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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

Page 13

by Raymond L. Weil

  While waiting for a response, Dylan called up the system on his computer screen. Twelve planets were in the system. It had a robust mining industry and small colonies on several of the other moons and planets in the system. One of the larger moons had even been terraformed.

  “Admiral, the defense grid is of moderate power. They do have eighteen missile platforms mixed in as well. The space stations are not armed and have no energy shields. However, the shipyard is heavily armed and does have a shield.”

  “Well, that’s some good news at least. Let me know what you find out from Bratol Three.”

  Now Dylan had to prepare two different plans. One in case additional Resistance Fleets were nearby, and a second one if his fleet and the small Resistance Fleet already there would be in this alone.


  The Druin fleet slowly approached Tantula Five. Scans had shown hundreds of mining vessels, cargo ships, and a few passenger liners. Many of those with hyperspace drives were jumping out to other Human worlds.

  “Commander, a Resistance Fleet is in the system near Tantula Five,” reported the sensor officer.

  “How many and what classifications?”

  “Six battlecruisers and twenty-three support ships.”

  “They are not a serious threat to us,” stated the first officer.

  “Also a defensive grid surrounds the planet, and the shipyard shows to be armed and is protected by an energy shield.”

  The Druin commander did not like what he heard. This system was supposed to be lightly defended and an easy one to bring back under Confederation control. “Continue to approach slowly. I want thorough scans of that defensive grid. I want to know exactly what we’ll be facing.” Admiral Kreen had sent him here to secure all seven of the primary Human worlds in the Hagen Star Cluster. He still intended to do that, but he wanted to hold his losses to a minimum.


  The captain of the resistance battlecruiser Maya was relieved to hear that an Imperial battlefleet was on its way and would arrive shortly. He just needed to survive until it reached the Tantula system.

  “Pull our fleet back to the defense grid and near the shipyard. That will greatly increase the firepower we have available. We’ll stay there until the Imperial fleet arrives.”

  “Captain, the planetary governor is willing to put the defense grid under our control as well as the shipyard,” reported the communications officer.

  “Where is the normal command station for the grid?”

  “It’s located on the shipyard.”

  “Very well, we will keep control there. Have the command station activate the defensive grid. Also recommend that all three space stations evacuate immediately.”

  “At least the Druins are coming in slow,” commented the first officer. “That gives us time.”

  The captain shook his head. “Another week and we would have had the defense grid finished.”

  “It’s still pretty powerful,” replied the first officer.

  “Let’s just hope it’s powerful enough.”


  The six battlecruisers and twenty-three support ships of the resistance moved back and into the defensive grid in the general vicinity of the shipyard. Onboard the shipyard, the crew raced to their battlestations as the energy screen snapped into place. Energy turrets swiveled to face the incoming Druin fleet. Missile hatches slid open, and targeting systems became active. The commander of the shipyard was determined to do everything he could to protect his world as well as his command.


  The Druin commander had his fleet halt. “We’ll initiate long-range bombardment from here.”

  “The three space stations have been evacuated,” the first officer informed the commander. “Should we destroy them?”

  “Not yet, they might be useful, once we take control of the planet.”

  “What about the shipyard?”

  “We may have to destroy it, if they refuse to surrender.”

  “We are being ordered out of the system,” reported the communications officer.

  The Druin commander shifted in his command chair, creaking from his massive weight. “Do not reply. Our missiles will be our answer.”

  From the Druin battleships and battlecruisers, missiles roared into space, heading toward the planet and the defensive grid, which protected it.


  Admiral Cleemorl had just received some good news. Another Resistance Fleet was on its way, consisting of twelve battlecruisers and forty support ships. It had been traveling to Lamora Seven, when they received the distress call and had been diverted by Fleet Admiral Marloo, who was now in charge of all Imperial ships including the Resistance Fleets.

  “We’ll rendezvous with the Resistance Fleet in twenty minutes,” reported Captain Fulmar. “We’re receiving reports that the attack on Tantula Five has only just begun. At the moment the Druins are using long-range missile bombardment in an attempt to weaken the defensive grid.”

  “We may just reach them in time,” said Dylan. “There’s a good chance the Druins don’t know we’re coming or about the second Resistance Fleet.”

  “We can hope,” replied Captain Fulmar.


  Admiral Cleemorl’s fleet and the additional Resistance Fleet reached the rendezvous coordinates and formed up into one fleet. Admiral Cleemorl, since he was the senior officer, took command of both fleets.

  “We’re forty minutes out,” reported Captain Fulmar, as the fleets got underway again. “The Druins are still hitting the defensive grid. So far the Resistance Fleet and the shipyard are untouched.”

  “Let’s just hope it stays that way,” replied Dylan. “They’ll need a little bit of luck to drive the Druins away from Tantula Five.”


  The bombardment of the defensive grid around Tantula Five was going well. Already nearly 30 percent of the grid had been annihilated. Bright meteor-like debris could be seen shooting through the atmosphere, falling toward the planet.

  “We’ve intercepted some hyperlight communications between the Resistance Fleet and an Imperial fleet,” reported the Druin communications officer. “The Imperial fleet is on its way here, though we have no time line for its arrival.”

