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His Desire

Page 9

by Lizzie Lioness

  “Isla…” Stirring in bed, I could hear Kai whispering my name. “Isla, wake up.” Kai gently caressed my cheek. My eyes fluttered open and Kai was sitting on the bed beside me “I’m sorry to wake you. You’ve slept in and I know you have an appointment to get to.”

  Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I sat up wiped the drool that settled on my lip. “What time is it?

  “Close to ten,” he replied.

  Jumping out of bed, I searched for my clothes. “Shit. I’m catching up with my real estate agent soon. I need to get changed.”

  “I have a meeting I have to go to.” Kai lifted up my bra which dried completely from the night before. Grabbing it from his grasp, I felt my cheeks flush.

  “Thanks, Kai.” God, I’m so embarrassed right now. It’s like the walk of shame, but there’s nothing to be shameful about.

  “Will you be okay?” Kai’s genuine expression made me smile.

  “I’ll be fine. Thank you.” I held my bra close to my robe. Kai scratched the back of his neck and dipped his voice low.

  “Will you come back tonight?”

  Thinking for a moment before I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea.” It would be too hard to do this again. I need Kai to be sure as I am, because I definitely know what I want. Why doesn’t he?

  Kai cleared his throat before nodding. “Maybe you’re right. I’ll just grab the rest of your clothes.” He stood up and walked out of the room without saying a word. Taking my phone from the nightstand, I sent a quick text to my real estate agent. Still on for today. I’ll see you at noon.

  Kai returned with my dress. “Here you go.”

  “Thanks, Kai.”

  “I’ll let you get changed. There’s breakfast waiting outside if you’re hungry.”

  I shook my head. “Thanks, but I really should get going.” The quicker I leave, the quicker I’ll feel better.

  Slightly disappointed, Kai leaned in and gently pressed his mouth on my cheek. When he took a step back, I could still feel the sensation of his lips on my skin. Avoiding eye contact with Kai, he walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. I don’t want to break down in front of him and that’s exactly what I feel like doing right now.

  While getting changed, I heard the front door of the penthouse close, grateful that I didn’t have to see him when I left. Stepping out into the lounge area, I found my bag and took out the white envelope filled with cash. Looking inside, I knew I didn’t deserve this money. I don’t want it. There was no reason he needed to pay for me for. To get to know me? To push me away? Just before walking out of the suite, I dropped the envelope on the table at the entrance. He can keep his damn money.

  I headed back home and quickly shower before getting changed to meet Amy, my real estate agent.

  “Do you like it?” Amy asked as we both looked around the apartment. It was considerably larger than my current humble abode. Humble my ass. This place is fucking amazing. Inspecting each room, I was pleasantly surprised at the décor, modern furniture, and spectacular views, especially from full-length windows in the living area. “As I mentioned before, there’s a fireplace just over there.” Amy pointed to an electric fireplace that sat against a feature wall and beneath a display shelf. I nodded and smiled. “There’s an ensuite and separate powder room near the entrance. You asked me for a modern kitchen and I delivered. It’s within your price range, actually we were lucky enough to find it below your price range. So, what do you think?”

  Smiling, I brought my attention back to Amy. “I think it’s perfect. I want it. Where do I sign?” Amy handed the paperwork over to me to fill out at home.

  “It’ll be available for you to move into in two weeks,” she advised.

  Two weeks? Yeah, I can live with that.

  The night of Daisy’s birthday party, I was standing in front of the mirror smiling at myself. I had decided to wear something sexy, not because Kai Storm would be there, but because I had eyed this outfit for so long, but it was always too expensive for me to purchase.

  Not anymore. I fucking love that I can afford simple things like food and clothes. I hated taking things for granted. I had two clients this week. Both wanted me to spend the night, but I lied and told them I was busy.

  They had me for a few hours, and in those few hours, Kai was on my mind the entire time. Hell, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about him. Sighing, I took a deep breath and headed to the strip club to meet Holden, Daisy, and Kai. Smiling when I noticed them outside waiting for me.

  “Hey, guys. Happy birthday, hun,” I grinned, pulling Daisy in for a quick hug.

  “Thanks for coming.” Daisy continued, “I told Holden you were going to be late.”

