Boehner, John chapter 9

  Born Again chapter 17

  Bright, Bill chapter 14 chapter 16

  Buchanan, Pat chapter 2

  Bush, George H. W. chapter 17

  Bush, George W. chapter 9 chapter 17


  Caddell, Pat chapter 3

  Camping, Harold chapter 7

  Carter, Jimmy chapter 3 chapter 17 chapter 17

  Chafer, Lewis Sperry chapter 16

  Chase, Salmon chapter 3

  China chapter 10

  Church, American chapter 13 chapter 13 chapter 13 chapter 13 chapter 14 chapter 16 chapter 17

  Church, universal chapter 13

  Churchill, Winston chapter 1

  City on a Hill chapter 17 chapter 17 chapter 17 chapter 17

  Civil War chapter 3 chapter 15

  Clay, Henry chapter 3

  Clifford, Clark chapter 6

  Clinton, Bill chapter 9 chapter 17

  Clinton, Hillary chapter 10

  Colmes, Alan chapter 5

  Congressional Budget Office chapter 2 chapter 9 chapter 9

  Conrad, Kent chapter 1

  Constitution, U.S. chapter 17

  Conversion chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 15

  Coombes, A. chapter 8

  Crime chapter 13


  Day of the Lord chapter 5 chapter 12

  Debt ceiling chapter 9

  Debt crisis chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 17

  Declaration of Independence chapter 3 chapter 17

  Demy, Timothy chapter 8

  Discipleship chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 16 chapter 16

  Divorce chapter 13

  Dobson, James chapter 16

  Dole, Bob chapter 17

  Dow Jones Industrial Average chapter 3 chapter 3

  Dukakis, Michael chapter 17 chapter 17

  Dwight, Timothy chapter 15 chapter 15


  Earthquakes chapter 5 chapter 11 chapter 11 chapter 11 chapter 14

  Economic crisis, current chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 13

  Economic crisis, proposed solutions chapter 9

  Edwards, Jonathan chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 15

  Edwards, Jonathan, descendants of chapter 14 chapter 15

  Eisenhower, Dwight chapter 1

  Elmendorf, Douglas chapter 2

  Energy crisis, 1970s chapter 3

  Evangelism chapter 5 chapter 13 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 16

  Evans, Michael D. chapter 8


  Fasting chapter 16

  Finney, Charles Grandison chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15

  Forbes, Steve chapter 15 chapter 17

  Ford, Gerald chapter 17

  Forrestal, James V. chapter 6

  Franklin, Benjamin chapter 14 chapter 17

  Friedman, Tom chapter 2


  Gallup chapter 2 chapter 10 chapter 17
  Gettysburg Address chapter 3

  Gettysburg, battle of chapter 3

  Ghaith, Suleiman Abu chapter 10

  Goodwin, Doris Kearns chapter 3

  Gore, Al chapter 2 chapter 17 chapter 17

  Gorenberg, Gershom chapter 5

  Goss, Porter chapter 10

  Government, role of chapter 17

  Government, role of Christians in chapter 17

  Graham, Billy chapter 1 chapter 5 chapter 6 chapter 16

  Great Awakening, First chapter 8 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14

  Great Awakening, Second chapter 8 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15

  Great Awakening, Third, Possibility of chapter 15 chapter 16 chapter 16 chapter 17 chapter 17