  The Druin commandeer stood and approached the tactical display. “We dare not allow it to arrive before we have finished subduing the planet. All ships are to advance immediately and to engage the shipyard and the Resistance Fleet guarding it. They must be destroyed before the Imperials arrive.” The commander had hoped to keep his losses to a minimum, as he had six more star systems to bring back under Confederation control. Now that was in doubt.


  As the Themis dropped out of hyperspace in close proximity to Tantula Five, space was already full of explosions as the cornered Resistance Fleet and the shipyard struggled to survive against the intense attack of the Druins.

  “All ships are at Condition One,” reported Captain Fulmar.

  “Missiles first and then fusion energy beams,” ordered Dylan. “Take us in close. This will be ship to ship. I want to keep them penned between the Resistance Fleet, the shipyard, and us.”

  “The defensive grid is still partially active,” added Captain Fulmar. “That should help.” On the viewscreens, he saw the missile platforms launching nonstop at the incoming Druin warships.


  The combined Imperial and Resistance Fleets headed directly toward the Druins, missiles launching and energy beams firing. Massive explosions of pure energy rocked the energy shields of the Druin ships. Several collapsed, allowing antimatter missiles to turn the ships into shattered glowing wrecks.

  Part of the Druin fleet hastily turned to face the incoming warships. Now both the front and rear of the Druin fleet were under heavy attack.

  The Druin commander spent a moment analyzing the current tactical situation. He still had an advantage in firepower, but this battle would cost him a considerable portion of his fleet. Not only that but part of the defensive grid protect
ing the planet was still intact. Even if he won the battle, he would not have sufficient warships left to conquer this planet and the other six inhabited star systems in the cluster.

  The Druin commander felt his flagship shake violently as several antimatter missiles detonated against its energy shield. On a viewscreen, a Druin battleship was being torn apart by fusion energy beams from the Imperial ships.

  On another screen, an Imperial battlecruiser had lost its energy shield, and Druin energy beams were riddling the ship, turning it into a powerless and lifeless hulk.

  “What are your orders, Commander?” asked the ship’s first officer.

  “We stay and fight for now. While this engagement may prevent us from accomplishing our mission, we can reduce this Imperial Fleet and these Resistance Fleets to the point where they will be powerless to prevent one of our other fleets from taking control of all seven of the Human-inhabited systems in this star cluster. Target the space stations and destroy them.”

  “Only one is currently in range.”

  “Destroy it. We’ll destroy the others as the opportunity arises.”


  Over the next few minutes the battle greatly intensified. The remaining defense grid and the heavily armed shipyard allowed the resistance and Imperial forces to hold their own against the Druins. Ships on both sides were dying in bright novalike explosions of released energy.

  On the surface of the planet, the battle was plainly visible. Numerous flashes of bright light designated the explosions of fusion and antimatter missiles in space. The people on the planet knew their future was being decided in orbit.


  Admiral Cleemorl felt the Themis shake violently as several missiles detonated against its powerful energy shield. Glancing at the damage control console, he saw several lights turn yellow.

  “Minor damage to the hull in sections fourteen and twenty,” reported the damage control officer. “No hull ruptures. As a precaution the compartments immediately below and adjacent to the damage are being evacuated.”

  Dylan nodded. The battle still grew in intensity. At the moment there was no way to tell who might win.

  “We just lost the Durham and Vixen,” reported Captain Fulmar. The Durham and Vixen were both battlecruisers.

  On the main viewscreen, a Druin battleship was under heavy fire with its energy screen glowing brighter and brighter. Suddenly the screen failed, and the ship blew apart, sending glowing debris in all directions.

  “Druins are attacking one of the space stations,” reported Lieutenant Casella. “It’s unarmed with no protective energy screen.”

  The station suddenly appeared on the main viewscreen. Fusion energy beam fire was tearing it apart. Section after section was riddled, turning the station into a useless piece of space rubble.


  The Druin commander nodded to himself in satisfaction. He had eliminated one of the planet’s space stations, nearly destroyed the defense grid, and annihilated a large number of resistance and Imperial warships. “Our mission here is complete. We shall withdraw and report our engagement to Admiral Kreen. He can send another fleet to finish the pacifying of these worlds.”

  A few moments later the Druin fleet entered hyperspace, and the battle died down and came to a sudden end.


  “They’re leaving,” said Captain Fulmar, surprise on his face. “Why?”

  “This battle would be a stalemate,” replied Dylan, leaning back in his command chair. “No doubt they plan on summoning a larger fleet to finish us off and to subdue all seven systems in this cluster.”

  Frowning, Captain Fulmar looked at the admiral. “What will we do?”

  “Call in our cargo ships. We can replace the defensive grid around Tantula Five, as well as arm and put energy screens on those two remaining space stations. We don’t have any ships we can summon, so we must make do with what we have.”

  Captain Fulmar checked the inventories of defensive grid parts still on the cargo ships. “We can put one hell of a defensive grid around Tantula Five.”

