Bossy: An Alpha Collection

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Bossy: An Alpha Collection Page 134

by Levine, Nina

  “I did answer you. As far as I’m concerned, you need to work that out for yourself.” Why did men always need things spelled out for them?

  “Madison, it would be a lot fucking quicker for you to just tell me.”

  “And I’d be a lot fucking happier if I didn’t have to tell you.” I blew out an angry breath, “Just take me home, J. I don’t want to talk about this anymore.” I turned away from him and stared out the front of the car, willing him not to say another word because, if he did, I might just reach over and do some damage that both of us would regret.

  We sat in a heated silence for awhile until, finally, he started the car and took us home, the day having gone to complete shit.



  I sat on the couch, mindlessly flicking through channels on the television. It was nearly midnight, and Madison and I still hadn’t spoken since we arrived home that afternoon. She secluded herself in the bedroom as soon as we got home and hadn’t come out since. It pissed me off at the time, but in hindsight, it was probably the smartest move she could’ve made. After a long, stressful day that achieved fucking nothing, I had been all out of patience and she had fucking tested me.

  Wanting to catch up with Nix’s sister, Mandy, I had headed out early to find her. I doubted that Marcus and Scott would deal with her once and for all, not wanting to stir up trouble, so it was up to me to make sure she didn’t fuck with Madison. All day I had chased the bitch with nothing to show for it. She was gone, and no one seemed to know where she was. On top of that, I had Scott breathing down my neck and Madison yelling at me for God only knew what. Fuck, I was beginning to think she would be the death of me. And yet, all I wanted to do was get my dick into her sweet pussy.

  Christ, I was getting hard thinking about it. I undid my jeans and reached in, wrapping my hand around my dick. Shutting my eyes, I pictured Madison’s hand around it and her lips on me. Fuck, the imagery was too much; I needed her actual hands and lips. I got up and stalked into the bedroom. She was lying on her side and rolled onto her back at the sound of me entering the room. Her long hair was splayed across the bed, and all she had on were her panties and a thin t-shirt that clearly showed her hard nipples.

  I lifted my shirt over my head and discarded it, along with my jeans while she watched, her hands moving to her tits. My breathing became erratic and I could smell the desire swirling around us. I indicated with my finger that she should take her clothes off and grunted, “Off, and then show me how you want me to touch you, baby.”

  She sat up and removed her top, eyes on mine before they dropped to my dick. Entranced with what she saw there, she lay back and slowly peeled her panties down, not moving her gaze from my dick. Lifting two fingers to her mouth she sucked them and then moved them to her pussy, swirling around her clit while her other hand tweaked one of her nipples. Satisfaction shot through her because she moaned loudly, and then lifted her ass slightly off the bed before pushing both fingers inside her wet pussy. Her other hand moved down to stroke her clit, and she closed her eyes as she worked towards an orgasm.

  I liked to watch but the need to taste her, to have her, took over and I positioned myself on the bed with my head between her legs and my hands on either side of her. Her eyes flew open and she shot me a sexy smile before tangling both her hands in my hair and pushing my face down into her pussy. I inhaled the smell I loved so much and ran my tongue from one end to the other before dipping it inside and tasting her sweet juices. Fuck, she was wet and it got me even harder. I moved one hand down to my dick to give it a hard couple of tugs while I continued to tongue her. Getting carried away, I kept pumping until suddenly, I needed to be inside her. Moving quickly, I knelt, spread her legs wide and pulled her to me so that my dick was at her entrance. My eyes roamed over her body, taking in her glorious fucking tits, and then they found her eyes, locked on mine and full of desire.

  “Fuck, baby. I’ve gotta have you,” I managed to get out before she tugged me to her, pulling my dick into her.

  I entered her, thrusting hard and fast. Her walls clamped around me and it did fucking beautiful things to me. Madison was a greedy bitch with a greedy pussy, and fucking her was an out-of-this-world experience. I continued to thrust in and out while leaning down to kiss her. Her legs were around me, and her hands grabbed my face and she kissed me back, hard and hungry. We kept at this for awhile and then she pulled away from my kiss.