  My eyes narrowed as I looked down at my watch. “God, I’m like two minutes early, Holden. Have some faith.”

  “Yeah, yeah. We’re just waiting on a few people. Kai said he’ll be here soon. He had to pick up some chick before coming here.”

  Some chick? Oh, God no! Please don’t tell me he lied to me.

  “Ahh, here he is,” Holden blurted. I turned my head to Kai, who was looking sexy as ever, walking side by side with another woman. Fucking hell. I wonder who she is. Kai’s eyes locked with mine and he gave me a quick smile, but I turned my head away from his gaze. Why does he have to look so fucking good?

  “Hey, bro,” Holden greeted Kai. He shook his hand and gave him a hug.

  “Everyone, this is Sasha,” Kai introduced. I turned my head to the girl and gave her a smile, reaching out for her hand.

  “I’m Isla. Nice to meet you, Sasha. I love your dress,” I complimented.

  “Nice to meet you too, Isla.” Sasha grinned. “Kai said his friends were nice and he was right,” she continued.

  Sasha and Storm. It has a nice ring to it. Damnit. I thought he didn’t have a girlfriend. Why am I thinking like this? Why the hell wasn’t he just honest with me in the first place? Ugh. Deep breaths, Isla. Maybe it’s not what you think. I dropped my hand from hers and everyone made their way inside the strip club.

  Kai’s arm slung gently across my waist to stop me from walking in. “Kai, what are you doing?”

  “Why didn’t you take the money?”

  I placed my hand on Kai’s arm pushing him away. He looked offended by my action.

  “I don’t want it, Kai. I didn’t deserve it,” I huffed. “I’m not using you for money,” I continued.

  “I’m sorry. So sorry for everything,” he apologized.

  He’s sorry, but I don’t even think he knows why. How can I take his money, when all we did was talk and kiss? I spent the night in the spare bedroom and left the next morning. Nothing went on between us, and probably won’t by the simple fact that he’s brought another girl here. Asshole.

  “What the fuck are you two doing?” Holden yelled from the entrance of the strip club. Kai stepped further away from me, not wanting to look suspicious.

  “I want to talk about this,” whispered Kai.

  Biting the inside of my cheek, I shook my head. “Not tonight.” I turned away from Kai and strolled to Holden. Why does my body react every time he fucking touches me? I try to fight against my body, but it betrays me the moment he lays any part of him on me. “Coming Holden, calm down,” I shouted.

  Holden’s eyes narrowed at me. “What did he want?”

  “Nothing. He asked me if Daisy would like the gift he got for her,” I lied. I hate being so deceptive to Holden. He’s done nothing but support me.

  “Oh, I wonder what he got,” Holden grinned.

  Beats the fuck out of me, pal.

  We headed inside the club and Kai followed us close behind. The first thing I noticed was the abundance of dancers already entertaining the patrons. Slow and sexy music was playing in the background and the lights were dimmed as if it were a romantic restaurant on Valentine’s Day, except there was nothing romantic about it. Strip poles stood in the middle of each booth; the black chic leather lounges surrounded dancers. The ba
r had a blue neon woman figure with the words “Gentleman Club” across the bottom. “Daisy’s booked a table for us,” Holden pulled me from my thoughts.

  “I had no idea losing the bet would come to this,” Daisy shook her head as she observed one of the dancers.

  “Holden doesn’t hold out. You remember what happened before,”

  I chuckled. I know what I do for a living, but I’m out of my comfort zone right now. I think I would have been fine if Kai didn’t rock up with some girl on his hip. This is so fucked up.

  “Asshole,” Daisy joked before she smiled at Holden, leaned in, and pressed their lips against each other. When she pulled away, her smile reached her eyes. “This place is awesome. I’m kinda glad I lost the bet.”

  We were guided to our table by a hostess. Daisy and Holden sat next to each other with me on the other side of him. Kai sat next to me and Sasha took her seat beside him. “I have a surprise for us girls,” Daisy whispered. A mischievous grin appeared on her face.

  Oh, God. What the fuck has she done? “Daisy,” I continued. “Please tell me you didn’t do anything stupid.”

