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Obsessed with His Bride: A Possessive Mafia Romance

Page 13

by B. B. Hamel

  “Can I ask you something?”

  He turned and looked at me with a frown. “If you have to.”

  I smiled. “Your boss mentioned it to me yesterday.”

  He cocked his head. “Dante?”

  “No. Don Leone.”

  He grunted. “Never met him before yesterday,” he said. “Only ever saw him from a distance, and only when Dante met with him.”

  “Well, he mentioned something about how you and Dante got together.”

  Gino smiled a little. “I’m surprised he knows that story.”

  “Apparently he does.” I tilted my head a little. “Would you tell me?”

  His smile disappeared. “I don’t know.”

  “Please?” I leaned forward on the counter. “I want to get to know Dante better, but it’s hard, you know?”

  “He’s not the kind of man that makes himself known very easily.”

  “Right. It’s like pulling teeth. So I was hoping maybe… maybe you could tell me something. You know, that would help me get to know him better.”

  Gino hesitated. He glanced away for a second and I could tell he was wrestling with what to do. But then he nodded his head and stood. “Make me some coffee. Then I’ll tell you.”

  I grinned. “Deal.”

  He sat down at the table, took out a cigarette, and lit it up. He smoked while I made a fresh pot. When it was done, I brought him a cup, and sat down across from him, frowning at the cigarette.

  “He doesn’t mind,” Gino said, stubbing it out on the saucer I’d brought over with the coffee cup. “But I’ll put it out.”

  “Thanks.” I leaned back in my chair as he took a sip of his drink. “So, how did you and Dante meet?”

  “I was thirteen,” he said. “Dante was a few years older. He and Steven ran this little crew, you know? Not soldiers, not made or anything. Not even associates. They did petty shit, beat up kids for cash, shook them down and stuff like that. Stole bikes and sold them back. Little things, but they were making money, way more money than any other kids at that age could handle. They started selling drugs, just little shit like weed, no big deal. I think that’s how he got involved with the Leone family at the start, but I’m not sure.” Gino hesitated for a second and took a sip of coffee.

  “Go on,” I say gently.

  “You really want to hear this shit?” he asked. “I thought you were a good person. Didn’t want to get involved with gangsters and thugs.”

  I hesitated. “I don’t love that he sold drugs.”

  Gino laughed. “How do you think we make most our money?”

  I just shrugged. “I didn’t think about it.”

  “We sell anything with a market. Stolen shit, drugs, pills, protection. That’s what he did back then, too. He’s never been a saint.”

  “I know that.”

  “Better not forget it.” Gino took a breath and shook his head. “I thought I was a badass back then. I had this little business where I’d steal candy out the back of this bodega that didn’t lock its back door during the day. I’d snatch some candy and sell it to the younger kids, made a little money, got a big head and thought I could do better. So I approached some older guys and tried to buy some big weight, just some weed, but enough of it that I could sell and make a profit.

  “Older guys took me back into this abandoned lot. I had like, five hundred dollars in candy money. It was a small fortune, every fucking penny I made over a couple years stealing and doing odd jobs like shoveling driveways and mowing lawns. I was gonna get as much weed with that five hundred as I could then sell all that and turn five hundred into five thousand.”

  He paused and I leaned toward him. “I guess that’s not what happened.”

  “Nah, it’s not.” He took a breath. “Guys took me to this parking lot down south near the stadiums, across the street from the park. Threw me out and started kicking my ass. But that five hundred, it was all I had in the world, you know? My dad was a drunk, my mom was working two jobs just to keep shit straight. I had that money and the clothes on my back, nothing else, and I couldn’t just let them take it from me. So I fought back, gave pretty good, but there were three of them and they were way older than me. Just some local punks, looking back on it, but I thought they really were made men, you know?

  “Still, I fought like crazy, until one of those dudes pulled a knife on me. This long switchblade. I remember the look in his eye, told me to get on the ground, give him the fucking money or he’d slit my throat. I believed him too ‘cos I’d just punched him in the neck and kicked his friend in the balls.” Gino grinned, his eyes a little distant, before sipping his coffee.

