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Page 17

by Jade Winters

  ‘So do I. You don’t know how much I regret it.’

  ‘I’ll see you in a bit.’

  Kim walked out and gently closed the door behind her.

  Lindsay knew what she had to do. Drop the charges. There was no way Kim could find out about the rape. Not now.

  It was her cross to bear and she would suffer in silence.

  She loved Kim and didn’t want to lose her. Because of that, some secrets were worth keeping.


  ‘Lindsay I know you’re in there. Open the door. Lindsay?’ Becky’s voice travelled up the stairs and into Lindsay’s room. Becky had a nose like a hound dog. There was no hiding from her.

  ‘All right, all right, I’m coming. Keep your hair on.’

  No sooner had she opened the front door, Becky barged in. Lindsay’s lips parted but Becky shot her down with one acidic look. ‘What the hell are you playing at?’

  ‘You’re too late. It’s done, Becky. I’ve dropped the charges.’

  ‘Are you mad? After all the shit you had to go through, and now you’re going to let that bastard off scot-free?’

  ‘What’s the alternative? I shouldn’t have said anything in the first place.’

  If Rae hadn’t turned up when she was drunk, she might not have. Revenge had been the only thing on her mind that day. Rae would never have believed her. She was too heavily under his spell to see him for the monster he was. So to show her, she had done the only thing she could think of—press charges.

  ‘Lindsay, the man drugged and raped you. You need to get back on the phone and tell that detective you’ve made a mistake.’

  ‘No. I can’t. Don’t you understand? I only told Kim about the insemination. She’d never forgive me for agreeing to sleep with him.’ She shook her head. ‘Anyway, it was only my word against his. I should’ve gone to the police straight away instead of going home and having a bath.’

  Lindsay closed the door and gestured for Becky to follow her into the kitchen.

  ‘Look, Kim’s home now. I just want to start afresh. Move on.’


  ‘No, Becky, there aren’t any buts. I really appreciate you being there for me through all of this, but I’ve got to deal with this my own way now.’

  The house had started to feel like a prison. Lindsay was afraid to even walk to the shop in case Callum was out there, waiting for her. But with the charges dropped, she could at least try and move on with her life and put the whole episode behind her.

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Rae bounced on her toes as she retrieved the glasses from the cabinet. It was all over. She had been right to follow her instincts and put her belief in Callum’s side of the story. The past few days had been her darkest and most trying. Supporting a man falsely accused of rape was no easy feat. Her worst fear had been the story making it into the local paper. If it had, Callum’s reputation would have been destroyed, despite his innocence. She placed the glasses down on the table. The pop of the champagne cork caused Rae to cover her face with her hands. When she heard the familiar sound of the fizzy liquid being poured into a glass she dropped her hands to her sides.

  ‘You see, I told you she was lying, didn’t I?’ Callum handed her a glass of bubbly, then raised his own and clinked Rae’s glass.

  ‘I never doubted you for a minute,’ Rae said smiling.

  The police officer who’d called a few minutes ago to tell Callum the charges had been withdrawn was apologetic.

  Rae had been so proud of Callum’s humble response. ‘I have no ill feeling towards Lindsay. She’s a troubled woman, detective, and needs help. I’m just glad she came to her senses before it went too far.’

  Callum put his glass down on the side and disappeared from the room for a few minutes. He returned with a small jewellery box.

  ‘Rae, I would never have got through this without your support. A lesser woman would have run a mile. But you’ve proven your loyalty.’ He opened the box and held it out to her. ‘Rae …’

  Rae could hardly keep her hands from shaking.

  Callum bent down on one knee in front of her. ‘Would you make me the happiest man in the world and be my wife?’

  ‘I can’t believe it!’ Rae squealed. ‘Callum!’

  ‘Is that a yes?’

  ‘Yes! Yes!’ She took the diamond ring from the box and slid it on her finger. Despite her immense happiness, Rae felt sadness that Lindsay wasn’t there to share her magical moment.

  Callum pushed himself to his feet. ‘What’s the matter? I thought you’d be happy.’

  ‘Oh I am,’ she said looping her arm around his neck. ‘I’ve never been happier.’

