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Beast Daddy: Once Upon A Daddy

Page 11

by Callahan, Kelli

  “It was so good to see you.” Violet leaned in for another hug once we were outside.

  “You too.” I embraced her. “We should do this more often.”

  “I’d like that. I really miss you.” She smiled and nodded once she took a step back.

  “Me too.” I pulled out my keys and hit the button to unlock my doors.

  “Wait a second.” Violet’s head snapped back. “Is that your car!?”

  “Oh…” I looked towards my BMW and grimaced. “Yeah?”

  “What the fuck, Ana?” She blinked in confusion. “I thought you were just filing papers for a lawyer! Did you…”

  “What?” I raised an eyebrow, and Violet grabbed my arm—hard.

  “Did you break into that old mansion?” She leaned close to make sure nobody else heard us. “You did!”

  “Huh? No…” I shook my head back and forth. “I mean, I did—but I didn’t take anything.”

  “Then how the hell do you have a brand new BMW!?” She stared at my car in shock.

  “Um…” I looked down at the ground. “My new boss helped me get it…”

  “You must be doing a lot more than just filing papers.” Violet took a step back and shook her head with concern etched on her face. “You better be careful…”

  “I’m careful…” I sighed and nodded.

  Violet wasn’t the first person to ask questions about my new car. My foster family asked quite a few of them after I came back from Adam’s house the day he gave it to me. I didn’t have many answers until I started working for Adam—while pretending to work at Jon’s law firm. I told them that was a perk that came with my new job, but I don’t think they bought the story. Luckily, they weren’t very motivated to keep grilling me about it. I wasn’t there much, so they were collecting their check from the foster system without much hassle. My evil little foster sisters took up most of their time anyway. They did call Ms. Betty, who looked over the paperwork to verify that it wasn’t stolen. Her eventual conclusion mirrored the one that Violet reached and came with a similar warning.

  I can’t tell them what’s really going on, even if I wanted to—Adam’s secret has to stay between the two of us.

  After I had lunch with Violet, I drove to the closest cell phone store and set up an account. I decided to go ahead and do the family plan, and two phones came free with the contract I signed. I wasn’t sure how Adam would feel about having some new technology introduced to his life, but I assumed he had a cell phone at some point before he chose to live out the rest of his days in isolation. The only thing I had really spent any of my money on was gas and clothes after my evil little foster sisters ruined most of mine, so I decided to splurge a little bit and pick up a tablet as well. It wasn’t much more to add it to my account, and they were having a sale for people who set up new accounts. Having money to buy things that I wanted was a new experience for me, and it was kind of liberating in a way.

  I don’t feel like a poor orphan anymore—but I’m sure my evil little foster sisters will remind me that I am as soon as I get home.

  Sandra and Gina hadn’t done anything to deserve an ounce of kindness from me since I moved into my new foster home, but I decided to see if a peace offering could silence their war trumpets. Sandra had mentioned a couple of times that she wanted a speaker to go with the old hand-me-down iPod she had so that she didn’t have to wear earbuds every time she listened to music. I stopped by the electronics store and found one that was reasonably priced. Gina was a little older than Sandra and had recently started to wear makeup, but she didn’t have much. My next stop was the cosmetics store, and I got her a makeup kit that was nicer than anything I owned when I was her age. While I was giving both of them a gift, I figured they could share them—Gina liked music, and Sandra would have probably worn makeup if she had any.

  “You’re home early.” My foster mother looked at the clock when I walked through the kitchen door.

  “Yeah, I didn’t have to work today.” I nodded and smiled. “Are the girls home?”

  “They are…” She narrowed her eyes. “Why? Did they do something else to you?”

  “Not today…” I shook my head back and forth. “I’m going to try buying a little kindness from them.”

  “That might work.” She shrugged and looked at the gifts as I put them on the counter. “I know they’re cruel, but they’ve both been through a lot…”

  “I went through the same things.” I sighed. “I had a rebellious streak, but not like that.”

  “I know I shouldn’t make excuses for them, but I try to see the good in everyone.” She leaned against the counter. “We’ve been discussing adoption—some stability might be good for them.”

  “You…” I blinked in surprise. “You want to adopt them?”

  “They’ve been with us for three years now.” She nodded. “You know how the foster system is—they don’t like to leave kids in one place for more than a few years… I would be heartbroken if they left at this point—even if they are starting to act out.”

  “I’ve never understood that.” I shook my head back and forth. “If a family is willing to let someone stay with them…”

  “I know,” she sighed. “But a social worker told me once that the longer they leave a child with a family, the harder it is for everyone—unless that family wants to adopt them.”

  “None of the families I stayed with were ready to make that kind of commitment.” I shrugged. “I used to always dream of finding the right family and having a new home—a permanent one.”

  “I’m sorry.” She grimaced. “I didn’t mean to bring up a touchy subject.”

  “No, I’ve moved past that now.” I waved off her concern. “Maybe you’re right—some stability might be good for the girls.”

