His Hidden Agenda

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His Hidden Agenda Page 3

by Fiona Murphy

  “Do you have a toothbrush I can borrow?” His voice is husky. I nod, and move back into the bathroom. In the linen closet of the bathroom, I have several of the same electric toothbrushes I use. He eyes the closet, carefully arranged, there are extras of almost all the products I use, lined up as if in a store.

  I confess, “Whenever I find things on a really good sale, I’ll buy extras. The drugstore down the street marks things down just because their codes change, not to close out. Did you need a towel for a shower?”

  “No, I’m not going to take one tonight. Is that all right with you? Do I smell like I need a shower?” He’s behind me, I turn and slip my arms around his waist. I inhale and he shudders against me. His response is better than any words he could have said, any doubt his desire for me isn’t real is wiped away.

  “No, you smell good to me.” He does his cologne lingers, a light juniper and woodsy scent with his underlying scent that’s all him.

  “Go get into bed, baby.” His voice is hoarse as he strokes my hair.

  I move away and turn off the lights, except for the lamp on the table on his side of the bed. It’s only a few minutes before he walks into the bedroom and gets into bed. With a click, the light goes out. It’s a queen bed and he’s already pretty close to me. When he pulls me into his arms, my back to him, we fit together just right. My head is pillowed on his arm and the other arm wraps around my stomach, his hips cradle mine and he’s hard against my ass.


  “Yes, baby?”

  “Thank you.”

  He squeezes me tight for a long breathless moment. “You’re welcome, now go to sleep.”

  It only takes minutes and I’m asleep.

  Chapter Four

  I’m awakened by a very annoying buzzing. I’m still in Alex’s arms. He lifts an arm, twists away for a moment and the buzzing stops. His arm comes back around me and my hand strokes his arm. I groan and my eyes open, the sun is just barely up.

  “What time is it?”

  “Six thirty, sorry, I set it as late as I dared in order to give me time to get home, shower, get dressed, and get to work on time.” His voice is full of gravel.

  I turn in his arms and kiss his chest through the shirt. “Ignore me in the morning. I hate mornings. Thank you again, I’m just sorry you’re up so early after not getting much sleep yourself.”

  He is stroking my back and then his finger is under my chin, “It was worth it, every minute, nothing to be sorry about.”

  Pressing against him, I feel him and he’s hard, I’m wet in an instant. His hand slides into my hair as he closes his eyes. “Don’t move sweetheart, please don’t move.”

  There’s no thought to what I do next, just overwhelming need. He’d lain in bed with me, hard and needy and asked for nothing. He’s gone down on me and given me the most intense pleasure I’ve had in my life. For some unknown reason this man wants me. Alex thinks I’m beautiful, it makes me feel beautiful. I feel like I owe him so much more than I can ever give him. I want to do this for him. I’m dying to know what he looks like, feels like, and I can’t believe it, but I want to know what he tastes like. My hand slides down his taut, hard stomach then slips under his waistband, he hisses my name. He’s not moving, I find him with my hand. Oh my, he’s thick, so thick my fingers don’t reach all the way around. I stroke from the base of him to his leaking tip. Alex is longer than my vibrator, it feels like. My vibrator is a satisfying seven and half inches but now I can’t wait to have him, long and thick, inside me. I’m stroking him as I move to pull down his underwear. His hand is around my wrist stopping me and I moan.

  “Alex, I want to. I want to taste you like you tasted me.” He comes then in my hand. I’m disappointed it’s all over so quickly. I continue to stroke him until he begs me to stop because he’s too sensitive now. A little of him is on my hand and I’m curious and taste him. I’ve read about women complaining about the taste. When I had tried the one time, the gross smell of Larry stopped me before I even got that far. A few tentative licks was all I was able to manage. Now, being able to taste him, I don’t get the complaints. It doesn’t taste bad to me. I continue to lick my hand clean, smiling to know I’ve done something to ease his discomfort. I’m glad to know when the time comes, I won’t mind the taste of him.

  “Watching you lick your hand clean with a smile on your face has got to be the sexiest thing I have ever seen in my life.” His words are guttural from deep in his chest.