  “How did Dante get involved?” I asked.

  “He was in the park,” Gino said. “Didn’t see him at first. I guess he was there selling weed. That’s what he said, anyway. I don’t know why he came up or why he got involved, you’d have to ask him that. But as soon as that asshole pulled a knife, Dante appeared with Steven at his back, shouting at the dudes to fuck off, even though he was still younger than them. Well, shit got tense, and the knife guy got into Dante’s face. Dante knocked the guy down, took his knife, and Steven pulled a gun. The dudes got on the ground, the two of them took all their money, and we got the fuck out of there.”

  Gino grinned huge, ear to ear, and I couldn’t help but laugh.

  “Are you serious? You guys ended up robbing them?”

  “Fuck yeah,” he said. “Made another hundred bucks each. They didn’t have to give me anything, but I think Dante felt bad. After that, I started working for him, you know? He cut me into his business and I started selling weed. Little bit at first, but more and more. I never forgot what he did for me, never fucking will. I’ve been with Dante since the start.”

  He finished his story and slumped back in his chair. He let out a breath and finished his coffee.

  “Should I be afraid of him?” I asked Gino, my voice soft and low.

  Gino shrugged. “Probably. If you weren’t stupid, you would be.”

  “But I don’t think I am.” I bit my lip and shook my head. “It’s crazy. He… you know what he did to my father. You were there that night.”

  “I know,” he said. “And your dad deserved it.” Gino stood up abruptly. “Look, I’m just your guard, all right? Don’t ask me shit about Dante anymore.”

  I blinked, surprised. “I’m sorry. I didn’t meant to… I didn’t mean to cross any lines.”

  “I don’t want to get involved in his shit. I just do what he tells me to do, all right? So don’t ask me shit about him anymore.”

  “Yeah, okay, Gino. I won’t.”

  “Good.” He hesitated then shook his head. “Of course you should be afraid of him. You don’t know shit about Dante. Maybe if you got to know him, you could answer your own stupid fucking question.” He turned and walked away from the table. He sat back down on the couch, feet up on the coffee table, and turned the TV on.

  I sat there for a long moment trying to figure out what I just did wrong. But he didn’t look back and I knew not to push him too hard. So I got up, cleared his dish and his cup, poured myself more coffee, and headed back to my room. I was tempted to go get into Dante’s bed, breathe his smell from his sheets, but I decided not to push my luck. I retreated into my own bed and curled up beneath the covers, my eyes shut tight.

  I kept thinking about Dante’s body against mine, about him stepping up onto the porch with water dripping into his eyes, his shirt splattered with blood and drenched with rain. He kissed me hard and pinned me there like I was his to use and abuse, and I liked it. God, I hated myself just a little bit, but I liked it when he took me like that.

  But I was afraid of him, afraid of how I was starting to feel.

  It was those words that just wouldn’t go away.

  He was going to make me his bride.

  That should’ve made me feel sick. Instead, it made my heart beat faster, made me feel lightheaded, made me feel dizzy with lust and need.

  I c
overed my head with a pillow and tried to figure things out.



  I spent two nights in the city reassuring my people that things would be fine and getting business done. But two nights away from Aida was too long, and I was itching to see her by the end of the third afternoon. I made Steven take me on a little side trip to center city’s shops before we drove back to Mt. Airy.

  He didn’t comment on the big box I’d put in the back seat. Knew better than to push me on that, not with the mood I was in.

  “Any word from the Don?” I asked him. “Or any of his soldiers?”

  “Nothing,” Steven said. “Far as I can tell, everything’s still on.”

  “Good.” I leaned my head back on the seat. “Things look solid around here. I think it’s time we took it to Vlas again.”

  “Already?” Steven frowned.

  “Can’t let that fucker get himself settled. He thinks he got one over on me.”

