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Tamed On The Ranch (The Crooked Creek Ranch Book 2)

Page 11

by Delta James

  “There’s my good girl. Can you stop sniffling and get ready to go have dinner?”

  “You’re going to make me do this, aren’t you?”

  “Yes, sweetheart, I am. Now do you want to have dinner or should I tell them you are feeling under the weather? If that is your choice, you can stay here in our room with the plug in your bottom.”

  He released her legs and she remained where she was.

  “Can I get up?” she asked, feeling very humbled and, much as she hated to admit it, obedient.

  “Yes. You’re a good girl for asking. I’m very proud of you. Are you going to get dressed?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  It was the first time she’d ever called him that. It seemed to surprise him as much as it did her, but it just felt right.

  “Bien, I like that. When you are being punished you will refer to me as sir. Agreed?”

  “Yes, sir. Do I have to do that when we are with people?” she said, standing up.

  She tried to move away, but he brought her to stand between his legs, running his hands up her sides and caressing her breasts.

  “No, sweetheart, just when we are alone.”

  He reached up and wiped away her tears before standing and kissing her softly.

  “This sucks,” she said before turning to go to the closet to find something comfortable to wear.

  Luc followed her, running his hand down the curve of her buttock before squeezing it lightly.

  “And you, miss, will watch your language.”

  Melody grinned. “Sierra warned me that was coming at some point.”

  “Then it should be easy for you to remember,” he said, spinning her around to kiss her hungrily.

  They both dressed although Luc seemed to have trouble keeping his hands off of her. Melody enjoyed the attention and combined with the very submissively sexy feeling she had wearing the plug, she found the sensation it created to be pleasurable. She had to admit he was right, the plug didn’t hurt and wasn’t necessarily uncomfortable, but it did make her feel full in her nether regions and did keep her focused on those feelings and the man who had created them.

  They joined their friends. Melody couldn’t be sure, but she would have bet serious money that she wasn’t the only one who had been treated to a rollicking encounter with her man during the afternoon.

  Julie announced that she was ready to serve and they all sat down at the large farm table that could easily sit eight. She started the meal with an Indian flatbread with butter masala, shaved zucchini, paneer cheese, cilantro, and olive oil. The flavor was delicate but a wonderful way to start their meal.

  Next, she served beef ribeye steak with portobello mushrooms, charred shishito peppers, and blistered sweet tomatoes. When Julie brought out the steaks, Melody became worried. Ryder, Charlie, and Luc were cowboys. They liked their beef straight up and rare. To her surprise they all raved over it. Ruth asked if she shared recipes, which seemed to delight Julie.

  She ended the three-course tasting menu with a gourmet version of s’mores. It had charred homemade marshmallows, chocolate crémeux, and was topped with a graham cracker streusel.

  Once they had finished the meal, the six diners looked at each other and grinned.

  “Julie?” called Melody. “Can you come join us for a minute?”

  Julie came in and all six of them burst into a round of applause.

  “If you want the job, it’s yours,” said Melody.

  “Are you kidding me? Of course I want the job! Oh, my God! Thank you! When do you want me to start?”

  “We need to get everything up and running, but we’re going to need your input. And if you could take on feeding the crew here...”

  Ruth chimed in, “Kind of like my position at the Flying M. It would really help me out as I’ve been trying to work at both places.”

  “I need to give my dad notice. I only feel it’s professional...”

  “Are you worried about how he’s going to react?” asked Sierra gently.

  “A little,” she admitted.

  “Well, don’t. You can start anytime you want in the next month and we’ll have a place for you to live.”

  Julie ran around the table, hugging each of them and saying thank you repeatedly. She started to clean up the kitchen and Ruth shooed her out. Ryder and Luc walked out on the porch and watched as she ran down the stairs and into Billy’s waiting arms.

  “Think he’s been sitting down there the whole time?” asked Ryder, smiling.

  “Probably. He went out of his way to thank Melody for giving her the opportunity,” said Luc. “I think they’ve been seeing each other.”

  “Hmm, there seems to be a lot of fraternizing going on around here,” Ryder said, laughing.

  “Yeah, and the sooner you get out of here, the sooner I can get back to fraternizing.”

  Ryder laughed again. “Okay, we’ll leave you to deal with your lady. It didn’t look like she was having any problem with the chair.”

  Luc smiled. “No. But I gave her something to wear to help her focus on behaving before we rejoined you. I mean to see she doesn’t do something that stupid again.” He shook his head. “Running down with all those wild horses milling about could have got her hurt.”

  “Well, get it dealt with and then get on with it. If Sierra doesn’t straighten up, yours won’t be the only one who is having trouble sitting down come tomorrow morning.”

  “What did Sierra do?”

  “Wanted to fret about Melody. Wanted me to talk to you and tell you not to get after her. And then there’s the whole her being upset about mustangs being caught.”

  “That’s to be expected, don’t you think? One friend taking up for another? And Sierra’s feelings on the mustang matter are well known.”

  “None of it bothered me until after I told her a couple of times to let it go.”

