His Hidden Agenda

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His Hidden Agenda Page 4

by Fiona Murphy

  I yelp as his hands roam up, cupping my breasts and flicks the tight, painfully hard nipples. “Alex!”

  “Go change, or I will tear it from your body.” Alex is daring me, it’s not an idle threat. My mind says to run yet my body is on fire. Alex sees the fight in me and he turns me around and gives me a light push.

  With a sigh, I find a boring black dress. This one is also made of lace at the top with a fitted bodice and lace sleeves to my elbows. It has an empire waist and a black sheer skirt moves over a black liner. I step back into my shoes and go out to the living room where Alex is waiting. In a huff, I spin.

  “Does this meet your requirements?”

  “What would meet my requirements is you going down on your knees and getting rid of the insanely hard cock you gave me from that last dress. We don’t have time for that. So, get your ass in the car, now.”

  Alex is in front of me, pushing me out the door. Taking my keys from me, he locks up. I’m smiling. I can’t help it. He’s looking gorgeous, like he belongs on the cover of a magazine. Yet he’s making me feel like if I left the house in the other dress, I would immediately be jumped because I’m so hot. Which is hilarious to me but not to Alex.

  Even though Alex drives fast and adeptly through the busy streets we’re still a few minutes late to the hotel. We find them easily, as they seem to know Alex. Lindsey Carmichael and George Afton, were from a company that recently had a messy break up with their last marketing company. It had been so bad they are considering building up from within rather than go outside. This is where we come in, part of our job is to make them feel secure that we know what we’re doing, and to let us handle the often expensive, but necessary, marketing. Immediately, Alex is at his charming best, talking up our company and complimenting their own. He’s also nice enough to compliment me and discuss Tim and Edward’s fostering of talent and experience we have.

  It’s also very clear from the beginning of the night I’m with Alex. I have to admit I wasn’t sure how to play it, Alex doesn’t hold back, literally. His arm is often around me at my waist.

  Dinner goes smoothly Alex sprinkles in enough of the company and business, he also knows how to be personal and ask after family and their own challenges. When Alex makes mention of the play it’s appreciated, then declined in favor of a blues club not far from the restaurant. Both state they are due for an early night. Alex is quick to agree. After we finish dinner, the walk of a few blocks is made easily. When the wind begins blowing, I shiver. All it takes is once, and Alex wraps me in his jacket. It smells like him and still has his warmth. I try not be obvious in my enjoyment of it around me. Once in the club, a round of drinks is ordered—with Lindsey and I both going with a glass of wine. It isn’t long before I need to excuse myself for the restroom. Lindsey offers to go along with me and I nod. I’ve never been one who felt the need to go to the restroom with someone, but I feel like I can’t argue with a potential client.

  The bathroom is a three-stall bathroom with a chaise lounge in a twenties gilt vibe. It’s empty, and the moment the door closes Lindsey opens her mouth.

  “Wow, I have to give you kudos, you must be as amazing as Alex claims you are, to have hooked him. The women, single and married, all along the entire eastern seaboard are still mourning the loss of Alex. After what happened with his ex-wife he kept women at bay, it was shocking to hear a family like the Whitten’s have, you know, bad blood running through them. Yet, I can see it now, you’re pretty enough, and you’re the exact opposite of her. Freakishly skinny and tall with white blonde hair, she just didn’t look like the rest of us, you know? She did some modeling, I remember, in her teens, but it wasn’t highbrow enough for her family.

  “When he left Kaplan and Kaplan, everyone wondered where he was going. Some even thought he’d strike out on his own. To see him at a mid-sized firm like yours in Chicago is a bit of a surprise and a huge coup for your company. Alex was a major hitter at Kaplan and Kaplan. I get it, there was just no room for him to go up from VP there. They were closing ranks, family only at the top. I’m hearing Boston was shocked to see him go, word on the street was other big firms courted him.”

