Book Read Free

Single And Rich

Page 7

by Addison Jenkins

  She looked down and watched the surf breaking over the rocks below. “It’s breathtaking,” she murmured, caught up in the scenery.

  Someone cleared their throat behind them and they turned to see a man in a white waiter’s jacket standing a few feet from them. “Dinner, Mr. Zinelli,” the man said in a voice that was definitely British. Dirk nodded and waved Lois toward him.

  “Let me show you where the dining room is and then we’ll get down to business.”

  Dinner was an elaborate selection of Japanese cuisine. Lois, unfamiliar with the various dishes, sampled everything that was set before her but decided she didn’t have much of an appetite.

  “You don’t care for Japanese fare?” he asked, his chopsticks holding shark sushi.

  “I’m really not very hungry, thank you. It’s been a long day. I didn’t realize until now that I’m actually a little sore from our… ordeal, earlier.”

  He frowned at this, putting down his chopsticks and standing up from his chair. “Let’s go upstairs,” he said simply. Lois nodded, pushed away her chair and followed him.

  The staircase to the next level was made of glass and it dizzied her a bit to walk the flight. The next level was offset from the first so its hall formed a wide balcony of sorts overlooking the great room downstairs. Lois realized she could see almost the entire estate from that height. The tiny, blinking security cameras extruding from the corners throughout the rooms told her this was an intentional arrangement.

  “Come into my suite.” He opened doubled doors and went inside, leaving Lois to pause in the doorway. “It’s okay, Jezzi…it’s safe to come in.”

  Lois walked inside and saw an enormous room that appeared to serve several purposes. Dirk had walked to an area with a glass desk and two red-velvet wingback chairs. Lois thought the velvet looked gaudy against the modern backdrop, but she kept this to herself. He took a seat in one and motioned her to the other.

  “I know you’re exhausted so I won’t keep you long. Yes, as you mentioned earlier, I did come to an arrangement with your brother. I understand that you provide a mutually-profitable, yet entirely proper escort service. That’s exactly what I’m looking for. You may know something about me, but in case you don’t, you can consider me as having a huge family, if you will.

  “There are branches in New York, Miami, Chicago, Las Vegas and I moved to Los Angeles not long ago to add to our, we shall call it ‘properties.’ You might have noticed that this house and the furnishings don’t blend well; I haven’t decided yet that this is where I will remain so I’ve kept familiar things around me.” He indicated the chairs they were sitting in and the massive sleigh four-poster mahogany bed at the other side of the room.

  He got up and poured two snifters of brandy, handing one to Lois—who barely sipped it—as he sat and continued on.

  “I have a suite of rooms adjoining this,” he said, pointing to a door next to his bed. “This,” he took out something and laid it on the small table between them, “is the key to that door. You will stay in that suite and you will have the key. The message is clear; you may lock me out as long as you wish and you will not be bothered. Should you ever decide I’m welcome, you have simply to unlock that door. Nothing leaves these suites.”

  He looked at Lois as if expecting a response, but she stayed silent, her fingers curled around her glass of brandy.

  “In the meantime, your job will be fairly simple. I will be having a number of guests coming to town who will come here to the estate. They will be staying in the guest houses you saw as we drove in. I want you to be my hostess; but to the men I will present you as my girlfriend.

  “I will want you to show me the appropriate attention as one would expect from a girlfriend when in front of the guests. In private, you have the key. You are not to repeat anything you hear or talk to any authorities, no matter what their coercion. You will not be exposed to anything that will make you an accessory. The conversation will be entirely genial and respectful.”

  Lois nodded, struggling not to flinch or show any fear on her face. None of her clients had ever been involved in criminal activities like this.

  “There is a substantial wardrobe waiting for you in your room; I imagine there’s everything you’ll need, but if not, simply let Bertram, the butler, know and he will see to it. The first of our guests arrive tomorrow afternoon, so sleep in if you like. Any questions?”

  Lois shook her head. “I think I understand it all. If there’s nothing else, I’m dying for a hot bath and some sleep.”

  Dirk stood as she picked up the key and he stepped backward to indicate she should be on her way. She was almost to her door when he spoke. “Wait. Come here a moment.”