  Great Depression chapter 3 chapter 9

  Gregg, Judd chapter 1

  Guyatt, Nicholas chapter 5


  Heritage Foundation chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 17

  Hitchcock, Mark chapter 8 chapter 12

  Holy Club chapter 14 chapter 14

  Homosexuality chapter 13 chapter 17

  Hurricanes chapter 11 chapter 11

  Hurricanes, Irene chapter 11 chapter 11

  Hurricanes, Katrina chapter 11 chapter 11

  Hussein, Saddam chapter 8


  Ice, Thomas chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 12

  Iran chapter 10

  Iraq chapter 10

  Irving, Washington chapter 3

  Islam, radical chapter 2 chapter 10 chapter 10

  isolationism chapter 10

  Israel, nation of chapter 6 chapter 8 chapter 8 chapter 10

  Israel, rebirth of chapter 6 chapter 6 chapter 6 chapter 6 chapter 7 chapter 7


  James, Terry chapter 8

  Jefferson, Thomas chapter 3 chapter 17

  Jenkins, Jerry B. chapter 12

  Johnson, Chalmers chapter 2


  Kemp, Jack chapter 17

  Kennedy, John F. chapter 1 chapter 17

  Khamenei, Ali chapter 2

  King Phillip’s War chapter 14

  Krauthammer, Charles chapter 2

  Krugman, Paul chapter 2

  Kudlow, Larry chapter 3


  LaHaye, Beverly chapter 17

  LaHaye, Tim chapter 7 chapter 12

  Lasch, Christopher chapter 3

  Last Days chapter 5 chapter 5 chapter 5 chapter 7 chapter 7 chapter 7 chapter 7 chapter 7 chapter 8 chapter 8 chapter 12 chapter 12

  Last Days, false teaching about chapter 7

  Last Days, signs chapter 5

  Left Behind series chapter 12

  Limbaugh, Rush chapter 17

  Lincoln, Abraham chapter 3 chapter 15

  Lindsey, Hal chapter 7

  Logsdon, S. Franklin chapter 8

  Lotz, Anne Graham chapter 13 chapter 16

  Lutz, Donald S. chapter 17


  Madison, James chapter 17

  Marshall, George C. chapter 6

  McCain, John chapter 10 chapter 17

  McClellan, George chapter 3

  McGovern, George chapter 17

  McLaughlin, John chapter 5

  Medicare chapter 9

  Metacomet chapter 14

  Methodist church chapter 15 chapter 15

  Mondale, Walter chapter 3 chapter 3 chapter 17

  Moody, Dwight L. chapter 16

  Mount St. Helens eruption chapter 11

  Moyers, Bill chapter 5

  Mullen, Mike chapter 10

  Murphy, Cullen chapter 2

  Murrin, David chapter 2


  National interests, U.S. chapter 10 chapter 17

  Natural disasters chapter 11 chapter 11 chapter 13 chapter 13

  Netanyahu, Benjamin chapter 6

  New Deal chapter 3

  Nixon, Richard M. chapter 17

  Noll, Mark chapter 15 chapter 15

  Noonan, Peggy chapter 2


  Obama, Barack chapter 2 chapter 3 chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 10 chapter 17

  Oberlin College chapter 15

  O’Donnell, Lawrence chapter 5

  Olbermann, Keith chapter 2

  Olivet Discourse chapter 5


  Pakistan chapter 10 chapter 10

  Palin, Sarah chapter 17

  Panama Canal chapter 10

  Pentecost chapter 7

  Perot, Ross chapter 17

  Phillips, Kevin chapter 5

  Politics, role of Christians in chapter 17

  Pornography chapter 13 chapter 13

  Prayer chapter 15 chapter 16

  Prophecy, fulfilled chapter 4 chapter 4 chapter 4 chapter 4 chapter 6

  Putin, Vladimir chapter 10


  Quayle, Dan chapter 17


  Rapture chapter 7 chapter 7 chapter 7 chapter 12 chapter 12 chapter 12 chapter 12 chapter 13

  Rapture, aftermath of chapter 12 chapter 12

  Reagan, David R. chapter 8

  Reagan Democrats chapter 17

  Reagan, Ronald chapter 3 chapter 3 chapter 17 chapter 17 chapter 17

  Repentance chapter 13 chapter 16 chapter 16

  Revival chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 15 chapter 16 chapter 16 chapter 17

