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Stolen Kisses

Page 21

by Addison Moore

  Grant pulls back and glances over my very naked body for the first time, and the heat index in me rises. I can hardly stand to look at myself in the mirror as I hop in the shower without blushing, but something about the way Grant is looking at me makes me feel beautiful, wanted.

  “You’re so fucking beautiful.” He buries a kiss in my ear. “I love you, Ava.” His voice is lost in jagged panting. His chest expands and retracts at record pace with his heart drumming right over mine.

  Our kisses grow with ferocity as our hands freely explore one another for the very first time. Grant kneads my breasts before ravaging them with his lips. His mouth runs wild over my torso before landing between my thighs, and I gasp with surprise. His mouth works over me in that tender area, bringing me to the brink of a level of ecstasy that I didn’t think was possible. My fingers knit in his hair as his hot mouth sears its way over, into the most intimate part of me. For a second, my knees cinch and everything in me shouts to evict him before I relent and lock him in with my thighs instead. Grant rides back up, loving every inch of my body with his wet kisses. He bathes me with his mouth, and it feels like every good thought, wish, and dream rolled into one.

  Grant takes my hand and leads me to the full length of him, and I close my fingers around his hardness. A hearty moan rips from me as if I’ve waited for this crescendo, and here it is, far bigger than life in my hand, long and rigid.

  He pulls back, and I watch as he rolls the condom on, straddling me on either side of my hips. “You okay?” He bows down to meet me with a kiss.

  “I’m fine. I promise.”

  “Don’t let me hurt you.”

  “You won’t,” I whisper, although most likely he will. Grant lies over me, parting my knees with his, and I can feel him there, his foreign hardness probing, bobbing along that tender part of me that waits for him. He hikes up on his elbows with his gaze meeting mine, his breathing already at a dangerous clip, his eyes hooded over with lust.

  Grant enters slow and steady, never taking his eyes off me. The girth of his body stings as he stretches me to accommodate him. Here it is. The moment I’ve waited for with a boy I love more than my own life. Grant takes up my hand and interlaces our fingers as he thrusts in as far as my body will allow.

  “I love you, Ava Vincent.”

  “I love you, too, Grant Jones.”

  And just like that, we’re one.


  There are very few things in life that physically feel good—the running jump of a successful layup, crashing on a mattress after a ten-mile run, but never has any physical release felt so bone penetratingly satisfying than burying my body inside of Ava’s.

  The morning sun shoots through the wall-to-ceiling windows with its razor sharp blades, spearing us in the eyes.

  Ava groans and pulls the blanket up over her head. We went from lying on it to tossing it over us as we drifted to sleep. Lawson is going to kill me for defiling his family’s shag rug. Not that Ava and I did anything that could be classified as defiling. What Ava and I did last night—hell, until all hours of the early morning, was beautiful, an elixir for my wary heart. Ava and I knit one another together again by way of our soul-melting kisses, our hungry bodies coiled around one another like forged metal never able to be the same again.

  Ava emerges from under the blanket and presses her soft lips to my chest. “Morning, you.”

  “Morning, you,” I parrot back. “You hungry?” I brush the hair from her eyes. Ava’s hair is like an entity all to itself, so full of life and movement it’s more like an extension of her emotions than it is inches of dead keratin.

  “Yes.” She pulls me forward with a greedy gleam in her eyes. Ava has the most beautiful pale, sapphire eyes. “I’m starved for your affection.” She leans in and takes a playful bite out of my neck. “But I’m gross, and I should probably shower.”

  “I promise, you’re far from gross. You need me to help you wash your hair?”

  Her face deepens a rich shade of crimson. “I—um—uh, maybe—”

  “How about I raid the fridge and make breakfast?” I press a kiss to her forehead. I get it. Some girls are shy about flaunting themselves in broad daylight. But Ava has nothing to worry about. Every delicious curve of her body is perfect.

  Ava wraps herself in the blanket and takes off while I get dressed and fry up some eggs and bacon. The stove has a huge griddle built into it, so I go to town with a box of pancake mix I found in the cupboard and whip up a mixing bowl full. Just as I’m about to ladle out a serving, an idea hits me, and I dump the entire bowl onto the heated metal. Carefully, and with great precision, I fashion a heart out of the batter. By the time the food is done, Ava finds me in the kitchen and marvels at my culinary expertise.