  “I like the way you taste.”

  He closes his eyes and rolls out of bed. “I have to go or I’ll make us both late.”

  I follow him out of bed watching as he dresses. I can’t help sighing to watch him cover up his beautiful body. His eyes come up, he shakes his head with a smile.

  “Stay right there until I close the door. I don’t trust myself right now.” He orders and it’s my turn to smile. I nod and watch as he lets himself out. Locking up behind him, I watch him get into his car and drive away. With a squeal of happiness, I run back to my room and bounce on the bed. I pull the pillow he’d slept on tight to me, and surprisingly I fall right back to sleep.

  When my alarm goes off a little later, I’m up and moving the first time, instead of the multiple snoozes I usually do. I’m humming as I get ready for work. I don’t even think twice, and reach for a skirt for Alex. I team the black skirt with a blouse in pale pink and shockingly unbutton the top two buttons. Because I’m up earlier than normal, I have time to eat breakfast and enjoy a cup of coffee.

  Walking into work, Mabel lets me know Edward wants to see me. Edward’s door is open and he waves me in while he finishes talking with his wife. He’s on speaker and tells her that I’ve just walked in.

  “Grace, how have you been? Haven’t seen you since Christmas, Edward tells me you’re working too hard again. I have just the man for you, sweetie. I was telling Edward the other day. He’s very handsome, an orthodontist, our neighbor’s son. I’m going to have a dinner party in a few weeks and I will not take no for an answer. The weather will be nice, you’ll get out of the city and see all the boring fun you’re missing in the burbs.” Cathy orders. I’m shaking my head at Edward as he laughs.

  “Ah, Alex, there you are, come in and have a seat. Okay, Cathy I really have to go now, dear.”

  “All right, but I mean it Grace. May seventeenth, it’s a Saturday, you’ll come, you’ll meet the orthodontist, and you’ll fall in love. I’m sure this time. Watched this one grow up, so I know him. I’m sorry about the accountant, I had no idea he was into that stuff. Kisses, Grace, bye, Alex.” The click is a relief. I sink into the chair. I’m afraid to look at Alex. Edward has known me ten years now, there isn’t a whole lot he doesn’t know about me.

  “What happened with the accountant?” Alex asks. I shake my head as I remember the painfully embarrassing encounter.

  Edward laughs, “Poor Grace; Cathy had Grace sit next to the guy while he tried to talk to her about being a Furry. Something about dressing up in costumes and rubbing against each other. Don’t worry, Grace, I made her promise after the last time no more set ups and I’m going to hold her to it.

  I’m hoping you two don’t have plans tonight. I know you’re probably in for another late night working on your campaign, Grace, but Tim and I are hoping you and Alex could take out prospective clients tonight. Tim’s son is in from Iraq and I have Cathy harassing me about seeing some stupid play I could have sworn I don’t remember saying I would go to. Tim got tickets for the four of you to a much better play; one I’d rather go to. Since it will likely be a late night, you both make tomorrow a half day, and come in around one. That will be nice, won’t it, a half day on Friday?”

  “Sounds good to me, you know I’m always willing to do what you need, Edward.” I say, still not daring to look at Alex.

  “My plans are flexible.” Alex says, and why, oh why am I wet here in front of Edward?

  “I know I can count on you, Grace. Here you go, Alex, company credit
card and the tickets. You’ll meet them in the lobby of the hotel tonight at six-thirty. I made reservations for seven at the place we went to last weekend, Alex.” It’s clear we’re being dismissed.

  Alex is close behind me all the way to my office. “You’ll leave here at five, go home, get ready. I’ll pick you up at six.”

  “That works for me.” I agree.

  He closes the door and pulls me into his arms. His kiss is hot and wet and so am I. I know I need to push him away, the idea of being caught while in his arms is horrific, but I can’t. I cling and rub against him. We come up for air and we’re both breathing hard, he nuzzles my neck.

  “You aren’t going to that dinner party with the orthodontist. That was all I came in here to tell you. Now, tell me to stop kissing you and go back to my office.” He orders, as his tongue tastes my neck.

