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Bossy: An Alpha Collection

Page 82

by Levine, Nina

  “Has anyone ever told you how dangerous you are?”

  He laughs and bends his head so he can whisper in my ear. “Is it working?”

  Nodding, I assure him, “You have no idea just how much it’s working.”

  “Good.” His voice has changed from soft to firm, almost possessive, and it hits me in all the right places. Jett has a way of making me feel all woman, and as if I am the only woman in the world.

  West’s voice interrupts our moment. “Okay you two, enough. I’m hungry and need food.”

  Jett distributes the food and I notice the tension that’s obvious between him and Van who is still scowling at him like he was the last time I saw him. I can’t help but wonder how the heck they are going to make it through an album together at this rate, because it doesn’t seem like either man is willing to back down.

  I take a seat next to Jett and look around the room. “So, have you knocked out a few songs this morning?” I joke, trying to break through the tense atmosphere.

  West chuckles. “Yeah, babe, we’ve nearly finished the whole album.”

  I love his teasing tone and play along. “Awesome, so I can have Jett all to myself in a few days?”

  “Well, if he’s not down with that, I’ll happily step up and take his place,” West flirts with me.

  “Settle down,” Jett grumbles, throwing West a dirty glare.

  Wanting to change the course of the conversation to avoid Jett’s jealous streak coming out, I say, “Seriously though, have you had a productive morning?”

  Hunter joins the conversation. “It’s usually a slow start when we first start working on a new album and this time isn’t any different.”

  That seems like code for ‘it’s been shit this morning and we haven’t been productive at all’ but I don’t pursue it any further. Instead, I change course again. “I’ve almost finished editing the photos from your concert. They look great.”

  My statement catches Van’s attention and he gives me a dazzling smile that almost knocks me off my seat. It’s a rarity and I can’t help but wish he smiled like that more; he really is a gorgeous man and when he smiles, it takes my breath away. “I’m looking forward to seeing them,” he says, his eyes firmly on me, and full of warmth. In that moment, I imagine that any woman who is able to capture his attention must love it when he looks at her that way.

  I give him a smile. “I’ll have them for you soon.”

  “Thanks,” he says before sinking back into his moodiness.

  Jett’s watching him with a thoughtful look and then he turns to me. “You free tonight?”

  “Yeah, I thought I’d cook for you tonight after you made me that amazing stroganoff last night. If you’re free, that is.”

  He grins. “It was pretty good, wasn’t it?”

  I roll my eyes. “Oh god, I shouldn’t have said that, should I?”

  “No, you shouldn’t have,” West interjects. “The dude has a big enough head. He doesn’t need you making it bigger. Hell, we don’t need you doing that.”

  Patting Jett on the chest, I agree. “Mr. Rockstar here definitely doesn’t need me telling him how good he is, but damn, have you tasted his stroganoff?”

  Jett chuckles as West shakes his head and says, “No, but I have tasted some of his other stuff and I’ll give him his dues; he can fucking cook.”

  Turning my attention back to Jett, I ask, “So, dinner tonight?”

  He kisses me and nods his head. “Yeah, sweetheart, dinner at your place tonight.”

  “Any idea what time you might be finished here?”

  “We’ve got the studio booked till six, so sometime around then.”

  West interrupts again. “How the hell did you end up with a woman like Presley? She’s gorgeous, she brings you food, and she cooks for you.” He looks at me. “Babe, when you decide you’ve had enough of Jett, you know where to find me.”

  Jett scowls at him and pulls me close, holding me tight. “Fuck off, West.”

  West simply laughs and flips him the bird.

  Standing, I kiss him goodbye. “I’m gonna get going so you guys can get back to work, but I’ll see you tonight.”

  He keeps hold of me and kisses me like he doesn’t want to let me go. Reluctantly, he does. “Be ready,” he says with a cheeky grin, and my tummy flutters at what I know he means.

  Jett is one horny man and has trouble keeping his hands off me when we’re alone.