  They turned and walked back into the house.

  “We timed that right, Ryder. I think they’re done,” said Luc as they walked into the house.

  “There really wasn’t much to do except the actual dishes. Julie cleaned up after herself. I swear that was the best meal I’ve ever had,” said Melody.

  “I agree,” said Sierra. “I was worried about her serving steak, but that was amazing.”

  They all agreed. As soon as the last of the dishes were put away, those who lived at Flying M headed down to the SUV the crew had left behind and headed for home.

  Chapter Eleven

  Luc wrapped his arm around Melody, kissed her cheek, and led her back to their bedroom. Melody was being very quiet. Luc ran his hand down her back and rubbed her glorious backside. Tonight would be the first time he had to do more than just swat her. He planned to use his hand only this first time as she hadn’t fussed too much about wearing the butt plug even though he could tell she had decidedly mixed feelings about it.

  “How are you feeling?” he murmured in her ear.

  “It’s a very odd feeling. You’re right, it isn’t painful, but it does seem to be pressing on things other than where I expected. And knowing you made me wear it when there were other people here has really made me feel... the only word I have is humble and more than a little submissive. As I’m sure you know, it’s also kept me more than a little aroused—both the physical sensation and the emotional one.”

  “Those aren’t bad things for you to feel. I’m very proud of you. I know you didn’t want to and it’s the first time you ever had a plug put inside you. You were very brave about it.”

  “So can we consider my punishment done?” she asked hopefully.

  “Because you didn’t fuss overly much, I’m going to take the plug out before I spank you, but no, my darling girl, you’re about to get your first spanking.”

  He marched her into the bedroom and directed her over the bed. He bared her bottom, slowly removed the rubber plug, and rubbed her in that same place to soothe the sting.

  “I want you to get undressed and then go stand in the corner.”<
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  “Luc, please. You didn’t tell me I had to stay on the porch.”

  “That’s true. But the fact you picked up that bucket to take on that stallion tells me you knew it wasn’t safe to be down there... didn’t you?”

  Melody thought he didn’t need an answer until she felt his hand connect with her backside, making her yelp.

  “I asked you a question, Melody. I expect some kind of answer. You knew it wasn’t safe down there.”

  “All right, I knew. But Queenie was scared.”

  “Queenie was behind a sturdy steel fence panel and that stallion wasn’t going to get to her. Was she upset? Yes. Was she in danger? No. You do not put yourself in the way of a wild stallion like that.”

  “You and Ryder both did.”

  Luc shook his head. “Yes, two experienced horsemen mounted on well-trained horses both with lariats worked together to rope that stallion. We were not a lone woman on foot with a bucket. Now, get naked and go stand in the corner.”

  Looking in Luc’s eyes, she knew that he was done talking and would not be swayed. She decided it was best to heed Sierra’s advice and accept that this was happening and that the sooner she did as she was told, the sooner it would be over.

  She stood up and took off her clothes, putting them away while Luc went into the bath and washed and dried the butt plug and put it away.

  Melody stood in the corner. This was almost as humiliating as having that plug up her ass. She didn’t like either... at least that’s what she wanted to believe. But with both she felt a pool of desire gather between her legs.

  She could hear him undressing before he joined her in the corner. Standing directly behind her, he ran his hands up and down her body.

  “You put yourself in danger this afternoon, didn’t you?” he asked quietly.

  “Yes,” she admitted.

  Luc took her by the hand and led her back to their bed. He too was stripped of all of his clothes except for his jeans. He sat down on the bed and pulled her back across his knees. He allowed her to get comfortable as he trapped her legs between his. Luc rubbed her backside until she relaxed and then raised his hand and brought down the first hard swat.

  “Ow, Luc, no!” she cried.

  Luc said nothing but began to spank her striking first one cheek and then the other. Melody registered each blow. Within a few minutes the swats and where they landed were no longer individually distinguishable. He continued to spank her despite her efforts to get away.

  * * *

  Luc felt her squirm and try to avoid his hand as he spanked her. He observed with a certain degree of detachment as her beautiful bottom turned from pale ivory to a pale blush then to deep pink before becoming red. Luc felt the heat rising up to meet his hand each time as he brought it crashing back down onto her backside.

  “Stop! Please!”

  She was becoming desperate to get away, but he held her in place as he punished her bottom. Each time he felt his resolve beginning to waver, he remembered seeing the roan stallion charging toward her and he remembered praying that the ropes would hold and keep her safe.

  As he’d told her, he thought her ass was perfection, but he thought as beautiful as it had been before he started, it was more so now showing the color from his loving discipline. He continued to paddle her behind as her pleas became more desperate. Finally the cries became sobs as she gave herself over to the pain he was inflicting on her bottom.

  When he felt he’d delivered the level of punishment necessary to make a lasting impression, he stopped. He rubbed her bottom gently and soothingly while he let her cry.

  “If you ever put yourself in harm’s way again, I’ll take my belt to your bottom and leave welts behind to remind you not to do it a third time. Am I making myself perfectly clear?”