  “Of course I’m not going to meet the orthodontist, I’ll have a migraine that day. I recall the last time I told you to stop, right here in this spot, you didn’t listen, or stop. It was also the single most pleasurable moment I’ve ever had in my life to date, so I’m not going to say anything, except kiss me again and I’m so wet for you right now.”

  “I close my eyes and I taste you. You’re wearing a skirt for me, thank you.” His hand moves down and finds me just as wet as I told him. Alex moves the thong to the side and slips inside me. I moan his name. Long thick fingers play in the moisture then slide in and out of my tight channel. I’m begging him and pull him down to kiss me again. His touch is light, flicking over the sensitive bundle of nerves. I’m shaking and finally he applies pressure making me come apart in his arms. His mouth captures my moans of pleasure. My head falls to his shoulder, I watch him suck on his fingers, tasting me on him.

  My phone rings and I startle at the noise. It gives us both the nudge we need to move away from each other.

  “I can’t believe we just did that, with everyone here at work.”

  “I know, I’m sorry. I get close to you and my instinct is to get you flat against me. I’ll work on that.”

  I laugh and he walks out. Picking up the phone, I check my message and return the call.

  I’m working nonstop and don’t notice the time until the knock on my door. Checking the time I see it’s a little after one. The blonde opens the door. She’s smiling, Alex follows, looking sheepish.

  “Hi, I’m Marley and you’re Grace Moore. Alex told me you were asking about me and I just had to meet you. You have to come to lunch with us. Please!” She’s sweet, it’s hard to say no to her. “I know you never take a lunch break, but it’s right around the corner.” She names a deli I love, and order delivery from often.

  “You two go on. I’ll meet you there in five minutes.” I give in. Alex smiles. I’m glad I agree.

  Giving them a few minutes head start, I begin to save and shut down the files I’ve been working. Grabbing my purse, I head out, ignoring the surprise on the receptionist’s face.

  I walk in, Marley waves me over. It’s the kind of place without a waitress, where you place your order and then they’ll call your number. Alex asks what I’ll have and goes to place the order. He isn’t gone ten seconds when Marley turns to me and lays her hand on mine.

  “Okay, I’m only going to tell you this once. Alex is an amazing, awesome guy. He deserves the best. You treat him the way he deserves and we’ll be the best of friends. If you hurt him, I will find you and make you pay. He’s the kind of man who will do anything for you. He’ll never say a word against the woman he cares about. The last bitch he was with nearly destroyed him. I won’t let that happen again. I’m happy if he’s happy, but if you hurt him, I’ll make sure you hurt too. Got it?”

  I nod slowly, afraid to do anything else. She smiles and hugs me.

  “Great! I can tell you’re crazy about him, but I just have to cover all my bases.”

  Alex comes back then, I’m relieved as I shift towards him. It’s an odd lunch, I can’t get what Marley said about a woman nearly destroying Alex out of my head. Who would hurt him? Why would any woman want to hurt Alex? Marley is sharing stories about Alex; revealing how great he had been about keeping the family in touch and connected. As we’re close to finishing Alex gets a call and decides to take it. The moment he’s up, I’m turning back to Marley, still slightly scared of her, yet desperate to know.

  “How did a woman hurt Alex? What did she do to him?”

  Marley sighs, “She was psychotic. Seriously, she’s in a mental facility right now. When he first met her, she was on her meds and everything was great. Then Alex isn’t feeling it anymore and tries to break it off. She freaks and tells him she’s pregnant. Alex is nuts about family so he marries her and she fakes a miscarriage. Who does something like that? That’s stuff out of a fucking soap opera, not real life, but that’s Sarah. She thrived on drama.

  Alex has no idea she’s on all these meds. Her family, she’s from a really good family, see him struggling with her. It all comes out then, Sarah could never have been pregnant. She had a botched abortion when she was fifteen. But Alex was married, he wasn’t going to give up on her. Six years he put in with her, and it just got to be too much. She attempted suicide, then she points a gun at Alex, and he finally got it. She needed more help than anyone could give her. With her parents’ blessing, she was committed three years ago and he divorced her.

  As far as I know, you’re the first woman he’s been serious about since then. I’m sorry if I came off a little strong, but like I said, he’s been through a lot and he deserves to be happy again.”

