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Unravelled Page 16

by Jade Winters

  ‘What?’ was all she said when Rae looked at her questioningly.

  ‘What do you mean what? Am I missing something here? Why the hell haven’t you been answering my calls? I’ve been worried sick.’

  ‘I’ve been busy.’

  Rae’s gaze dropped to the glass in Lindsay’s hand. ‘Yeah it looks like it. I thought you were on the straight and narrow.’

  Lindsay stared at her. Her eyes vacant. Emotionless.

  ‘Why are you drinking? We have an agreement or have you forgotten? Jesus, Linds, I’ve been going out of my mind—’

  ‘You’ve been going out of your mind? And you want me to care? Rae, just leave me alone!’

  She started to close the door, but Rae was quicker and pressed her hand against it. ‘What the hell is going on with you? Is this about Callum?’

  Lindsay raised her brows, holding the door to steady herself. ‘What’s he told you about that night?’

  ‘Told me? Nothing. Talking about you two sleeping together isn’t something I really want to hear. Is this what this is about? You’re angry because you went through with it aren’t you?’ Rae ran her hand through her hair. ‘Jesus, Lindsay, if it was going to mess up our relationship, you should have told me—’

  ‘So he didn’t tell you anything?’

  ‘Like what? You won’t talk—’

  ‘You’re right. I won’t. Not to you anyway. But I’ve got a message for him. You tell that filthy bastard to be expecting a visitor. Real soon.’

  With full force she slammed the door shut.

  ‘I can’t believe you’re being such a bitch. I thought you were my friend,’ Rae shouted at the closed door. She didn’t care the next door neighbour had come out to see what the ruckus was about. ‘All this talk about helping me was all lies wasn’t it?’

  Rae’s mind was frantic. In the space of two days, her dream of being part of a happy family with Callum and their new baby had dissolved into nothing. What she needed to know more than anything was why? What was Lindsay talking about when she said Callum was going to get a visit? From who? Lindsay and her bloody mind games. I hope she drowns in whatever she’s drinking.

  Rae fished out her phone and punched in Callum’s number. It went straight to voicemail. ‘You need to get home asap. It’s urgent. I think Lindsay’s lost her mind. She’s saying dreadful things about you. Love you.’

  Rae glanced up at the window again and could just make out Lindsay’s silhouette. She remained in the same position as Rae backed away and got into her car. The last thing she wanted was to go home to an empty house. She needed to talk to somebody badly. It was a sobering thought to realise she now had no one. Lindsay had always been the one she confided in whenever anything was troubling her. Sadly, that wasn’t an option now.

  Maybe I’ll go and see Mum. The woman never stopped talking once she got started. For once, Rae would actually welcome it.

  Rae drove to her mother’s house ten minutes away. As Rae pulled up outside her mother had just reached her doorstep.

  ‘And to what do I owe the pleasure?’ her mother asked, opening her front door.

  ‘What’s that supposed to mean?’ Rae said, walking up the path towards her. Why is everyone acting so hostile?

  Rae followed her mother inside, who then took off her coat and dropped her car keys on the table. ‘We don’t see you round here much lately. Not since you’ve shacked up with lover boy.’

  ‘I’m busy Mum, I’ve got a stressful job—’

  ‘Haven’t we all.’ She walked through to the kitchen and Rae trailed behind.

  ‘What’s got you in a mood anyway?’

  Her mother put the kettle on and took two mugs out from the wall cupboard. ‘Your sister, that’s what.’

  ‘Oh God, what’s she been up to now?’

  ‘Nothing, that’s the problem. I’m thinking of calling the doctor.’

  ‘The doctor?’ Rae moved to her side. It must be serious. ‘What’s wrong with her?’

  ‘I don’t know. She’s been like this for months. Withdrawn, won’t eat. Spends all day in her room. She refuses to see any of her friends.’

  ‘That doesn’t sound like Candice.’

  Her mother shrugged. ‘I know. I’m at a loss what to do.’

  ‘Is she upstairs now? Do you want me to see if she’ll talk to me?’

  ‘Would you?’ She poured hot water into the mugs as she spoke. ‘I’m at my wits’ end.’