  ‘So why the sad eyes?’

  ‘Sad eyes? No way. I’m on top of the world.’ Rae didn’t deem it appropriate to bring up Lindsay’s name. In fact, Callum had asked her never to mention her name in his presence again. Given the circumstances she could do nothing but comply, but that didn’t mean she wouldn’t miss her best friend. The woman that she was, not the lying one she’d become.

  ‘Callum?’ she asked unsteadily. ‘What are we going to do about having a baby?’

  He strode over to where he’d left his drink and took a mouthful. ‘Don’t worry about that now. As long as you’ve got the money, we’ll find someone else. So what shall we do to celebrate? Paris? New York?’

  Rae tried to summon up some energy that had been all but zapped during the past few days. ‘Really?’

  Callum nodded. ‘Wherever you want.’

  ‘In that case … I’ve always wanted to go to New York.’

  ‘New York it is.’

  Rae smiled broadly. Maybe that’s what they both needed. A break. Some new scenery. Somewhere they could put all the drama behind them. ‘When shall I start packing?’

  ‘Straight away. I’ll book it now.’ Callum got as far as the door when he stopped abruptly in his tracks. He took his time turning around. ‘Damn.’

  Rae looked at him questioningly.

  ‘I just remembered something …’

  ‘What is it?’ Rae asked, enamoured by his boyish smile.

  ‘This is a bit embarrassing. My money’s tied up in my stocks. It’s not a good time to trade out at the moment.’ He walked over to her, gazing at her as he gently stroked her jawline with the tip of his finger. ‘Would you mind booking the trip on your credit card? I’ll pay you back as soon as I free up some cash. Should be in the next month or so.’

  ‘Of course not.’ Rae retrieved her bag from the sofa and withdrew her purse. She loved this man. If she had ever doubted it before, there was no room for doubt now. She trusted him with her life—implicitly. ‘Hang on to it for as long as you need to.’

  ‘That’s why I love you so much.’ He kissed the tip of her nose. ‘Generous to a fault.’

  ‘What’s mine is yours now.’

  ‘And vice versa,’ he said taking her card. As he walked away he waved the card in the air. ‘Get ready for a trip of a lifetime, sweetheart.’

  Rae smiled contently.

  Life could only get better from here. She didn’t care that Lindsay was no longer a part of it. She had Callum and that’s all that mattered.

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Lindsay’s head hung over the toilet bowl and she vomited for the third time in as many minutes. She had been ill all morning. There was a gentle tap on the door and she ignored it.

  ‘Lindsay, it’s me. Open the door,’ Kim whispered with urgency.

  Lindsay couldn’t answer. There was no way she could make it to the door and back to the toilet in time. She tried to tell Kim she was okay, but only a raspy high-pitched whine emanated from her lips before the next wave came.

  With a mighty crash, Kim busted through the door, leaving the entire edge and lock obliterated under her force. Lindsay was still on her knees in front of the toilet, dressed only in a T-shirt and underwear. Her hair hung in wet strands, hiding her face.

  ‘Are you all right?’ Kim stood above her.r />
  When Lindsay lurched over the toilet again, Kim sank down to her haunches and rubbed her back.

  ‘Do you need anything? Shall I call the doctor?’

  Lindsay lifted her palm to signal she was okay, but couldn’t speak yet. After a few more minutes of dry retching, she felt stable enough to get to her feet and cross over to the sink to rinse her mouth out.

  ‘You can’t go into work like this. I’ll call them and tell them you won’t be in today.’

  Lindsay shook her head. She recognised the signs. After all, she’d been through this twice before. There was no denying it. It was time to come clean.

  ‘Don’t call anyone. I’m not sick. I’m pregnant, Kim,’ she said blankly.

  Kim stared at her. ‘How? What? When? I mean I thought the insemination hadn’t worked.’ The questions tumbled out one after the other.

  ‘Me too. I’m as shocked as you,’ she answered, feeling as if her whole world was crashing in on her. The seed of a rapist was growing inside of her. It was too early in the pregnancy to make any long lasting decisions. As horrified as she was, Lindsay needed at least a few days to come to terms with it.

