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On The Rebound

Page 6

by Alexandra Warren

  I just wanted to fuck some shit up.


  I needed to fuck some shit up, and I was happy to finally get the go-ahead once Kage and I were both dressed more appropriately to do so, the pink bat once again calling my name as I grabbed it and headed into our assigned rage room that was filled with an assortment of old electronics, stacks of dishware, and empty picture frames that my mind started assigning photos to on its own.

  A picture of Todd as the standup football retiree.

  A picture of Todd with me sitting on his lap looking every bit of in love.

  A pixelated picture of Todd and that woman fleeing the scene of their stupid accident...

  That one reenergized the rage I’d walked in with as I picked up the picture frame and launched it across the room, watching it shatter against the wall sending me spiraling as I picked up another and did the same thing. And after that, it was the dishware, the sound of it crashing into the stone practically music to my ears as I started slinging plates frisbee-style until the stack was no longer.

  “Damn, Bleu. You weren’t playing about being here for a reason,” Kage commented, the sound of his voice reminding me that there was a witness to all my destruction. But by this point, I was already in too deep, my grip on my pink bat tightening as I made my way over to an old television set and went completely apeshit as I imagined Todd back at his in-studio desk in a few weeks acting like this shit never happened.

  Acting like he hadn’t dragged me and my career down with his mess.

  “You do all this shit to advance in your profession the right way, to have your fuckin’ shit together like you already don’t have to go twice as hard to get half as far. And these weak ass mothafuckas come along and fuck all that up without thinking twice!”

  Every line of my rant was capitalized with a swing of my bat against the television’s screen, watching it crackle into smaller and smaller pieces only adding more fuel to my flame as I continued, “You try to be a good fuckin’ woman, do all the work so that you can come into a relationship as a solid ass fuckin’ individual and these sorry ass men don’t give a damn! They don’t…”

  “Shit, Bleu,” was what I heard as I dropped to the ground, crying tears of frustration over the fact that I’d really risked it all just to date someone who couldn’t even think beyond his dick. And of course, because there were tears, that only made me madder at myself for wasting them over this situation knowing Todd wasn’t anywhere near as affected.

  I mean, he hadn’t even bothered to call.

  Not that I really wanted to talk to him anyway.

  But the fact that he’d made a priority of getting on Twitter to thank his fans for their thoughts and prayers without even attempting to give me, the innocent bystander to his bullshit, any sort of apology was exactly the kind of sorry ass shit I was talking about.

  “Fuck him,” I blurted as I swiped at the tears that had fallen past my safety goggles, pulling my knees towards my chest and resting my head against them as I tried to calm myself down. And once again, I was reminded that I wasn’t alone once I felt Kage’s arm wrap around my shoulder so that he could pull me against him in a half-hug, something I didn’t know I needed in that moment until I was resting comfortably against his chest.

  I honestly wasn’t sure how long we stayed like that. But I didn’t rush to get up until Kage teased, “If I’ve learned anything from this experience, it’s to never ever get on your bad side with a baseball bat nearby.”

  With a nasally chuckle, I pulled myself from under him and asked, “Bet you don’t still think I’m all perfect and polite now, huh?”

  “Heavy on the perfect,” he insisted with a grin, the side eye I returned not making him budge even when I reminded him, “Kage, I just had a complete meltdown in front of you.”

  “At a rage room, Bleu,” he added with a chuckle. “After dealing with some extremely fucked up shit, as mentioned during your little... batting practice.”

  “That poor television,” I groaned as I looked out at the mess I’d created, though Kage was quick to assure, “It’s just junk. They’ll recycle it.”

  Since it was clear he’d have a rebuttal for every one of my gripes, I decided to give that up in favor of telling him, “Thank you for this. Even though I’m a little embarrassed about being a total mess in front of you for the second time today, I do feel a teeny bit better.”