  ‘Of course.’ Rae wanted to reach out to her mother with reassurance but she couldn’t. Rae had got used to their distant relationship. It wasn’t like the mother-daughter relationships you saw on TV. If anything, it was quite the opposite. Rae gave her a curt nod and headed upstairs.

  She gently tapped on Candice’s door. No reply. She pushed it open. Darkness. Rae could just make out a mound in the bed.

  ‘Candice?’ she said softly. ‘Candice are you awake?’

  She stepped into the room. Just as she neared the bed, the mound moved like a volcanic eruption, and Candice’s upper body appeared. Her arms threw back the covers.

  ‘Get out, get out, get out!!’ Candice screamed at the top of her voice.

  Rae moved closer. ‘Hey, Candice, it’s me. Rae.’

  ‘Get out, get out, get out,’ she sobbed.

  ‘What’s going on up there?’ Rae’s mother called out.

  Footsteps rushed up the stairs. She brushed past Rae and went to Candice’s side. ‘What is it, Candice? Tell me, what’s wrong.’

  Candice thrust a finger towards Rae. ‘Get that fucking bitch out of here. I don’t want her near me. I hate her.’

  Rae’s jaw dropped open. ‘What the hell have I done?’

  ‘What have you done? What have you done?’ Candice repeated. ‘You’ve ruined my life. Get the fuck out of here.’

  ‘Candice, please—’

  ‘Just go,’ Rae’s mother said, wrapping her arms around Candice as she rocked her back and forth like a baby. ‘You can see the state she’s in.’

  Rae backed away, utterly confused. What just happened? What could she have possibly done to upset her sister. She hadn’t seen her since the day they went out for dinner. But that was months ago. Surely she can’t still be angry with me for accusing her of flirting with Callum. Rae was beginning to wish she’d never woken up that day.

  The journey home was done in record time. Rae just wanted to be in the safety of her cocoon. She picked up Bourbon who was sitting near the front door and took him to the living room with her. Rae was surprised to see Callum slouched on the sofa. Despite still being upset with Candice’s outburst she decided to keep it to herself. She didn’t want to stress Callum out any more than he already looked.

  ‘I didn’t expect—’

  He glanced up at her with an unreadable expression in his eyes. ‘What’s that bitch been saying?’

  Rae let out a long sigh. ‘I don’t know. It didn’t make sense. She was drunk. She just said you’ll be getting a visitor. I can’t believe how quickly this has all spiralled out of control.’ She sat down beside him. ‘Can you think of anything that would have made her behave like this?’

  ‘No. I told you. We shagged. We woke up the next morning, had breakfast and we left the hotel.’

  ‘And you didn’t speak about … you know the night before?’

  ‘Not really.’

  ‘Not really? What the hell does that mean?’

  He pushed himself to his feet and paced the floor. ‘She said she felt a bit crap doing it behind Kim’s back. I totally got it. I felt exactly the same.’

  ‘That’s very sweet, Callum. But you should have told me. I could have—’

  She was interrupted by an urgent knock at the door. Callum looked as startled as Rae felt.

  ‘Leave it,’ Callum said.

  ‘No, I want to know what the hell’s going on,’ Rae said. Before Callum could stop her she ran towards the door and pulled it open. A soft gasp escaped her lips.

  On her doorstep stood two
police officers. One of them stepped forward and said, ‘Is Callum Brice here?’

  ‘Callum? Why do you want him?’

  ‘Is he here?’ he repeated.

  ‘I’m here,’ Callum said coming to her side. ‘What’s this about?’

  The officer took his arm. ‘Callum Brice, you are under arrest for sexual assault.’

  ‘What!’ Rae screeched. ‘Callum, what’re they talking about? Tell them they’ve got it wrong.’

  The next moment was a blur of activity. The officer turned Callum around, pushed him against the wall and handcuffed him. Despite Rae’s protests, he guided Callum down the path and into a police car.

  Rae grabbed her car keys. Is this what Lindsay meant by Callum having a visitor? That scheming bitch.

  Fulham police station was a ten-minute drive away. Rae slammed her foot on the accelerator. Arriving at the station, she jumped out of her car and looked up at the building. The tired grey structure seemed to lean forward in an imposing manner. She swallowed hard as she made her way to the reception. ‘My partner has just been brought in. How long will he be held here for?’ she demanded.