  Kim sank from the rim of the bath to the floor. ‘So ... it really happened. Do you know how far along you are?’

  ‘Dunno, a few weeks? What the hell am I going to do now,’ she said more to herself than Kim. She had prayed with all her heart that she wouldn’t be pregnant. That life wouldn’t be so cruel and twisted. But it had been. And there was nothing she could do about it which made it seem ten times worse.

  ‘What do you mean you don’t know what you’re going to do? You call Rae and tell her you’re pregnant. Wasn’t that the plan all along?’

  ‘Uh huh,’ Lindsay said non-committedly. Hell would freeze over before she made such a call. If Callum could treat her so heartlessly, how would he treat a child. And a female one at that. It wasn’t even worth thinking about. ‘I will. Later. Right now I need to lay down.’

  ‘I hope you’re not thinking of keeping this baby,’ Kim said as she followed Lindsay to the bedroom.

  Lindsay lay on the top of the duvet and covered her stomach with her hands, her mind filled with fear. ‘Don’t be silly. Of course not.’

  ‘Have you and Rae fallen out or something? You don’t talk about her as much as you used to.’

  ‘She’s busy, I’m busy.’ Lindsay turned and pressed her face into the pillow. She swallowed back her tears wondering how she was going to get through the following days, weeks, months. ‘Can we talk about this later?’

  ‘Do you want something to eat?’

  ‘No. I just want to sleep.’

  And never wake up.

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  All Rae wanted was a cup of tea and a hot bath. Yes, travelling was fun, but it was also exhausting. Though she was impressed by Callum’s extravagance and generosity, she couldn’t help but feel a little guilty that Callum had spent a small fortune on her. They had flown first class to New York and back, stayed at a five-star hotel, and ate the finest food. Yet despite all this, Rae was terribly homesick. She missed Bourbon and, though she hated to admit it, Lindsay too.

  The doorbell rung and Rae hurried to open it, thinking Callum had left work early and forgotten his keys.

  ‘You’d lose your head if it wasn’t screwed …’ She opened the door and her voice trailed off when she saw who it was.

  ‘Hi, Rae, I hope I’ve not come at a bad time.’

  ‘Kim … no of course not.’ Rae was at a loss what to say. Kim was the last person she expected to see. Was she there to cause trouble? Rae didn’t think so. Kim’s demeanour was friendly. Still, she couldn’t be sure.

  Kim took a step forward. ‘Can I come in?’

  ‘Do you want to tell me what this visit’s about first?’

  ‘Lindsay of course. What else?’

  ‘Look, Kim, I don’t want any trouble.’

  Kim frowned. ‘Trouble? Why would I cause any trouble?’

  She doesn’t know. The fact that Lindsay hadn’t told Kim only served to reinforce her conviction that Lindsay had lied about Callum and the assault. She fought the impulse to tell her, realising it might open up a can of worms that didn’t need opening.

  Rae stared at her for a moment, studying her face, just to make sure she wasn’t hiding anything. Convinced she was telling the truth she stepped aside. ‘Don’t worry about it. Come in.’

  Rae led Kim into the living room and gestured for her to sit on the sofa. Rae remained standing by the window, keeping an eye out in case Callum came back. She didn’t think he’d be too pleased to see their unexpected visitor.

  ‘Look, I’m just gonna get straight to the point. Lindsay told me about your … arrangement.’ She moved to the edge of her seat. ‘You know, about the surrogacy,’ Kim said awkwardly when Rae failed to respond.

  ‘And?’ Rae didn’t need to be reminded about the failed plan. Was that why Kim was there, to ask her why she had asked Lindsay to carry a baby for her. If it was, she didn’t want to hear it. ‘Look we’ve just arrived home from New York, I’ve got—

  ‘Lindsay’s pregnant,’ Kim suddenly blurted out.

  Rae reached for the edge of the window sill to steady herself. Pregnant. She’s pregnant. Oh my God.

  ‘Did she ask you to tell me?’ her voice trembled and she fought to regain control.

  ‘No. I came here under my own steam.’


  ‘Because I’m worried she might be changing her mind about parting with the baby.’