  Lois stopped and slowly turned before returning to him. He met her midway and said, “I will trouble you for this. There must be some familiarity if we are to appear authentic.”

  With that, he pulled her toward him, his fingers tangling in her hair, and kissed her—hard. At first she struggled, shocked, but as the pleasure began to flow through her veins, she went limp against him. His response was instantaneous and she felt him harden against the thin fabric of her dress. He broke off the kiss, a look of surprise and confusion painting his features. She was equally thrown off-balance and jumped back at the charge that shot between them.

  He looked at her for long moments, searching her face for a clue as to what had just gone on between them.

  Lois cleared her throat. “Goodnight,” she said in a barely audible voice, and scampered for the door that led to her rabbit’s hole, shutting it behind her.

  Her rooms were equal to his in size, but more traditionally furnished. The tub was enormous, which she appreciated as she lowered herself into the bubble bath that she drew. Afterwards, she found a negligee in the closet and climbed between the satin comforter and sheets, asleep before she could contemplate another thought.


  There was a brief knock at Lois’ door and at her call, Bertram walked in, pushing a cart.

  “Mr. Zinelli thought you may enjoy taking your breakfast in your room this morning, Ms. Turner,” he said in his oh-so-proper voice.

  Lois nodded and thanked him. Removing the silver lids revealed scrambled eggs, fresh croissants, a plate of sliced fruit arranged to look like a peacock, coffee, and juice. She thanked Bertram, and waited for him to disappear before digging in. She ate voraciously, having been too fatigued and worried to eat reasonably the night before.

  She lounged a bit and then showered, and applied her makeup and arranged her hair. She opened the closet to find a white pencil skirt that came to her mid-calf, a navy tunic edged in gold braid about the sleeves, and matching sandals. She had no idea what the afternoon’s plans were, but she thought the outfit suitable for most occasions; and if not, she could quickly return and change.

  Downstairs, she found Dirk in the great room, looking out over the ocean. “You look refreshing and lovely,” he said, kissing her briefly on the cheek. “Our first guest is arriving shortly; I was about to send Bertram to fetch you.”

  Lois nodded and took a seat away from the windows as the height made her a bit dizzy. There was a bell somewhere in the room and Bertram went to the front door and opened it. At the same time, Dirk strode toward it, grabbing Lois by the hand as he went.

  The men at the door wore dark suits, making it obvious they weren’t local Californians. There was a great deal of arm clasping and hugging throughout the reunion and references were made to ‘Uncle’ and ‘Cousin’ as though they were, indeed, one large family.

  “I’d like to present my girlfriend, Jezzi,” Dirk finally said, standing to the side so the men might get a good look at Lois. There were nods of approval and her hand was kissed by each in turn. At that point, the men looked to Dirk for direction and he immediately responded. “Please, my friends, join me out by the pool for some luncheon and conversation. My lovely dear here has other plans, but will join us later for dinner.”

  That smoothly, Lois�
�� task was completed. She had to say she felt relieved; Dirk’s guests were the sort of people she’d never kept company with before and she didn’t want to start now. She acquiesced graciously and went up to her room to watch television and look through her wardrobe.

  It was a few hours later when there came a tap at the door between her room and Dirk’s. When she opened it, she found Dirk standing there, rather than Bertram, as she’d expected.

  “Dinner in a half hour and cocktails in fifteen minutes. Can you be ready?”

  She nodded. “Of course.”

  “Good,” he said. She turned to go change but he caught her hand. “If someone suggests something that involves you, let me handle it, got that?”

  There was an urgency to his tone, and in the strength of his hand holding hers. Lois nodded, confused, but understanding that Dirk knew what went on beneath his roof far better than she did.

  He released her, disappearing again. She closed and re-locked the door, going to the closet. She dressed in a blue-sequined mini with black spike heels. She found a blue sapphire necklace in the jewelry box and twisted her hair high above her neck.