  “You’re beautiful.” I can’t help but say it. Her hair is slicked back, wet in thick glistening strands, as if it demanded I note its glory. Ava’s face gleams with the illumination of an angel—all of her fresh scrubbed natural beauty glimmering through.

  “Thank you.” She pecks a kiss to my cheek. “And, wow—I think you just made the world’s largest pancake”—she cranes her neck while squinting at it—“and, is that a heart?”

  “The artist does love when his public can relate to his work.”

  “The artist’s food sculpture is quite fantastic. How is that ever going to fit on a plate?”

  “Here.” I pull out the syrup and pour it over the food sculpture in question before handing her a fork. “How about we just dive in and eat our heart out?”

  “I see what you did there.” Ava cuts off a piece and touches it over my lips, denying me the bite as I lean in to take it.

  “The Ava I know and love isn’t a tease.”

  “You’re right.” She inserts the fork into my mouth. “The Ava you know takes it all the way inside of her, deep”—she pulls the fork in and out slowly—“with all the thrusting and pummeling you can muster.”

  I buck with a laugh, removing the fork before I choke to death on a heart-shaped pancake.

  Ava moves toward me with a laugh, and I scoop her in close, the silky white robe she’s wearing stops shy of her thigh, and the slit down the front affords me a glimpse of the girls.

  “Did I impress you with my thrusting?” I cock my head, piling on the raunchy humor. The only thing I hope my thrusting did was leave her unharmed. Last night was her first time. The last thing I want is for Ava to fear any part of my body.

  “Let’s see…” She taps her finger to her chin. “Actually, I’ve forgotten all about your thrusting. Perhaps you could remind me?”

  “That forgettable, huh?” I lean my head back and groan out a dull laugh.

  “That’s not what I meant, and you know it.” Ava’s cool fingers glide over my chest, and a heavy rush fills me from the inside. “Now, get back inside my body and show me again how you do that thing.”

  “That thing?” My gaze locks with her laughing eyes. “That’s what I love about you, Ava. You make everything new. You see life with a spectacular lens, and I want to see it that way, too. Thank you for sharing it with me.”

  “Grant,” she whispers so low, something about hearing her voice drop to that octave when she says my name guts me. “You have a way with words. Thank you for sharing that with me. Now”—her fingers dip into the rim of my boxers—“I’d like for you to share something else with me.”

  Ava pulls me in for a kiss, and my mouth detonates in hers. Ava is a living, breathing work of art, a beautiful, intelligent woman who somehow seems to have fallen in love with me. That day she landed in front of me at Hallowed Grounds was one I will never forget. My initial thought was damn, this girl is beautiful, and my second thought was too bad a girl like her would never go for a guy like me. And here we are, Ava going all out for a guy like me.

  I clear the kitchen table with a sweep of my arm and land her on it. I make love to Ava nice and slow, tasting every last part of this beautiful, beautiful girl. Ava and I were meant to be together. Thi
s unstoppable lust, the unimaginable joy she fills me with are things I thought I’d forever live without.

  One Vincent sister killed a part of me, and another Vincent sister brought me back to life. The universe and all its ironies are almost too much to bear.

  I ride over Ava slow and steady, watching her sleepy eyes, those lips parting as if giving a silent cry. I bow down and cover her mouth with mine, filling her body with all I have to offer, and thrusting slowly, beautifully to an otherworldly nirvana.

  After a four-day stay at Lake Avalanche, where Ava and I feasted off the dessert of our souls, we make our way back to Hollow Brook. It’s not just an ordinary Wednesday. It’s Ava’s birthday, and she promised Owen she would have dinner with him tonight.

  A fresh layer of snow lies over the ground, not enough to panic about, but just enough to remind you that the holidays are right around the corner.

  Both Ava and I showered and dressed. I picked her up at her dorm and nearly fell backward off the balcony three stories down when I saw how perfect she looks in her skintight jeans and that red fuzzy sweater that begs for me to pat it down with my hands.

