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Stolen Portrait Stolen Soul: A Shadow Slayers Story (Shadow Slayers Stories Book 2)

Page 8

by Nellie H. Steele

  “Yes. While I did not tell her the source of my knowledge, I did tell her I had no doubt about what was occurring.”

  “And she didn’t care?”

  “It appears not. Although, I did not expect her to comply with my request.”

  “So, we’ve made no progress on that front either.” Damien sighed, throwing his head back on his chair. “I don’t know how I’ll face Celine with this hanging over me. I don’t know what I expected. I didn’t actually expect Celeste was just going to agree to stop seeing Michael because we asked. Although it would have been nice if she had.”

  “I agree, however, I did not expect Celeste to concede she was wrong. We are not friends, she and I, so I went in at a disadvantage.”

  “Hmm. Do you suppose it would help if I asked her?”

  “No. Don’t do that. I would not recommend it. Stay away from Celeste for the moment. You will achieve nothing and may even worsen the situation.”

  “Oh boy, that’s the last thing we need. Okay, agreed, I’ll stay away from her.”

  “Good. Now, what shall we plan for the rest of the evening? I assume you’d still prefer to stay to avoid another conversation with Celine?”

  “If you don’t mind. Sorry to be a bother, but I’m afraid I’ll blurt it out. I just don’t want to hurt her.”

  “I don’t mind in the least. Do you play chess?”

  “I do!”

  “It’s been so long since I’ve had a good game,” Alexander said. “Gray and I play but not as often as I’d like.”

  “Awesome, let’s do that!”

  Damien spent the afternoon and evening engaged in a few games of chess with Alexander, avoiding the main house. He left Alexander’s late in the night. He hiked back to the house through the chilly night air. Before going to the house, he took a detour, bringing him to the cliff’s edge. Living near the ocean was still new to him and he loved hearing the waves crash against the rocks and the smell of the salty air.

  He stood for a few moments on the rocky outcropping, listening and staring out over the vast ocean in front of him. He turned back toward the house, starting back up the path. A noise ahead of him on the path startled him. He ducked behind a tree, waiting for the source of the noise to reveal itself. Within moments, two figures came down the path. As they approached, Damien made out the forms of Michael and Celeste. He cursed under his breath.

  They walked past him, unaware of his location. “Don’t worry, my darling, Alexander hasn’t scared me off. Stay away from him, don’t make trouble where it isn’t needed,” he overhead Celeste telling Michael.

  Damien shook his head, disappointed in the situation. They had failed, Celeste and Michael had disregarded their request. They had no intention on complying. Poor Celine, he reflected. She would be heartbroken when she learned the truth.

  The games of chess had helped relax his mind, but the latest twist of events had him tied in knots again. He stood for a few moments pondering what to do. Should he return to Alexander’s? He concluded disturbing Alexander now wouldn’t help the situation. He would go home, try to sleep and see Alexander in the morning.

  Chapter 9

  Damien was surprised to find Celine missing from breakfast the following morning. Although it allowed him to avoid an awkward, nervous discussion with her. He was growing more and more tense as the situation continued to unfold. He wasn’t sure how long he could hide the truth from Celine. He didn’t like being dishonest. Still, he wasn’t sure how she would react. Perhaps letting Alexander tell her was best. Or perhaps it was a cop out. Either way, he was glad he was not faced with the decision yet.

  Following breakfast, Damien went straight to Alexander’s house. He banged on the door, glancing around, his nerves on edge. Alexander greeted him. Damien pushed through the door into the foyer before Alexander had the words out of his mouth.

  “Sorry for coming so early,” Damien said. “I didn’t know what to do.”

  “What’s happened?”

  He shook his head. “Michael and Celeste were together last night. I spotted them coming down the path. I darted behind a tree so they didn’t spot me. But I overheard them. Celeste was assuring him she wasn’t put off despite anything you said.”

  “I am not surprised in the least. Please come in,” Alexander said, motioning to the sitting room.

