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The Forgotten Empire: The Battle For Earth: Book three

Page 21

by Raymond L. Weil

“Just a few more minutes,” reported Captain Newman. “Ganymede Central is at Condition One, and all defensive installations are online and ready to fire.”

  Rear Admiral Leeson watched the tactical display of data coming in from Ganymede Central. His plan was to jump in directly behind the Confederation fleet and cause as much damage as possible. After that, his fleet would break apart and defend Ganymede Central and the six orbital ODPs. This would allow for the maximum amount of damage to the Confederation fleet.

  “They’re entering combat range,” reported Lieutenant Stewart from the sensor console.

  Leeson nodded. It was time. “Lieutenant Suarez, set the jump coordinates, as we previously discussed.”

  “Coordinates set, and the fleet is tied in.”

  “Very well, jump!” ordered Rear Admiral Leeson. It was time for Second Fleet to go to war.

  Chapter Seventeen

  Admiral Malleck blinked his eyes in surprise as Human warships appeared behind his fleet. He had expected the Humans to hold their ships back to protect their primary worlds. “Order the Zynth and the Morphenes to turn to engage the Human fleet behind us. The rest of us will continue to attack the moon and its defenses.”

  The Confederation fleet quickly shifted into two formations, and almost immediately heavy weapons fire broke out.


  “Fire!” ordered Rear Admiral Leeson, seeing what the Confederation fleet was attempting to do. He wanted to get the first punch in, before the Confederation fleets were fully settled into their new formations. He had a small opportunity to hit the Confederation fleets before they engaged his fleet.

  Explosions struck the Confederation fleets, even as they turned to face Second Fleet. Second Fleet was in a wedge formation, its apex facing the enemy. Across the Confederation fleets, massive explosions tore at energy shields, causing a number to go down. Fusion energy beams flicked out, taking advantage of the downed shields to drill deep into the enemy ships, causing major damage.

  Explosions blew out hull material, throwing it far into space. The beams crashed through compartments, killing Confederation personnel. Emergency hatches and bulkheads slammed shut as the damage spread. More missiles arrived, and the helpless ships were turned into molten metal from the heat of the blasts.

  Then the Confederation fleets split apart, one segment facing Second Fleet and the other Ganymede. The weapons fire rapidly increased to an even greater crescendo.


  “Activate the defensive grid. The ODPs are to take out targets of opportunity. Ganymede Central will fire upon anything that comes within range. I want the attack interceptors ready to launch upon my command,” ordered Colonel Green. His gaze moved across the multiple viewscreens and the tactical screens. There was a lot to keep track of. “Have damage control teams on standby. I want this station operational and in the fight for as long as possible.” Colonel Green had no intention of abandoning his command. He would either win this battle or die here.


  Around Ganymede, fusion energy beam satellites opened fire, and missile platforms ripple-fired their missiles in an attempt to overload energy shields. There were 412 energy beam satellites and 63 missile platforms orbiting the large moon. In addition there were 6 powerful ODPs. Ganymede would not be a pushover, and the military was ready to defend it.


  Weapons fire became extremely intense as both sides tried to annihilate the other. Admiral Malleck had his fleet concentrate on the satellites and the missile platforms. He instructed his ships to keep a maximum distance between them and the ODPs, until they could be assaulted with overwhelming force. He knew from sensor scans just how much firepower those deadly orbiting constructions possessed.

  In the Confederation formation, a Lormallian battleship was being battered by numerous antimatter missiles from two missile platforms. Its shield grew brighter and brighter, and occasionally a dark area would appear. A fusion energy beam suddenly shot through one of the dark areas, slamming into the armored hull.

  The hull grew red, and then the beam tore through the compartments and decks beneath, leaving death and destruction in its wake. The entire shield suddenly failed, and half a dozen antimatter missiles struck the hull. In a brilliant blaze of light and heat, the Lormallian battleship ceased to exist.


