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Page 8

by Jade Winters

  A sudden heat spread throughout her body as she noted that his eyes were fixed on the insides of her legs. Without hesitation he moved towards her, waiting for her to stand upright again before he placed his hands gently on her hips.

  Rae shook with surprise and she laughed at her own reaction, but the way in which Callum tightened his grasp she knew there was no turning back. Her body went from shaking to shivering. Rae had not been touched intimately for a very long time, something Lindsay never relented about in their drunken conversations.

  Her nipples hardened and a hot wave of delectable gooseflesh ran from her inner thighs to her flushing face. Rae stood submissively before him. She had no idea what to do, so she decided to wait, to just follow Callum’s lead. The howling wind outside grew wilder, but all she could hear was her heartbeat. She offered no resistance as Callum spun her round to face him and pulled her against him. He kissed her in the crook of her neck with soft wet laps of his tongue and Rae’s head fell back in ecstasy. His kisses led a trail up to her mouth. Rae could not help but moan out loud when his mouth crushed against her own and she instinctively wrapped her arms around him and held him tighter.

  The thunder clapped outside, but it hardly disturbed them. Moments later, the lights flashed rapidly and went out. In the dark kitchen, now, deprived of her sight, she could smell him more distinctly. Her mind drowned in the euphoria of his touch and she felt drunk, truly drunk, inebriated by unadulterated passion. Callum’s skin gave off a musky scent draped in a tinge of leather and it drove her crazy. It was so dark. His breath warmed her ear and cheek as he panted whilst unbuttoning his trousers. Within seconds Rae felt what she was aching for. Powerful and large, his hands locked onto her hips. Rae cried out in the rumble of thunder, her moans defying the wail of the wind.

  They were at the point of no return. Rae could not deny the pleasure she felt and wanted. At all costs, she needed it. Callum knew this and he made full use of its appeal. She writhed against him. He had her now—enslaved. In the pitch darkness of the storm a streak of lightening briefly lit the room. Rae opened her eyes and saw the triumphant smile that was etched on Callum’s face.

  Chapter Fourteen

  Lindsay took a quick swig from the small water bottle that she used to disguise her vodka, and popped several pieces of chewing gum into her mouth. She hoped no one had realised she was half cut so early in the morning. Having promised herself she’d stay away from the vodka today, she ended up succumbing to a few swigs to give her a confidence boost. Lindsay wrinkled her nose as she sat in the narrow dank corridor of Sunrise Care Home for the Elderly. The strong stench of urine and disinfectant prevalent throughout the home only served to reassure Lindsay that Mr Palmer, the home’s manager, wouldn’t be able to smell the vodka on her breath.

  The interview had gone on fifteen minutes longer than expected which Lindsay took to be a good sign. Mr Palmer was a man in his sixties and had a narrow face and rusty coloured hair. Despite her nervousness, she was acutely conscious of the fact that his beady eyes seemed to undress her every time his gaze left her face and aimlessly travelled down to her chest. Lindsay didn’t care, as long as he only looked. If it meant she’d get the job because he took a fancy to her, that was his problem. She needed this job more than anything. Just having that cash in her pocket the other week served to remind her how much her children were missing out on. She had spoilt them rotten and had enjoyed every minute of it.

  But now it was all gone and Lindsay daren’t tell Kim as she’d probably lose the plot.

  If Lindsay could secure this job it would go some way to easing her guilt. It was an immediate start and she would be paid in two weeks. Until then she could get a payday loan to cover the funds she had spent.

  The door to the office swung open and Mr Palmer beckoned her into the small windowless room. Lindsay stood and wiped her clammy hands on the sides of her jacket.

  ‘Take a seat, please.’ He gestured to the chair she had sat in for the interview.

  Lindsay lowered herself into the chair and waited until Mr Palmer returned to his seat behind the small square desk.

  ‘Well, I’ve spoken to my assistant on the phone and from what I told her, she was as impressed with you as I am. Normally we would write to tell you our decision, but I can tell you now—welcome to Sunrise Care Home.’

  His statement startled a nervous laugh from her. ‘You mean I … I … got the job?’