  “Thanks. The guilt is weighting on me from keeping this from Celine. Do you think it would help to talk to them again? Perhaps I should talk to Michael? Or I could try Celeste?”

  Alexander sighed as he sunk into a chair. “Neither will do any good.”

  Damien closed his eyes and shook his head. “Ugh, you’re right, but I feel like we have to try. For Celine’s sake.”

  “You’re a good friend to her, Damien. But I urge you not to speak with either. I will approach Celeste again. I do not want to see you embroiled in this mess and making enemies for no reason.”

  “But if we can prevent Celine from being upset…”

  “That is my point. I doubt we will achieve that. Is it worth the confrontation only to arrive at the same result?”

  “Perhaps? At least we’ll know we tried.”

  “Celine would not hold it against you if you said nothing.”

  “Yeah, I realize that, but that doesn’t mean I should let her down on purpose.”

  “You aren’t planning on leaving this go, are you?” Alexander inquired.

  “No, I won’t,” Damien replied, insistent.

  “You are a true friend. She is lucky to have you. Perhaps the best approach is to work together. Confront Celeste and Michael together in a last-ditch effort.”

  Damien reflected for a moment. “Okay,” he agreed, nodding his head, “yeah, that might work. Perhaps if we both talk to them, double-team it, they’ll listen.”

  “Don’t get your hopes too high, Damien. I doubt this will effect any change, but as you said, at least we tried.”

  Damien pulled his cell phone from his pocket. “I can text Michael now and see if he can stop by…”

  “I’ll work to make arrangements with Celeste. Perhaps we can reconvene this evening.”

  “Okay, yeah, I’ll tell him that. Is six good?”

  “Half past seven may work better.”

  “Seven thirty it is! I’ll text you once I have a confirmation from Michael.”

  “I shall do the same regarding Celeste. Perhaps you should come earlier, we can discuss a strategy.”

  “Yes, excellent. I’d like to avoid dinner. The longer this goes on, the more I’m likely to spill the proverbial beans.”

  “Perhaps you’d prefer to dine here for the evening.”

  “I appreciate that. Thanks!”

  “Excellent! See you around six then.”

  “Okay, see you then. I’ll see myself out!” Damien rose from the chair, putting the final touches on a text to Michael. He sent it, then made his way to the foyer and let himself out the front door. He kept a continual eye on his phone as he walked from Alexander’s house to the main house. He planned to retrieve his laptop and hole up in his room for the day, doing some work and avoiding as many people as he could manage. It would also give him a chance to plan out his conversation for the evening. While the conversation would never go the way he envisioned, he’d still spend hours practicing his points.

  When he arrived at the house, his phone chimed. Damien swiped it open to find a message from Michael: Busy tonight, sorry.

  Damien texted back: Make time… it’s about the missing painting… we have to help Celine find it… it’s why we stayed!!!

  Damien retrieved one of his laptops from the library, receiving another text before he left for his room. It’s why you stayed.

  Damien responded: No… it’s why WE stayed… WE found out some incredible things… WE time traveled!!! WE helped Celine before and wanted to keep doing that… keep fighting the darkness. Come on, man!

  He pocketed his phone and traveled the halls to his room, locking himself inside. He
sunk into the armchair by the window, opening it a crack despite the chilly air. The rhythm of the ocean soothed his mind as he attempted to do some work. He opened his laptop, but before he could begin anything, his phone chimed again.

  A new text from Michael awaited him: Okay, fine… when and where?

  Damien texted back the time and location and after receiving a confirmation from Michael, he texted Alexander to confirm Michael’s attendance. He focused on writing some computer code for his latest work project, spending the rest of the morning and afternoon engrossed in his work.

  After finishing, he hurried from the house to Alexander’s, arriving fifteen minutes early. As they dined, Damien outlined his talking points and practiced speech for Michael and Celeste.

  “Well, it’s a wonderful speech, Damien. I am convinced,” Alexander said as they entered the sitting room following dinner.

  “Fifteen minutes to go,” Damien said, his leg bouncing up and down from nerves.

  “Would you like a drink?” Alexander offered.