  ‘If he’s just been brought in he’ll have to be processed first. I don’t know how long it’ll take,’ the police officer manning the desk said.

  ‘My partner’s not some criminal you can just throw in a cell,’ Rae shouted as she stormed out. There was only one thing to do. She needed to go over to Lindsay’s and find out what this accusation was about.

  When she arrived at Lindsay’s home she saw Becky’s car parked outside her house.

  No wonder! she muttered behind the steering wheel while her car was idling opposite. I knew Lindsay wouldn’t have the balls to do this on her own. Bitch!

  Rae drove home and sat with her phone in her hand while she chain smoked until her throat burnt. Her head spun and her fingers trembled with fury. Why would she do this? Why’s she got it in for us?

  Many hours later, she gave up trying to figure out why Lindsay would pull such a stunt.

  There were only two people who knew the truth.

  One who was being held in the police station. The other was probably suffering from a guilty conscience and was too drunk to remember anything from that night.

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Even though it had been three hours since the police released Callum on bail, his anger was still raw. ‘I’m telling you, she’s a lying bitch.’ Callum slammed his fist on the kitchen counter.

  Rae shook her head miserably. Of course she sympathised with him but he wasn’t the only one reeling with disbelief about his arrest. After he had told her of the charges they intended to bring against him, Rae had a panic attack. Drugs, kidnapping, false imprisonment …

  ‘Why would she make it all up, Callum? There must be a reason.’ Of all the things Lindsay could have done, accusing him of such atrocious acts was rock bottom, even for her.

  Callum stared at her, his index finger frozen in mid-air. ‘I blame you for this. It’s all your fault. If you were a normal woman none of this would have happened. None of it. Bloody rape. Me. Like I’d have to force anyone.’

  Rae didn’t have a comeback for his accusations. No, she couldn’t give him a baby, but that didn’t mean she was responsible for Lindsay’s actions. In all the time she’d known Lindsay, she’d never been a liar.

  Rae didn’t like to doubt his side of the story, but she had to ask. ‘Callum,’ she started slowly, ‘did Lindsay say no at any time? Could—’

  He looked at her, his eyes wild. ‘Are you fucking kidding me? We both know she’s as nutty as squirrel shit.’ He bent over her, his face only inches from her own. ‘You actually believe that bitch, don’t you? Huh? Did she get you in on it too?’

  Rae recoiled. ‘Don’t be silly. Why would you say something like that? I know you wouldn’t do it.’

  ‘I’m sorry,’ he replied quickly, looking to the floor to compose himself. ‘It’s just ...’ He dropped into a chair, held his face in his hands and began to sob. ‘I feel so betrayed. I feel like I’m the one that’s been abused. I should never have gone through with it.’

  He glanced up at her for a moment. His pristine eyes leaked with tears that rolled over his unshaven cheeks and Rae’s heart broke for him.

  ‘No.’ She quickly kneeled in front of him and grabbed his hands, kissing them as she spoke. ‘Don’t you dare blame yourself. You only followed my stupid idea because I talked you into it. It was desperate and irresponsible and now look what’s happened to you.’

  Callum spoke under his breath, his tears suddenly ceasing. ‘Look, I didn’t want to tell you this, because Lindsay’s your best friend and I didn’t want to cause a rift between you, but I feel I have to tell you the truth.’

  ‘What? What is it?’

  Callum hesitated for a moment. ‘After we had sex ... she said … No, I can’t tell you ...’

  ‘Yes, you can tell me,’ Rae urged. ‘I need to know.’

  Callum took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. ‘Okay ... she said she wanted a relationship. You know, I think she’s had enough of being a dyke and she wants a man,’ he said as if he was ashamed of himself for breaking Lindsay’s confidence.

  Rae said nothing. She took it all in and then nodded surreptitiously.

  ‘That actually makes sense. I knew she was having problems with Kim but I never thought her insecurities would drive her this far. Ever.’

  ‘I know. I mean, you should have seen her in the hotel room. Her behaviour was completely erratic. Talking about the future we could have with the baby.’

  Rae jumped to her feet. ‘She wanted to keep the baby with you?’