  “Tim and Edward know how to play the game and we’ve gone from tiny to mid-sized in just thirteen years. I’m sure with Alex it won’t be long until he takes us to the next level.” My lips are numb because I’m seeing it now. All the things I haven’t allowed myself to see. Tim and Edward chummy with Alex; treating him like the heir apparent he is. Tim and Edward are nearing retirement and their children aren’t successor material. Tim has a son in the Army and another son who is a graphic designer in California. Edward has only a daughter, who is a dance major in New York. They had invested too much in the company to let it fall apart once they retired. I’m the only other person who knows the company inside out, but I’m not a Harvard graduate with the kind of connections needed.

  I’m not sure how many more shocks I can take. It doesn’t matter how well I do on my next presentation, the job is already Alex’s. Alex had to know that. I press down a bitter laugh as I remember my accusation, no wonder he’d been so astonished I’d accused him of using sex to throw me off. There’s a part of me that wants to be angry, but it won’t come. Once again, it’s something so obvious I hadn’t seen it only because I didn’t want to. It made sense, choosing Alex over me makes sense.

  Following Lindsey out of the restroom my arm is caught before I make it two steps. Need fills me at his touch, the need to feel him and have him hold me, except he’s looking dangerously predatory. It doesn’t matter people are milling around us, his body pushes mine into the wall and his mouth is on mine. His mouth takes mine and his tongue is everywhere, taunting and teasing me. My hands are around his neck, needing to hold me up.

  Alex ends the kiss and his thumb comes up to wipe at the spread gloss I’d reapplied. “There you go, now you look both wanting and satisfied all at once. Perfect.”

  “Alex, is this wise, with two prospective clients waiting for us?” It’s a half-hearted question. If he wanted to take me up against the wall in full sight of everyone, I don’t think I’d be able to say no.

  “George took one look at you and it was clear he thought you would be his after-dinner entertainment. It’s either this kiss or I give him a black eye for his constant staring at you.”

  I shake my head, Alex has lost his mind. I hadn’t noticed anything other than maybe a too bright smile at dinner. There had been nothing since Alex put his hand on mine. “Alex, you’re nuts, however if you keep up with kisses like that, then I’m all for it.”

  He laughs as he guides me back to the table. Careful to pay attention to the band, my hand remains in Alex’s for the rest of the night. Relief is sharp when Lindsey begins to yawn and apologize that at nine she’s exhausted. George is quick to remind her in Boston it’s ten and they laugh. I’m sure I make the right noises, and say the right things as we walk them back to the hotel. Finally, we’re back in Alex’s car.

  Chapter Six

  The questions spin in my mind, then I stop, the only one that really matters is, do I want Alex tonight? Yes, I don’t hesitate. No matter what happens with the firm, I want Alex. I need Alex, although that’s scary in and of itself, it’s really the only thing that matters. We’re in front of my house before I realize it. Alex is walking around to open my door. His arm around me is pulling me out of my mind, I’m grateful for it. He unlocks the door then pushes me nside. He flicks on the light in the living room then pulls me to the couch. Why the hell am I so easy to read?

  “Out with it.” Alex says as he sits down beside me. His hands between his legs, his elbows resting on his knee show he’s bracing for the worst.

  “Stephen’s job was always yours. I was never a contender.” It’s not a question.

  Alex runs his hands over his face, the lines are back, “No.”

  “Then what was the competition about?”

  “They wanted me to see how good you are, how valuable you are. They
wanted you to see the same thing. They aren’t stupid, they know you thought you were moving up, and they don’t want you to hate me, or leave in a snit. When the time comes, I’m buying them out. They wanted me to see your value and make you my number two. Tim is ready to retire yesterday, Edward is insistent he’s got a few good years in him. Tim will stay on for at least another year. I buy his share then when Cathy has talked all the fight out of Edward, the company will be mine.”

  “What you said about us having nothing to do with the campaign. It was a lie, wasn’t it?”

  “No, damn it, and yes, maybe. I wasn’t lying when I told you I wanted you since the moment I met you. I also knew, once I got the promotion you’d never let me in. I got a little desperate the night in your office. I had one week when you had been so damned good at evading me for a year.” His hand goes to his neck and rubs.

  “Fourteen months and three weeks, Alex. It’s been fourteen months and three weeks since you started.” Alex looks at me now, there’s hope in his bright blue eyes, so much hope it makes me breathless. “It’s been fourteen months and three weeks since I took one look at you and my body went nuts. I had no idea what the hell was the matter with me. It scared me. I didn’t like sex, didn’t want sex. I told myself it was just hormones and I would get over it. You were the enemy. I hated you, I told myself that over, and over again but it wasn’t you I hated. I hated myself because I wanted you so much I ached.”