  Mr Palmer laughed. ‘Yes, you’ve got the job.’

  A surge of gratitude filled her. ‘Oh, Mr Palmer, thank you. I promise, you won’t be sorry.’

  ‘I know I won’t. I have good instincts about people and I have a good feeling about you. And please, no need to be formal now. The name is Tim.’

  Lindsay smiled. ‘Okay, Tim.’

  Tim gave Lindsay a form for a CBR check and a folder containing paperwork for her to take home and read through before she started her classroom based training.

  Lindsay left the home walking on air. It was a telling sign that the first person she phoned to share her news with was Rae not Kim.

  ‘Guess what, guess what?’ she squealed. ‘I have some great news.’

  ‘Me too,’ Rae replied just as excited. ‘You go first.’

  ‘I got the job, Rae! I got the sodding job.’ A rippling tide of pride and joy raced through her.

  There was genuine warmth in Rae’s voice. ‘Congratulations, Lindsay! I’m so proud of you.’

  ‘Me too. The kids are staying with Steve overnight. Please say you’ll meet me after work to celebrate,’ Lindsay pleaded.

  Rae hesitated. ‘Um … er … Well I might have something planned.’

  Lindsay shrugged off her disappointment with a cheery, ‘Oh, okay. Don’t worry about it.’

  ‘No, do you know what, no firm plans have been made. I’ll meet you. It’ll be fine.’

  ‘Are you sure?’

  ‘Positive. I can’t have you celebrating on your own can I?’

  Lindsay smiled. ‘So what’s your news? Have you got a promotion?’

  ‘No. Something even better.’

  Lindsay’s smile faded to be replaced with a frown. ‘Better than a promotion? I’m stumped. Work’s the only thing I’ve ever seen you get excited over.’

  ‘Well those days are over. Oh crap, my boss is heading straight towards me. I’ll tell you all about it later. Meet you at the pub at five-thirty?’

  ‘Okay,’ Lindsay replied, but Rae had already disconnected.

  Scratching her head in bewilderment, Lindsay suddenly shook her head with dread.

  Oh no, please don’t tell me Rae’s getting another cat!


  The after work crowd spilt out onto the street, lining the pavement at the side of the pub. Luckily Lindsay had arrived much earlier, securing their seats near the back of the pub where it was less rowdy. Lindsay took a mouthful of vodka and swallowed it in one gulp. She needed something to help her digest the news Rae had just shared with her.

  ‘You really did it?’ Lindsay’s eyebrows flew up as though they were on springs.

  Rae’s face melted into a buttery smile. ‘We did—all night. The man’s like a Duracell battery—he just goes on and—’

  ‘I think I get the drift. Isn’t it a bit quick? I mean you hardly know him.’

  Rae pulled a face. ‘Well I was with Greg for years and thought I knew him, but look how that ended up.’

  ‘I don’t know what to say,’ Lindsay said doubtfully. ‘What about what his ex-girlfriend wrote about him?’

  ‘Oh forget about her. It’s just sour grapes. Please say you’re happy for me.’ Rae shook Lindsay’s shoulder. ‘I think I’ve found the one, Linds. Callum is so sure of himself. He takes charge—’

  ‘I thought you liked it the other way around.’

  Rae spread her hands out on the table. ‘So did I. But it’s different with Callum. It’s not a power struggle, he makes me feel secure, wanted.’

  ‘He lets you know who’s bos

  Rae laughed as she glanced down at her mobile phone resting beside her on the table. ‘No. He just knows how to treat a woman.’

  ‘If you say so. I just hope you know what you’re doing.’

  ‘Why can’t you just be happy for me?’

  Lindsay glanced away. She still wasn’t convinced despite how much Rae waxed lyrical about Callum. ‘I am.’

  ‘But?’ Rae probed further.

  ‘I don’t know. The things that woman wrote … it made him sound like a bit of a bastard.’

  Rae gave a hard laugh. ‘Oh come on, Lindsay, what do you expect from an ex? When you broke up your family for Kim, did I believe a word Steve said when he slagged her off? No. Because I knew his anger was coming from a place of pain.’ She looked at Lindsay with an enquiring stare. ‘I gave Kim the benefit of the doubt didn’t I?’

