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Daddy's Halloween (Yes, Daddy Book 4)

Page 3

by Lena Little

  Suddenly the thought of someone else claiming her before me, someone in the past, crosses my mind and rage shoots through me.

  “Daddy, you’re squeezing my bottom too hard,” she alerts me, and only then do I move my hand from her perfect ass.

  “I hope you learned your lesson,” I say, my head spinning at the mosaic of thoughts shooting through it like stars in the night.

  “I learned, Daddy…but maybe I might need you to remind me in the future.”

  “If I need to remind you then you didn’t learn.”

  “Or maybe I learned something else about me, about you, and a reminder now in then isn’t punishment, but play. And more importantly…is exactly what we both want. Daddy.”

  I swallow hard.

  She’s breathed new life into me by entering my world, but until I enter her and breed her, this tormenting feeling of need is going to be the death of me.

  She will be mine.



  I’ve never felt this territorial in all my life. I’ve never even been with a woman before, preferring to focus on business and helping people. After the hardships I had as a kid all I wanted to do was make a boatload of money and pay it forward, helping out children so they wouldn’t have to grow up like I did.

  But who would have guessed that an eighteen-year-old ‘kid’ would fall from the sky and wind up here? Then again she’s far from a kid. What we shared outside that haunted house was strictly adult-based, yet it was laced with this need to provide, protect, and care for this little girl who’s flipped my world upside down.

  But how do I tell her this without making her turn and run? The last thing I want to do is scare her off. I don’t want to pressure her in anyway to do anything until she’s ready, but damn am I ever ready to put a baby inside her.

  “I’m going to take a shower real quick,” she announces, her words making my heart pound in my ears and blood throb in my veins. I don’t give anything away simply nodding instead, trying to hide my massive erection under the covers…not an easy task.

  With the party still going in full swing, every guest room for the night is already claimed. She literally has only one option, and that’s to sleep here in my bed. Granted it’s a California King so there’s plenty of space and I’m going to summon all the willpower I have not to lay a finger on her, although that’s going to be the greatest challenge I’ve ever faced.

  I crank the aircon full blast but it doesn’t help. I fist my cock under the sheets and lean back in bed, exhaling hard.

  “Everything ok?” a voice sweeter than honey wafts through the air.

  “Yeah, just relaxing a bit,” I shoot out, my body jerking forward as I sit up in bed. Damn, it’s probably obvious what I was doing.

  “Do you happen to have a shirt I can borrow?”

  She shrugs her shoulders, her breasts rising and falling underneath the towel as I survey her body, glistening and wet from her shower.

  “Yeah, let me find one,” I reply before fumbling through my dresser for the oldest workout tank top I have, knowing it will be soft and hoping it will be long enough to cover her.

  I toss it her way and she catches it, darting behind the door and not ten seconds later she’s out of the attached master bathroom and in the bedroom.

  My heart hammers against my ribcage like a piston in a Lamborghini going two hundred miles per hour as I slowly take in every inch of visible skin. The tank top is predictably way too big and the sideboob on display is not making this any easier on my cock, until something concerning catches my eye.

  “What happened there?” I ask, pointing to her upper arm.

  “Oh, nothing. I just…fell down the stairs.”

  I narrow my focus. “Rule number two. You can never lie to Daddy. Daddy needs to know everything in order to help you.”

  “I don’t need help, but thank you.”

  “I’ll decide that, and if you decide to withhold information from me…well, don’t. Because I’ll always find out what I want to know.”

  She says and does nothing.

  “I’ll ask again, sweetheart. What happened?”

  She breathes in deep and blows it out. “After dad died my boss seemed to think that it was an open invitation to do whatever he wanted to me, say whatever he liked.”

  I grit my teeth. “What does that mean?” The thought of another man touching what’s mine makes my blood boil with rage and although it’s been a long day and seconds ago I was hornier than hell, I could very easily get out of bed, get dressed and go kick some guy’s ass six ways to Sunday.

  “It’s nothing, really,” she says, dismissively waving a hand.

  “Tell me, sweetheart. Now,” I command, putting my verbal foot down for the last time.

  “The business was having trouble so he used to…grab me and ask me why I was making so many mistakes. I knew I wasn’t, that he just needed someone to unleash his frustrations on. He never hit me or anything, but he started grabbing me harder and harder.”

  “Did you report it?”

  She shakes her head. “No, I was just happy to have a job, any job…until he told me I needed to show him just how happy I was to be gainfully employed.”

  Now I really want to kill this bastard.

  “That’s when I ran, before things got worse.”

  “Come here, little one,” I say, and I see a tear start to well up in her eye and I know just how bad this is, that she was trying to suppress it and I was the one who brought those thoughts, those feelings, back out. I’m responsible for this situation now, just like I’m responsible for her.

  She moves to the edge of the bed, by my side. “Closer,” I say, and she crawls up onto the bed and I pull her into a hug, running my hands through her hair.

  “You’ve had enough for one day, and don’t you worry…that man is going to get what he deserves. I’m going to make sure of it.”