  “I get it.” I’m still a little stunned when Alex comes back and we wrap up. Alex tells me he’ll walk Marley to the El. I wave goodbye.

  It isn’t long before Alex is opening my door without knocking, and I jump as the door closes. Fuck, I need time to take in what Marley said. It’s all I’ve been thinking about, and why do I feel guilty?

  “What did she say to you? Don’t, do not, shake your head at me. Talk to me, Grace. This is between you and me, not Marley. Whatever she had to say has nothing to do with us.”

  Shit, I am not crying, fuck, I’m crying. He’s there, pulling me up into his arms, his grip so tight I can barely breathe. I don’t care, because I need him this close. Doubts, so many doubts about this, about us, are running through my head. “She told me about your ex-wife and warned me not to hurt you. This is all so scary to me, I don’t want to hurt you. I was more worried about you playing with me. But what if I do hurt you? I know I hurt Larry, I didn’t mean to. But I did, marrying him when I didn’t really love him was cruel and it hurt him. It’s why he hurt me back. I’m sorry, this is going too fast, too overwhelming.”

  “He hurt you? How did he hurt you?”

  “Nothing bad, he pushed me around and tried to... I don’t know... is it rape if you’re married? He said it wasn’t, but it didn’t matter. I managed to get away and that’s when I left him.”

  “For fucks sake, it was rape, Grace. It makes so much more sense now.”


  “You, Grace, you make more sense.” He pulls away, setting me back down in my chair and squats down in front of me to eye level. “My ex-wife, she’s in the past. She didn’t hurt me as bad as Marley likes to make it out. I’m not going to lie and say it wasn’t difficult, but it only made it clearer for me to know what I want and need in my life. What matters now is you and me, that’s it. Do you want to be with me? Do you want me to hold you in my arms like I did last night? Do you want me in your bed every night? Tell me what you want.”

  “You.” It’s the only word my tight throat will let out.

  “Then you have me and that’s it. It’s all either one of us needs to know. Don’t worry about Marley or the past. Okay?”

  “Okay.” I whisper, still not sure at all about anything, yet knowing it’s too big to resolve now.

  “Remember, I’ll pick you up at six.” He says as he leaves, and I nod.

  Chapter Five

  No wor
k gets done the rest of the day. I can’t stop thinking about Alex and what he went through. Was I good enough for him? On paper, the answer is laughable, of course not. He’s a blue blood and I’m working class, he’s Harvard, I’m night school part time. I have no idea why Alex would want someone like me, he’d said my body. Even if I am big, the word ‘fat’ not daring to even appear in my mind, I can actually understand it. In a way, it’s the only thing that makes sense to me, sex makes a lot more sense now I know how good it can be.

  At five, I shut down and head home to get ready.

  There isn’t much to choose from, really. The only dresses I wear are for work parties. I find the one dress I think is sexy enough for Alex, I’m relieved it’s clean. It’s a lace dress with a black liner in a bustier fashion giving me a real waist, the bustier is molded. Which is good because a bra won’t work underneath it, the hem goes down to the middle of my thighs and clings. Cathy had talked me into it one year, and I’d only worn it once. Poking around in my underwear drawer, I pull out a black thong with sheer covering and lace edging. I wonder if I should shave for him down there. I check the clock to see I don’t have time. I dress and barely have enough time to run the flat iron through my hair again. A fine mist of perfume, and I’m ready.

  The doorbell rings, I run for it. He’s right on time, I can’t decide if I need a jacket or not. I open the door and he’s gorgeous in a dark blue silk suit with a downy white shirt and silk tie in dark blue and light blue stripes. His eyes are a fierce bright blue as he stalks me against the closet door.

  “You aren’t wearing that.” It’s a command, low and dark.

  I don’t have time to change, seeking to calm him, a hand slides up his chest, “Alex, I don’t have time to change. It’s not bad.”

  “Not bad?” He’s incredulous, his hands are on my hips pulling me to him. I sigh at the feel of his hard cock against me. “Your curves aren’t just on display, they are begging to be touched. Fuck, you aren’t wearing a bra are you?”


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