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Bossy: An Alpha Collection

Page 91

by Levine, Nina

  “I’m right there with you. I wasn’t sure dating you was the right move, but I’m one hundred percent convinced now. Oh, and you might want to thank your sister for that. She set me straight.”

  “What did Claudia do?” I don’t really care, though. I’m fucking grateful for anything she said to help me get Presley one hundred percent on board with this relationship.

  “She sang your praises and made me think about things a little differently, that’s all.”

  “Well, thank God for that. We’ll take her out to celebrate when we get home.”

  “I’ve already made plans with her for that,” she fills me in, and I fucking love that she and Claudia are getting on.

  Raising my brows, I tease her, “Oh have you? You already taking charge of my life, sweetheart? Next thing I know, you’ll be in control of my calendar and dictating my every move.”

  She grins and plays along with me, “You’d love that, and you know it.”

  I push my cock against her entrance. So fucking wet. I have to restrain myself from pushing all the way in. “What I’d love is to have my dick inside you. You think we can manage that?”

  Her grin grows larger and she pulls my face to hers so she can kiss me. And then she wraps her legs around me and presses her pussy against me. I can’t hold back any longer, and I’m pretty fucking sure she doesn’t want me to, either. I push all the way in and close my eyes as her tight cunt welcomes me. She fits me perfectly, and the way we move together is unlike anything I’ve ever experienced with another woman.

  The way we move tonight is different, though. There’s none of the hard or the fast we’re used to. Tonight is slow and, fuck, it’s out of this world. Presley’s even kissing me differently, almost as if she has to take everything she can from me tonight because she’s worried she’s never going to get it again. I feel the urgency in her touch and I respond. I take everything I can from her, too.

  Her body.

  Her words.

  Her love.

  We might not have exchanged the L word, but I can feel it here tonight. We’re both blessing each other’s bodies with the love we haven’t yet said out loud, but are feeling deep in our souls.

  And when we come, it all explodes in colour in my mind as I fall over the edge.

  I’m freefalling and I don’t know where I’m going to end up.

  All I know is that I need Presley by my side wherever that is.

  I wake up to the sound of voices. Rolling over, I see Presley at the door talking to someone in hushed tones. “Baby,” I murmur, still struggling to wake from the best sleep I’ve had in over a week.

  She turns to me and smiles. “Tom’s here. He’s got good news.”

  Those two words kick my brain into gear and I sit up, motioning for him to come in. When I see his face, I know the news is more than good and I lift my chin at him. “What?”

  “The news isn’t as good as it would be if I were here to tell you the rape allegation had been dismissed, but it’s good, nevertheless.”

  I rake my fingers through my hair and frown at him. “For fuck’s sake, Tom, spit it out.”

  He beams and points at Presley and me. “You two are all over the place today and your fans are loving it.” He looks at Presley and adds, “They fucking love you.”

  “So they’re giving Jett a break now?” Presley asks.

  “Fuck yeah, not a word today about him disrespecting women, and no talk about the rape.”

  “What’s our next step then?” I ask Tom, knowing he’ll have a plan for our next move. One good day of publicity doesn’t mean my previous bad behaviour will be forgotten any time soon.

  Giving me his full attention now, he says, “You two have been invited to a charity lunch today so I suggest you go and continue to wow everyone.”

  I drop my head into my hands. Raising money for charity is something I love to do; attending charity lunches is not. Looking back up at him with a groan, I ask, “That’s all you’ve got? Please, anything but a fucking lunch.”

  He shakes his head and gives me a regretful glance. “Sorry, man, that’s all we’ve got so suit up and bring the Jett Vaughn charm out.” He drops two tickets for the lunch on the bed and exits the room.

  Presley crawls onto the bed and into my lap. With her arms around me, she suggests, “It could be fun. Me, you and some champagne. Oh, and that suit you promised you’d wear.”

  I groan again. “And a hundred odd socialites; tonnes of fun.”

