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Bossy: An Alpha Collection

Page 9

by Levine, Nina

  My fingers tangle in his thick dark hair as he brings his mouth to my pussy. His tongue circles my clit and a moan escapes my lips. I steady myself against the kitchen counter because my legs feel weak. It’s been five months since I’ve had sex and every single inch of me is alive with need. If Ashton is as skilled as I think he is, this won’t take long.

  He continues to bless my clit with his tongue before kissing his way to my entrance. As he pushes his tongue inside me, he lifts my left leg and rests it over his shoulder. Burying his face in my pussy, he then shows me just how skilled he is at making a woman come.

  Ashton brings me close to orgasm—so damn close—before backing off and letting my release tease me while he shifts his attention to my inner thighs. He kisses me there and runs his hands over my ass and down my legs before finally returning to the place I want to beg him never to leave again. His eyes meet mine. “I knew one taste would never be enough,” he growls before his tongue enters me again.

  I grip the counter hard.

  One taste will most definitely not be enough.

  He doesn’t rush this, but rather, takes his time. I ride the waves of pleasure he gives me, losing track of my thoughts along the way. By the time he brings me close to orgasm again, I’m completely consumed by him. I’m unaware how long he’s had his mouth on me; all I’m aware of is that he has the most talented lips and tongue I’ve ever had the good fortune of being treated to.

  When I’m just about to come, he stops what he’s doing and trails kisses across my skin above my clit. My eyes blink open and I look down, meeting his heated gaze. I try to push his face back to where it was, but he resists and shakes his head.

  “Please,” I beg, wanting this more than I realised.

  He shifts my leg off his shoulder and stands. Without saying a word, he spins me around and unzips my dress in one swift movement. His hands ghost across my back and he removes my dress, letting it drop to the floor. He then flicks my bra open and slides his hands up my back and over my shoulders, pushing my bra off. By the time he turns me to face him again, I’m naked.

  “Fuck,” he rasps as his gaze sweeps over my body. “So beautiful.”

  I flick the top button of his shirt open and attempt to undo the next one. He stops me and I meet his gaze with a frown.

  “No.” His tone is as commanding as his touch. “I’m not going to fuck you tonight, Lorelei.”

  Confusion collides with disappointment at his words. “Really? You’re just going to get me all worked up and then leave?”

  He moves his mouth to my ear. “You will come before I leave tonight, but it will be because of my mouth, not my cock.”

  My frown deepens. I thought I wanted to take this slow and he proved me wrong. I can’t figure him out now. “Why won’t you sleep with me?”

  “You’re not ready for me yet. But you will be by the time I’m finished with you tonight.” His voice drops to a growl. “And then I’m going to schedule a day to spend fucking any remaining hesitation out of you.”

  His words send a thrill through me. Oh God, I need that day already. “We could just skip ahead to that day now.”

  “No, we couldn’t. Because what I have planned needs you to be well rested.”

  He dips his mouth to my neck and kisses me while he takes hold of one of my breasts. Pressing his erection against me, he moves his mouth lower to take my breast between his lips. At the same time, his free hand glides down my body and a second later, he pushes two fingers inside me.

  Gripping his hair, I open my mouth and his name escapes. “Ashton….”

  His fingers reach deep inside and expertly hit the spot I need them to. Closing my eyes, I allow the pleasure to consume me once more as his mouth, hands and fingers work their magic. When I think he can’t possibly intensify the pleasure, he kneels again and shows me that when Ashton Scott makes a promise, he delivers.

  With his face buried deep in my pussy again and his hands cupping my ass, I finally—finally—come. Wave after wave of bliss pulses through me. I grip the kitchen counter with one hand and Ashton’s head with the other to hold myself up. The sensations are so intense, unlike any other orgasm I’ve ever had, that I’m almost sure my legs are going to give way. But Ashton makes sure I don’t collapse. His strong arms circle me as he stands, holding me close while I abandon myself to the release.

  I never want it to end.