  Just the way I like it.



  Glaring at West, I mutter, “Do you always have to flirt with Presley?”

  “Really, man?” He stares at me like I’m an idiot, and it just pisses me off more.

  “What the fuck does that mean?”

  “It means, where the fuck is this coming from? You’ve never given a shit before if we’ve flirted with your women, so why all of a sudden is it a problem?”

  The irritation spreading throughout me is making me fucking jumpy, like I just want to punch something to get some of this fucked up energy out of me. He’s right, but he’s so wrong, too. “I never gave a shit before because those women weren’t my women – they were just women. Presley’s mine. So back the fuck off, okay?”

  He puts his hands up defensively. “Sorry, man. You’ve gotta know I don’t mean anything by it though, right? You and me are like brothers; I’d never take something of yours.”

  I listen to his words, and I know he means them, but I’m still agitated. Blowing out a long breath, I rub the back of my neck and say, “Fuck, I’m sorry. I don’t know what the hell is wrong with me lately. I’m all over the place with this shit.”

  Hunter and West laugh at the same time, and West enlightens me with his thoughts on the matter. “Dude, you’ve turned into a possessive motherfucker. Hell, I can’t even recall a time when you’ve chased a woman for anything, let alone gone back for seconds and thirds.”

  My phone rings and I answer it while mentally agreeing with what West just said. He’s right on the money – I have turned into a possessive motherfucker.

  “Jett, you got a minute?” It’s Doug, my financial advisor.

  “Sure,” I say while putting my hand over the phone and mouthing to the guys that it’s Doug and I’ll be a minute.

  West grins and yells out, “Tell him I’m ready to get hooked up with some shares like yours.”

  Doug has the magic touch when it comes to shares, and West has just dumped his guy due to lack of performance. I nod and leave the room to find a quiet spot.

  “Got some bad news for you, man,” Doug starts the conversation with an opener no one ever wants to hear. Particularly not when it concerns money.

  “How much is this gonna hurt?”

  “There’s no easy way to say it . . . your portfolio has taken a hit today at a loss of around thirty percent.”

  My gut drops and I sink into a chair. Hunching over, I place my elbows on my legs and rest my head in my hands. He’s knocked the wind out of me and I take a moment to get my breathing back under control.


  “Jett? You there?” Doug’s voice is full of concern. I can only imagine how much he hates making these kinds of calls.

  “Yeah.” My thoughts are all over the place and I can’t form any other words while I battle through trying to rebalance myself.

  “The market took a dive today so you need to have a think about what you want to do with your shares and I’m concerned this is just the beginning. Check your emails – I’ve just sent through some info for you to read through. Let me know as soon as possible which shares you want to hold onto, okay?”

  Jesus, as if I don’t have enough other shit to deal with, but that’s life for you – one day you’re sitting pretty, and the next it all goes to hell. “I’ll let you know,” I agree and hang up.

  I sit and process everything he’s said and after reading through his email, I’m even more fucking confused so I text him and organise to meet and discuss this tonight. That fucking shar
e portfolio is all I have and most of my cash is tied up in it. I need to sort this out fast because there’s no way I’m losing the money I’ve worked damn hard for over the past ten years.

  I knock on Presley’s door and wait for her to answer it. Fuck, it’s been a long day, and all I want is to hold her in my arms and forget everything that’s happened. I spent three hours with Doug tonight, going over my share portfolio, and I’m wiped.

  She takes about five minutes to answer the door and when she does, she stands in front of me in her Keith Urban t-shirt with an annoyed glare on her face. “It’s late, Jett.” Even her words are laced with annoyance.

  “Sorry, sweetheart, but I needed to see you.” I step into her house and pull her into my arms.

  When her arms don’t come around me but rather hang limply at her side, I let her go and frown. “Are you that pissed that I came over late?”

  “No, I’m pissed because you said you’d be here sometime just after six and I waited for you, but you didn’t show up, and then you sent me a text at seven thirty to say you weren’t coming.” Ice clings to her words and I can see her getting more worked up as she goes. “A fucking text! A fucking hour and a half late.”