  Laughing, she kisses me. “How about we show our faces for a bit and then sneak off somewhere where you can have your way with me.”

  “Fuck, I never knew you were into that.” The day is getting better with every word she breathes.

  “There’s a lot you still have to learn about me, baby,” she promises, and I’m suddenly very awake.

  I run my finger lightly across her lips and down her throat. Tracing patterns over her skin there, I ask, “Will I learn some of those things today?”

  She catches my hand and places another kiss to my lips. “That’s for me to know and for you to find out.”

  Hell, this charity lunch is looking more and more appealing.

  My only concern now is whether I’ll be able to keep myself under control with Presley by my side. At the rate she’s going, I’m gonna last all of half an hour.



  I eye the woman who is flirting with Jett and drain the glass of champagne in my hand while glaring at her. We’ve been at this charity lunch for two hours now and I can see why Jett hates them. Although the lunch was amazing and the room is beautifully decorated with gorgeous flowers and delicate touches everywhere, the women seem to be mostly superficial bitches who are looking to hook up with a celebrity. And the busty blonde who has her hand on Jett’s arm is no different.

  I’ve been listening to her throw herself at him for the last ten minutes, and I’ve held my tongue for that long, for Jett’s sake, but she just told him she’s not wearing any underwear, and as far as I’m concerned, she just crossed a line.

  “You do realise I’m standing right here, don’t you?” I ask in the iciest tone I can manage.

  Her gaze comes to me and she looks me up and down with distaste. “And who are you?”

  My eyes widen and I snap, “Are you fucking kidding? Jett’s hand is on my ass; does that not tell you who he’s here with?”

  Her look of distaste doesn’t let up. “It’s always been my experience that it doesn’t matter who the men have on their arm because they’re always up for some fun on the side.” She shrugs and adds, “I’m just making sure Jett knows the offer’s always there.”

  Jett opens his mouth to say something, but I pull on his arm to make it clear I’ve got this, and for him to let me speak. “Jett’s not interested in your nasty vagina that sounds like it’s had more men through it than I’d ever care to imagine, so I suggest you back the fuck off and never come near my man again.” My voice has raised a couple of decibels and my breaths are coming fast as I get more worked up over her lack of respect for me.

  The bitch raises her brows and forms a perfect ‘O’ with her mouth before looking back at Jett, and saying, “Any time you want to trade up, just call me,” before turning and walking away. She even has the nerve to swing her ass from side to side as she leaves; as if he’d even be fucking looking.

  I’m wild and ready to go after her to give her a piece of my mind when Jett grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him. “Leave her, baby, she’s not worth your time,” he says, and I can’t help but note the chuckle in his tone.

  “Are you fucking laughing?” I demand, twisting to face him.

  He puts his hands up defensively. “Me, laughing? I wouldn’t dream of it.”

  I smack him on the chest and give him a filthy look. “If you have any plans of getting in my pants today, you better stop laughing this minute.”

  His arms go around my waist and he pulls me to him. “I like it when you’re jealous
,” he whispers in my ear. I try to pull away to reply to that but he holds me firm and says, “It doesn’t happen often so I have to make the most of it.”

  The wild energy I had at that woman seeps out of me. “I just can’t believe she had the hide to say all that in front of me. It’s rude.”

  He nods in agreement. “It is, but those types of women are everywhere in this business. You know that.”

  “I know. I just wasn’t subjected to it much with Lennon.”

  “You know I’m not interested in all that, right?”

  “Yes, and I’m not even worried about that. I just can’t stand bitches like her.”

  “I’ll tell you what I am interested in, though,” he says with a cheeky grin.

  “Are you trying to change the subject?”

  “Maybe a little, but mostly I’m trying to hurry shit along so we can get to the good part of today.”

  He’s managed to calm me right down; it seems to be one of his specialties. I know exactly where he’s going with this, but I play with him a little. “The good part?”