  “Yes, sir. I won’t do it again. Please, please, please be done.”

  “I’m done spanking you for what you did this afternoon unless you show me I haven’t gotten through to you.”

  “No, you have. I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

  “All right then,” he said, releasing her legs, “you can get up and go stand in the corner.”

  Melody got to her feet unsteadily and Luc stood with her and walked her back to the corner.

  “No, I don’t want to go,” she said.

  “Shh, you’ll do as you’re told or go back over my knee. Which do you prefer?”

  “I thought when you finished spanking me that I wasn’t in trouble anymore.”

  “No. When I finish spanking you, that part of your punishment is over. Now you stand in the corner and think about the behavior that got you put here with a bright red bottom to show for your efforts.”

  Luc felt her reach for his hand and he took it. He nuzzled her and rubbed his other hand along her body, enjoying how her body responded to his gentle touch.

  “Are you going to be my good girl?”

  “Yes, sir.”

  “Do you need to stand here to think about why you got spanked and how you can avoid it in the future?”

  “No, sir. I understand. I won’t do it again.”

  “See that you don’t. If there’s a next time, you’ll spend your corner time after the spanking with your pretty red bottom plugged.”

  Melody said nothing but nodded. Luc smiled. He was very proud of her. She was taking her punishment with a minimum of fuss and seemed very contrite.

  He released her hand and moved behind her. Gently but firmly he pulled her hips toward him, bringing them in direct contact with the fly of his jeans. Melody winced but Luc held her firmly as he opened his jeans. He ran his hand down her body and between her legs, chuckling at the level of arousal he found.

  He spread her lower lips and sank his cock to its full length. As he slid in, Melody orgasmed in response. Each spasm of her pussy helped to draw him deeper. Luc groaned in answer to her providing him with maximum pleasure as he entered her. He began to take long, slow, deep strokes. He was in no hurry to finish her. Her body writhed and trembled as a consequence of his dominant lovemaking.

  * * *

  Melody loved the way he filled her and then caressed her entire pussy as he plunged back and forth. She wanted desperately to move with him, but his firm grip on her hips kept her from doing so. Over and over he thrust in and out. She climaxed a second time, calling his name and begging him to come with her.

  “Not yet, sweetheart. Do you have any idea how good you feel? The way your pussy opens to take all of my cock and then forms a nice snug fit. And when you come for me, there is nothing better. But tonight with your warm, red bottom pushed up against me, you are beyond compare.”

  “God, Luc,” she rasped.

  Every time her sore bottom made contact with the fly of his jeans as he surged forward it renewed all of the evening’s earlier feelings of surrendering to his domination. She knew she wanted more from him. She longed to have him stroke her harder and faster before thrusting home and releasing his essence into her.

  Finally he wrapped an arm around her lower pelvis to hold her tight and brought his other hand to play with her nipples. She leaned heavily on one arm on the wall and placed her other hand over his. As she mewled her need for him, he began to stroke with more determined power. The beginnings of the contractions that signaled her oncoming orgasm began in earnest.

  “Good girl. Give to me. Give to me. Give,” he commanded in a whisper that was barely audible. Her body didn’t need any additional volume or encouragement to do what it had been designed to do—give everything to this man who was mounted and riding her hard to remind her that he was dominant and that she would obey him or be taken to task for it.

  As she called his name a final time, he slammed into her body once... twice... three times before gushing into her. Her pussy spasmed around him even after he had stilled. He remained inside her until she had come down from the high, kissing her and praising her with both hands and words.

  Finally, Luc withdrew from her. “You do not put yoursel
f in danger. Am I clear?”

  “Yes, sir. I’m sorry. It won’t happen again,” she cried softly, not from physical pain but more from relief that her punishment was over.

  Luc rubbed her heated backside lovingly.

  “See that it doesn’t,” he said grimly. “You stand here until I give you permission to leave your corner.”

  She nodded quietly, responding, “Yes, sir.”

  He backed away and sat down on the edge of the bed. He took off his boots and socks. He stood to take them into the walk-in and as he passed by her, he fondled her buttocks again.

  “Such a beautiful bottom. Red is definitely your color.”

  “Don’t tease me, it hurts.”

  “It was supposed to. Maybe next time you won’t act without thinking and put yourself in harm’s way... will you.”

  “No, sir,” she answered.

  She heard him chuckle. “If you’re not sure, I can always put the plug back in for you to sleep with.”

  “No, Luc, I said I’d be good.”

  She watched him from the corner of her eye as he turned down the bed and got in, stretching out on his side.

  “All right, little girl. You can come get in bed with me.”

  He patted the place right next to him. She slipped into bed, trying to avoid her bottom making contact with the mattress. Luc rolled over on his back and cuddled her close to him. He rested his head on one arm and the other arm he rested on her back with his hand lightly caressing her bruised bottom.

  “One last thing,” he said solemnly.


  “You are not to leave the house for the next three days. You can go out on the patio or the porch, but you will stay here.”

  “Luc...” she started to protest.

  “Do you need me to put the plug back in tomorrow morning?” he asked softly.


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