  “Sounds like you still got some smashin’ to do then,” he suggested as he reached for my bat and extended it my way. Though I waited until I was back standing on two feet to accept it while also issuing Kage a challenge.

  “Only if you’ll actually join me this time.”

  “Nah, this is your moment,” he responded as he reached for my hand so that I could help him up. But the little assistance I gave wasn’t nearly powerful enough to end with Kage standing as close to me as he was when he said, “And besides, I like watchin’ you.”

  Squinting, I asked, “You like watching me lose my shit?”

  “Nah, I like watchin’ you express how you feel,” he clarified, licking his lips before he added, “Whether it be anger, or… somethin’ else.”

  “Here you go,” I groaned with a playful roll of my eyes, not all that surprised to hear Kage was once again bringing up my past indiscretions when he defended, “I’m just sayin’. Moments like that you don’t just up and forget, Bleu.”

  “Well hold on tightly to the memory, cause that was the first and last kiss you’ll ever be getting for me,” I told him with a confident smirk, refusing to back down to the heated gaze he had set on me before he issued a little challenge of his own.

  “You sure about that?”

  I was sure.

  At least, I thought I was sure until Kage took a step closer, and gently slipped his hand behind my ear, and slowly started to lower his head, and… “What you closin’ your eyes for, baby?”

  When those words were whispered near my lips instead of my lips already being covered with his, I immediately let out an embarrassed, “Oh my God,” as I pulled myself away.

  And of course, that reaction only made Kage laugh even harder as he said, “Bleu, chill. I was just messin’ with you.”

  He might’ve been playing. But the fact that I was very much not was enough for me to tell him, “I should... probably get going. I promised Kat I wouldn’t be out all night since we have a flight to catch in the morning.”

  I was already unzipping my coverall when Kage asked, “That’s where you been stayin’? With Kat?”

  After watching me nod, he further inquired, “At her crib out in the boonies or in the downtown condo?”

  His line of questioning had my eyebrows bunched curiously as I answered, “The condo. Why?”

  “We live in the same building,” he explained. “Well, whenever she stays there, at least.”

  Considering how expensive the place was, I wasn’t sure if it spoke more to how much of a baller Katianna was for having the condo and the house, or to how great of a contract Kage must’ve signed to be able to afford living there too. Either way, there was a third factor that had me responding, “Can’t say that I’m surprised. Big Phil probably suggested you move there so Kat could keep a little bit of an eye on you.”

  If there was one thing Kat and her father had in common as team owners, it was the knack for trying to keep their players on a short leash, something that must’ve been news to Kage considering the way he frowned while replying, “Damn. I never thought about it like that.”

  Now that I’d put unnecessary attention on the Lloyd’s family secret surveillance situation, it was clear I really needed to get back to home base before I said too much, Kage practically reading my mind when he offered, “But hey, since we’re going to the same place, the least I could do is give you a ride home.”

  After the shit with my Lyft driver earlier, hitching a ride with Kage didn’t sound like a bad idea. Though I also couldn’t help teasing, “You haven’t been drinking, have you?”
br />   “What? No. Why would you ask that?” he asked confusedly, a smirk on my lips as I told him, “Just tryna make sure my name won’t end up attached to another drunk driving incident.”

  With that, he smirked back as we went to turn in all of our gear, Kage offering to buy me the pink bat since it was clear I’d taken a liking to it. But with a better understanding of how much damage I could cause if circumstances like these were ever to arise again, I knew it was probably best to part ways with it as we thanked the man a million times over for accommodating us before setting our sights on downtown Nashville.

  Even though Kage admitted he was only giving “interview talk” when it came to the pressure of the Nymphs’ championship, he hadn’t lied about his affinity for new R&B according to his playlist of choice for our drive. In fact, he was humming or singing along softly to every song that played until I interrupted his groove when I asked, “So… what are you about to get into next?”