  He pulls me into his arms and kisses me with all the desperation and need I’m also feeling. The room shifts he’s picked me up. In my bedroom, he turns on the overhead light. I ask him to turn it off. I’m too self-conscious. I’m still finding it hard to believe he had been able to carry me to the bedroom.

  “Baby, I have dreamed of this for months, woke up absolutely sure it was real only to find out it was another dream. Your body is beautiful to me. I won’t let you hide it. The lights stay on. I want and need to see all of you.” His hands are at my back. He’s found the zipper, pulling it down. Everywhere his fingers linger leaves a trace of fire on my skin. Before he edges the dress down, as I want him to so badly, he stops.

  “Grace, how did he hurt you? What did he do to you?” Alex’s look of concern stops me from screaming from frustration that he stopped. His touch is lighter against me as his hands move down to my hips, merely a flutter of sensation.

  “He was just rough, very rough, and he seemed to like it when I cried out. Please, please don’t let what he did affect this moment, us. It was so long ago it’s already a faded memory. When you touch me, it’s like it was all a bad dream. You are the only reality that matters to me.”

  Alex grip on my hips is harder as he pulls me to him, “You’re mine.”

  “Yes, yes I am. I’m yours.”

  “All of you.”

  I slide my arms around his neck and bring his mouth down to mine. Before I press my lips against his, I whisper, “All of me belongs to you.”

  He inhales my words and I feel like he has taken in my very soul. His kiss is reverent, gentle and sweet, so very sweet all my fears disappear with it. I hadn’t been afraid of sex with Alex, I had been afraid of tomorrow. After Alex had taken what he wanted from me, he would leave me broken, a shell of a person yet he’s putting me back together piece by tiny piece, breaking me free of the shell I wrapped around myself for protection. No matter what happens, Alex will never hurt me with the malice and intent my mother and Larry did. Knowing that fills me with a peace I never believed possible with a man. It also fills me with a need for him so overwhelming it almost consumes me. I think he feels it because he pulls away and his hands are running over me, hungrier.

  Pulling down my dress, he finds the bra I wore for him. Black and sheer with lace at the edges, my nipples are fine points through the sheer covering. His mouth is on a hard nipple through the sheer covering. It’s not enough, I want his mouth on my skin. He works the catch at my back, sliding the bra down my arms. He kisses gently first one hard nipple, then the other.

  “Your breasts, so perfect, so soft, they tip up as if begging for my mouth. Do you want my mouth on you, Grace?”

  “Alex, please, don’t tease me.” I plead as he sucks my nipple into his hot wet mouth. My pussy begins to leak down my legs making me red with embarrassment. Yet, I need, I need this man and shame feels wrong when it’s only him my body hungers for. Fumbling, my hands begin working the buttons of his shirt. Finally, I’m rewarded by the sight of a thin white undershirt, like he wore last night. I slip under the undershirt, the feel of his skin under my hands is enthralling as muscle is bunching and flexing in response to my touch. His teeth graze, then nip, a tight aching breast and my legs give way beneath me. Alex picks me up and lays me on the bed. Slowly, very slowly, he pulls the dress off. His eyes darken at the sight of the thong.

  “Sexy, so sexy, hidden, I knew it when you looked at me that first day, your eyes were flashing, but you smiled so sweet. I knew you were hiding the real you. Then you turned around to walk away and I saw your ass. This ass has me hard just thinking about it, I never thought of myself as an ass man, but baby I want to fuck your ass. Will you let me fuck your ass, baby?”

  Words so utterly shocking and profane are making me wet. I’d do anything he asks for. “Yes, Alex I want you inside of me, in my mouth, in my pussy and yes, I want you to fuck me up the ass. Anything you want, as often as you want.” I promise him. “Now please, I need you inside me.”