  “No, yes, maybe.” Damien ping-ponged on his answer. Alexander prepared him a drink, Damien sipped it nervously.

  Within ten minutes, there was a knock on the door. Alexander appeared with Michael in tow. Damien greeted him as he sat on the couch. “Thanks for coming, buddy.”

  “Let’s get this over with. Please don’t tell me you want to convince me to go back in time with you.”

  “Ah, no, that’s not it,” Damien hedged.

  Another knock sounded at the door. “Excuse me for a moment,” Alexander said, departing to answer the door. He returned with Celeste.

  Michael hung his head. “Oh, you’ve got to be kidding me,” he said, annoyance plain in his voice. He stood. “I’m not doing this.”

  “Michael, wait, just listen,” Damien said, also standing.

  “No, no way. This is out of line. You tricked me into coming here in the name of helping Celine to stage… what, an intervention? It’s not bad enough your buddy here attacked Celeste over this last night and now this?”

  “I’d scarcely call what happened an attack,” Alexander chimed in.

  “It wasn’t a trick.” Damien continued, “It is to help Celine. She’ll be devastated if she finds out about this.”

  “Oh, really? Devastated that two consenting adults are spending time together?” Michael questioned.

  “One of those consenting adults is her married sister,” Damien countered.

  “What’s your point?” Michael asked.

  “My point is how can you do this when it’ll hurt your friend? And you,” he said, motioning to Celeste, “when it will hurt your sister?”

  “I don’t see how this is any of my sister’s affair,” Celeste contended.

  “Oh, Celeste, you’re fooling yourself if you assume Celine would not care what you are doing with her friend,” Alexander warned.

  “Perhaps my sister should remind herself that she is part of the reason this occurred,” Celeste answered.

  “How can you blame this on Celine?” Damien cried, throwing his arms in the air.

  “I will not stand here and listen to you insult me or Celeste. We’re together, get over it. Let’s go, Celeste,” Michael said, turning to leave.

  “Wait,” Damien said, “before you go, I want you both to reflect long and hard on how Celine will feel when she finds out about this… thing between you two. Consider how disappointed she’ll be, how much she cares about both of you and you’re both throwing it away for what? Will this even last?”

  Michael shook his head at Damien. “Don’t lecture me, Damien, I don’t want to hear it.” Turning to Celeste, he said, “Let’s go.”

  “Celeste,” Alexander chimed in, “I’d consider thoroughly how this revelation will affect your sister.”

  Michael spun around to face Alexander, seething. “Leave it, Michael,” Celeste warned him. “You made your case last night, Alexander. Stop wasting my time. Come, Michael.” She grasped his hand in hers, pulling him toward the door.

  The couple disappeared, the door slamming behind them as they made their way out. Damien let out a sigh. “You were right,” he said, shaking his head and throwing his hands in the air. “They didn’t even care.”

  “I’m afraid they didn’t, but we did our level best.”

  Damien sunk onto the couch, head in his hands. “How are we going to tell Celine?”

  “I’ll tell her,” Alexander offered.

  “I appreciate that, but no, I don’t want you to have to do it yourself. It’ll be better if we’re both there. And maybe Gray, too. You know break it gently to her with plenty of people to support her.”

  “That’s very thoughtful, Damien. Yes, I agree. Perhaps tomorrow morning is the best time.”

  “Should we put it off?”

  “Yes. It’s best to break it to her after a good night’s sleep, when she’s had plenty of rest.”

  “Ooooooh,” Damien said, “good idea. I’ll never sleep tonight but, yeah, perhaps that’s the best time to do it. When she’s clear and fresh in the morning, not when she’s got to go through the whole night upset, not sleeping.”

  “We’ll meet tomorrow morning following breakfast,” Alexander assured him.

  “Sounds like a plan.”

  “Fancy a game of chess before you go? Perhaps it will help you sleep.”

  “I doubt anything will help me sleep tonight, but I’d enjoy a game, yes.”

