The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 9

by Raymond L. Weil

  “I’m curious as to what he finds. It would be nice to learn a few Royals are living on Earth.”


  In the suburbs of the city, Cheryl and Dylan were looking at houses. Currently they had found a two-story home in a quiet neighborhood. It was close enough to the Imperial Palace to make the trip reasonable and still far enough out to avoid the hustle and bustle of the capital.

  Dylan studied the large house. “Can we afford this?”

  Cheryl laughed. “No problem. My businesses have paid very well over the years. Money is one thing we’ll never have to worry about.”

  “Speaking of your businesses, who do you have managing them now?”

  “I’ve spoken to Captain Bryan, and he’s more than willing to manage them. I’m also having a new ship constructed for his use. I’ve pulled some strings, and they’ll build him a medium-size cruiser to travel around in. It will have several very nice staterooms, in case we want to go with him at times. He’ll also have four smaller escorts to ensure his cruiser stays safe.”

  Dylan looked stunned. “And you’ve already paid for all that?” He had no idea Cheryl’s assets were that large.

  Cheryl smiled. “I have some mining assets that have paid very well and should continue to pay well for years to come. Of course I have quite a few entertainment bars and clubs as well. I have assets spread out over fourteen star systems. I did get rid of everything that might be a little questionable.”

  Dylan nodded. “Just promise me one thing. You will never go off world again without talking to me first.”

  Cheryl lowered her head and nodded. “I won’t. I’ve learned my lesson. Now let’s go look at this house. It’s only been on the market for a few days, and, if we like it, I want to put in an offer. It’s in the perfect location.”

  Dylan stood, looking around. This would be a good neighborhood to raise kids. A nice park was nearby. Children were something he and Cheryl had yet to discuss. Perhaps now would be a good time. At least that would help to keep her home, and Dylan had always liked kids.

  “How long before you return to your fleet?”

  “A week or so,” replied Dylan. “I still have a few more meetings to attend to with the Princesses and Fleet Admiral Marloo. Eventually my fleet will be pulled back to help defend the core worlds.”

  This pleased Cheryl. At least Dylan would be closer to home.


  The meetings for the day were over, and Derrick and Layla were in the ship’s cafeteria, sitting at a private table, enjoying a meal together. Krista had announced earlier that she would talk to Emira about going shopping the next day and picking out some furniture for her rooms in the Palace.

  “Krista loves to shop,” said Layla, as she took a bite of her salad. “I think she would shop day in and day out, if I would let her.”

  Derrick smiled. He was enjoying his bowl of potato soup. “You better warn Emira, so she’ll know what she might be in for.”

  Layla grinned. “I already did. Emira had some decorators in the Palace earlier, measuring the rooms and making some recommendations on the furniture that would fit in with Krista’s style. Emira already has a list of stores they’ll be visiting. She also has two clothing stores where they’ll pick out a better wardrobe for Krista. We’re still wearing the same clothes we put into stasis over one thousand years ago.”

  Derrick winced. He could just imagine what shopping for clothes for either of the two Princesses would be like. “How soon before the two of you move back into the Palace?” Derrick knew that both women were anxious to do so.

  “As soon as we can,” replied Layla. “It won’t just be us. Quarters for the Imperial Guards, Emira, and the other attendants, as well as the staff, will be necessary to run and to operate the Palace. We must hire a kitchen staff and maintenance people. It’s actually quite complicated.”

  Derrick smiled. “And you’ll enjoy every minute of it.”

  Layla smiled. “Do you blame me? This was my brother’s dream and what my parents hoped would come to pass. Now we must completely rebuild the Empire and kick the Confederation across the universe.”

  Their main course arrived, and both were quiet for a few minutes as they enjoyed their food. Other members of the ship’s crew were in the cafeteria, but they didn’t bother Derrick or Layla. It was as if the two were in a world of their own.

  “I bet Krista is happy with Captain Barkley being reassigned to training interceptor pilots.”

  Layla nodded. “Yes, that’s all she can talk about. I’m sure that’ll greatly influence some of the clothes she’ll be getting. I’m just glad Emira will be with her to veto anything that’s too inappropriate.”

  Derrick laid down his fork and looked across the table. He couldn’t get over how beautiful Layla was with her light-blue eyes and shoulder-length blond hair. Tonight she wore a dress that was bare at the shoulders. Emira had allowed Layla to choose her own clothes for dates with Derrick, as long as they remained on the ship. Emira was very strict, demanding that Layla look like a Royal Princess anytime she stepped off the Starburst.

  Layla laughed. “Sometimes, when you look at me like that, I feel like I’m sitting here with no clothes on.”

  Derrick smiled and reached across the table, taking her hand. “You’re so beautiful that I can’t take my eyes off you.”

  Layla giggled. “That will get you a very good kiss later.”

  “What’s on our schedule for tomorrow?” Since they were now officially engaged, Derrick was expected to accompany Layla on many of her official visits, so he could become familiar with his duty as the Prince Consort.

  “The Imperial Library,” replied Layla. “I’ve been looking forward to going there. Chancellor Stein has told me that many of the art pieces from my father’s time are stored there.”