  Fuck, I’m an asshole, and she has every right to be mad at me.

  I’m so far out of my comfort zone here; relationships and me do not go hand in hand.

  I open my mouth to respond but she’s already turned and walked away from me so I close the front door and follow her into the kitchen.

  And then I see it.


  She cooked me dinner and it’s still sitting on the kitchen counter ready to be eaten.

  “You didn’t eat?” I ask and the question sounds pathetic even to my ears.

  Her eyes bulge. “No! I didn’t eat.” She reaches for an empty bottle of wine and holds it up. “I drank instead.” The sound of the bottle hitting the counter echoes around the kitchen, making me wish like hell I could go back a few hours and have a do-over.

  “Presley, you’ve gotta know how sorry I am, baby. I had some bad news and I completely lost track of everything while trying to deal with it.”

  She softens a little at my explanation and says, “Go on.”

  I take this as an invitation to move closer to her and she doesn’t halt me in my progress but rather continues to watch me intently, keen for me to elaborate. My need to touch her is so out of control that I can’t stop myself. I reach out and try to take hold of her waist but I misjudge it and take hold of her shirt instead. She doesn’t stop me so I keep hold while I talk. “I found out today that my share portfolio took a hit and I lost about thirty percent of its value so I’ve just spent the last three hours going over it with my financial guy. I’m sorry I let you down, but I was so thrown by the whole thing that I wasn’t thinking straight.”

  “Shit, I’m sorry, Jett.” Her hand covers mine that is holding her shirt and her touch instantly calms me a little. The only other person in this world who is able to calm me like that is Claudia.

  “Pretty much all my money is tied up in those shares so it freaked me the fuck out for a moment there,” I admit, laying my insecurity out for her like I wouldn’t for anyone else. I need her to understand why I blew her off, though, and if this is the only way to do it, then so be it.

  “Did you guys come up with a plan?” she asks as she takes a step in my direction.

  My natural instinct in this moment is to pull her close now that she’s signalled her retreat from being pissed at me, but I play it cool and let her come to me. Easier said than fucking done because although she took a step, she didn’t take another, and I just want her to take those next two steps and wrap her arms right around me. Fuck, I want my lips on hers, and my hands on her ass, but I rein in my desire and focus on allowing her to take control of this.

  “Yeah, we’ve gone through it all, and he’s advised me of what he thinks I should do and I’ve agreed to that, but shit, it’s fucking hard to think about the loss from today. I just hope to hell the market doesn’t crash further.”

  “I hope so, too.” Her words leave her mouth as she takes one more step.

  The anticipation rushes through me and I feel like a fucking junkie craving a fix. I don’t think I can hold myself back much longer. If she doesn’t take that last step soon, I’m going to lose my cool.

  She takes the last step and I exhale when her arms slide around my waist and her hands end up planted on my ass. Her lips come to mine for a moment and then she feathers kisses down my neck, causing my dick to jerk.

  “Fuck,” I groan, needing more and trying like hell not to rip her clothes off. For once in my life, I’m trying to let someone else have the control.

  “Is that a ‘fuck, keep going’ or a ‘fuck, stop’?” she murmurs against my neck while her hand moves over my ass.

  “That’s a don’t-you-fucking-stop fuck,” I say and move my hand to her breast. “I’m so fucking sorry I sent you that text tonight. My head was out of the game for a moment there.”

  She undoes my jeans and takes hold of my cock. “Do you think you can get your head back in the game long enough to fuck me?”

  And I’m done.

  My restraint comes crashing down and I sweep her off her feet and carry her into the bedroom. Throwing her down on the bed, I pull my shirt off and rip my jeans and boxers down. My eyes meet hers and I growl, “My head’s back in the game one hundred fucking percent. You want me to fuck you? Just try to stop me.”