  We head over to the Black Bear where the bar is done up with string lights in every color. Even that oversized bear out front dons a Santa hat. Mistletoe hangs from the entry, and I do my due diligence to make sure Ava gets that kiss.

  “Happy birthday.” That goofy grin she inspires bounces back to my lips. “Believe it or not, I have a gift for you.”

  “Ooh! I’m a sucker for a good gift.” Her hands drift down my waist, and she gives my ass a squeeze. “I’ll come by your place tonight to collect.”

  “That’s sort of a gift for me. And please do come.” A dark laughs brews in me because Ava coming is my favorite part. “My bed is aching to meet you.” All those wet dreams, those fully conscious fantasies this girl has inspired, have been innumerous. In many ways, Ava has already visited my mattress. “But there’s something else. I’ll hold off until later. I don’t want to keep your brother waiting.”

  “Now you’ve got me waiting.” She offers a crooked smile.

  We head into the noisy bar with its miles of glittering garland and spot Owen and Piper seated alongside Jet and his girlfriend. A bouquet of colorful balloons is tied to an empty chair for the guest of honor.

  We head straight over, and Ava embraces everyone at the table while I nod my hellos and take a seat next to Jet.

  “What’s up, man?” He sheds that shit-eating grin. “Someone looks happy.”

  “That would be you—and me.” I pull my seat in close to Ava.

  “Good.” Jet slaps me five. “You deserve to be happy, dude. You really do.”

  Jet’s girlfriend bounces in her seat as she pulls Ava’s hands forward. “I knew that I knew that I knew you would find your happy place. And looky here! Your big brother isn’t out to break every bone in this boy’s body,” she sings while giving me the side-eye.

  Piper grunts, “Things may look calm, but there’s a slight discrepancy of where these two have been for the last four days.”

  Shit. I glance to Ava and give a sly wink. No use in panicking. I could probably take Owen if I had to. Please, God, don’t let me have to.

  Owen glares at me openly, and an uncomfortable silence takes over the table.

  “Never mind that”—Ava straightens in her seat—“I’m here now, and so is everyone else. Anyone going home for Christmas?”

  Piper makes a face. “My parents are spending the holidays in Hawaii. I’ll be hanging out on my brother’s ranch with family—Owen is coming, and that means I need to see you there, too.” She plucks the straw from her water and points it at Ava, sprinkling her with it. “And you.” She smiles over at me. “I know you’re probably spending it with your family, but if you could come by at any point in the day, my brother, Wyatt, won’t mind in the least.”

  “If Ava is there, I’d love to tag along.”

  “Our first Christmas!” Ava offers a spontaneous peck to my cheek. “Of course, you’ll be there. I can’t wait.”

  “Maybe before we head over, I can bring you by and you can meet my parents. I know they would love that.”

  Ava catches her breath and holds it. I know what she’s thinking. She’s probably wondering if they know who she is and what they might think of her.

  I haven’t broken the news of who Ava truly is, but I know that if I can take it, if Steph can, then my parents will be more than happy for us.

  “It’ll be fine,” I assure her. It will be. It’s going to have to be because I will never give up on us.

  We order our meals, make light conversation over dinner, and just as the waitress clears the table, Bryson and Baya head over with a sparkler embedded in a cupcake. We start in on a round of “Happy Birthday,” and even the house band joins in. Ava blushes the exact shade of plum her cheeks were after we made love for the very first time. I loved that moment, and I love this moment. I love everything about Ava Vincent.

  “I’ve got a surprise for you.” Owen pulls her up by the fingers and motions for the rest of us to follow. “Since you were indisposed over the weekend…” He glances back at me and scowls. No hard feelings. Owen is a better big brother than I ever was to Ava. At least in the traditional sense.

  Owen and Piper head out into the freezing night air, and I stall long enough to steal a quick kiss from Ava under the mistletoe once again.

  “All right, you two, get a room.” Jet slaps his hand over my shoulder before giving it a squeeze. “On second thought, Ava is like my kid sister. Do not get a room. Abort the effort.”