  Derrick nodded. “It’s amazing what all they managed to save during that time. I know Druin soldiers were everywhere, rounding up anyone who might have been associated with the Royal Family.”

  “A very sad and distressing time in our history,” said Layla with sadness in her eyes. “It’s a time I’ll never forget.”

  “None of us will,” answered Derrick. “Will Krista go with us, or will she be shopping?”

  “She’ll be shopping. That’s all she can talk about, it seems.”

  Derrick knew Layla now had a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. So far she seemed to be handling it well.

  “I spoke to Chancellor Stein earlier,” Layla said. “He thinks we should go on a tour of all the core worlds. He feels it will help the morale of the people to see Krista and I come to their worlds.”

  “I agree.”

  A thoughtful looked passed over Layla’s face. “I was thinking about scheduling the tour to start next week. I would like to spend a full day on each planet.”

  “If you wish, I’ll make the necessary arrangements. I’ll have some of the surviving ships from Fifth Fleet assigned as escorts.”

  “After all the sacrifices Fifth Fleet made in defending Golan Four, I would like to officially assign them the task of defending the planet, until such a time as sufficient Imperial fleet units are available.”

  “I agree with that too.” He had checked yesterday, and many of the ships in Fifth Fleet were still under repair. The fleet wasn’t going anywhere anytime soon. It would be a while before Fifth Fleet was back up to strength.

  The two finished eating their meal and then sat talking for well over an hour. As the crew came in for their evening meal, most just smiled at the couple and went on about their business.


  Druin Admiral Kreen gazed at the ship’s main viewscreen, which was focused on the Human world his fleet orbited. This was the fourth world he had brought back under Confederation control. All it had taken was an appearance by his fleet and the threat to destroy all their orbiting satellites and their large space station. The planet had quickly capitulated. The admiral was still galled that he could not destroy a few Human cities as
a penalty for them rebelling against the Confederation.

  “Where to next?” asked First Officer Falorr.

  “We will leave a few warships here and continue to bring back into the Confederation the Human worlds not defended or weakly defended. Once the Morag have destroyed the Human star system of Earth, we might then move against the Human worlds that have stronger defenses around them.”

  “I wish we were part of the fleet going to destroy Earth,” said Falorr.

  “As do I,” replied Kreen. He had made a request to the Great Council to allow his fleet to take part in the attack, but his request had been turned down. “For now we do as the Council orders. Someday these Humans will suffer for their arrogance in defying the Confederation.” Kreen had to admit that he enjoyed watching Human cities burn.


  The next day Derrick received a high priority message from Andrew, who was still onboard one of the large shipyards in orbit around Golan Four.

  “Admiral, I’ve made an amazing discovery. I’ve been speaking to Brent Newcomb on Earth about tracing the children of Prince Aiden Starguard and Lieutenant Maya Breams. It seems there is a historical record of all the births from the members of the Royal Family who were banished to Earth. Considerable effort was made to keep track of all the offspring from Aiden and Maya through the centuries. Brent will send me a copy of the records, as they are kept in a secret Imperial vault on Earth.”

  “That sounds great,” replied Derrick, surprised that such records might still exist. “I hope we find some long-lost relatives of the Royal Line. I know it would greatly excite Layla and Krista to know that they are not alone.”

  “I should hear something in a few days,” replied Andrew. “I’m curious myself as to what we find out.”

  “Keep me informed,” answered Derrick. With that, the conversation ended. Derrick decided not to say anything to Layla until he heard more from Derrick. He didn’t want to get her hopes up, only to let them down.


  Later that afternoon Derrick and Layla went on a tour of the Imperial Library. The Imperial Guards stopped at the entrance, as the library had its own security force. Only Colonel Emerson came inside with them. The head curator, Devon Muroow, currently hosted them on a tour.

  “As you know, the library covers almost a full kilometer and is twelve stories high. It holds nearly all the knowledge and the history of all the worlds that were once in the Empire. What isn’t widely known is that the library extends underground an additional four levels. That is where our most important artifacts are kept.”

  They descended some steps and through several thick security doors. “This area is temperature and humidity-controlled,” added Devon. “We strictly limit the people who come down here to researchers and historians. Some of the artifacts are in airtight cases and kept in a vacuum. Since the fall of the Empire, these underground levels have been sealed, with only the library curators having access. We were afraid, if the Druins ever found out we were preserving so much of the Empire’s history, they would destroy it all.”

  “A wise decision,” said Derrick. “That’s exactly what the Druins would have done.”

  They passed through the final security door, and Layla shivered. “It’s cold down here.”

  Devon nodded. “We keep the temperature at sixty-five degrees with a humidity of 30 percent. The jackets hanging up on the wall are there, if you feel you need one.”

  Layla shook her head. “No, I’ll get used to it.”

  Devon smiled. “If you will follow me, I’ll give you a quick tour of what’s down here, as well as the items removed from the Palace during the Fall. I’m sure many of them will soon be returning to the Palace. I would request that, when these items are put on display, you allow the Imperial Library to maintain them.”

  “I think that can easily be arranged,” replied Layla.