  The night sky above Ganymede was full of brilliant explosions. In the underground Command Center, Governor Adriana Stone gazed at the viewscreens with rapt attention. “If this wasn’t so deadly it would be beautiful.”

  “This may go on for quite some time now that Rear Admiral Leeson has committed his fleet,” commented Major Glen Bristol, in command of the underground Command Center. “We did not expect that.”

  Suddenly a brilliant explosion was caught on one of the screens, dimming it automatically.

  “What was that?” asked the governor.

  “We got another one of their warships,” answered Major Bristol. “Probably a battlecruiser.”

  “Are the defenses around Ganymede City ready?”

  Major Bristol nodded his head. “The city sits inside a ring of defensive energy beam turrets, as well as missile interceptors. The Confederation won’t find it easy to destroy.”

  “Has the city been fully evacuated?” Governor Stone was worried about the loss of life. Over twenty million people were on Ganymede.

  “Yes, the only people still inside the capital are a few Marines going door to door, making sure everyone has left. Marines are also on the outside defensive perimeter, manning the energy turrets and the missile interceptor controls. Those Marines are in deep bunkers so should be in no immediate danger.”

  Governor Stone nodded approvingly. She didn’t want to see a lot of people die. That was one of the reasons she had gone to the massive expense of building the underground bunkers. If the cities were destroyed, they could always emerge from the bunkers to rebuild. Supplies and materials had been stored away for just that purpose.


  Rear Admiral Leeson grimaced as another one of his battlecruisers was blown apart. The fronts of both fleets seemed to be on fire from the incredible number of fusion and antimatter detonations.

  “We’re taking out a lot of their ships, but we’re suffering losses as well,” reported Captain Newman. “The defense grid is also under heavy attack.” On one of the viewscreens, bright explosions indicated where satellite or missile platforms were being destroyed.

  Rear Admiral Leeson knew he had to act quickly before the ODPs came under assault. “Assign twenty battlecruisers and four dreadnoughts to defend each ODP. They’re to go up and around the Confederation fleets. That should allow them to reach the ODPs intact.”

  Captain Newman went to Communications to send the orders.

  Leeson knew he was significantly weakening his fleet, but those ODPs had to survive for as long as possible. “All ships, tighten formation. A number of ships will soon depart for the ODPs,” Leeson announced over the fleet comm channel.


  Admiral Malleck was taken by surprise when a large segment of the Human fleet suddenly split apart and headed for the ODPs. Before he could react, they had flown up and around his fleet and were settling into defensive positions around the large artificial constructs.

  “The Humans have substantially reduced their fleet strength by making this move,” commented First Officer Lorann. “This should make them easier to destroy.

  “Perhaps so,” replied Malleck. “But they have made it considerably more difficult for us to take out those six ODPs.” Malleck spent nearly a full minute examining the tactical displays and analyzing where the battle was going. He made some minor adjustments in his fleet formation to allow for heavier weapons fire on several sections of the defense grid.


  Rear Admiral Leeson gradually pulled Second Fleet back. This forced the section of the Confederation fleet dealing with Second Fleet to increase the gap between them and the part of the fleet attacking Ganymede’s defenses.

  “We’ve achieved splitting their fleet,” reported Captain Newman, as he studied one of the tactical displays.

  Leeson had not been sure if this part of his plan would work or not. Now a ten-thousand-kilometer gap separated the two Confederation forces. A gap that Leeson planned on exploiting. “Contact Rear Admiral Mendoza, and tell him the zone is clear.”

  “Message sent,” replied Ensign Jeannette Bower a few moments later.

  It would take several minutes for his plan to be implemented, but, when it did, it should serve as a major surprise to the Confederation fleets.


  Admiral Malleck was stunned when suddenly hundreds of red threat icons appeared between his fleet and the fleet of the Zynth and the Morphenes.

  “Where did those ships come from!” he demanded, as the new Human fleet oriented itself and fired upon the rear of the Zynth-Morphene formation. The entire rear section of that fleet suddenly exploded in antimatter fire.

  “The fleet defending the fourth planet is no longer there,” reported the sensor officer.

