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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

Page 5

by Raymond L. Weil

  “So, we fight a holding action until more warships are ready,” said Princess Krista. “Can we do that?”

  “We think so,” answered Fleet Admiral Marloo. “We may lose most of the systems only defended by defensive grids, but we believe we can retake them quickly enough when our fleets are rebuilt. Once warships come online from the shipyards, construction will increase very rapidly, as we get our construction techniques standardized.”

  “How soon before Rear Admiral Barnes arrives with Third Fleet?”

  “Late next week,” replied Derrick.

  “Her fleet will be assigned to protect the Lamina Stars and the Haven Nebula,” Fleet Admiral Marloo explained. “We’ll pull some of the Resistance Fleets back to protect Lydol Four and the five worlds that are the main part of the resistance in that region.”

  Layla looked at some notes she had brought along. “What have you done with Rear Admiral Mendoza and Rear Admiral Carrie?” Both admirals had brought additional warships and cargo ships loaded with war materials.

  “Rear Admiral Carrie has been assigned to the battlecarrier task group defending Golan Four. She currently has her flagship, the dreadnought Exeter, ten battlecruisers, and nine battlecarriers. She’s also in charge of the attack interceptors based on the surface of Golan Four.”

  “What about Rear Admiral Mendoza?”

  “He’s returning to the Solar System with the empty cargo ships.”

  “How soon before we can build our own interceptors?”

  General Gantts smiled. “By the end of the week. We’ve built ten construction facilities on Golan Four. The first interceptor should roll off the production lines a week after that. Once we’re satisfied with the prototypes, we’ll move to full production. We believe we can easily produce two hundred per week.”

  “It’ll take some time to train the pilots,” added Derrick.

  “We’ve already sent out calls to the people to join the military,” added General Gantts. “We’ve had a very good response from all the core worlds.”

  “What about the Vortex Worlds and the Lamina Stars?”

  “They’re doing the same. As soon as we’ve verified the production prototypes of the interceptors are acceptable, we’ll start building production facilities on Jalot Four and Lamora Seven.”

  General Gantts added, “We’re still intensifying all the defensive grids in the core systems, as well as the Vortex Worlds and the Lamina Stars.”

  “What about the Haven Nebula?”

  “Things are a little slower there,” replied Fleet Admiral Marloo. “We’re still concentrating on the defensive grids. We should have them up to full strength within two more weeks. In the meantime we have two task groups from the Resistance Fleet protecting those worlds.”

  “What are the Confederation fleets doing?” Layla was concerned that they would launch a full-scale attack before the Empire was ready.

  “They’re retaking one star system at a time,” replied Fleet Admiral Marloo. “They don’t seem to be in any hurry. They come in, scan the system, and then a few days later a fleet arrives. If there are any defenses, they are destroyed, and then the Confederation fleet leaves a few ships in orbit before going on to the next world.”

  “Are they bombing the planets?” This was Layla’s greatest fear, that billions could be lost in this war.

  Marloo shook his head. “No, they’re just isolating the systems. So far there have been no reprisals, since you sent the message informing the Confederation of what the results would be if they bombed any of our cities. I would also say that Admiral Cleemorl’s decision to destroy Zaneth after finding out what they had done to the captives from the Highland Station System has further reinforced that threat.”

  Layla leaned back and looked at her advisors. She placed great trust in what they told her. “Is there any reason not to have a meeting of the House of Worlds next week?” She had already postponed this meeting once, after finding out about Highland Station.

  “I don’t see any reason to postpone it again,” said Derrick. “However, it might be wise to inform the governors of the outer worlds that their presence is not required, just to send a representative of their world. Their attendance should be left up to them, since their outlying worlds are in more danger right now than the core worlds.”

  “Agreed,” replied Layla. “We will have a number of announcements to make during this first meeting of the House of Worlds.” Layla smiled and looked at Derrick. She planned on announcing their engagement at the meeting.