  It’s the best I’ve ever had.

  And I haven’t even had his cock yet.

  Clinging to him, I open my eyes and attempt to get my breathing under control. His heat-filled eyes stare down at me. “You weren’t kidding, were you?” I say.

  “I never kid, Lorelei.”

  A smile touches my lips. “I can see that.” Of course, I already knew this about him. Ashton is the most intense man I’ve ever met. “I now also know some other things about you.”

  He cocks his head. “And they would be?”

  I place my finger against his lips. “That these lips know what they’re doing.”

  His arm around my waist pulls me tighter against him and his hand slides down to take hold of my ass. “You have no idea what these lips are capable of, Lorelei.”

  I love the sound of my name coming from his mouth. Even more than that, I love thinking about his mouth and what it might do to me in future.

  “I look forward to you showing me.”

  He pushes against my ass so that my pussy tilts forward. At the same time, he presses his erection against me. “Block Tuesday off. You’re mine for the day.” His actions combined with his words and his growly voice shoot heat to my core.

  Ashton has completely changed my mind.

  I don’t want to take this slowly anymore.

  I don’t care what I have in my diary on Tuesday. It’s about to be rescheduled so I can spend the day in his bed.



  Jessica stares at me in shock. “Cancel everything for tomorrow?”

  I lean back in my chair and nod. “Yes, everything. I don’t care how you manage it, but I won’t be in tomorrow.” The thought of what I will be doing causes my cock to twitch. The image of long red hair splayed out underneath me only builds my anticipation.

  Today is going to be a long day.

  Jessica takes a step closer to my desk. “Have you lost your mind, Ashton? You’re meeting with Marc Brentley in the morning.”


  “What time?”

  “Nine. After that you’ve got back-to-back meetings and let me just say, it took weeks to schedule in your eleven o’clock with Aaron Steele. Weeks.”

  I take in her glare. She’s pissed off and rightfully so. Aaron Steele is notoriously difficult to nail down for a meeting. Raking my fingers through my hair, I say, “Okay, let me take a look at the calendar and see what I can move around and what I can’t.”

  Her eyes widen before narrowing at me. “Is this your new form of Asshole Monday? Finding ways to give me heart palpitations? Because if it is, I’m stating right now that I’m not a fan. I’ll take your moods over this any day.”

  “It’s one day, Jessica.”

  She huffs out a breath and shakes her head at me in disgust. “One day in Ashton-land is the equivalent of a week in most people’s lives. You don’t cancel appointments, let alone entire fucking days. What the hell has gotten into you?” A look flashes across her face and her eyes widen again. “Jesus, is this for pussy?”

  I stand. “You’re being melodramatic now.”

  She doesn’t take her eyes off me as I walk around the desk. “Fuck me, I never thought I’d see the day that Ashton Scott cancelled work for a woman.”

  Grabbing my phone off the desk, I ignore her. “I’m heading out for about an hour. I’ll take a look at the calendar and let you know what I want moved around.”

  Frown lines crease her forehead. “You’re leaving? You just got in. It’s only just past eight—”

  “I’ll be back in an hour.”

sp; I exit my office to her yelling after me. “I’m getting to the bottom of this when you get back.”

  Her words filter through my thoughts but are quickly replaced with images of Lorelei.


  In the throes of an orgasm.

  Fucking beautiful.

  I’ll meet with Brentley and Steele tomorrow, but no other meeting will take precedent over seeing Lorelei.

  “What can I do for you, Ashton?”

  I eye the real estate agent standing in front of me, taking in the unironed fabric of her dress and the dishevelled appearance of her hair and face. So unlike the Margie Brown I know. It would seem the rumours I’ve heard are correct. Margie is losing her touch. Disappointing because she’s the best agent I’ve ever worked with. It’ll be hard to replace her. “Can you tell me what properties you have available on Willow Street currently?”

  “In Pott’s Point?”

  I nod.