  Dylan nodded. “That’s the idea. With a powerful defensive grid and some warships, we can hold this system. I’ll requisition more defensive grid parts from the core worlds to put around the other six inhabited planets in the cluster. I also want to keep a combined Resistance and Imperial Fleet here to ensure all seven of these star systems stay under our control.”

  “What about ODPs?” asked Fulmar. “They could make a huge difference.”

  “I’ll ask for them,” replied Dylan. “At the very least, I want to put six around Tantula Five. We can use Tantula as our primary base in this section of space. Their shipyard is capable of doing repairs, and they have a massive industrial base on the planet. It shouldn’t take us long to get them building attack interceptors and their first PDCs. In a few months we can make Tantula Five as heavily defended as one of the core worlds.”

  “An ambitious plan,” replied Captain Fulmar, as Lieutenant Bedell handed him a report on the fleet losses. “We lost four dreadnoughts and thirty-seven battlecruisers. Other ships were damaged, and we may put them into the shipyard for repairs. The Resistance Fleets lost eight battlecruisers and forty-two support ships.”

  Dylan let out a deep sigh. He tried not to think about the loss of lives. This war would take a heavy toll on the men and women fighting. “How many Druin ships did we manage to take out?”

  “Fourteen of their battleships and seventy-two of their battlecruisers.”

  “A pretty even exchange,” replied Dylan, drawing in a deep breath. “The only problem is, at the present time, we can’t afford to trade them ship for ship. Not with the resources the Confederation has. We must get by for the next few months until more warships come out of the shipyards in the core worlds.”

  “That may be a big if,” said Fulmar. “If we don’t meet the Confederation in combat, they’ll take over a lot of Human worlds.”

  Dylan nodded. “We must hold what we can. I’m afraid this will be a long war.”

  Chapter Eleven

  Andrew was in a state of shock as he was flown from the shipyard in space he had been working on to the Imperial Palace on Golan Four. He had just received a message from his mother, telling him who his ancestors were. As soon as he finished speaking to his mother, a colonel came to escort Andrew to the Imperial Palace. Andrew was still adjusting to being third in line for the throne, since his mother had abdicated her position to him. Everything was happening so fast!

  “So, should I call you Your Royal Highness,” teased Brenda, a wide grin on her face. Ensign Brenda Allert had asked if she could accompany Andrew, since she knew both of the Princesses very well.

  “I’ll have you thrown in the dungeon if I ever hear you call me that,” growled Andrew. “I wonder if there are dungeons under the Palace?”

  Brenda laughed. “I doubt it. We’re way past that point. Have you spoken to Kala?”

  “Briefly,” replied Andrew. “I don’t know what she thinks of all this. They’re arranging to bring her to Golan Four as soon as possible. She should leave in the next few days.”

  “On a dreadnought?” Brenda knew Kala did not enjoy being on warships.

  Andrew shook his head. “No, a ritzy passenger liner. Some other people will be coming as well. It will have a military escort, though a lot of ships can’t be spared at the moment.”

  “So, does this mean I get to come to a Royal Ball, since I know all the Royals?”

  Andrew grinned. “Someone has to teach me how to dance. I’m not very good at it.”

  A wide smile split Brenda’s face. “I can do that. I’m a good dancer! I even took classes when I was in school.” Brenda could already see herself dressed in a wonderful gown and dancing at a Royal Ball.

  “Somehow that doesn’t surprise me,” replied Andrew.

  With a wicked grin, Brenda handed Andrew a laptop. “That contains the duties of the position you’re about to find yourself in. It also explains how a Royal, suc
h as yourself, is supposed to act and to dress while in public.”

  “That’s just great,” muttered Andrew, shaking his head. “Are you telling me that I don’t even get to pick out my own clothes anymore?”

  “Within reason,” answered Brenda. “High Princess Layla and Princess Krista have suggested I become one of their attendants on several occasions. How would you feel if I become yours instead?”

  “I do get some privacy, don’t I?”

  Brenda nodded and grinned. “Some, but you will find it very limited at times. Keep in mind that, including you, only three Royals are currently alive who have a direct claim on the throne. You will be called Prince Wilcox or Prince Andrew, depending on the situation.”


  Andrew leaned back and closed his eyes. He realized his life had just gotten very complicated. “I’ll definitely need you as an attendant or something. I’m not prepared for this.” He trusted Brenda to look out for him. He realized, in the coming months, he would be heavily dependent on her.

  A happy look crossed Brenda’s face. “That means I get to move into the Palace!”

  Andrew let out a deep sigh. “Oh, God, what have I done?”

  Brenda elbowed him in the side and started explaining to Andrew why she would need a new wardrobe.


  Kala was inside her Pallas home, packing. She had really enjoyed her life here, but, by going to Golan Four with the new responsibilities that Andrew would have, it would mean they would be together most of the time. This was something she really wanted. Besides, Cheryl was there, and Kala had become good friends with Cheryl. Ensign Brenda Allert would be there as well, who Kala had become close with too.

  She had gone to see her father, in an attempt to get him to come as well, but he was into a dig in Egypt that he swore would change Human history even more than it already had in recent years. He wouldn’t tell her what he was working on, but that was his way. He was always very secretive, until he was ready to announce his discoveries.


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