The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three Page 10

by Raymond L. Weil


  From the two shipyards, pleas for help were broadcast. Unfortunately they knew they were far away from the nearest Resistance Fleets or Imperial forces. Help would not reach them in time. Helplessly the crews of the stations watched as the Lormallian fleet drew closer.


  In the underground Command Center beneath the capital on Golan Four, Fleet Admiral Marloo and General Gantts listened to the pleas for help, knowing they could do nothing.

  “Our nearest Resistance Fleet is almost a full day away,” said Marloo, shaking his head. “Even if it could reach them, that fleet is not large enough to drive off the Lormallians.”

  “This will happen a lot over the next few months, until we have more warships,” replied Gantts, wishing they could do more. “We must make sure we save as many worlds as possible while we can.”

  “We’re building defensive grid elements and ODPs as rapidly as possible. Of course the ODPs are being deployed around the core worlds first. As soon as they’re adequately defended, we’ll send them to other worlds. Fortunately the worlds in the Haven Nebula, the Vortex Worlds, and the Lamina Stars have the necessary resources to build defensive grid elements as well as ODPs. In a few weeks they will also build their first attack interceptors.”

  General Gantts nodded. “Until then, all we can do is slow down the advance of the Confederation fleets as much as possible and try to save as many worlds as we can.”


  On the main shipyard above Astor, the civilian in charge shook her head. “There’s nothing more we can do. I want as many people as possible evacuated from the station. All ships that have hyperspace drives are to jump out now and head to the nearest free world. We’ll close down the station and take the shuttles to the surface.”


  Admiral Zador watched the tactical display as the Human civilian ships with hyperspace drives left the system. “Let them go. They’ll spread the word that the Confederation will soon be coming for all the Human worlds.”

  The Lormallian fleet was comprised of over nine hundred vessels in all. Other ships of the fleet were currently in orbit above Human worlds that had been retaken and put under control of the Confederation once more.

  “Engagement range with the defensive grid in seven minutes,” reported First Officer Dabon. “The grid consists of energy beam satellites and missile platforms.”

  “Target the three battlecruisers first,” ordered Zador. “They’re the only vessels that might be a danger to us, if they’re armed with antimatter weapons.”

  The fleet continued to close and opened fire on the defensive grid as well as the three Resistance Fleet battlecruisers. At the same time the defensive grid fired and launched all its missiles. All three battlecruisers flushed their missile tubes, loading new missiles and launching as rapidly as possible. The support ships moved closer to the battlecruisers to give them added protection. The crews of the ships knew there was little chance of them surviving, but they would make the Lormallians pay for attacking this world.


  On the surface of the planet, the people looked up to see thousands of explosions lighting up the night sky. Everyone knew what this meant. The Confederation had returned.


  The defensive grid was hit hard. Satellite after satellite was blown apart, raining glowing debris upon the planet. However, some of the missile platforms contained antimatter missiles, and all these had been fired at the Lormallian fleet before the platforms were blown out of orbit.

  Eight Lormallian battlecruisers suddenly found their shields knocked down from the heavy pounding of the antimatter missiles. More of the deadly missiles arrived, and all eight ships exploded and died in fiery deaths of rampaging antimatter energy.

  A Lormallian battleship was targeted by the Resistance Fleet battlecruisers and their support ships. The shield suddenly weakened, and a fusion missile blew the ship in two. Energy beams from the dying defensive grid finished off the two pieces, turning them into lifeless hulks.

  One of the Resistance Fleet battlecruisers died when its energy shield failed. The other two rapidly followed, as overwhelming firepower from the Lormallian fleet blew them apart. The Resistance Fleet support ships lasted only a few seconds longer than the battlecruisers they were trying to defend. In what looked like miniature novas, they died one by one.