  It wasn’t early in the night, but it wasn’t exactly late either; especially for someone like Kage who was still youthful enough to hang with the best of them. And after the Trojans victory, I was sure he wanted nothing more than to go and celebrate with his teammates. At least, I assumed that would be his energy until he answered, “My bed,” grinning as he peeked my way to ask, “Why? You wanna come?”

  “Yeah,” I told him with a grin of my own, already laughing to myself when Kage choked out a surprised, “What?”

  “Ain’t no fun when the rabbit got the gun, huh Mr. Closed Eyes?” I teased, finally getting him back for that little trick he’d pulled on me earlier.

  The trick I was still a bit embarrassed about since… damn, why was I so eager?

  I knew the answer to that.

  It was because Kage’s lips were tested and proven, worth breaking the rules for under the guise of it only being a moment the same way Vegas was supposed to be. The only difference now was that I knew a little more about him and had every reason to find him attractive, even if there was nothing I could do about it other than tease him in a way that made him chuckle and admit, “Aight, you got me. But I was serious about my answer. That whole “first one in the gym” shit is gonna take some gettin’ used to.”

  “As long as you keep at it, you’ll get there,” I assured him. “I mean, it’s only day one, and your extra efforts already seem to be paying off.”

  Nodding, he agreed, “Yeah, extra efforts in combination with your clutch advice.”

  “That’s what friends are for,” I told him with a cheesy grin and a pinch to his cheek that he attempted to knock away as we both started to laugh. But as I settled back in for more of his sappy R&B songs, I couldn’t help noticing all the glances Kage stole my way, so many that I had to ask, “What?”

  “Your bubbles are coming back,” he answered with a grin while I confusedly repeated, “My bubbles?”

  “You know, your smile. Your laugh. Your jokes,” he explained. “It’s good to see.”

  Now that he’d mentioned it, I realized I really did feel more like myself than I had in days. And considering the circumstances that surrounded my improved mood, it only felt right to give Kage some props when I mentioned, “Guess I wasn’t the only one with clutch advice.”

  With a wink, Kage focused back on the road while I stared at him amusedly, trying to figure out what it was about his charming ass that had me so… on his side. But thankfully, I didn’t have to come to any definite conclusions since we were pulling up to him and Kat’s building soon after, Kage whipping his Maserati into an assigned parking spot in the garage before insisting that he walk with me to my final destination.

  Knowing how secure the building was, the gesture wasn’t necessary. But after the good time we’d had, I wasn’t about to fight him on it, respecting his gentleman's instinct even when I told him, “You really didn’t have to walk me all the way to the door.”

  “But if I didn’t, that means I wouldn’t have been able to do this.”

  In the blink of an eye, Kage’s hand was back behind my ear the same way it had been earlier. Except this time, my lids stayed open until he lowered his lips down to mine for a kiss that made my stomach flutter, our tongues furiously intertwined in a way that not only refreshed the Vegas memory ten-fold but also took me back to the dream I’d had of us; the dream I hadn’t really gotten a chance to think much about since my life was turned completely upside down shortly after.

  The fact that my situation hadn’t exactly corrected course just yet was enough for me to pull away, wiping my lips as I told him, “Kage, I’m sorry. But this… really can’t happen between us.”

  “Yeah, I know,” he agreed with averted eyes, gnawing at the corner of his lip before he peeked back at me and asked, “Friends?”

  “Friends,” I told him with a smile that Kage returned with a grin of his own when he said, “Goodnight, Bleu.”

  “Goodnight, Kage,” I responded as I gave him my back so that I could enter the access code to Kat’s unit, shooting him one more look over my shoulder before I entered to find…, “Kat? What are you still doing here?”

  Something about her posture on the couch looked weird; even more so when she rambled, “What? Huh? Oh nothin’. I was just… Hardball was on T.V., and I couldn’t not watch it until the end, so…”

  “Kat, this is You Got Served,” I interrupted, crossing my arms over my chest as she weakly defended, “Guess I got my unnecessary gun violence against children movies mixed up.”