  “It’s ok. It’s in the past.”

  I say nothing, not wanting to get into a heavy conversation right before bed about how a man who does that to a woman has probably done it to others, just that he’s been able to avoid getting caught up until this point. But now? Oh he’s caught all right. I’m going to snap his world shut like a steel trap.

  The only time my woman should be scared is when she’s afraid of getting a spanking…from me. And we’ve already determined that’s not really fear, but anticipation…and the good kind too. For both of us.

  “Don’t you worry, Little Angel. Daddy’s got you,” I say, squeezing her a bit tighter. “And he’s never letting go. You’re safe now.”

  “Thank you, Daddy,” she whispers into my chest.

  “No need to thank Daddy when he’s doing what he’s supposed to do.”

  I can feel her smile into me and not a minute later her breath stalls before slowing and deepening, and with that I know she’s asleep exactly where she belongs…here in my arms.

  “Sleep now, my princess,” I say softly. “Daddy is watching over you. Always.”



  The next morning

  I wake up to the sound of birds outside the window, a fresh breeze coming in and do a big stretch in bed. I’ve literally never slept this well in my entire life, then again I’ve never slept with a big, strong man cuddling me all night long. Usually I’m the one holding onto stuffed animals, not a big, muscled teddy bear holding onto me.

  I move to the window and see that the back yard is completely clean. All signs of last night's big party are already completely gone.

  “Breakfast is ready for us in the garden.” A smile cracks my lips and I turn to see Henry standing in the doorway, dressed to the nines. “And after that we’re headed to your hometown.”

  “My hometown?” I ask, that smile being wiped completely off my face in a single second.

  “I know we don’t really celebrate it, but our neighbors to the south consider today the Day of the Dead, and I think it’s only right that I honor your fa
ther today.”

  “But I just left there. I’m not looking forward to going back.”

  He moves closer to me. “I understand and I won’t pressure you on this, if you don’t want to go.”

  “I…” I turn my head to the side. “I don’t. I’m sorry. That’s my past and I’m only thinking about my future.”

  “I understand,” he comforts, taking my face in his palms. “I’ll go alone, but you’ll have free rein of the house while I’m gone.”

  “Why can’t we just celebrate dad’s life here today?”

  “I also have business there I need to attend to.”

  “What business?”

  He pulls away from me and breathes out hard. I know what’s coming before he even opens his mouth, or at least I thought I did.

  “I looked and your house is being repossessed by the bank unless payments are made by the end of the week. I’m going to tidy that up, to keep your credit in good standing.”

  “Thank you, but you don’t need to. Really.”

  “I want to, and the house has meaning to me too.”

  I scratch the back of my neck, knowing there’s surely something else he’s not telling me. And then, right on time, it comes.

  “And I need to know where you were working.”

  “Henry, no. I don’t want you to do anything to my former boss.”

  “Pricks like that, and I’m not calling him a man for a reason…because he’s not…need to be stopped or else their behavior will continue.”

  “It’s in the past.”

  “And it’s in the present now and it will continue into the future. Don’t you want to help out other women so they don't have to go through what you went through?” He pauses. “Imagine if you hadn’t gotten out when you did.”

  That last sentence hits me like a ton of bricks.

  “Am I right?” he continues.

  I can do nothing but nod and give him the name and place.

  “Thank you, now…do you like blueberry pancakes, ham, scrambled eggs, cupcakes with sprinkles, avocado toast, and a chef who can prepare anything else you desire?”

  “You had me at blueberry pancakes,” I admit.

  “Good, because there are fresh ones made in a cast iron skillet waiting on us.”

  “Quick shower and I’m ready.”

  “No need, you look perfect.”

  “I just woke up. I have bedhead, eye boogers, pillow face—”

  His finger rises to my lips. “And you’re perfect in every way.”



  I cut up her bacon into small pieces and feed them to her one by one. It feels completely natural, and I just enjoy doing it although it would have sounded crazy to even think of doing something like this twenty-four hours ago, but twenty-four hours ago she wasn’t here.

  After breakfast she heads up to the bedroom which gives me time to quickly research this douchebag and call the airport to arrange a private flight out. I’m not wasting a single second when it comes to teaching this guy a lesson.

  Moving between tabs on my Internet browser, I open up Gucci’s website and buy a few things for Hannah so she has enough clothes to tide her over until I get back and can take her on a proper shopping trip.

  “Whatcha doing?” she asks, looking into my office just as I pull up the Google map to her old place of employment.

  “Oh, just a bit of work.”

  “What is your work? It’s security, I know that and I don’t mean to intrude, but how are you able to afford this lifestyle with a security business.”

  “Wealthy people and businesses will pay tons for security, when it’s iron clad. With all the rioting and robbery these days and less police officers on the street, crime has picked up.”

  “Would you say that’s due to the number of police officers?”

  “I’d say it’s due to the wealth disparity and the government printing money and lowering interest rates, which finds its way into asset prices and not the hands of everyday people. That’s the problem.”