  Sandra and Gina were a little apprehensive when we called them into the kitchen. They thought they were in trouble, which made me a little concerned that they had done something I didn’t know about. They seemed genuinely appreciative of their gifts. I hoped it was a turning point for us and the rest of the time that I spent there would be a little more peaceful. They went back to their room, started playing music, and dove into the makeup kit face-first. If nothing else, they were going to be occupied for the evening, and since I wasn’t going to see Adam, I would be able to play with my new electronics without being interrupted.

  This is the first day I haven’t seen Adam since we met—and it feels strange not being with him.

  * * *

  The next morning

  Adam was the first thing on my mind when I woke up. I was always excited when I finally finished up at my house and drove towards his, but after a full day apart, my anticipation was off the charts. I liked everything about him from his incredible kindness and generosity, to the way he looked at me when I was in his arms. The man underneath the broken beast was amazing and had such a passion for life once he shed the turmoil that consumed him for ten long years. I wished he could see the world—live in it—and experience it with me. It wasn’t fair for him to be locked away and for his life to be confined to the walls of his abandoned mansion because he dared to put aside his crown for love.

  If this is the only version of life he has, then I’ll live in his world with him—I just wish we could have more.

  Things were never boring inside the walls of Adam’s mansion. Maybe I would have felt trapped if I led a normal life with a family that did things together, but for me, stability meant more than anything else. I never had a place I could go for refuge. If things got bad where I lived, I just had to endure it until I moved on to the next foster home. Adam’s mansion was a safe place for me. I knew that I would always be welcome there, and if I hadn’t been fortunate enough to end up with a good family after my time with the Smiths ended, then I could have escaped. That was a feeling of liberation I always hoped to have one day—which is why I was desperate enough to seriously discuss robbing the convenience store and put on that ski mask.

  At least my days of
being a criminal are behind me—and I didn’t end up in prison before I realized that I was headed down the wrong path.

  The right path had been so much sweeter than the one I was headed down before I met Adam. I was still learning who I was in the bedroom and what I liked, but I loved every second of doing that with him. I never thought calling a guy Daddy would turn me on, but I couldn’t deny the way it made me quiver every time the words left my lips. I always imagined sex as being gentle and beautiful, but when the beast came out to play, and I saw Adam’s dominant side, I discovered how amazing it could be when passion mixed with ferocity. He took more of my soul and more of my heart every time his body claimed mine—and there wasn’t much left for me to give until he had it all. It felt so natural and pure—like destiny intertwining with desire.

  There may come a day when I don’t leave this mansion—but I won’t be a prisoner. I’ll simply be home…

  “You’re early today.” Adam greeted me at the door with a smile.

  “I think I got a truce with my evil little foster sisters—I might even be able to stop calling them evil before long.” I skipped up the last two steps and practically dove into his arms. “I missed you.”

  “I missed you too.” He wrapped me in a warm embrace.

  “Did you get everything taken care of with Jon?” I leaned back and looked up at him.

  “Yeah, we’re all set.” He looked down at the bag in my hand. “What did you bring with you?”

  “Oh!” I grinned and held it up. “I brought you a surprise…”

  Adam was a little hesitant when I gave him the cell phone, but he seemed to be happy when I told him that we could use it to stay in touch when I wasn’t there. I didn’t know much about cell phones and it had been ten years since he had held one, so it took us some time to figure things out. We eventually were able to program our numbers in, send a couple of text messages, and figure out the necessary components.

  “They’re a lot faster than I remember…” Adam tapped the screen that loaded the web browser.

  “Technology has come a long way in ten years.” I leaned my head against him and laughed.

  “Yeah, I guess it has.” He nodded.

  “You can look up the stuff about Ruilan I told you about, if you want.” I looked up at him and smiled.

  “I’ll play with it later.” He leaned forward and put the phone on the table in front of him. “Right now—I just want to spend time with you.”

  That’s what I want too…



  I hated being apart from Anabelle, but I still had to meet with Jon every month to go over my finances. After I stopped even trying to say hello to the people that delivered my groceries, he was the only form of contact I had with the outside world. We really didn’t need to go over my finances. I think he just kept the meetings because he was worried about me and wanted to check in when he could—maybe I didn’t turn him away because I was still grasping to the outside world by a thread even when I tried to let go of it completely. He was happy that I wasn’t spending my days in isolation anymore, but he made sure to remind me more than once that letting someone into my life was dangerous. I knew that, but the risk was worth it to me, because I truly had fallen for the girl with honey-brown curls—my beautiful Anabelle.

  She’s finally in my arms again—where she belongs.

  “So how did you get a truce with your evil little foster sisters?” I looked down at Anabelle.

  “Same way I got you to forgive me for not stopping by yesterday—I bought them something.” She lifted her head and smiled.

  “You didn’t need forgiveness for not stopping by yesterday.” I squeezed her a little tighter. “I told you it was okay.”

  You don’t have to hide from the world like I do.

  “I know but I still wanted to be here…” She sighed. “I hate that you’re just stuck here by yourself.”