  “Top, J. I want to be on top,” she grunted, and I flipped us so that she was on top, straddling me.

  I let her take control, and exhaled in pleasure as she wiggled backwards and leant down, taking my dick in her mouth. She sucked me hard and reached her hand to massage my balls. Coming up for air, she murmured, “Love your cock, honey. Love sucking it, but I fucking need it in me.”

  I wanted that too, but I wanted to watch her for a bit longer. “Not yet, babe. I want to watch you some more. Want to watch your finger in your pussy while your other hand is wrapped around my cock.”

  Her eyes lit up at this; yeah she fucking loved me watching her just as much as I loved watching her. She moved so her chest was on mine, legs still straddling me and ground her pussy against my dick while she licked my lips and kissed me, slowly, lazily. I wrapped my arms around her, letting my hand slide over her ass, and then dipped a finger into her pussy from behind, pushing slowly, in and out. I could feel her lips curling into a smile while I kissed her and she moaned against my lips, “Feels so good, baby. My turn now.”

  I stopped what I was doing and she moved back to a sitting position, legs on either side of me. She spread her legs and tilted her pussy forward. With our eyes locked, she started stroking herself. I shifted my gaze to take it all in, waiting patiently for her to take hold of my cock. I was so fucking hard, and watching her pleasure herself only intensified it. She continued to stroke and finger herself and I started to grow impatient; I needed her hands on my dick.

  “Babe. Dick,” I ordered, and she grinned wickedly at me, the fucking tease. She knew exactly what she was doing to me.

  When her hand grasped my cock a moment later, pleasure shot through me and I shut my eyes for a moment before opening them again and focusing my gaze on what her hands were doing. One hand was fingering herself and the other was pumping my cock; it was fucking heaven, and I felt it build in me. She was getting closer too. Her eyes were at half-mast and she bit her bottom lip while her tongue darted out every now and then to lick them.

  Just as I was about to tell her to get her sweet pussy onto my dick, she stopped everything she was doing, and did just as I wanted. I groaned as she sank down onto me and when she started moving, I reached my hands to grip onto her ass. The pressure built and she fucked me harder, tits bouncing all over the place, and I enjoyed the view; it was a fucking glorious sight. And then she screamed as the orgasm hit her. Throwing her head back, she closed her eyes as she let it take over her body. I reached my hands around to her tits and started pumping my dick up into her, trying to find my own release. And it was so fucking close; I could feel it coming as I pumped, and pumped, and then it hit. Fuck me! Fucking hell! I came hard, and we held onto it for as long as we could.

  Coming off the high, she lay down next to me on her back, one hand flung across my stomach. I placed my hand over hers, lacing our fingers together, and waited to see if she was still angry at me. Madison was highly unpredictable. Well, as far as I was concerned, she was. Make-up sex seemed to calm her, so I could only fucking hope.

  She turned to look at me, so I rolled onto my side, propping my body up on my elbow. Tracing a line on her stomach, I started, “I’m sorry, babe.”

  “Do you even know what you are sorry for, J?” she asked, with that slightly frustrated tone that she often took with me.

  “For a million fucking things, but mostly for being an asshole to you today, and for not returning your calls,” I answered her truthfully.

  Her eyes searched mine for a moment and then she said, “You were an as
shole to me today and I didn’t like it. I get that you were busy with work but you’ve got to understand that I was worried about you. With all the shit going on at the moment, I needed to hear your voice, needed to know you were okay. And then to speak to me the way you did… that hurt, J.” Her vulnerability shone through her voice, hitting me square in the chest.

  I reached my hand up to her face and cupped her cheek. “This is gonna take a lot of work, isn’t it?”

  Confusion flashed across her face. “Do you want out?” she half whispered, and I could sense the tension settling over her.