  Admiral Zador felt rising anger at the loss of nine of his warships. He hadn’t expected to lose any. Logically he knew that ships would be lost from time to time in battle. Taking a deep breath, he accepted what had just occurred. “Finish off the defense grid. We’ll leave a battleship and four battlecruisers to ensure this system stays under Confederation control. For the time being, all Human cargo and passenger ships are banned from leaving this world or traveling to it.” That would teach them to rebel against the Confederation.


  Fleet Admiral Marloo and General Gantts exchanged glances.

  “I guess that’s that,” said Gantts. “The Confederation has retaken control of another Human world.”

  “We hurt them some,” replied Marloo. “One of their battleships and eight of their battlecruisers. While we can’t face them fleet for fleet, we can gradually weaken their forces. That’s what we must do. The Confederation must pay a cost for every Human world they reconquer.”

  General Gantts shifted her gaze to a massive holographic display that showed the Human Empire. Worlds controlled by the Empire were in green, and worlds controlled by the Confederation were in red. A large number of worlds were in yellow—the ones that neither the new Empire or the Confederation had control of. “We have a lot of work to do over the next few months.”

  Fleet Admiral Marloo nodded. “A lot will depend on what happens at Earth. We must hope that Earth finds a way to defeat the Confederation attack soon heading toward them.”


  Admiral Dylan Cleemorl was preparing to go on a special mission as the special envoy for Layla, and would briefly visit twenty-two former Imperial worlds that Layla hoped would agree to rejoin the Empire. Krista was going on a tour of the core worlds. Chancellor Stein would be accompanying her. The plans called for them to be gone a total of ten days. Layla had promised Krista, when she returned, that they would all move into the Palace.

  As a precaution, Emira would go along to ensure the young Princess dressed and acted appropriately. Originally Layla had intended on touring the core worlds. However, she had decided too much was going on with the pending attack on Earth and with the Confederation fleets in the Empire, so it was best if she stayed on Golan Four.

  “Must Emira come with me on my tour?” asked Krista for the tenth time.

  Krista and Layla were about to host the first official meal in the Imperial Palace in over one thousand years. Nearly one hundred people had been invited. Many were in the military, as well as selected government officials. A few of the mayors of some of the larger cities on Golan Four would be attending as well.

  While this would be a formal meal, it would also serve as a meet and greet for people who wanted to meet the two Princesses. Several attendants were currently in Krista’s suite of rooms, as they had been completely furnished, getting the Princesses ready for tonight’s event.

  “I like this gown for you, Princess Layla,” announced Emira, it was a light-blue silk, which fell just above Layla’s ankle. It had a little lace on the shoulders and, while elegant, wasn’t too frilly.

  “I like that one,” admitted Krista. “What do you have picked out for me?”

  Emira gestured toward one of the attendants, who stepped into the other room and returned with a light-green gown with a little more lace than the one Layla would wear. It was a little shorter but not by much. “I also took the liberty of speaking to Devon Muroow. It seems the Royal Jewelry was stored in the underground vault at the Imperial Library. I had him bring a few pieces by earlier.”

  Layla and Krista both approached a jewelry box sitting on one of the dres
sers. Layla opened it, and both Royals gasped. They recognized this jewelry. Some of it their mothers had worn, and other pieces the two Princesses had worn on special Royal occasions.

  “This will work perfectly,” said Layla, as she picked up a necklace covered in jewels. A large blue star sapphire was the centerpiece.

  Krista picked out a necklace with a medium-size emerald. “I wore this to Mom and Dad’s twenty-fifth wedding anniversary,” she said, a tear forming in her eye.

  Layla nodded. “I remember. You looked very beautiful that night, and your parents were extremely proud of you.”

  Krista looked at Layla with a serious look in her face. “Please don’t let me screw up anything. I know I’m impulsive at times, but I really want the best for both of us and the Empire.”

  “I know,” said Layla, stepping closer and giving Krista a quick hug.

  “We better get the two of you dressed,” said Emira. “Your guests will be arriving in about an hour.”