  “There’s only one at the moment, and I doubt it’s a property you’d be after.”

  I ignore the irritation her statement stirs. “I didn’t ask you to think for me, Margie. Which building is it?”

  Her nostrils flare at my hard tone, but she doesn’t acknowledge her annoyance. “It’s the rundown dress shop on the corner of Willow and Blair. Tiny building that no one seems to want. It’s been on the market for three months now and only one other person has shown any interest.”

  “Who?” I demand.

  “You know I can’t divulge that, Ashton.”

  “It’s never stopped you before.”

  She takes a deep breath. “Well, it’s stopping me this time.”

  “It’s my father, isn’t it?” I watch closely for her tell. When Margie lies, she runs her fingers through her hair.

  “No, it’s not your father.” Interesting. Her tell is nowhere to be seen.

  My phone buzzes with a text.

  * * *

  Jessica: Aaron Steele just rescheduled his meeting to Wednesday. It would seem the universe is onboard with your quest for pussy.

  * * *

  I look back up at Margie. “Email me the info on that property. And the second anyone makes an offer, I want to know. Also advise me if any other properties on Willow Street become available.”

  She nods. “There’s plenty of other properties for sale in Pott’s Point. I can email the best listings to you.”

  “I’m not interested in anything else. Just send me what I’ve requested.” Without waiting for her reply, I leave her office.

  Placing my phone to my ear, I wait for Jessica to pick up. “Did you get my text?” she asks.

  “Yes. I also just discovered I require a new real estate agent. Can you compile a shortlist?”

  “What happened to Margie?”

  “If the gossips are to be believed, her drug habit has kicked up a notch. I wouldn’t be surprised, but I don’t really care what it is. She’s not on my side anymore and I need someone on my side.” I’ve worked with Margie for five years and not once in that time has she refused to divulge any information I need.

  “Don’t you think that’s being a little rash? Maybe she ju—”

  “Jessica, I don’t fuck around. You know that. Find me someone I can trust. And reschedule every meeting for tomorrow except the one with Brentley.”

  “I’ve already started. Oh, and Jack dropped by. Said his appointment with Dr Winthrop was a waste of fucking time and he’s finding a new doctor. You might want to track him down because he didn’t look the best.”

  I rake my fingers through my hair. Today is slowly turning to shit.

  I find Jack at home.

  “What do you want, Ashton?” He scowls at me from the sofa before raising his drink to his mouth and draining the glass.

  I move further into the living room to join him. “Whisky so early in the morning? I thought you usually reserved that for late night drinking.”

  He stands and I don’t fail to notice he’s wearing the same clothes he wore yesterday. “I reserve whisky for when life really fucks me in the ass.”

  I watch as he refills his glass and downs half of it in one go. “Jesus, Jack, what’s going on?”

  Raising his drink, he says, “Cheers, mate. My manager just informed me he’s no longer my manager and that the movie I was supposed to start filming in a couple of months is no longer mine.”

  I frown. “I thought you wanted out anyway?”

  “I did. Turns out I didn’t know what the fuck I wanted until it was taken away from me.”

  “And Dr Winthrop? Jessica told me—”

  He scowls again. “Dr Winthrop is a fucking asshole. I’m not seeing him again.”

  “Because he tells you things you don’t want to hear, or because he’s an asshole?”

  He finishes his drink and slams the glass down on the coffee table. Glaring at me, because he knows I’m the only person in his life who won’t let this shit slide, he says, “Do you really think he’s telling me something I don’t know, Ashton? I fucking know. I live and breathe this shit every day of my goddam fucking life.”

  I push him harder. “So, what, you know, but you don’t want to hear it at the moment?”

  His chest pumps furiously as his anger rises. “Is that a crime? Would you want to hear that shit every time you went to the good doctor?”

  “No, but I wouldn’t want to be fed fake hope, Jack. You’re bipolar. You can’t fix it, drink it away or get rid of it. It’s here to stay for life. And it’s about time you fucking dealt with it once and for all.”