  Playing with Jett is only advisable if you’re ready for a game because he always gives as good as, or better, than he gets, and today is no exception. “The part where you take your clothes off for me so I can make you come over and over,” he says, before placing his mouth to my ear and saying, “and over.” His warm breath sends shivers through me and desire flares in my core.

  He doesn’t even have to touch me; it only takes words from him and my body is alive with need. However, just as I’m about to suggest we get out of here, we’re interrupted by a phone call from Tom. Jett doesn’t take his eyes off me as he answers it gruffly, “What’s up?” His hand lazily trails a line down my back, and I shiver again, imagining what that hand will be doing to me soon.

  I can’t hear what Tom says but Jett agrees with whatever it is and hangs up. Looking at me with regret, he says, “We’ve gotta go. We’re on a flight back home in six hours.”

  “Why?” I’m confused about the sudden change in plans. And a little disappointed I won’t be getting to the good part of this afternoon now.

  “Apparently, the record label has managed to set up some promo gigs in Australia, so they want us back home within twenty-four hours.”

  I raise my brows. “Just like that?”

  He shrugs. “It’s what we do, sweetheart. Things move fast and we go with the flow.”

  “Okay, so no sex now, but I’m taking a raincheck. And I don’t even care how exhausted you are when we get home, you’re making good on the promises you’ve been making today.”

  Grabbing my hand, he begins to lead me to the door while pulling me close, and he says, “By my rough calculations, I think we’ll be able to find some spare minutes in between getting from here to the hotel to the airport. And you know the things I can do to you in minutes, so I’ll make good on those promises.”

  My tummy flutters.

  I do know the things he can do to me in minutes.

  We arrive back at the hotel to chaos. Just when it seemed like the band was getting their act together, all hell has broken loose.

  “What the fuck has happened?” Jett is livid as he looks between West and Hunter. He got a call from West while we were in the taxi on the way back. Van and Tom were in the middle of an argument, and West was concerned as to where it would end up. He’d put Jett on the phone to Van to try and calm him down but, by the looks of it now, that hadn’t worked.

  Tom glances at Jett from where he is by the window in his hotel room. Blood sticks to his face – his face that is now covered in nasty looking bruises and swelling. It’s as if he’s gone a round with a boxer. Spitting into the tissue in his hand, he mutters, “Turns out Van didn’t agree with the decision to go home and when we got into it, he raised some other things he has a problem with.”

  Jett’s body is tense and anger is written all over him. “So he thought it was okay to use you as a fucking punching bag?”

  Tom tries to speak but his face contorts in pain and he struggles to get the words out. We all watch him until West fills Jett in some more. “Van’s pissed that the label wants us to give up some promo he’s organised to go back and do their stuff instead. He’s also still pissed off at you, and when Tom shared his thoughts that you were right about not changing our sound dramatically, he lost it.”

  “How’s Van looking?” Jett asks.

  “Nowhere near as bad as Tom but he did take a couple of hits, too. Problem with Tom is that Van knocked him down and he hit the ground fairly hard. I’m concerned it’s caused more than just bruising and swelling.”

  “And where the hell is Van now?”

  There’s a knock at the door and Hunter leaves us to answer it while West keeps filling us in. “Fuck knows. He took off and said not to wait for him when we head to the airport.”

  Jett’s body arches with anger and he grabs the back of his neck. “Jesus fucking Christ!” His wild gaze sweeps the room, taking it all in, and then he turns his gaze back to West. “What the hell is happening to us? Do we even have a band anymore?”

  My attention shifts to Hunter who has let a man into the room, a doctor by the look of the bag he is carrying. They’re intent on getting to Tom so we all move to let them through, and a moment later the doctor is assessing Tom. Jett hasn’t calmed down but he’s reined his anger in while waiting to hear what the doctor has to say.

  Time seems to drag on while we all wait, and I’m keenly aware time is edging closer to when we need to leave for the airport. Eventually, the doctor gives his verdict. “You’ve got concussion and need to rest. I’d actually recommend you go to the hospital to have it checked out.”