  “We must build some military bases for training and to house the interceptors,” said Governor Stein. “I’ve already talked to the planetary council, and we’ve purchased land and have already started some construction.”

  Krista had been silent for most of the meeting, and now she asked a question. “How long will it take to build a big-enough fleet to allow us to retake all the Empire?”

  Derrick and Fleet Admiral Marloo exchanged glances.

  “Years,” Marloo finally replied. “We’ll concentrate on regions with large Human populations first. As we bring more worlds back into the Empire, the greater will become our ability to build warships.”

  Krista had been afraid of that. “I just hope someday I’ll get to see the Empire restored completely.”

  Fleet Admiral Marloo nodded. “I promise someday that will happen. It’ll just take a few years of hard work.”


  After the meeting Layla, Krista, and Derrick were in the Royal Court, looking at all the paintings, tapestries, and statues that lined the walls.

  “I’m so glad they saved all these,” said Krista, as she stopped to admire a tapestry of a landscape from an alien world. “I used to spend hours walking around the Palace, just admiring all the artwork.”

  Layla held Derrick’s hand. “I can’t wait to announce our engagement, so we can date more openly.”

  Derrick laughed, giving Layla’s hand a gentle squeeze. “Most people already suspect. We’ll just be confirming what they already know.”

  “Tomorrow they’ll bring in the tables and chairs for the first meeting of the House of Worlds. We’ll put the core worlds in the center, with the others surrounding them.” The meeting would be held here at the Imperial Palace, since the main hall the House of Worlds wasn’t quite ready. Plus, with all the construction going on, it wasn’t considered safe either.

  In the distance, Derrick heard the sounds of hammering and other related noises. “We’ll ask some of the construction to stop while the meeting is going on, in order to reduce the noise level.”

  “That can easily be arranged,” replied Layla. She had to admit the construction noise was quite loud at times.

  “I’m going to start picking out the furniture for my quarters,” announced Krista, a pleased and excited look in her eyes. “I can’t wait to move back into the Palace.”

  “Just don’t go overboard,” cautioned Layla. “We don’t want to bankrupt the Empire.”

  Krista blushed slightly. She had a habit of overdoing it.

  “I’ll have Emira go with you,” added Layla. “She’ll help keep the costs down.”

  Krista frowned. “I don’t want my quarters to look like an old lady lives there.”

  Derrick laughed. He couldn’t help it. Sometimes Krista acted more like a teenager than a twenty-two-year-old Princess.

  “I think you might be surprised,” replied Layla. “Let her go one time, and, if you don’t like what she picks out, I’ll let you pick out everything instead.”

  “One time only?” asked Krista, as she thought it over. “One time and then I can pick out what I want?” She was already picturing how her quarters would look when she was finished.

  “Let’s get back to the Starburst. I’m hungry,” said Derrick. Recently they had been taking their meals in the cafeteria on the ship designated for the Princesses, while the Palace remained under construction. Governor Stein had insisted on furnishing several chefs to prepare meals for the Princ
esses as well as the crew. Morale onboard the ship had never been higher.


  Admiral Cleemorl was pleased with his latest orders. He was to return to Golan Four to attend the first meeting of the House of Worlds. It would also give him a chance to see Cheryl, who was now staying in the capital. He had already informed Captain Manson that he would be in charge again. Dylan also took along Governor Lindsay Littrel of Jalot Four. She had requested a ride on his flagship to attend the meeting but felt uncomfortable going in a civilian passenger liner, considering the current situation with the Confederation.

  “We’ll be ready to depart in twenty minutes,” reported Captain Fulmar. “Governor Littrel is already onboard with four people she brought. I’ve had them put in the guest quarters.”

  Dylan nodded. “I’ll meet with her later. I want to stop by Vidon Seven and Helgoth on the way. Both worlds have defensive grids but only a few resistance warships to help defend them. Fleet Admiral Marloo has asked if we would do a quick inspection of each to see what needs to be done to ensure we can hold both of those star systems from the Confederation.”