  “Dante, you broke into his club, knocked his people around, and terrorized his girls.”

  “But he wasn’t there,” I growled. “And he left that fucking picture. He thinks he got one on me, and it’s time to let him know why he’s been afraid of me since we were kids.”

  Steven sighed, but didn’t argue, and I stared out the window as we weaved through the streets and out to the suburbs again. He dropped me off out in front of my house, I grabbed the box from the back seat, and lingered by the curb. “Send one of the guys with a car,” I said. “And have him drop it off. I’ve got shit to do tonight.”

  Steven stared at me. “Shit to do? Like what?”

  “Taking Aida out.”

  “That’s a dumb fucking idea.” He sighed and rubbed his temples.

  “It’s fine. I’m going to Fifty Stories. Our club, right in our territory. It’ll be safe.”

  “Doesn’t matter if you’re going to the Don’s fucking living room. Vlas can send guys anywhere, even if it’s in our territory.”

  “I’m going,” I growled. “Not letting this shit hold me back.”

  “Fine. Do what you got to do. But I’ll bring some boys and hang around.”

  “I don’t need guards.”

  “You do, Dante.” Steven gave me a look. “You’re tough. But you’re not invincible.”

  I stood on the sidewalk with the long fancy red box under my arm. I clenched my jaw, but finally nodded. “Fine. But be discreet. She doesn’t need to know.”

  “All right.” Steven hesitated and probably wanted to tell me that Aida was a distraction I couldn’t afford, so I turned and didn’t give him the chance. I headed up the steps and in through the front door. I heard Steven pull away as I shut the door behind me.

  I lingered for a moment in the entry hall, looking down toward the living room and the kitchen. I heard footsteps and Gino appeared in front of me, a frown on his face, his hand on a gun tucked into his waistband. He relaxed a fraction of an inch.

  “Boss,” he said.

  “Go home,” I grunted. “You’re done for the night.”

  Gino hesitated before nodding. He grabbed his things from the kitchen table then slipped past me and stepped out the door.

  My eyes moved up toward the staircase and found Aida standing at the top of it. She wore a gray NASA t-shirt and jean shorts. She tilted her head to one side and frowned a little.

  “What’s wrong?” she asked.

  “Nothing,” I say, taking a step toward the stairs.

  “You look pissed.”

  I opened my mouth then shut it again. “Nah,” I said. “I’m fine.” I forced a smile on my lips and the negative thoughts from my mind. “I got something for you.”


  I started up the steps toward her and she backed away. I reached the top then moved past her. She flattened against the wall, her eyes locked on me the whole way, as I began to head up the next flight to my room. “Come on,” I said.

  She followed without a word. I moved in through the white painted wood door and put the box down on top of my comforter. She hesitated at the foot of the bed as I stepped away and gestured at the box.

  “Open it.”

  She paused for a moment, her hands fluttering over the top of it like nervous birds. The box was dark red, unmarked, with a blue satin bow holding it together. She pulled the bow, untied it, and slipped the top open.

  She sucked in a breath as she took out the dress. She held it up and stared for a long moment.

  “What is this?”

  “Givenchy.” I tilted my head. “It’ll fit.”

  “No, I mean. For what?”

  I smirked and stepped closer to her. I tilted her chin toward me but didn’t kiss her lips, despite how tempting they looked. “We’re going out.”

  “Going out?”

  “That’s right. You dance, don’t you?”

  “I mean, sure. But isn’t that… dangerous?”

  I laughed and shook my head. “Not for me. Now put that on.”

  She pulled away and I let her go. She looked at the dress and shook her head. “I can’t go out in this. I don’t have… I don’t have any shoes or anything that’ll match. It’s way too much.”

  “Do your best,” I said. “Now take my gift and put it on.”

  She looked at me for a long moment then laid the dress out flat on my bed. She pulled her shirt off, unbuttoned her jean shorts, and slid them down her body. She stared at the dress for a moment before shaking her head. “I can’t wear a bra with this,” she said.