  Lindsay nodded. ‘Okay, okay. I’m sorry. Friends?’ Lindsay held out her little finger.

  Rae looked at it for a few seconds before she wrapped her own one around it. Her expression softened. ‘I do appreciate you looking out for me, but I know what I’m doing. Callum’s nothing like that woman describes. He’s not insecure. He’s kind and attentive and he loves cats, which is an added bonus.’ A faint transient, wistful smile brightened her face. ‘He’s not like any man I’ve met before.’

  Lindsay smiled. If Rae’s gut instinct was telling her that Callum was kosher then who was she to question her? Maybe she was right—the ex was just bitter and would say anything to harm his reputation.

  Lindsay leant in closer and whispered, ‘And you say he can go at it all night?’


  ‘So when are you going to bring this stallion out for a drink then?’

  ‘I don’t know. He’s really busy at the moment. I’m sure it will be sooner rather than later.’

  ‘I hope so.’

  When Lindsay noticed Rae checking her phone again, she said, ‘Have you got to be somewhere or something?’

  ‘Oh no. It’s just that I texted Callum earlier to let him know I was meeting you for a drink. I haven’t heard back from him.’

  ‘I see.’

  ‘It’s funny you know. Callum said he could have had any woman he wanted but he chose me because I didn’t flaunt myself.’

  Lindsay couldn’t help but remember what Callum’s ex had written about him moving on once bored. Did he look at Rae as a challenge with plans to dump her once he’d won her over? Not that Lindsay didn’t think Rae was fabulous. But Callum couldn’t be any more than thirty. Why would he be putting all his eggs in one basket with a woman at least eighteen years older than himself? If he was that irresistible to the opposite sex she would have thought he’d be playing the field. But then again what did she know?

  ‘You’re quite a catch yourself you know. He should count himself lucky—not the other way round.’

  ‘Oh he does. He doesn’t stop telling me how lucky he is to have found me, and all because of Bourbon. Who would have thought he would have turned up at the most gorgeous man’s door step not only once, but twice? It’s as if we’re destined to be together.’

  Lindsay smiled. ‘Maybe you’re right. Ignore me and my negativity. I’m just jaded that’s all.’

  ‘No you’re not. You’ve just been hurt. Callum said he’s met a lot of women like you. You know, who have bad relationships and are scared to trust again.’

  Lindsay frowned as Rae checked her phone again.

  ‘Oh he has, has he?’

  Rae nodded. ‘He said the only way to get over it is to jump straight back on the saddle.’ She laughed. ‘He’s got such a positive outlook on everything. I don’t know how he does it especially growing up with the tyrant of a father he had.’

  ‘Well it’s good to know he isn’t carrying any emotional luggage.’

  ‘Definitely not. Callum says baggage is for losers. He likes to travel light—that’s what he puts his success down to.’

  ‘What does he do for a living?’

  Rae glanced down at her phone. ‘Oh, he’s a very successful commodities trader.’

  ‘I suppose that’s where he gets his confident swagger from,’ Lindsay said in jest.

  Rae looked up at Lindsay disapprovingly. ‘There’s nothing wrong with a man who has a healthy dollop of self-esteem.’

  Lindsay rolled her eyes. ‘Don’t tell me … Callum told you that.’

  ‘As a matter of fact he did.’

  ‘Jesus, Rae, have you turned into his mouth piece after just one date?’ Lindsay exhaled a pent up breath in a long sigh.

  ‘We’ve had two dates actually. Yesterday and the day before.’

  ‘Oh so that’s why you blew me out.’

  Rae’s face flushed. ‘I didn’t blow you out. I had plans. Callum said—’

  Lindsay clucked her tongue in irritation. ‘Are you taking the piss now?’

  Rae’s eyes blinked in bewilderment. ‘What do you mean?’

  Anger marked her every word. ‘Callum said this, Callum said that. Have you suddenly lost the capacity to think for yourself? You sound like you’ve joined a cult.’