  As they made their way through the bottom four levels, they stopped occasionally to admire various pieces of art stored here that Layla never even knew existed. Finally they reached the bottom level that held a huge locked vault. Inside this massive vault were stored the art pieces from the Imperial Palace.

  After unsealing the vault, they went inside and Layla stopped, amazed at what she saw. There were statues, paintings, tapestries, and other artwork that she recognized. She went down the aisles, slowly gazing at what was here and recalling the last time she had seen the pieces. It brought tears to her eyes knowing that her brother had still been alive the last time the people of the Empire had seen these masterpieces.

  “As the Palace is rebuilt, we can return these pieces,” explained Devon.

  Layla nodded. “Can you assign a curator to help decide where some of these pieces should go?”

  “I would be delighted to,” replied Devon, smiling. “I’ll also make him or her responsible for maintaining them while they’re at the Palace.”

  “I believe I’ve seen enough. The curators of the Imperial Library have done a tremendous service to the Empire in preserving so much of the Empire’s history.”

  Devon looked extremely pleased. “Thank you, High Princess. We are glad we were able to serve.”


  Later they returned to the Palace and noticed a number of large cargo vehicles parked in front of one of the unloading entrances on the side of the Palace.

  “I think Krista is back from her shopping trip.”

  “I hope all those vehicles aren’t full.”

  Layla laughed. “I’m sure they are. Remember she was purchasing furniture for her suite of rooms as well as clothing. Plus you must understand that many of the shops Krista went to today won’t even charge anything for what she chose. Just being able to say, Princess Krista Starguard shopped here and bought such-and-such item will more than offset the cost of anything she picked out.”

  “Advertizing,” mused Derrick, shaking his head. “Sometimes it amazes me how much the people of the Empire and of Earth are alike.”

  “Why not?” asked Layla. “We’re all Human.”


  For the next several hours Layla and Derrick watched as all the furnishings that Krista had picked out were unloaded and were brought to her Royal Suite of rooms. She had six rooms in total, and Krista had picked out furnishings for all them. Emira and several special Palace decorators were assisting with the placement of everything.

  “I hope you like everything,” Krista said to Layla, a huge smile on her face.

  “What’s important is that you do,” replied Layla.

  Krista watched as a huge bed was carried in. “How soon before you furnish and decorate your rooms?” Krista was anxious to move into the Palace, but she wouldn’t until Layla did as well.

  “I’ll pick out some furniture in a few more days,” replied Layla. “Derrick will help me.”

  “I will?” asked Derrick, surprised.

  Layla laughed. “Of course. One of these days you will be living here as well.”

  Krista came to stand next to Layla. “How soon can we move in? It’s not as noisy now as it was.”

  About then a loud crashing sound came from outside, as part of the wall in a sky tower was demolished. Most of the tower would be replaced.

  “In a few more weeks. By then the noise level should be considerably less.”

  “I checked earlier, and the main dining room for the Royal Family is finished, as well as the main kitchen. Let’s invite Captain Barkley and a few others and have a meal there. It will be the first one in over one thousand years.”

  Layla was surprised by Krista’s suggestion. “I like that idea. Why don’t we decide who to invite and set it up for later this week? We still must hire a kitchen staff.”

  “I already spoke to Chancellor Stein. He has the kitchen staff lined up, as well as a group of servers.”

  “Been busy, haven’t you?” said Layla, laughing.

  A serious look crossed Krista’s face. “I just want our lives to be normal again, and that won’t happen until we’re b
ack in the Palace.”

  Layla fully understood this. “Then I guess we better decide who we’re inviting. It should be special, since this will signify the Palace is finally returning to normal.” Layla felt a growing excitement. It was nearing time for the Imperial Palace to open up and to once more become a symbol for the people of the Empire. This meal could be the beginning of a new era for the Human race.

  Chapter Eight

  Lormallian Admiral Zador waited patiently as his flagship dropped out of hyperspace near the Human world of Astor. It was one of the few Human worlds on the perimeter of their Empire that actually had a defensive grid around it as well as a few protective warships. Zador was determined to pacify all the Human worlds in his sector, and this was the only one that posed a potential threat.

  The Lormallians were the oldest of the seven races, custodians of the Confederation archives, standing seven feet tall with a bone crest instead of hair.

  “Detecting three Imperial battlecruisers and twelve support ships,” reported First Officer Dabon. “Also a weak defensive grid surrounds the planet.”

  “We are being ordered to leave the system immediately,” added the communications officer. “The Humans say they are no longer under the influence of the Confederation.”

  Admiral Zador merely shook his head. The sheer impudence of these Humans was simply amazing. “Continue to close on the planet. We will engage and destroy the Human warships and then take out their defensive grid. I see the planet has two small space stations. Are they armed?”

  “No weapons detected,” replied the sensor officer.

  “We will leave the space stations, as they may prove useful in the future.”

  “Admiral, the warships are falling back into the defensive grid,” reported First Officer Dabon.

  Zador frowned. This would make them more difficult to destroy. “Continue to advance. We will engage the warships and the defensive grid at the same time.”


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