  Daisy smacks him across the chest. “Oh, hon, you have no idea what you’re up against. Those two have been struck with Cupid’s bow in the worst way. Leave the uphill battle to Owen.” She gives a crooked smile to Ava as we step out into the iced December night.

  “Where are we going?” Ava shouts to her brother, but he chooses to ignore her. “Are we going caroling? Because caroling is one of my least favorite things to do. You know I can’t carry a tune!”

  “Don’t I know it,” Owen grunts, and his breath plumes in white crystals. “And just to keep a little world peace tonight, your vocals are not required for what you’re about to do.”

  “What I’m about to do?” She looks to me as if I might be in on this, but all I can offer is a shrug. “What am I about to do?”

  Owen stops short and holds something small and silver in the palm of his hand—a set of keys. “Drive.” He unleashes that ear-to-ear grin of his that he’s tried so hard to hold back all night.

  “Oh my God.” Ava cups her hand over her mouth. “Owen?”

  He steps away from a white Maxima, and Ava squeals and screams and jumps up and down like she just won the lottery, and in a way she did, the vehicular lottery.

  “Grant!” Her voice pitches as she screams my name. “Do you see this?”

  “I see. It’s awesome.” I nod over at Owen. “You did good.”

  Ava latches on to her brother, and he spins her, kissing the top of her head with heavy emotion. Ava told me that after Aubree was indicted, their family blew apart. That explains why Owen likes to keep an extra watch over his kid sister. He’s determined to never let her feel alone. He’s determined to never let her pay for Aubree’s sins, and I’m determined to do the same for her.

  After the hugging-fest, everyone heads back inside, and instead of taking her new wheels for a spin, Ava suggests we do the same.

  “I just have to tell Lucky and Harper. Lucky will be in tears for me. I think Harper will be riding shotgun—forever if I can help it.” She shudders as if reliving the accident. “And you?” She pulls me in by the collar. “You’re welcome to ride anytime.”

  “I wouldn’t miss it.” I tousle her hair. Harper’s erratic driving near cost Ava everything. Another reason I’m thrilled she has her own set of wheels.

  We head back inside, partake in our ritualistic foliage-inspired kiss before threading through the crowd. We find Luc
ky and Harper seated near the band, both Rush and Lawson are with them.

  “I got a car!” Ava screams, ringing her keys above her head like silver bells.

  Both Lucky and Harper jump up and scream in unison, drowning out the house band for a moment.

  Rush and Lawson come over and slap me five.

  “Dude.” Rush nudges his head toward Ava. “That was one serious weekend getaway. I’m betting you got laid. You feel better now, princess?” He smiles as his lips land around a beer bottle.

  “Enough.” I wince over at Ava, but she’s still hopping in a circle with her friends. “What my girlfriend and I do is none of your business.”

  “Girlfriend.” Rush ticks his head back a notch. “I like the sound of that—for you.”

  “That’s because she’s destined to be with me. In fact, I think we’re going to take off.”

  “You leaving the party so soon?” Lawson licks his lips at a pair of blondes that strut by. “The night is just getting started.”

  “I’m out. Ava is the party, and she’s all mine. Sorry, dude. But that should be good news for the two of you. Now that I’m off the market, that opens up about ninety percent of the girls for you.” I hold back the laugh bucking in my chest.

  Rush’s perennial grin slides off. “The scary thing is, you think you’re funny.”

  Lawson lands his gaze back at Ava and her friends. “You get one. I get two. I like the math.”

  Rush shakes his head. “Stay away from my little sister.” Rush has developed a genuine friendship with Lucky. It’s nice to see he’s actually capable of befriending a girl and not having his dick get in the way.

  “That leaves Harper.” Lawson smacks his lips, either disappointed or he’s gearing up for a snack. I’m betting on the latter. He looks to Rush with that smart-ass grin peaking on his lips. “You know me, though”—he pins his gaze on Lucky—“always wanting what I can’t have.” Lawson takes off for the bar, leaving Rush and me wondering if he’s got a hard-on for Lucky. If Lawson’s track record is any indication, he has a hard-on for pretty much every girl at Whitney Briggs—and he’s bedded most of those already.


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