  Rae’s eyes widened and she drew back slightly as if Lindsay had struck her. After several seconds she gathered her belongings together and kept hold of her phone. She pushed back her chair and stood up. ‘I don’t think I like the way this conversation is going, Lindsay, so I’m going to leave. You’ve obviously had too much to drink.’

  ‘What!’ Lindsay spluttered. ‘Are you having me on?’

  ‘No I’m not. It’s obvious you’ve got a bee in your bonnet about him. He said to expect that.’

  ‘For Christ’s sake. Expect what?’

  Rae’s eyebrows scrunched downwards in anger. ‘That those closest to me wouldn’t be happy for me. And he was obviously right.’ She fastened the buttons on her jacket. ‘If you can’t respect the decisions I make, Lindsay, I really don’t see a future for our friendship.’

  She abruptly turned and headed for the entrance.

  ‘Rae!’ Lindsay called after her, suddenly sorry for her choice of words. ‘I’m sorry!’

  Rae ignored her pleas and walked out the door.

  Lindsay slumped back in her seat. What the hell was all that about? Had an alien entity walked into Rae’s body and taken over her mind? She quickly dialled Rae’s number with the intention of telling her to come back. Rae’s phone was engaged the first try. When she called again it had been switched off.

  Chapter Fifteen

  A sliver of moonlight crept cautiously through the slated wooden blinds, casting the only light in the otherwise darkened room. Lindsay pulled her knees up to her chest and wrapped her arms tightly around them. They had been arguing again. This time about Rae’s antics at the bar. As per usual Kim was sticking up for the other party. It was as if Kim did it deliberately in order to cause even more discord in their relationship.

  ‘I can’t believe you think I’m in the wrong. If you had been there—’

  Kim outstretched her arms and yawned. ‘I would be saying the exact thing I’m saying now—don’t stick your nose in other people’s business.’

  Lindsay was sapped of energy. The tension from earlier was still there, knotted in her stomach like a small ball. Why do I always have to explain myself? Why can’t she just be on my side for once? ‘I wasn’t sticking my nose in—as you so kindly pointed out. I was just trying to make Rae aware that she sounded like she’d been brainwashed by a cult leader. His ex-even said he was controlling. It’s as if Rae’s put on a pair of blinkers since she’s met him.’

  Kim raised her head and puffed up her pillow before dropping her head down again. ‘It’s the honeymoon period that’s all. Remember that. We all go through it thinking the sun shines from you know where and it’s not long before reality sets in and we realise it was all in our imagination.’

  ‘Oh charming.’ The hurt was evident in Lindsay’s voice. ‘Is that what happened to us? The reality set in and you realised how you felt
about me and the children was all in your imagination?’

  ‘No, of course not.’ Kim turned and gave Lindsay a playful nudge. ‘I’m still mad about you. Look, I know things have been tough lately and I get a bit short with you—’

  Lindsay snorted. ‘A bit.’

  Kim laughed. ‘Okay, a lot.’ She reached up and pushed Lindsay’s hair back. ‘But I’m just finding it a bit hard to support a ready-made family, especially on my crappy wage. That’s why …’ she hesitated.

  ‘That’s why what?’

  Kim sighed. ‘I didn’t want to tell you—’

  ‘You’re getting me worried. Just tell me, whatever it is.’

  ‘All right, all right. I’ve got another job.’

  ‘Another job?’

  Kim nodded. ‘I’m a bouncer at a gay bar.’

  ‘You what?’ Lindsay asked in astonishment as relief flooded her. So all this time she wasn’t having an affair—she was actually working.

  ‘I had to Linds—’

  ‘Why didn’t you tell me?’

  ‘Because I didn’t want you to worry. I know what you’re like. You’d start panicking—’

  ‘Oh my God, Kim, I wish you’d have said something.’ Lindsay snuggled closer to her. ‘I’ve been doing much worse than panicking. I thought you were staying out because you were having an affair.’

  ‘An affair? Are you crazy?’ She gave a short laugh. ‘I couldn’t bear to look you in the eye. I feel a failure for not being able to keep it all together. I made you so many promises. So I kind of buried my head in the sand.’

  Lindsay gently disengaged herself from Kim’s arms and drew back slightly. ‘But don’t you see, not being honest with me just pushed us further apart.’


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