  Callum nodded. ‘Can you believe that? I said no, but she said I wouldn’t have shagged her if I didn’t want her to begin with and she could see right through me.’

  ‘My God, Callum,’ she whispered almost inaudibly. ‘What did I ask of you?’

  ‘Don’t be too hard on yourself.’ He ran his hand firmly up and down her upper arm as a gesture of reassurance. ‘You were only trying to make me happy,’ he soothed.

  A few weeks ago Rae would have defended Lindsay with her dying breath. But not now.

  The line had been drawn and she knew which side she was on.


  Chapter Thirty-Three

  ‘You did what?’ Kim asked in astonishment.

  Lindsay leapt from their bed and closed the bedroom door. The last thing she wanted was for the kids to hear them arguing when Kim had only been home a few hours. The reunion had been bitter sweet. Lindsay was ecstatic to see Kim, but recent events had marred what should have been a happy occasion.

  A bead of sweat lined Lindsay’s forehead and she wiped it away with the back of her hand. ‘You’re not listening to me. I was going to do it for us.’

  ‘Doing it for us?’ Kim ground her hands together. A habit of hers when she was trying to make sense of something. ‘Have you lost your mind?’

  ‘No. Yes … I don’t know.’ She took a breath and continued, ‘She offered to pay me forty grand Kim—’

  Kim’s eyes widened. ‘Forty grand. For a baby? Are you kidding me?’

  ‘No, it’s true.’

  Kim cocked her head. ‘Why would she pay you that much, Linds? She could find someone for twenty at the most.’

  Lindsay had to think quick. The answer had to be plausible enough for Kim to believe her. ‘It’s obvious isn’t it? She trusts me. She’s the Godmother to my kids. She knows I’m healthy.’

  Kim heaved her suitcase onto the bed and unzipped it. Lindsay was weak with relief when she started unpacking her clothes and putting them away in the wardrobe. ‘Yeah, I get it.’

  Lindsay let out a long breath, relieved Kim was staying. ‘So you’re not angry?’ she asked.

  ‘Actually, I’m bloody furious that you would do something like this behind my back. But it’s done now. What can I do?’

  Lindsay swallowed hard. More than ever she regretted her impulsive decision
to say yes to Rae. ‘I’m sorry, Kim. I really am.’

  ‘Just out of curiosity,’ Kim interrupted harshly. ‘If I hadn’t come back, when exactly were you going to tell me about all this. When you started showing and couldn’t hide it?’

  ‘Of course not. I was going to tell you if … when I got pregnant,’ she countered. ‘There wasn’t any guarantee it would happen.’

  Kim shoved her case to the side and sat down on the vacant space. ‘How are we going to move past this? How am I going to trust you again if you keep secrets from me?’

  Lindsay laid her hand on Kim’s shoulder. Despite feeling her stiffen, Kim didn’t shrug it off.

  ‘I messed up, big time. I know that. But I need your support right now, not your judgement.’

  ‘And why do you need that? You’re not pregnant are you?’

  Lindsay shook her head. Her mouth opened but the words wouldn’t come out. How could she tell Kim the truth? That Callum had drugged and raped her. She was bound to ask questions. Why had she booked herself into a hotel room with him? This was exactly what the police had asked. Not in a victim blaming way. They were just trying to understand the situation. The story sounded incredulous, even to her own ears when she tried to explain the set–up.

  One of the male officers had looked at her in disbelief when she had told them of her intentions—to sleep with Callum in order to get pregnant, so her best friend could have a baby.

  ‘I need some space to get my head around this,’ Kim said searching around for her jacket.

  Lindsay closed her eyes. She was thankful that she hadn’t told her the truth. If Kim was having trouble accepting artificial insemination, she hated to think what her response would have been to find out she had considered conceiving the natural way.

  ‘I take it you’re going out?’

  ‘Yeah, I am. I’ll take the kids with me.’ Kim gave her a brief hug. ‘We’ll go to the cinema and get something to eat. Try and get some sleep. You look exhausted.’

  Lindsay blinked back her tears. ‘Thank you.’

  Kim stopped at the door, her hand on the handle. ‘I just wish you would have told me, so we could have discussed it together.’


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