  “I would still be here by myself if you hadn’t broken into my house…” I chuckled under my breath. “I’m glad you did though—no forgiveness necessary for that either.”

  “I didn’t even get a spanking for it…” She looked up at me and grinned.

  “Well I wasn’t your Daddy then.” I narrowed my eyes. “Otherwise, you might have ended up across my knee.”

  That’s the second time she’s practically begged for me to spank her…

  “I probably would have ended up there a lot if you were my Daddy.” She put her hand on my inner thigh and started to trace it with her fingernails. “I had a bit of a rebellious streak when I was younger.”

  “I believe what you attempted to pull at the convenience store and breaking into my house goes a little bit further than being rebellious…” I shifted my weight and sighed when her hand got close to my cock. “You’re lucky you didn’t end up in handcuffs.”

  “I guess I’m just a bad girl…” She sighed and kissed my chest through my shirt.

  “Well now you have a Daddy that knows what to do with bad girls like you.” I reached down and wrapped my hand around her wrist. “I think you’re overdue for a little discipline.”

  “I think so too…” Anabelle’s breathing got a little heavier. “I’ve done a lot of stuff that I need to be punished for.”

  “Then go wait for me upstairs. You can have a few minutes to think about what you’ve done, and then I’ll be up there to deal with your naughty behavior the way it should have been dealt with a long time ago.” I leaned back against the couch and let go of her wrist. “You better not be wearing anything from the waist down when I get there.”

  “Yes Daddy.” She bit down on her bottom lip and nodded.

  Anabelle’s submissive nature had been flourishing since I introduced her to the rougher side of passion. I wasn’t sure if it would ever reach the point where she wanted to take it further than what we had already done, but it seemed that her desires weren’t fully realized quite yet. If she wanted me to be a Daddy that had a stern hand, then I could certainly give her the spanking she craved. There was no hiding the flicker I saw in her eyes when I sent her upstairs. It was an ember that wanted to burn. I sat downstairs for nearly ten minutes and waited—time for her to get ready—and time for the anticipation to build. That would be all the time she needed to change her mind if there were lingering doubts, but I didn’t think I would find anything at the top of the stairs except for a girl that was more than ready to get the spanking she begged for.

  I’m certainly going to enjoy watching her squirm—and I bet her pussy will be wetter than ever when I’m done.

  “Alright naughty girl…” I walked into the bedroom and narrowed her eyes. “It’s time for you to go over my knee.”

  “Yes Daddy.” She looked up at me and nodded. “I know I’ve been a bad girl…”

  “Yes, you have.” I walked over to the bed and sat down.

  She was timid when I pulled her into position over my knee, but her pussy lips were soaked. The anticipation was apparently a lot more intense than I expected. I put my fingers on the back of her thighs and lightly traced as I moved up to her ass. She quivered, and I felt goosebumps rise up on her skin. There was no denying that she deserved a spanking—she was lucky that there were no real consequences for what she had done. Perhaps there was still some lingering guilt that remained, despite the fact that she managed to avoid those consequences. I didn’t know if the spanking would erase that or if she was just turned on by the thought of being a bad girl over her Daddy’s knee, but she was definitely going to get spanked.


  “This is what happens to bad girls…” I let my hand rest on her ass before a moment before lifting it again.


  “They get spanked…” I growled under my breath.


  “I’m sorry Daddy!” I heard a light whimper, and then she bounced on my knee.

re gonna be sorry,” I growled again.


  Her ass had a light shade of pink, and she didn’t give me any indication that it was getting too painful or she wanted me to stop. I wasn’t putting much force behind my smacks, so I decided to make the next ones I delivered a little harder to see what her reaction would be.


  “Ow!” Her muscles tensed up, and she squirmed against my leg. “I’ll be a good girl, I promise!”

  “Good girls don’t try to rob convenience stores or break into people’s houses.” I pulled her a little closer.


  “I won’t do it again!” I heard a light sob in her throat, and she bounced a few times, but then she settled back into position.

  I didn’t want to actually hurt her any more than she wanted—what she had gotten was enough to make her ass sting, and it was going to get worse if I continued. Her body language wasn’t saying that she wanted me to stop—her pussy had gotten wetter since I started—but I couldn’t read her well enough to know if she was giving me permission to keep going. She flinched a couple of times when I lightly tapped her ass. I needed to shift the power dynamic in order to feel her out a little bit. I was definitely out of practice. In my younger years, I would have remembered to have some sort of safe word when things got a little rough—I didn’t even know if Anabelle understood that there was supposed to be an off switch if she couldn’t handle what was happening between us, so I had to create one.

  “Is there anything else you want to confess while you’re over Daddy’s knee?” I gave her a couple of light taps on the ass.

  “I always try to be good…” She whimpered and lifted her ass against my palm.

  “I’ve seen a lot to the contrary.” I traced my fingers along the edge of the spot where my hand had fallen on the right side of her ass—a halo that was obviously stinging.


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