  “They have girls here that are going to teach us how to do lap dances. I’ve signed the three of us up,” she beamed, rubbing her hands together.

  My face was flushed. I’ve never given one before and it’s not something I ever thought I’d do, but damn, it might come in handy in my new line of work. “I’m up for it,” I agreed.

  Holden’s eyes widened at me. “Seriously?”

  “Yeah, why not?” I gave him a wink and he smiled at me. I wonder how much money these girls make. I mean, the tips along would be fucking amazing, and nothing like the tips I used to get waitressing. Something else to think about if things don’t go my way.

  “No reason,” Holden whispered.

  “I can’t wait. I wonder if we get to practice on someone,” Sasha interjected. Oh, God. I didn’t think of that. Watching Sasha grind on Kai isn’t my idea of a fun fucking night.

  “I think they pick some guys from the people here,” Daisy confirmed.

  Oh, fucking great. I could get stuck with anyone. Oh, God. Please don’t let me get stuck with Holden. Or Kai. Well, Kai might not be so bad. What am I thinking? He doesn’t want me and he’s brought a girl over. Shit.

  “I know what you’re thinking, but I’m not her type.” Kai whispered.

  I tilted my head, confused by what he meant. “What are you talking about?”

  “Sasha. I’m not her type,” he breathed.

  Why is he telling me this? Not her type? What the hell does that supposed to mean. Also wait. Not her type. That means they’re not together. “What is her type, Kai?” He lowered his voice more and I could feel his hot breath beneath my ear.


  “Oh.” I replied. Ohhhh. Sasha is gay. Thank fuck for that. Holden was too busy to notice Kai talking with me. Or flirting. Whatever this is. I can’t tell anymore. “I see.”

  “She’s only a friend. I told her where I was going to and she wanted to tag along. I checked with Daisy and she was cool with it,” Kai explained. I couldn’t let him see, but a relief washed over me knowing that he didn’t bring her as a date.

  “Okay,” I whispered. Why did he need to tell me it wasn’t a date? How can we sit next to each other watching another girl strip? I mean, yeah, I can’t really talk. We’ve watched a lot worse together at the penthouse party.

  “You look incredible tonight,” Kai complimented. I love the dress I’m wearing. As soon as I eyed it on the rack, I had to have it. Short sleeve black dress, low neckline and a see through and laced mid-section which showed off my milky skin. I couldn’t help but blush. Ugh. Stop betraying me, body of mine.

  “Thank you,” I mumbled beneath my breath. Why have I gotten shy all of the sudden? Not only was I embarrassed and flushed, I could feel myself awaken next to him. We’re interrupted when a stripper strolled seductively onto the stage. The woman was gorgeous. Extremely long legs, dark silky skin, her black hair was thick, curly and in abundance. Her brown eyes and plump lips where the highlight of her facial features. Simply Gorgeous. She looked directly at Holden and gave him a wink. Daisy smiled, grabbing a bill from her wallet and slipped it between her G-string and waist.

  “Thank you. The name’s Victoria Hall,” she grinned seductively.

  We were in awe as she danced. Her incredible body took over the stage. I couldn’t help but watch her, but what I didn’t notice was Kai’s eyes on me the whole time. When Victoria spun around the pole and bent down to talk to me, I took out some bills and placed it in her hot pink bra. She winked at me and smiled, before I turned to Kai. And that’s when I noticed it. The intense feeling coming through his eyes. The same look he had the first time I kissed him on the bridge. The confusion, the need, the want. It’s the same look I was giving back to him.

  “It’s time,” Daisy interrupted. “They’re going to teach us now. There will be a few other women in the crowd going in too”

  “Oh,” I blushed. The girls at our table all stood up and made our way to the private area. Victoria, turned out to be our teacher. When I stepped into the room my eyes darted towards the chairs which were lined up for each of us to practice on.

  “I’m going to teach you the art of lap dancing. By the end of the night, your partner will be begging for more. You’ll make them come over and over again.”

  Victoria taught us a few important things to remember before we even start with the lap dance routine. She expressed how necessary it was to stretch and only do what our body could handle. How to set the mood in the room, to wear something that makes us feel sexy and desired. After an hour, she sent us each to a private room. A single chair sat in the middle and a member from the audience will be picked for us to practice on. My breath hitched when Victoria strolled into the room with Kai, blindfolded and led to the chair.