  “No, baby. I told you this was forever, and I meant it. It’s just hitting me now, though, how much we are going to have to put in to make it good. But I need you to know that I want to do the work. I want this to be the best damn thing in our lives.”

  She took a moment to process my words and I knew when she had, because she let the tension in her body go and smiled. “Me too, J. I tried so hard today not to get mad at you about the phone calls and I’m sorry if it came across like I was trying to keep track of you, because I really wasn’t. I don’t expect you to be there whenever I want you, and I’m not trying to change you.”

  “Right. So, tomorrow we make it better. But, I need you to know that this could take some time on my end.”

  She laughed. “Yeah, baby, because changing assholey ways is a very time-consuming project. You’re just lucky I’m a patient woman.”

  I grinned at her and thanked my lucky fucking stars for her. No other woman would ever come close to her.



  Friday flew by, and before I knew it, it was the afternoon and I was waiting at the clubhouse for Serena to arrive. It had been a long and at times hard week, and I was so grateful she was coming to visit. The funeral for Bec and Georgie had been that morning, and it had been tough to sit through. Thinking about the lives needlessly taken, and watching Crystal deal with her loss, was awful. She was a strong girl, but I worried about her and probably always would. Brooke seemed to be coping well with Crystal, and I surprised myself, but I was happy they had each other.

  After the funeral, J had to do some club work. When I asked him what it was, he got shitty with me and said I had to trust him, and stop asking those types of questions. This had, of course, led to an argument, because all I had been trying to do was show an interest in what he did. I apologised and tried to explain where I’d been coming from, but I’d already annoyed him and so we hadn’t resolved it before he left.

  I checked my watch. It was just after four o’clock and I still hadn’t heard from Serena. Needing some fresh air, I took myself outside and sat on the hood of J’s Jeep. Going over and over my conversation with him from that morning was not helping me; it was just making me frustrated with the whole situation. And that was not good for our relationship.

  I heard the rumble of a bike, and turned to see J pulling in. He parked his bike and walked towards me, a grim look on his face. “Babe, what are you doing out here by yourself?” he asked, coming to a stop just in front of me, but making no move to kiss me hello.

  I slid off the car to put myself closer to him, and put my hand on his chest; our bodies almost touching. “I’ve been thinking about stuff. About you.”

  He frowned. “What stuff?”

  “I’m sorry I caused a misunderstanding between us this morning. I want to know about the things going on in your life, that’s all. Not necessarily about your club stuff, just about you.”

  His body relaxed and he placed his hand over mine on his chest. Breathing out a long breath, he said, “Okay.” He paused for a moment before adding, “Do you trust me? Trust that anything I do is done for a good reason?”

  “I do, but—”

  He cut me off. “Either you do, or you don’t, babe.”

  “Okay, I do.”

  He nodded. “Right, so you need to trust me on this one.”

  We stood, eyeing each other while I weighed what he had said. Finally, I agreed, “All right, I will.”

  “Good,” he muttered, and pulled me to him, wrapping me in his arms. He laid a kiss on the top of my head, and then said, “I love you. Love what you do for me.”

  “I love you, too.” And I did. But fuck this was hard; fighting against all my instincts to need to know more. I just hoped that over time it would get easier, and that we would find a happy middle ground where he would share some things and I would be able to let some things go.

  I hung up from Serena, disappointed. One of the girls she worked with had been in a car accident and was stuck in hospital, which meant that Serena had to cover all of her shifts. Although I was sorry for her workmate, it meant that I wouldn’t get to see her anytime soon and that sucked. I’d been looking forward to girly time this weekend, especially some deep and meaningfuls about my relationship with J. Serena had a way of helping me see situations from a different angle, and I felt like I really needed her insights at the moment.

  “What’s got you all sad, sweet thing?”

  I looked up to see Nash settling onto the stool next to me. We were sitting at the club bar which was starting to fill up. Friday nights were usually busy. I smiled at him and answered, “My best friend was supposed to be visiting for the weekend, but can’t come now.”