  “Good. Take it off then.”

  I moved over to a small leather chair in the corner of the room next to my wardrobe and sat down. I crossed my legs and watched, her breasts spilling out of her old black lazy bra as she took it off, her little thong barely covering the mound of her pussy. She picked up the dress, unzipped it, and pulled it over her body. She bit her lip and looked at me.

  “Little help?”

  I stood and walked over. I pulled up the zipper and hooked the tiny clasp. “There,” I said and stepped away, sitting back down. “Let me look at you.”

  She turned and I felt a thrill run through me. The dress was black with long sleeves and a mock neckline, the lace covering her chest and arms. The front was cut low, the black soft fabric plunging down deep, showing off just a hint of her gorgeous breasts. The top was fitted and tight but flared out at the skirt. It fit her perfectly, made her long lean legs look incredible, and showed just a hint of her gorgeous, perky breasts. I felt my heart beating wildly in my chest and all I wanted to do was rip it off of her.

  She took in a sharp breath and crossed her arms over herself. “Well?”

  “You look incredible.”

  “Really?” She shook her head. “I’ve never worn anything like this before. It’s… it’s too expensive.”

  “Doesn’t matter.” I stood up. “Come here.”

  She followed me into the bathroom. I closed the door and stood her in front of the floor-length mirror. I leaned over her and unfolded her arms, made her look at herself as I pulled back her hair and kissed her neck. She let out a soft breath as my lips found her skin.

  “Look at yourself,” I purred in her ear. “You look incredible. You realize that, don’t you?”

  “Shit,” she said. “I don’t know.”

  “Trust me, little Aida. I wouldn’t let you leave the house if you didn’t look perfect for me.”

  She looked over her shoulder and I pressed my lips against hers. I kissed her, hungry and angry and ravenous. My tongue stroked against hers and I pulled away as my hands moved up to cup her breasts then dropped down to her hips.

  “I trust you,” she said.

  “Good. Now go find some shoes and finish getting ready. We’re leaving in ten.”

  She nodded, pulled open the door, and hurried out. I watched her go, her thick hair bouncing, as she disappeared out of my room and back downstairs.

  I sat at the edge of my bed and stared at my shoes for a long moment. I t
ried to calm myself, but ever since I first brought her into my life, I haven’t been able to take a break without feeling like I might explode, might break something, might rip a man’s skull clear off his head.

  Sometimes, that feeling’s useful. But right then, I needed clarity, not more anger. Aida could bring that clarity, if only I could slip myself deep between her wet, warm legs and stroke my cock inside her tight cunt before filling her deep with my seed.

  But first, she needed to dance. She’d been cooped up in this fucking house for far too long and I knew she was going stir crazy. Besides, I wanted to show her off, wanted to show my soldiers that their Capo had a new girl, a beautiful girl, and they could all feel fucking jealous.

  I stood and smiled before heading into the bathroom to fix my suit in the mirror.



  I came downstairs in the only pair of black heels I owned. They were old and scuffed, and didn’t look right with the dress, but it didn’t matter. The look in Dante’s eyes when he saw me told me that he didn’t care what shoes I had on, so long as I wore his dress. It sent a thrill through me, and he walked over wearing a slim suit, black jacket and pants with a white shirt and no tie. He sipped from a glass of something brown before slipping a hand along my lower back.

  “You look perfect,” he said.


  He kissed my neck then bit my lip. “Come on. I bet you’re sick of being here.”

  “I don’t know. I think I got used to Gino sitting around looking angry all the time.”

  “That’s just his face. He’s got resting dick face.”

  I laughed and he threw back his drink. He put the glass down on a little side table then took my hand and led me back out the front door. He didn’t bother locking it, and we moved down the front steps, my hand through his arm. A black SUV, identical to all the other cars I’d seen him drive, was parked halfway down the block. He helped me into the passenger side and got into the driver’s side then pulled out and eased toward the city.

  “This place is in my territory,” he said. “It’s one of the safest places we can be.”


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