  This caused Admiral Malleck great concern. These Humans were so unpredictable. He never expected them to leave one of their primary worlds open to attack by committing its defending fleet to this battle.


  In the rear of the Zynth-Morphene fleet, battlecruisers and battleships died like moths in a flame. Zynth Admiral Laru hurriedly gave the order for part of the fleet to reverse course to face this new menace.


  Rear Admiral Leeson watched intensely the effects of Rear Admiral Mendoza’s attack. He was destroying four Confederation warships for every one he lost. He had caught the Confederation fleet completely out of position and very vulnerable to attack. Leeson intended to push that advantage for as long as he could.

  For over forty seconds Rear Admiral Mendoza hammered the rear of the enemy fleet.

  “The enemy fleet has almost completed its turn,” warned Captain Newman. “Sixth Fleet is receiving more incoming fire with every passing second.”

  Leeson nodded. “Tell Rear Admiral Mendoza to return to Mars. His job here is done, and it was very well accomplished.” The rear of the enemy fleet had been smashed.

  Moments later on the tactical display, the green icons of Sixth Fleet vanished, as the ships made the transition into hyperspace to retreat to Mars.

  “How many ships did Mendoza lose?” This was the only real concern Leeson had in calling in Rear Admiral Mendoza. Leeson dared not weaken Sixth Fleet too much, or defending Mars could become a problem.

  “Thirty-two battlecruisers and six dreadnoughts.”

  “What did he do to the enemy?” Leeson hoped for a far-higher number of Confederation losses, since they had been struck in the rear and out of position,

  “One hundred and seventeen battlecruisers and nine battleships,” reported Newman.

  “It’s nearly time for us to withdraw. Inform the ships guarding the ODPs that they are to stay and to support the ODPs for as long as they can. If the ODP they protect is destroyed, they are to retreat and to rejoin Second Fleet just outside the orbit of the Moon.”

  With the attack of Sixth Fleet, the battle had turned momentarily in favor of Second Fleet. Leeson knew that wouldn’t last long. He was still greatly outnumbered.


  Several minutes later the fleet attacking Leeson had reformed and was presenting a united front against him. “Time to go,” he said, wishing it were not true. Unfortunately his fleet just wasn’t large enough to take on what was before him and win. “Take us into hyperspace and return us to our former location just outside the orbit of the Moon.”

  Moments later the ships of Second Fleet vanished as they retreated from the battle. A few ships were too heavily damaged to escape, and they fought on until the enemy destroyed them.

  Ganymede Central was left to handle the defense of the moon. A defense that was rapidly being overwhelmed.


  Admiral Malleck was not pleased. The Zynth-Morphene fleet rejoined his fleet formation, but they had already lost more ships than he had planned to lose for this entire operation. Most of the Human warships had retreated to the heavily inhabited worlds they protected. Some warships had remained around the ODPs, which concerned him. This would make them harder to destroy.

  “We will divide the fleet and attack the large space station and all the ODPs at the same time. I want to end this quickly. The longer the resistance continues, the more hope these Humans have. I want to crush that hope and make them realize it is futile to challenge the Confederation.”

  Besides, he had received several messages from Fleet Admiral Horrabe, demanding to know why this moon hadn’t been subdued. Admiral Malleck had not responded. Something about the Morag had always made Malleck feel uncomfortable. Not only that but he should have been made fleet admiral, not that overgrown simian.


  Colonel Green stood in the Command Center of Ganymede Central. Most of the station had been evacuated, except for essential personnel and the two hundred Marines providing security against a boarding action.

  “Enemy ships coming toward us,” reported Lieutenant Randall at Sensors.

  “Captain Norse, we have ten missile platforms and twenty defensive satellites assigned to protect this station. I want those platforms emptied of missiles as rapidly as possible.” The platforms also had small crews of six. Green wished they were automated, but, with the armed defensive turrets and the multiple missiles it fired, it wasn’t practical.