  “We should take a larger escort, just in case,” suggested Fulmar.

  “Have three dreadnoughts and twenty battlecruisers assigned as escorts,” ordered Dylan. “That will give us quite a bit of firepower and won’t weaken our position here too much.”

  “It will also make the governors of the worlds of Vidon Seven and Helgoth feel much better, seeing an actual fleet of powerful Imperial warships.”


  The minutes passed quickly by as the ships assigned to accompany the Themis rapidly formed up.

  On the main viewscreen, Dylan saw the Trinity, one of the dreadnoughts accompanying them. It looked very impressive and dangerous. “Take us out,” ordered Dylan. The small fleet would move away from Jalot Four before entering hyperspace.

  On the tactical display, the green icons moved alongside the Themis and shortly vanished as they entered hyperspace.

  “Course set for Vidon Seven,” confirmed Lieutenant Marks. “Transit time is fourteen hours.”

  Vidon Seven and Helgoth were only a few light-years apart, and Dylan planned on visiting both systems before continuing on to Golan Four.


  Dylan was in the officers’ cafeteria, eating with Governor Lindsay Littrel and several of her staff members.

  “The food is surprisingly good,” commented the governor, as she took another bite and smiled. “How is that? I always pictured food on a warship as bland and repetitive.”

  “No, not quite,” replied Dylan. “We serve a main meal every six hours, due to the shifts we run on the ship. In between, crewmembers can have sandwiches or other snack foods. We try to make the food as tasteful as possible to help keep the morale high. The freezers are well stocked as well as the dry-food pantries. We can make and serve almost anything that a regular restaurant would serve.”

  A look of seriousness crossed Lindsay’s face. “How long will your fleet stay at the Vortex Worlds? I heard a report today of some Confederation ships sighted close by.”

  “As long as necessary,” promised Dylan. “We consider the Vortex Worlds essential to the war effort. My fleet will remain, until it is relieved by ships even now being built by the Empire and your own star systems.”

  Lindsay smiled. “We’re not quite an Empire yet.”

  “No, but someday we will be. We must start somewhere.”

  “Do you know the High Princess?”

  Dylan nodded. “Yes, I’ve met her a number of times. She’s quite intelligent and is intent on restoring the Empire.”

  “As well as the Royal Line,” commented Lindsay. “What if we don’t want the Royal Line reestablished? Many of us have gotten used to ruling our own worlds. Some people have even forgotten there ever was an Empire.”

  “That is your decision,” answered Dylan. “You do not have to rejoin the Empire if you don’t want to. I would be surprised if everyone did rejoin.”

  “If we don’t, I suppose we’ll lose our protection.” Lindsay frowned as she thought about those ramifications.

  “No, we won’t penalize you for that. As long as you agree to help in the war effort, your planets will continue to be defended.”

  “I see,” replied Lindsay, as she continued to eat. “I will weigh the benefits of joining the Empire against those of remaining independent.”

  “That is one of the reasons for this meeting of the House of Worlds,” answered Dylan. “Much needs to be discussed, and it’s an opportunity for other governors to come to know the two Princesses.”

  Lindsay nodded. “I’m anxious to meet the High Princess. I hope she can find the time to speak with me.”

  Dylan smiled. “I believe that can easily be arranged.”

  One of the servers returned with a tray, holding several slices of red velvet cake and bowls of vanilla ice cream.

  Lindsay laughed. “Now I’m really impressed.”

  The server placed the desserts before everyone and then left.

  “I’m willing to consider joining the Empire,” admitted Lindsay. “I just don’t want to be taxed to death or expected to provide more than my planet can afford.”

  “That won’t happen,” promised Dylan, as he took a bite of his cake. “I believe you will find the High Princess very reasonable in what she will ask for.”

  “I hope you’re right,” replied Lindsay, taking a bite of her cake, which brought a big smile to her face.