  Rae’s heart pounded against her ribcage. ‘What makes you think that?’

  ‘Just a feeling I’ve got. As you know we aren’t in any position to raise a baby. Especially one that we … um … never planned for.’

  Kim’s procrastination was grating on her nerves. In spite of the good news something was telling her to be cautious. ‘Just cut to the chase, Kim. Why are you here?’

  ‘Lindsay told me about the money you offered her. Is that deal still on the table?’

  Ah the money. So Lindsay still wants it despite spreading lies and nearly ruining Callum’s life. ‘Of course. Callum wants that baby more than anything.’

  Kim got to her feet and walked over to her. ‘Sort out the money and it’s yours. You have my word. Deal?’

  Rae’s mind spun. This could be a trick. A way to get back at Callum and hurt him. If Lindsay could accuse him of raping her, who knew what else she was capable of. ‘How do I know I can trust her?’

  ‘This is your best friend we’re talking about. Isn’t the fact she’s pregnant proof enough of her loyalty to you?’

  Rae refrained from bringing up Lindsay’s accusation. If she hadn’t told Kim about it she wasn’t going to betray her confidence, regardless of her personal feelings. In a strange way, she still felt loyal to her.

  ‘So how do you suggest we move forward?’ Rae asked, wanting to get Kim out of the house as fast as possible. She couldn’t risk Callum coming back and putting his foot in things. He’d most likely go off on a rant about Lindsay and what she’d put him through.

  ‘A contract. You sign it. And I’ll get Lindsay to sign. Twenty grand now. Twenty when the baby’s born. Agreed?’

  ‘If you can get Lindsay to sign, I’ll have the money in a couple of days.’

  ‘She’ll sign it, believe me,’ Kim said, determination in her voice. ‘All that’s left to say is congratulations on your new baby. I’m sure you’ll be great parents.’

  Kim’s smile was warm but Rae noticed it didn’t quite reach her eyes as she passed her. ‘I’ll let myself out.’

  Callum is not going to believe this. A baby. He’s going to have his child after all. That’s why good things happen to good people.

  Rae glanced out of the window, suddenly anxious for his return. She couldn’t wait to tell him the good news.

  Footsteps stopped a few feet behind her. She spun around and her hand flew to her chest.

  ‘Oh my God! Callum. You
scared me to death! I didn’t hear you come in.’

  ‘I came in through the back door. I saw Kim leave, what did she want?’ he asked. His voice was cold and his eyes distant.

  ‘To speak to me,’ she said slowly, inching her way over to him.

  ‘About what? More lies?’

  Rae pushed him backwards onto the sofa and straddled his lap. ‘No lies. Just some good unexpected news.’

  ‘Don’t tell me, Lindsay’s been run over by a bus.’

  She playfully slapped his shoulder. ‘Callum, that’s no way to talk about the mother of your child.’

  Callum stiffened beneath her touch. Blinking rapidly, he said, ‘Do you mean …’

  Rae nodded. ‘You. Are. Going. To. Be. A. Daddy.’

  ‘You wouldn’t lie to me would you?’

  ‘As if,’ she said, looking into his glistening eyes. She wanted to capture this moment forever. To look back in later years and remember what it was like to finally feel complete.

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  The caller ID was unknown. Under normal circumstances, Lindsay wouldn’t answer but with Jake being away on his school trip to Norfolk she had no choice.


  ‘Please don’t hang up.’ The voice was urgent.

  It took Lindsay a few seconds to realise who it was. Rae. Adrenaline pumped through her veins. Unless she was calling to admit what Callum had done to her, she didn’t want to know. So why didn’t she put down the phone? Because she wanted to hear what the person, who she had once considered to be her friend, had to say.

  ‘You’ve got ten seconds.’

  ‘Don’t be like that. If I’m big enough to put aside the terrible thing you did to Callum, the least you can do is the same.’

  Lindsay leapt out of her seat. Where does this woman get her nerve from? ‘What I did? Have you lost your mind?’

  ‘Look, I didn’t call to argue with you.’ Rae’s voice was measured and calm. ‘But we have to be adults about this.’


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