  Giggling with one eyebrow raised, I asked, “You haven’t really been sitting here the whole time, have you?”

  “You mean, did I just see your tongue all down that preemie point guard’s throat?” she questioned with a knowing grin, playfully cocking her head to the side to ask, “What happened to all that, “that’s not what this is” energy you left with earlier, huh?”

  Plopping down next to her on the couch, I answered, “It still stands. We’re just friends.”

  “Yeah, friends who looked five seconds away from fuckin’ each other in my hallway,” she added, the sound of her words making me cringe when I asked, “Was it that obvious?”

  “About as obvious as Todd’s man weave.”

  Squealing her name in response, I could hardly stop laughing as she went on to say, “That nigga was full-blown bald his entire career and had the nerve to pop up with a curly-topped fade when he retired like nobody would notice. I bet his shit was crooked as hell after that accident.”

  “Kat, please,” I begged, my stomach starting to hurt from the laugh I got at that particular visual as she thankfully went back to the topic at hand.

  “Alright, alright. Seriously though, Bleu. You know I’m not above having a little play thing. But I also don’t want this… man child taking advantage of you in your vulnerable state.”

  “Or maybe I’m using my vulnerable state as an excuse to take advantage of him,” was my immediate, muttered response that I wished I would’ve kept in my head once I saw Kat’s reaction that told me she’d caught every word. But before she could press me on it, I quickly tried to cover by pointing to the movie when I mentioned, “Wow. They really did do it for Lil Saint.”

  Rolling her eyes, Kat groaned, “Don’t play with me, Bleu. And don’t play with him either if that’s not what you’re really on.”

  “I hear you, Kat. But I promise you it’s nothin’ but friends from here on out.”

  I said that with confidence, and it remained true for the rest of the night. But I realized it wasn’t going to be easy once Katianna and I were on our flight the next morning and I ran across Kage’s latest thirst trap on Instagram.

  @KageBeSteele: But she said I’m just a friend.

  That was the caption on the picture of him dressed in only a pair of gray sweatpants, a chain around his neck and his abs glistening in the perfect natural lighting I was familiar with thanks to the similar set-up of Kat’s condo. But none of that outshined the very obvious dick print that had the women going crazy in
his comments - and had Kat talking crazy over my shoulder.

  “Whew. That little boy has it bad for you, Bleu,” she sang, her voice laced with humor when she added, “Got him thottin’ all over the internet tryna get your attention.”

  “He could be talking about anybody,” I defended. “Or it could just be a figure of speech.”

  “Yeah, the same kinda speech that involved y’all’s tongues last night,” Kat teased as she made her way back to her seat that was across the row from mine, the side eye I shot in her direction only making her giggle harder as she gave me her back when she pulled the blanket over her body for a quick nap. And now that I was “alone”, it felt like a magnet was tugging me back to Kage’s Instagram for another look, my bottom lip pulled between my teeth as I used two fingers to zoom in on his dick like a creep.

  From the other side of the jet, I heard a muffled, “God is watching you,” the fact that Katianna knew what I was up to without even looking at me making me laugh as I tapped out of the app in favor of catching up on the latest sports news since I’d be returning to work soon. But of course, a part of that update led me to the Tennessee Trojans since they’d played great last night, which further led me to Kage since he’d been a large part of that, which ended with me shooting him an iMessage because it’s completely normal for friends to text, right?

  “So… was that caption supposed to be the Biz Markie version? Or Mario’s?” - Bleu

  “Come on now. You already know who I’m rockin’ wit’.” - Kage

  “Right. Mr. R&B Everything *rolls eyes*” - Bleu

  “Lol don’t hate. You back in N.Y. already?” - Kage

  “Not yet, but soon.” - Bleu

  “Safe travels, friend ;).” - Kage


  Normal, innocent, friendly.

  Yeah, we’d kissed. And yeah, we might’ve been attracted to each other. But we could still just… be friends.


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