  After the game’s conclusion, Damien wandered back to the house, taking his time despite the chilly night air. Moonlight cast an eerie glow across the property, adding to Damien’s assessment that the property was spooky. Damien’s mind rambled from one thought to another as he meandered the path. He tried to avoid dwelling on the conversation that he’d have with Celine the following morning. He dreaded it. Yet, it must be done. They would give her one more peaceful night before breaking the news to her.

  The house loomed large on the horizon. Damien took a deep breath as he studied the dark structure’s silhouette. Lights still glowed from the inside; someone was still up. With any luck, he could avoid them and go straight to his room without any interaction.

  He approached the house and entered the foyer. Celine and Gray were making their way across the room. Just my luck, he mused. “Hey, D!” Celine greeted him.

  “Hi!” he called, meeting them in the middle of the room.

  “Late night researching with Alexander?” she asked.

  He smiled at her, wide-eyed. “Yes, er, no. I mean, that’s not what we were doing. I mean, we were, but then we were playing chess. He’s excellent at chess. I mean, not like I’m getting my butt kicked every time, but it’s challenging, so that’s fun,” Damien babbled.

  Gray stared at him, crinkling his brow in confusion at his rambling. “Heading to bed?” Celine asked.

  “Yep, yes.” He feigned a yawn. “Gosh, I am so tired. I’m going to go right to bed and go to sleep.”

  “Is everything okay, D?” Celine asked, realizing his nervous babbling signaled he was anxious about something.

  “Yep. It’s all good. I’m all good. Just tired.”

  “Well, you better get to bed then! We’re heading up too, we’ll walk with you.”

  The trio started across the foyer, on their way to retire for the evening. As they approached the stairs, the door opened, Michael came through.

  “Hi, Michael, good to see you,” Celine said, stopping to greet him.

  “Hey, buddy!” Damien called to him from across the room. “Late one, huh?”

  Michael didn’t respond. He appeared frozen in place, unable to move. Even from across the room, Celine noted that he appeared unwell. “Are you okay?” she asked, as she approached him.

  There was no response. Michael took one stumbling step further into the room before collapsing.

  Chapter 10

  “Michael!” Celine shouted, rushing toward him. Gray and Damien followed her lead, gathering around the limp form on the floor. �
�Help me turn him over.”

  Celine pulled him onto his back with Gray’s assistance. Damien hovered over them, unsure how to help. As they turned him over, the source of his illness became apparent. Celine gasped, glancing to Gray.

  “Oh my God!” Damien exclaimed in shock. “Something attacked him! Bit him it looks like!”

  A dark look settled on Celine’s face as she studied the bite marks, two puncture wounds on his neck. Blood still oozed from them both. “Get Millie,” she directed Gray, who raced toward the sitting room where Millie was spending the evening reading.

  “What could have done that?” Damien asked, kneeling down next to Michael.

  Millie rushed into the foyer moments later, kneeling next to Celine to assess her newest patient. Celine stood, fury raging through her. She stalked to the front door, pulling on her coat in a forceful manner.

  “Celine,” Gray said, approaching her, “where are you going?” Damien turned his attention from Michael to the conversation unfolding between Celine and Gray.

  “You know exactly where I’m going,” she replied, ice in her voice.

  “Don’t,” he said. “We need you here.”

  “Millie knows what to do. You’re here. Keep him safe. I have to deal with the source. We have to make sure it doesn’t happen again.” Celine turned on a heel and exited the house. Gray stood for a moment at the door as she disappeared down the path before directing his attention back to Michael.

  The exchange puzzled Damien. He had, however, witnessed that exact look on Celine’s face once before when she left the house and almost killed the man who had killed her sister. He opened his mouth to ask Gray about it, but Millie interrupted him.

  “We must stop this bleeding. He may need blood. I need my bag and we need to move him to his room.”

  “Damien,” Gray said, “help me carry him while Millie fetches her bag.”

  Damien nodded, stunned into silence. He lifted Michael with Gray, carrying him up the stairs and down the hall to his bedroom. When they reached the room and had Michael on the bed, he found his voice. “Sh-Shouldn’t we call an ambulance or something? Take him to a hospital?”


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