  Alex smiles and I feel it down to my toes. He slips off the jacket then tugs off his tie. His shirt falls to the floor before he pulls off his undershirt and his body, oh, he’s better than every fantasy I’ve had. His body ripples and flexes with muscle, not an ounce of fat, yet there is an elegance to his body. I swear I am going to learn him with my tongue before the sun comes up. Pushing down his pants, his underwear goes with it. Finally, he’s in front of me. Long thick and perfect, I’m reaching for him without realizing it. My wrist is caught before I get to him. He shakes his head.

  “Oh, no, sweetheart, it will be over far too quickly if you touch me now.” He bends down and pulls out a long strip of condoms. I’m grateful to him.

  “I called my doctor today. She called in a prescription for the Pill but since I’m so close to my period, she recommended waiting until it was over before starting.”

  “How soon?”

  “Two or three days, give or take.”

  “That’s good sweetheart because I don’t think I trust myself to always have a condom or stop long enough to put one on.”

  Tearing one of the condoms from the strip, he sets the others on the bedside table. He kneels on the bed and begins to roll the condom on. I’m jealous of his hands, aching to know the feel of him. I open my legs, his eyes darken as my hands move to my hips to take off the thong, eager for his touch.

  “Don’t move, I get to undress you.” Alex orders, and I go still. I’m soaking at his commanding tone. His hands trace along my outer thighs then up to the top of the thong. He peels it away pulling my legs up. Coming down, he settles my legs over his shoulders. His breath hot against the slick lips of my pussy. He licks the seam of me again, and again, I want more, need so much more.

  His tongue moves down to where my juices pool. I remember my promise to him, the sensation of him there is so good I close my eyes and look forward to it. I’m trembling before he finally moves back to my pussy and his tongue... it’s like he’s kissing me there. Again, and again he moves deep inside me and up, teasing me by staying away from my thick, swollen clitoris.

  Moving back down, he slides a searching finger into my ass and it feels so good I ask for more. He answers my plea with another finger moving in and out of me. Just when I think I can’t take anymore, he moves back and sucks my clitoris while flicking his tongue over the taunt bundle of nerves. I scream my climax. Oh god, he’s there, sliding into me, and I’m exultant at the feel of him. He pushes deep until we’re skin to skin. My legs come up over his hips, searching for a way to get hi
m deeper into me. Alex feels amazing, so good I forget to breathe. When he starts to move inside me, I can breathe again. Even as the shudders die away from my last climax I can feel another building. I want him deeper, faster, more.

  My hands are roaming over his body, greedy for the feel of his skin; urging him on while desperate for the feel of him all over me. His hands are beside my head, propping him up from me. I want all of him on me. Pulling his head down to mine, his kiss is fluttering, light and I’m nearly weeping from frustration. My mouth attaches to his and I suck his tongue into my mouth. Alex growls low in his chest as he moves faster, harder, yes. I’m almost there, so close. His hand moves down between us, fingers long, and knowing, find my clitoris and apply pressure. My body explodes from the sheer pleasure. From deep inside my clenches around him, milking him for everything he is. He comes with my name a groan in my ear.

  At long last, he collapses on me and I revel in the feel of him on me. My arms come around him when he tries to pull away.

  “Grace, sweetheart, I’m too heavy for you. I have to get rid of the condom.”

  “Please, just one more minute. You feel so good on me, you aren’t too heavy.”

  Alex comes up on his elbows and kisses my forehead. “You are a beautiful liar. Minute is up, baby. Two minutes, I’ll be right back.”

  I sigh and allow my arms to slip from around him. My legs have been tight around him for so long it hurts a little when I move them. I hear the water running in the bathroom. Like last night, he comes around the bed pulling me into his arms. Skin to skin, my body hums in delight at the feel of him all around me.

  “Rest for a minute, baby, it’s going to be a long night.”



  Alex keeps his promise. I’m drifting in and out of sleep, with the light on it isn’t easy to slip into sleep. I feel him growing hard against me. I love it, I’m not doing anything but lying in his arms and he’s growing hard against me. I’m growing wet again however I don’t want him inside me there just yet, I want to taste him. Turning in his arms, he smiles lazily as I kiss his chest and run my hands over him. Exploring his chest as much with my tongue as my hands, a finger teases a hard male nipple. His hands begin to move over me, I press against him until he’s flat on his back. He sighs, running his hands through my hair.


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