  “Ah, I see. You wanna hang out with me instead?” He winked. “There’s cock in it for you if you want.”

  I shoved him hard enough that he had to balance himself to stay on the stool, but we both laughed while I did it. “Oh, my God! You never stop, do you?” I said.

  “What can I say… you inspire me.” He grinned.

  “Tell me, Nash, why don’t you have a girlfriend? You’re a good looking guy and you’re fun, and I’ve seen the way the ladies are all over you.”

  He shrugged. “I don’t need the hassle that would bring, sweetheart. Not when all I want is a bit of pussy, and like you said, that’s easy enough to get whenever I want it.”

  “How old are you, Nash?”

  “Thirty-five. Why?”

  “Do you want kids? Maybe a wife one day?”

  “Fuck, no!” He was emphatic.

  I couldn’t hide my surprise. “Really?”

  “The world’s got enough fucked-up people in it. I don’t need to add to that, and as far as a wife goes, I don’t want to be tied down to anything or anyone,” he answered me, the joking tone of the conversation replaced with total seriousness.

  I cocked my head. “But you’re tied to Storm, aren’t you?”

  “Sure am, and that’s the only family I’ll ever be tied to,” he said with absolute certainty.

  I didn’t get his decision, but there was no point pursuing it because who was I to tell him what to want, so I simply said, “Fair enough. It’s your life.”

  He flashed his cheeky grin at me again, all seriousness gone. “You and J talking babies yet?”

  I whacked him again. “God, no!”

  He pretended to shield himself from me. “Settle down, darlin’. I’m just teasing you.”

  Of course, it was at this point when Nash and I were mucking about and smacking each other that J should walk into the room. I saw him stalking towards us. I took in the shitty look on his face, and instantly pulled away from Nash. It was an instinctual move; probably the right one given J’s current mood.

  “Nash,” he growled when he got to us, “keep your fucking hands off Madison.”

  Nash stood up and stepped into J’s space so they were head to head. His grin and laughing eyes had been replaced with a menacing glare as he said, “I didn’t have my fuckin’ hands on her.”

  Oh, God. That was my cue to leave these two alone. “I’ll be back soon,” I said, but neither of them really acknowledged me. Shaking my head, I walked in the direction of the ladies room, hoping that they sorted their issues out by the time I came back.

  When I returned ten minutes later, Nash was gone and J was downing a beer. He didn’t drink often so he must have had a bad day. A
s I reached him, I settled my hand on his lower back and asked, “Did you rip his head off?”

  He turned to me, annoyance in his eyes. “I don’t like the way he flirts with you.”

  “He’s harmless and he knows where I stand.”

  “Well, I don’t think he’ll bother you again. I’ve sorted that out now,” he grunted.

  “Mmm, I’m sure you have,” I mused.

  “Did you get hold of Serena?” He changed the subject which was probably a good idea. We were in unsafe territory talking about Nash.

  “Yeah, she’s not coming. She can’t get out of work.”

  “Sorry, babe. Looks like you’re stuck with me for the weekend,” he said, a wicked look crossing his face. “Can’t be a bad thing. I’m sure we’ll think of things to pass the time.”

  I moved closer to him and moved my hand down to his ass. “Promise?” I asked.

  He leaned towards me and brushed my lips with his, grinning at me afterwards. “Absolutely. Now, let’s get you home. I need to get inside you.”



  I rolled off J, and laid on my back, arms sprawled and huge grin plastered on my face. “Fuck, anytime you want to do that again, just let me know.”

  He shifted onto his side so he was facing me and smiled. “I want to do that to you all the fucking time, baby.”

  I eyed him. “Well, you’ll have to wait for a bit because we have shopping to do this morning.”

  He shook his head and looked pained. “You might have shopping to do, babe, but I sure as shit don’t.”

  “Yes, you do. You’re coming with me, to help me find new clothes,” I informed him.


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