  Derrick wore his dress uniform and stood next to Fleet Admiral Marloo. General Gantts and Admiral Dylan Cleemorl. “Have you ever been to something like this before?”

  Marloo laughed. “Not even close. Some of the speeches and greetings will be broadcast across the core worlds, but all the media will be shut down once the meal starts.”

  Derrick saw Cheryl enter and move to Dylan’s side. She was dressed in a gorgeous gown that was pretty low-cut. Derrick knew Cheryl liked to show off her assets, and assets she definitely had. Cheryl and General Lyra Gantts immediately started talking, and soon both were laughing. Leave it to Cheryl to feel perfectly comfortable in this setting. Chancellor Stein came in and soon made his way around the room, speaking to the various guests.

  Drinks were served, as well as some hors d’oeuvres on silver platters. Several wines were offered alongside nonalcoholic drinks.

  Colonel Emerson of the Imperial Guard suddenly appeared, and his voice echoed through the large dining hall. “The High Princess Layla Starguard and Princess Krista Starguard.” Both Princesses entered the hall with smiles on their faces.

  This was Derrick’s cue, and he quickly moved to Layla’s side. Captain Barkley was here as well, but he was busy talking to various people about the attack interceptors. It wasn’t necessary for him to be at Krista’s side, until time for the meal to be served.

  “We’ll move about the room, making small talk,” explained Layla in a low voice. “It’s expected of us. We’ll take about thirty minutes to make our rounds, and then we’ll move to the head of the main table and announce it’s time for the meal to be served. Once the meal is over, we’ll remain seated but will allow our guests to come forward to ask questions.”

  “Layla will answer most of the questions,” said Krista, grinning.

  “As you will be also,” replied Layla. “It’s something you must get used to doing.” Layla put her hand on Derrick’s arm, and the three of them began making their rounds.


  A little over thirty minutes later Layla, Derrick, and Krista made their way to the head table.

  Chancellor Stein had been watching for this, and, as soon as the three reached their seats, he asked for everyone to be seated, as the meal was ready to be served.

  Captain Barkley reached his chair at the same time that Krista reached hers. The two Princesses sat first, and then everyone else in the room found their chairs and sat down as well.

  “I hope I don’t make a fool of myself,” said Mathew quietly. “This definitely is not a fast-food joint.”

  Krista laughed. “Don’t worry. Just follow my lead. Keep in mind that no one else here, other than Layla and I, have ever eaten a meal like this either. Most of our guests will be unsure what they should do and will be watching us. We have a number of attendants who will go around answering questions and helping out where necessary.”

  While they were waiting for dinner to be served to all, High Princess Layla stood and made a short speech, thanking everyone for attending, saying many more such meals would be held at the Palace once it was fully rebuilt.

  Derrick then stood and offered a toast to the new Human Empire.

  “How did he know to do that?” asked Mathew, looking at Krista.

  “Emira. She’s been to a number of these in the past, when the Palace was in its prime. She’s a stickler for details, and she knows everything.”


  The first course was brought out, and soon everyone was busy eating. They were using fine china and crystal glasses, which made some nervous about dropping and breaking something. After all, this Imperial china was over one thousand years old. Layla had Devon bring it from the vault in the Imperial Library, as she wanted to impress her guests.

  Mathew watched as the courses were brought out one at a time. He was surprised to find he felt more at ease. Of course with Krista constantly talking to him and explaining what the food was helped tremendously. Of the five courses, he had eaten none of it before. Some of it was similar to Earth food, but the taste wasn’t the same. Of course it was all delicious. Finally, after dessert was served, he was quite full.

  “That was good,” he remarked, as he took a sip of his wine. “Of course it helps that you’re sitting next to me.”

  Krista grinned. “That’s one thing I always liked about these meals. They’re prepared by the best chefs on the planet. The food is always cooked perfectly. I’m glad you enjoyed it. Are you ready for your new job training future pilots?”