  Revolutionary War chapter 3 chapter 15

  Roosevelt, Franklin Delano chapter 3

  Ross, Charlie chapter 6

  Roubini, Nouriel chapter 9

  Rubin, Robert chapter 1

  Russia chapter 10

  Ryan, Paul chapter 1 chapter 9 chapter 9 chapter 9


  Salvation chapter 12

  Second Coming chapter 5 chapter 5 chapter 7 chapter 12 chapter 13

  Sinner’s Prayer chapter 12

  Smith, Chuck chapter 16

  Smith, Gypsy chapter 16

  Social Security chapter 9

  Sowell, Thomas chapter 2

  Standard & Poor’s chapter 9

  Steyn, Mark chapter 2

  Stoddard, Solomon chapter 14

  Sunday, Billy chapter 16

  Supervolcano chapter 11 chapter 11

  Swindoll, Charles chapter 16


  Tenet, George chapter 10

  Terrorism chapter 10

  Thirty-Day Challenge chapter 16

  Tribulation chapter 8 chapter 12 chapter 12 chapter 12

  Trotman, Dawson chapter 16

  Truman, Harry chapter 6 chapter 6 chapter 6

  Tsunamis chapter 11


  Unfunded liability chapter 9

  Urbanization chapter 11


  Van Susteren, Greta chapter 1


  Walker, David chapter 1

  Wall Street Journal chapter 3

  Washington, George chapter 3 chapter 17

  Watchman, A. P. chapter 8

  Wesley, Charles chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14

  Wesley, John chapter 11 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 15

  Whisenant, Edgar C. chapter 7

  White, Ellen G. chapter 8

  Whitefield, George chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14 chapter 14

  Whitman, Walt chapter 3

  Wilkerson, David chapter 8

  Winthrop, John chapter 17 chapter 17

  Wolf, Naomi chapter 2

  World War I chapter 5 chapter 9

  World War II chapter 3 chapter 5 chapter 9


  Yale University chapter 15 chapter 15

  Yellowstone National Park chapter 11


  Zakaria, Fareed chapter 2


  [1] Judd Greg (R-NH), interview by Greta Van Susteren, “America on Track for Economic Implosion?” Fox News, September 16, 2010,

  [2] Aaron Task, “
Rubin Warns of Bond Market ‘Implosion’: U.S. in ‘Terribly Dangerous Territory,’” Yahoo News, November 17, 2010,,TBT,TLT,UUP,FXI,EWH,EWS. For more on the event itself, see the press release issued by the Concord Coalition,

  [3] David Walker, interview by Steve Kroft, “U.S. Heading for Financial Trouble?” 60 Minutes, CBS News, March 4, 2007 (updated July 8, 2007),

  [4] Task.

  [5] See Nicholas Ballasy, “Ryan: Debt on Track to Hit 800 Percent of GDP; ‘CBO Can’t Conceive of Any Way’ Economy Can Continue Past 2037,” CNS News, April 6, 2011,

  [6] See Dana Bash and Deidre Walsh, “Behind the Scenes: How the GOP Is Selling Its Budget Plan to Itself,” CNN, March 18, 2011,

  [7] Louis Jacobson, “Paul Ryan Says CBO Model of Economy Self-Destructs Due to Rising Deficits in 2037,”, March 21, 2011,

  [8] See Nancy Gibbs and Michael Duffy, The Preacher and the Presidents: Billy Graham in the White House (New York: Center Street/Hachette Book Group USA, 2007), p. 48.

  [9] Ibid., p. 52.

  [10] Ibid., p. 108.

  [11] Winston Churchill, “Sinews of Peace,” (address to Westminster College, Fulton, Missouri, March 5, 1946),

  [12] Robin Wright, Sacred Rage (New York: Touchstone, 1985, 2001), p. 257. Bin Laden made the statement in a May 1998 interview on ABC News.

  [13] Alireza Jafarzedeh, The Iran Threat (New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2007), p. 25.


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