  We stare at each other in silence. My words sit between us like a gaping wound that needs to be healed. The kind of wound no one wants to go near because it’s too nasty and filthy to even know where to start fixing it. Or how.

  Finally, he says, “I’m tired, Ashton. I’m tired of my own damn mind. And sometimes it’s easier not to hear how I keep fucking shit up.” All his fight is gone and that sends a chill up my spine. I need him not to give up. I need him to keep fighting.

  “Let me find you a new doctor then.” My words come out in a ragged beg as I plead with him to let me help.

  Still staring at me, but now through vacant eyes, he exhales a long breath. Waving his hand in the air, he says, “Fine. But make this one a woman. If I’m gonna spend my hours talking to someone, I at least want some tits and ass in the room.”

  “I’ll book you an appointment for this afternoon. You need to shower and change into clean clothes between now and then.” No fucking way am I allowing him to surrender to this disorder.

  “I’m going back to bed first,” he mutters as he walks past me into the hallway. I watch as he heads to his bedroom. Once the door closes behind him, I pull out my phone and call Jessica.

  “Did you find Jack?” she asks, answering my call.

  “Yes, and I need you to come over and babysit him today.”

  She groans. “Really?”

  “Yes, really,” I snap. “I’d do it myself if I could get out of work today.”

  “You’re lucky I like you, Ashton. Jack is hard fucking work. You want me to come over now?”

  “Yeah, I’ll wait here until you arrive.”

  There’s no way I’m leaving him alone again until we get his mental state under control. Jack is far too important to me to lose.

  By the time Jessica arrives, Jack has wandered back out into the kitchen where I’ve spent the last fifteen minutes searching for a new psychologist.

  He glances at Jessica as she enters the kitchen to join us. “Hello, beautiful. I see Ashton has called in the big guns.”

  She rolls her eyes before wrapping her arms around him and pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Ashton is lucky I like him and you’re lucky I love you.”

  He doesn’t let her go when she tries to pull away. Rather, he slides his hands around her waist and rests them on her ass. “Why did I ever let you go?”

  “Because you were dumb.”

  A smile lights up his face and he chuckles
. “I was. And now you’re into women so I have no chance at fixing my mistake.”

  “Jack, I’m into women and men, but trust me when I tell you that I would never let you break my heart again. One doesn’t simply get over Jack Kingsley. My scars still hurt.”

  His smile disappears and he lets her move out of his embrace. “Fuck, I’m a bastard.”

  She nods. “Yes, you are. But somehow you still make us all love you.” Turning to me, she says, “You should get going. I’ve got this from here.”

  I nod as I scribble an address and time on a piece of paper. Eyeing them both, I instruct, “Your appointment is here at four this afternoon.” I direct my next question to Jessica. “I’ll be home by seven, maybe earlier. Are you good to stay until then?”

  “Yes.” The way she clenches her jaw, though, lets me know this isn’t something she really wants to be doing. I can’t blame her. Jack threw her love away five years ago and took a chunk of her heart with him. While I know she’d do anything to help him, I also know that being with him is hard. It reminds her of everything they had and everything he did to kill their life together.

  As the door to my home closes behind me, I hear her bossing Jack around and can’t help but smile. He deserves that. Thank fuck she agreed to today. I only hope she’ll be good for tomorrow as well because giving up my plans with Lorelei isn’t something I want to do.



  “Lorelei!” Jack greets me with enthusiasm as Ashton shows me into his living room. “Another double date.”

  I smile at him as I take in Ashton’s house. It’s the first time I’ve been here. His home is the most masculine home I’ve ever set foot in. From what I’ve seen so far, it’s a mix of browns and greys with a hint of black in places. All cement, marble, glass, and sleek furniture. “Jack,” I greet him in a more subdued manner but am equally happy to see him. Ashton’s hand brushes across my back as he guides me to the sofa. Lust pools in my belly at his touch. Tomorrow can’t come fast enough.


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