  A number of hours later Dylan was in his quarters, filling out a report, when his comm buzzed. “This is Admiral Cleemorl.”

  “Admiral, we’re picking up a distress call from Vidon Seven. They are under attack by the Confederation.”

  Dylan stood. “How far out are we?”

  “Forty minutes.”

  “Take the fleet to Condition Two and prepare for combat. Are we in sensor range of the planet?”

  “Not quite, in another few minutes we will be.”

  “I’ll be in the Command Center shortly.”

  As Dylan made his way toward the Command Center, he saw the flashing red lights in the corridor and heard Captain Fulmar’s voice ordering the setting of Condition Two.

  Reaching the Command Center, Dylan quickly sat down and looked at his communications officer. “Lieutenant Newsome, send a hyperlight message to Captain Manson. I need five dreadnoughts and forty battlecruisers to come to Vidon Seven immediately. Inform him that a Confederation attack is currently underway. We must secure both Vidon Seven and Helgoth.”

  “We have long-range sensor readings,” reported Lieutenant Casella. “Detecting thirty-two Zynth battlecruisers in the system. It appears the defensive grid around Vidon Seven is still active. Also a small fleet of resistance ships are mixed in with the grid.” After accessing the computers on several Druin ships they now knew how to recognize the warships of all seven of the Confederation races.

  Dylan nodded. “Lieutenant Marks, drop us out of hyperspace directly behind the Zynth fleet. Captain Fulmar, as soon as we drop out, I want to hit the Zynth with a full barrage of missiles from all our ships. Maybe our sudden attack will force them to withdraw.”

  “Admiral, the governor wants to know what’s going on,” reported Captain Fulmar.

  “Have a Marine escort her to the Command Center. It might be good for her to see this.” Dylan just hoped he had the necessary forces to drive the Zynth from the system.


  Governor Littrel came into the Command Center with a look of confusion on her face. “Admiral, what’s going on?”

  “The Zynth are attacking Vidon Seven, and we’re going to their aid. We’ll be in combat shortly.”

  “Can you drive them off?”

  “We’ll find out. I’ve already called for reinforcements from First Fleet, but it will be fourteen or fifteen hours before they can get here.”

  Lindsay looked at the tactical display and the red icons it revealed. They were ob
viously circling Vidon Seven and firing on the planet’s defenses. “May I remain in the Command Center and observe?”

  “Yes, but, once combat starts, stay out of the way and be quiet. I don’t want any of the command crew distracted.”

  “I understand,” replied Lindsay.


  The first the Zynth knew of the incoming Imperial fleet was when its warships dropped from hyperspace directly behind their fleet. Almost instantly the Imperial warships launched missiles.

  “Where did those ships come from!” demanded the Zynth commander.

  “Unknown,” replied his second in command.

  “The resistance in this system was supposed to be minimal, but instead we find a powerful defense grid and a small squadron of resistance ships.”

  “It must be a Human patrol force for this region of their Empire.”

  “They don’t have an Empire any longer!” said the commander harshly. “We must turn our fleet and engage them. They are the more dangerous threat.” Even as he spoke, the first Human missiles slammed into the energy shields of his small fleet. On the ship’s main viewscreen, he saw one of his battlecruiser’s shields flicker and then fail. Two antimatter missiles turned the powerful Zynth warship into glowing wreckage.

  On the tactical display, the Human fleet formed into a double line formation and closed the distance between the two fleets.

  “They intend to fight,” pointed out the ship’s second in command.

  “Turn the fleet so we can bring more weapons to bear. We must destroy these Humans.” On the viewscreen, another Zynth battlecruiser blew apart. “Pull us away from the planetary defensive grid. We can’t risk receiving fire from two directions.”

  The Zynth fleet rapidly turned 180 degrees and accelerated toward the inbound Imperial fleet.

  From the planetary defense grid, three resistance battlecruisers and twelve support ships left the grid’s protection and fell into pursuit of the Zynth.


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