  “Ganymede Central, stand by to launch our attack interceptors. Inform the interceptor bases on Ganymede they will be launching shortly as well. We’ll wait until the Confederation force coming toward us is fully engaged, and then we’ll hit them with all the interceptors from Ganymede and those here on the station.”

  “Will it be enough?” asked Major Nelson.

  Colonel Green smiled. “Probably not, but we’ll kill a hell of a lot of those Confederation ships, maybe enough so they will pass on bombing the surface of Ganymede and engaging the PDCs.”

  Green knew the odds of that were low, but there was always the possibility. He looked around the Command Center, everyone was doing their jobs and showing no fear in what they knew lay ahead of them. Green knew that, most likely sometime in the next hour or so, they would all die. He had enjoyed his military career and had hoped someday to see the Human Empire and Golan Four. It didn’t look now as if that was in the cards.


  Admiral Malleck’s section of the fleet approached the large space station, when suddenly the missile platforms surrounding it began launching. At the same time, the station fired waves of deadly antimatter missiles as well.

  The front section of his fleet vanished, as it was blown apart from the intense weapons fire. Dozens of ships disappeared under antimatter and fusion energy explosions, leaving little behind except drifting plasma clouds and a few twisted pieces of metal.

  “Take out those missile platforms!” On the viewscreens, battlecruisers and even a few battleships were being torn apart from the intense missile fire.

  The energy screens protecting the missile platforms were instantly covered in explosions. The energy turrets shot down many of the missiles, but too many were getting through. The pressure on the screens mounted and mounted, until they could handle no more.

  Moments later the missile platforms exploded, as they were annihilated one by one until all were gone. Weapons fire now switched to the defensive satellites guarding the station, and soon those too were annihilated.

  Admiral Malleck was losing control of his emotions. The power of the attack from the station and its defending satellites had been startling. Thirty-two battlecruisers and three battleships had been destroyed, and he had yet to attack the space station.


  Colonel Green nodded in satisfaction, seeing the results of the missile strikes. “Contact all interceptor bases. They are to launch and target any damaged Confederation warship in
the fleet now attacking Ganymede Central. Major Nelson, launch our interceptors.”

  Switching his gaze to the viewscreens, he saw the station’s energy screen was now being struck by multiple missiles from the attacking fleet. However, Ganymede Central had been designed to stand up to such an attack and had twice the normal number of highly efficient fusion reactors to power its energy screen. It would take the Confederation fleet a while to knock it down, and, during that time, Colonel Green intended to make them pay a heavy price for their attack on the station.


  From the surface of Ganymede, squadrons of attack interceptors rose into the air and headed toward the embattled space station. In all 637 attack interceptors left their bases and headed toward the orbital space inhabited by the large triwheeled station. All were armed with four fusion-tipped missiles.


  Warning alarms sounded on the sensor console as a myriad of red threat icons appeared, rising from the surface of the moon.

  “What are those, missiles?” demanded Malleck. It was a very large swarm.

  “No, it’s the Humans small attack craft,” replied the sensor officer. “Reports indicate they are armed with fusion-tipped missiles.”

  “How many craft?”

  The sensor officer quickly checked his scans. “Over six hundred. The space station is launching some as well.”

  “All ships will target the small attack craft as soon as they come within range. I want them annihilated before they can fire their fusion missiles on our fleet.”

  “Our weapons turrets are not designed to engage such small warcraft,” said First Officer Lorann. “We will have trouble locking on.”

  “Do what we have to! We are losing too many ships.”

  If they kept losing ships like this, it would make their primary mission impossible to accomplish. They would not have the fleet units to take out the main Human population centers in this system. Admiral Malleck shuddered to think what Fleet Admiral Horrabe would say. Nothing was worse than an angry Morag.


  Just as the attack interceptors from Ganymede reached orbit and began making their attack runs, a surprising and unexpected development came. Second Fleet jumped back in and took up a defensive position around the space station. As soon as the ships were in place, they launched every missile they had in their tubes toward the Confederation fleet.


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