  “So private security is on the rise?”

  “Has been for a number of years, and me, coming from a background of uncertainty and lack of security, I know the kind of anxiety not feeling safe can lead to, and I take every customer’s requests personally and create custom made solutions so they can sleep peacefully at night, knowing their businesses are secure and their loved ones are safe.”

  “Speaking of loved ones, why haven’t you ever married?”

  “I didn’t know it at the time, but I was waiting for the right woman.”

  “I see.”

  There’s a pause where neither of us says anything and all I can think of is for her to break a rule so I can bend her over this desk and spank her again, my hand needing to feel her skin again.

  “I better go,” I say, jumping out of my chair before I do something that stops me from leaving. Security first, then we will have our time together.

  “How long will you be gone?” she asks, stepping in front of me as I move toward the door.

  “I’ll be back tomorrow, most likely.”

  “Will you kiss me before you go?”

  I want to grab her arms and pull her in tight, but I’m not touching her arms until those bruises heal. Instead, I cup her face and lower myself down so I’m eye to eye with her. “I would like nothing more,” I say, and my lips come crashing down on hers.

  But what should be a simple goodbye kiss lingers, and I feel my tongue demanding to explore her mouth just as I feel her tongue doing the same to my mouth.

  The kiss gets more heated and I pull back, filled with need and desire that would have exploded into something more had our lips stayed locked just a single second longer.

  “I’ll be back, Little Treat. I promise.”

  I kiss her on the forehead and sidestep her, moving toward the door and making sure not to look back, because if I do I know there’s no way I’m leaving.

  I’m staying here and filling her with the seed of our first born. And as much as I want that the time’s not right…yet.



  I spend the rest of the day jumping every time I hear a noise coming from anywhere near the front door. I just want Henry back, and to know nothing bad happened to him and my ex-boss, not that Henry can’t hold his own.

  My ex-boss is no slouch in the size department, well over six foot with a lot of weight, but not anywhere near as carved as Henry. My ex-boss looked like the kind of guy who worked out a lot until he hit about thirty, then just let himself go.

  Henry looks like he chops down trees, wrestles bears, and definitely knows his way around a weight room.

  Speaking of weights, I need to exercise myself. But something about all this amazing food here isn’t really making that a priority.

  I park myself in the kitchen and make my way through a couple pieces of pumpkin pie before I pace around the house…only to find that there’s bags and bags of Halloween candy left over from last night.

  Oh my…candy corn. I start popping them into my mouth until my tummy hurts, before I put the bag down…only to pick it right back up again.

  “You’ve got quite the sweet tooth,” I hear and my head jerks around.


  I jump out of my seat and my eyes dart around the room.

  “Just like any good restaurant there’s a back entrance to the kitchen,” he says, reading my thoughts exactly.

  Without thinking I run and jump into his arms. “Oh, I’m so sorry. I must weigh a ton right now.”

  “Light as a feather,” he says, carrying me back to the table, where he grabs the plastic pumpkin full of candy and then carries me out of the kitchen as I kiss his face everywhere.

  “I’m going to be so fat and bloated now. I’m sorry. I made a bad decision, it’s just…I’m so stupid sometimes.”

  A smirk forms on his face and he says nothing.


  “Naughty girl hasn’t learned h
er lesson about negative self-talk it seems.”

  “Oops,” I say, bringing my hand to my face.

  “Oops isn’t going to cut it, but maybe a reminder will.”

  “A reminder?”


  I want to scream ‘goody’ but I play along, my cheeks heating at the remembrance of his hand spanking me.

  Seconds later I’m falling onto my back on the bed just before Henry sits on the edge. Before I can right myself he grabs me by the ankles, pulling me back toward him and throwing me over his lap like a sack of potatoes.

  “You need to learn to take care of yourself,” he says, and I see both anger and concern in his eyes.

  “I’m sorry. I should haven’t eaten all the candy.”

  “Not the candy, little girl.” I look back over my shoulder and see him sizing up my bottom as if it’s a T-bone steak he’s about to sink his teeth into after sustaining himself on a diet of only beans and rice for a year. “Your mental health. The way you talk about yourself. Mental health is where it all starts. Now, Daddy’s going to give you a reminder, but apparently he needs to take it up a notch this time so you remember, so you learn, so you abide.”

  “Henry!” I cry out, but there’s no response. “Daddy!” Nothing.

  He steadies me with one hand and suddenly the other grabs the top of his shirt I’ve been wearing all day and he yanks it up, exposing my bare bottom.

  “You’ll learn to do as you’re told,” he chides.

  If I had panties on right now they’d be drenched, but I don’t and I feel a squishy sensation between my legs and know that despite how much I press my legs together my body can’t form a damn to stop the river from running from somewhere it’s literally never run from before.

  My eyes close and my stomach clenches, the embarrassment of what he must be seeing too much to take. And what I can’t see but smell, my arousal cloaking me and surely filling the entire room.


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