  Oh, fuck! She sat him down and walked up to me.

  “I saw the way the two of you were looking at each other. You need to work that shit out,” Victoria grinned and winked before walking out of the room.

  Oh, God. What if he doesn’t want me to give him a lap dance? Do I tell him it’s me? Fuck it. Oh, well. I took a deep breath and walked over, my heart racing from excitement. I hope he enjoys this. What if he realizes it’s me and asks me to stop? Another deep breath escaped my mouth. I circled the chair and ran my hands past his shoulders on to his chest. Kai flinched with my touch when I moved from his chest to his thighs. I was feeling the anticipation he was. Lifting my dress, I straddled him. Kai took out a deep breath, his hands held onto my waist and down to my ass.

  “Isla?” Kai whispered beneath his breath, knowing it was me. I smiled to myself, leaned in, and lowered my voice to match his.

  “Tell me to leave and I will.”

  Kai shook his head vigorously. “I want to watch you.”

  I moved my hands to the back of his head, and slowly untied the blindfold, throwing it on the floor. Our eyes locked in place, I smiled, biting my lip. Placing my arms around his neck, I began to move my hips in circles, making sure my breasts were pressed up against his chest. Kai’s hands were still firmly on my ass, I slapped them away when he tried to hold onto my curves. “No touching,” I ordered.

  After dropping his hands, I stood up and held onto the armrests, moving my legs up and down his crotch. Oh, fuck. He’s getting so hard. Slowly removing the belt from his pants before sliding them down his legs and onto the floor. His blue Satin boxers were tented up from his erection. God, Kai. If only you knew what you were doing to me right now.

  I turned my body, sat on his lap ensuring my ass was digging into his cock as I moved my hips around, grinding on him. He was getting harder and I loved it. Deep breaths were escaping his lips. I leaned back onto him, my ass moving in circles, side to side, up and down. With my back on his chest, I turned my head towards him, my hands supporting myself on the chair.

  He kissed me softly, my tongue slid against his bot
tom lip. He opened his mouth, and I got another taste of what I was begging for. Our kiss turned heated, I wrapped one arm around the back and ran my fingers through his hair. When he broke the kiss, I continued to move my hips. God, he’s hard as a rock. Harder than the night in his hotel suite. The silky thin material of his boxers allowed me to feel everything.

  “Fuck, Isla. You’re gonna make me come if you keep doing that,” Kai whispered.

  “Do you want me to stop?” I hesitated. Please don’t tell me to stop. I want this as bad as you do.

  “No, baby. Please don’t stop,” he urged. I smiled when the word baby escaped his lips. “Just let me touch you, please,” he begged. Kai’s hands grabbed my hips when I turned around and straddled him, my pussy grinding down on his length. He moved his hands down to my ass and squeezed tight. Kai’s moans were ammunition for me to continue, so I moved back and forth and pressed my lips onto his neck before biting down hard.

  “Ahhh,” Kai moaned. “Fuck. I think I’m gonna-”

  I moved my head in front of him and locked our lips together. Shaking beneath me, moaning into the kiss as he came in his boxers.

  “Fuck, Isla! Oh, yeah! Uh.” Kai rested his head on the crook of my neck.

  I took a deep breath before pulling away, but his arms wrapped around me tight, not wanting me to let go. “Not yet,” he begged. We stayed that way for a while. I have no idea what’s going on right now, but I love how tight he’s holding me.

  “Are you okay, Kai?”

  He lowered his voice to a whisper. “No, Isla. I’m not okay.”



  He lowered his voice to a whisper. “No, Isla. I’m not okay. This changes everything” I managed to pull away from him, our eyes locked in place. They’re filled with sadness and desire.

  “What do you mean by that Kai?”

  He cupped my cheeks in his hands and looked down towards my lips before he looked up at me. Using his thumb, he caressed my skin before crashing his lips onto mine. Every kiss we’ve had has been filled with passion, but there was something about the way our lips were touching at that moment, that our connection deepened. It was needy and raw.


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