  “I don’t have time. I’ve got a flight to catch to Australia,” Tom says while placing his hand to his head, grimacing.

  The doctor shakes his head as he packs his equipment back into his bag. “No you don’t. No flying while you have a concussion.”

  “Fuck,” West mutters, and I sense the tension in the room escalate while all the men look more pissed than they did a minute ago.

  “He’s right, Tom,” Jett agrees with the doctor. “You can’t fly. I’ll stay here with you and get you checked out.”

  “Like hell you will,” Tom argues, and his voice gets louder even though it’s obvious by the expression on his face that the noise is causing him more pain.

  Jett crosses his arms over his chest and it looks like he’s settling in for an argument. “I’m hardly going to leave you alone while you’ve got a concussion.”

  “Jett, the label were clear – they want the band back home and doing everything you can to fix the shit going down over there. Apparently, the rape scandal is only getting worse and they think it’s time you all did interviews in order to try to shift public perception.”

  “Shit, maybe we should just pay that bitch off,” West interjects. Defeat hangs heavy in his words and I hate that he’s going through this.

  Jett’s head snaps around to face West. “No fucking way are you paying her. That smacks of guilt and you’re not guilty.”

  West throws his hands up in the air and stares at Jett. “Well what the hell am I supposed to do? She won’t go away on her own.”

  I step forward and offer a suggestion. “Guys, why don’t you all go home and I’ll stay here with Tom? I’ll get him to the hospital and make sure he’s okay before we fly home.”

  Four sets of eyes are suddenly on me, staring, and I wonder if I’ve said something wrong. Tom finally speaks, breaking the awkward moment. “Thanks for the offer, Presley, but I’ve got a sister in LA who can help me. You head back with the boys, and, for the love of God, please make sure Jett stays out of trouble.”

  Jett frowns at him for a second. Cocking his head, he asks, “I never knew you had a sister here. You sure that’s not a bullshit story?”

  Tom pulls his phone out and passes it to Jett. “Search for Tina and call her. She’ll verify it.”

  Jett calls her and she agr
ees to come and take care of Tom. As he passes the phone back to Tom, he says forcefully, “I don’t want you coming home until the doctor clears you, yeah?”

  “Yeah.” Tom waves him away. “You all need to get to the airport. I’ll be okay on my own until Tina gets here.”

  Hunter nods, but doesn’t move. “What about Van?”

  Jett scowls and grabs his phone out of his pocket. He dials a number and puts the phone to his ear. After a few moments, he says, “Van, we’re heading to the airport. You better be there, asshole.” As he shoves the phone back in his pocket, he mutters, “Fucking message bank.”

  At this point, I’m guessing Van won’t be there. And wondering like hell where the band will go from here.



  I check the time on my phone for what feels like the fiftieth time. Half a fucking hour until we leave. And he’s still not here. Shoving the phone back in my pocket, I scowl. Van’s fucked up this time, and I’m almost out of patience with him.

  Presley leans her head against my shoulder and murmurs, “Thank God I’m with the band . . . flying on a private jet is the only way to travel.”

  I chuckle. “Yeah, sweetheart, stick with me and we’ll see the world by private jet.” Thank fuck she’s here; her presence may well be the only thing helping me keep my shit together.

  “Now that’s a tempting thought, Mr. Rockstar,” she teases. I know she’s teasing because Presley is one of the only women I know who wouldn’t stay with me simply to enjoy the luxuries in life. And that’s exactly why I will give her every damn thing she ever wants or everything I think she might want.

  We retreat into silence and I watch Hunter and West for a moment. They’re both sitting on their own. Hunter’s scrolling through his phone, and West has his head resting on the back of his seat with his eyes closed. We’re all exhausted and pissed off. Not a great combination. So it’s probably a good thing Van hasn’t shown up. Although, that will only prolong the inevitable.


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