  Mathew nodded. “Yes, I’ve drafted a few from my squadron to assist. If all goes well, our first training class will happen late next week. We’re still building the flight simulators, as we’ll need quite a few.”

  Krista reached under the table and squeezed Mathew’s hand. “Just think. You will be based close to the capital. That means we can see each other more often.”

  “I’ll like that part,” replied Mathew, grinning.


  Layla waited until everyone was nearly finished with their dessert before she stood to address her guests. “As the Imperial Palace is restored, we will have more and more functions here, including daily audiences in the Royal Court as well as the work of managing the Empire. Many positions need to be filled. That is one of the reasons for having meals such as this, so I can become more familiar with some of the people who I may ask to fill those positions. We have much work still ahead of us. Shortly Princess Krista will depart on a tour of all the core worlds. In addition, Admiral Cleemorl will be visiting some of the other Human worlds we want to bring into our new Empire.”

  Layla paused as her gaze moved over the listening crowd. “Captain Mathew Barkley is here tonight. I am pleased to announce he has been promoted to the rank of major and will be responsible for training our pilots for our new attack interceptors. In addition, we will be converting one of our major shipyards to build the battlecarriers that will serve as mobile bases for the interceptors. Those are all the announcements for now. Feel free to move about and mingle. Princess Krista and I are available to answer questions, so don’t hesitate to come up.”


  For the next hour numerous men and women came to the head table to ask questions. Layla, Krista, Fleet Admiral Marloo, Admiral Cleemorl, Derrick, and Mathew did their best to answer and to explain numerous plans and what needed to be done to fully restore the Empire.

  Finally the last guest was ushered out, and Layla leaned back in her chair. “While I enjoy these meals, for some reason they seem very tiring at times.”

  Derrick laughed. “You did great tonight. I think you impressed everyone here.”

  “And the food was excellent,” said Cheryl, smiling. She sat at the head table on the other side of Dylan.

  “I think a lot was accomplished tonight,” added Dylan. “People are beginning to see the Imperial Palace as the seat of power for the Empire. We must continue to build upon that.”

  “I agree,” said Fleet Admiral Marloo. “Now, if you will excuse me, I must g
et home. I have a long day planned for tomorrow.”

  Over the next few minutes everyone went their separate ways, allowing the serving staff to come in to clear off the tables. Emira was present, ensuring everything was put back in its correct place and that the servers were careful with the china.


  As Dylan and Cheryl left for their new home in the suburbs, Cheryl turned toward Dylan. “I think I’ll enjoy living here, especially if we get to attend functions like tonight. Did you see all the jealous looks I got from the women because I was seated at the head table?”

  Dylan shook his head. Only Cheryl would come up with something like that. “Maybe they were just jealous because you were sitting next to me.”

  Cheryl put her arm in Dylan’s. “Well, they can just be jealous. You’re mine, and I’m not letting you go.”

  The two got inside a waiting aircar and were soon on their way back home.


  Mathew and Krista had gone into the Royal Court to look at all the artwork. Krista never grew tired of this. “You should see what all is stored at the Imperial Library. I can’t wait to get more of it displayed here. Art should be enjoyed by everyone, not locked up in the dark.”

  Mathew looked at the two Imperial Guards standing a short distance away, discreetly watching them. Mathew knew that, because Krista was one of the two Royal Princesses, the guards would always be around. He would get used to it.

  The two were holding hands and stopped in front of the statue of Layla’s father. “He was a great man,” said Krista, recalling his powerful voice and his love for his family. “I do wish Aiden were here.”

  “You and Layla are here, and that is what Aiden, Layla’s parents, and your parents wanted. The future is yours to build.”

  “I know, and that’s what’s so frightening. I just hope we don’t screw it up.”

  Mathew squeezed Krista’s hand. “You won’t, and, if you do mess something up, you have some good people around you to help straighten it out.”

  Krista nodded. She was glad Mathew was in her life. It helped to give her the strength she would need in the future.


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