  I kneel on the bed over her and pull her to a sitting position. A moment later, I’ve got her shirt and bra off and am working on her shorts. We frantically work together to get them off and when she’s naked, I tell her how tonight’s going to go down. “Tonight you’re gonna ride my face.”

  Her eyes blaze with lust and she nods before kissing me. Her tongue plays with mine and there’s an angry feel to it. She’s forgiven me for sending that text, but hell, if she wants to take her lingering anger out on me, I’m down with that.

  I let her end the kiss and then I ask, “You still pissed at me, sweetheart?”

  Her eyes stare into mine. “Kind of. I don’t want to be, but I am.”

  She gives me the honesty I love from her and I take hold of her hair and pull her head back with it. “First you ride me, then you fuck me however you want. And, baby, the rougher the better,” I say with force.

  I watch her take that in, and the moment I see the switch in her mind flip, I know we’re in for some good sex tonight. She takes charge and pushes me back on the bed, my head at the bottom of the bed in the corner. Next minute, she’s standing and positioning her pussy over my face.

  Fuck yes.

  I reach my arms back so I can put them around her hips and hold her to me. Looking up at her from this angle is fucking hot; an eyeful of pussy and ass is any man’s dream. I grab her hips and guide her pussy along my tongue, and she begins a rhythmic grind on my face as I bury my tongue in her, reaching deep in her core.

  The soft moans coming from her lips begin to turn into louder, more urgent moans, and she starts grinding harder and faster. I grip her tight and push my tongue in further, and she cries out my name. My dick is so goddamn hard, and hearing her scream out my name only gets me harder. I move one of my hands from her hip and give myself a tug.

  “Fuck, Jett, keep pulling. I wanna see you come while you’re eating me,” Presley begs, and I almost orgasm at her words.

  All my senses are in overdrive as I jack off while she rides me and watches it all. My orgasm is so close but I’m trying like hell to prolong it. I want to get her off before I come. We keep up this pace for a couple more minutes until she shudders and comes, crying out my name again. And then I’m done. I orgasm and it’s the best goddam orgasm I’ve had in a long fucking time. Presley’s pussy is still on my mouth and my hand is still gripping her hip, and I’m the happiest asshole in the world.

  A mouth covered in my woman’s sweet taste and the sounds of her pleasure ringing
in my ears . . . what else could a man ask for?



  The smell of coffee and the warm rays of sun hit me as I open my eyes. Rolling over, I find Jett sitting on the side of the bed smiling down at me, holding a coffee in one hand and a brown paper bag in the other.

  “Morning, sweetheart,” he greets me.

  “Morning.” My eyes drop to the coffee. “Is that a hazelnut - ”

  His lips meet mine and he cuts me off with a kiss. “With vanilla, yes.” He passes me the coffee and then adds, “I have croissants if you want them.”

  I sit up in the bed and put my free arm around his neck and kiss him again. “I think I might keep you around for a bit longer.”

  The sheet has dropped, baring my naked breasts, and Jett can’t help himself. He cups one of my breasts and rolls the nipple between his fingers. It feels so damn good and I close my eyes. When a soft moan escapes my lips, he chuckles. “You might not have any say in that. When I decide I’m going to have something, I don’t let anything get in my way.”

  I open my eyes and raise my brows. “Oh, really? And you’ve decided on this already?”

  His eyes hold mine, his gaze so intense I feel it in my core. The playfulness has disappeared completely and while I love fun, playful Jett, I’ve decided I can’t get enough of intense, holy-fucking-hell-he-wants-me-bad Jett.

  Leaning his face close to mine, he speaks in a tone that leaves no confusion, “Yes, I’ve already decided on this. I want you, Presley, and I’ll do anything in my power to have you.”

  My entire body hums with desire. Hearing a man say those words to you is a heady trip. The independent side of me battles with the side that wants a man to desire me and make me his number one priority in life. Miss Independent loses out and I close the distance between our lips and kiss him with the passion he stirs in me. “I want you, too, Jett.”


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