  Satisfied, she left the room and went downstairs where the men were already trading boasts and clanking glasses. They stood aside as she entered, appreciative looks on their faces. She smiled to each in turn, and Dirk handed her a glass of white wine. They were soon shown in to dinner, with Dirk at the head of the table and Lois at the opposite end.

  The conversation was loud and peppered with swearing and challenges. Although the wines changed with each course, toast after toast began to make Lois feel quite light-headed.

  One of the biggest men stood at his place, his face flushed with drink and the heat of the room upon his winter suit-clad body. He held up a glass of wine and called for a toast.

  “To the lovely Ms. Jezzi. We are honored by your presence and by your cooperation in our new business venture,” he said, raising his glass, as did everyone at the table but Lois and Dirk. Each drew a deep gulp and they congratulated one another.

  Dirk stood. “Gentlemen. Shall we adjourn to the patio for cigars and brandy?” This was met with very vocal enthusiasm and as the men began to file outside, Dirk came up to her and whispered, “Go to your room and lock the door. Don’t come out or open the door to anyone. Not even Bertram. Wait for me.” He kissed her soundly on the lips, an event which drew a roar of approval from the herd moving outdoors.

  Lois didn’t have to be told twice. She all but ran upstairs, and locked her door to the hallway and to Dirk’s room. Frightened, she tried to stop her hands from shaking as she undressed, putting away the necklace and brushing her hair. She dressed in a black lace sleep shirt that revealed her breasts and nipples through its perforated designs. She carefully washed the makeup from her face and brushed her teeth. Wrapping herself with her arms, she went to stand by the window in the darkness of her room. She could see down to the patio and the cluster of men who were now arguing loudly.

  With the group backlit by the swimming pool, she could easily make out raised arms and shaking fists in silhouette. One man grabbed Dirk by the front of his jacket and shouted as he pushed a finger into Dirk’s face. Alarmed, Lois drew back quickly, secreting herself in the draperies in case someone should be able to see her.

  She stole another look and saw that the men had formed a line and were coming back into the house. Their voices were loud and angry; completely audible from her vantage point on the second floor. She looked around for somewhere to hide and wondered what she was going to do if violence broke out. Eyeing the windows, she knew she couldn’t jump; it was far too high. She thought about hiding, but they would know she was inside when the door was found locked. She could go into the bathroom and lock yet a third door, but it would likely prevent little. She decided, instead, to sit calmly and purposefully as if she were immune to all the havoc below. From all appearances, her term of employment was going to be ending prematurely.

  There was a loud noise that she, at first, feared was a gunshot. Then she realized it was a slamming of the front door. Laying her ear against the bedroom door, she heard Dirk’s voice and sighed with relief. In the distance, the dogs had begun to bark. She went back to the windows and saw that the estate was covered with Dirk’s men, their arms extended with guns as they roamed across the property. She couldn’t see the front, but assumed the guests had been asked to leave in no uncertain terms.

  She waited patiently, for what felt like hours, until finally there came a knock at the door dividing her from Dirk. She opened it and saw his eye was swollen. Evidently someone had struck him. “Are you okay?” he asked, pulling her against himself.

  She nodded, wrapping her arms around his waist. “How about you?” she whispered. “Are you okay?”

  In answer, he bent and scooped her up, carrying her to his bed where he folded back the covers with one hand and slid her between his sheets. “Just lie with me, is all I ask,” he pleaded and Lois nodded. Dirk stripped to his undershirt and boxers, and slid in beside her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders to pull her against himself.

  He smelled of brandy and cigars and his own cologne, a scent she had come to recognize. She couldn’t help but snuggle against his chest, one hand going up to lightly feel the swollen eye.

  “Can I get you something?” she asked, concerned.

  “Only this,” he answered, his voice ragged as he pressed her down into the pillow with his mouth. There was a sense of desperation in his kiss, an urgency in the way he sought her tongue and sucked on it. She answered his mouth, albeit more gently.

  “I’m sorry,” he said, once he pulled back to catch his breath. “I know I said I only wanted you to lie with me.”

  “What happened? What was that man toasting me about?” she whispered, as though the men were still standing about them.

  He closed his eyes, resting his head on her shoulder, and she thought for a moment that he wasn’t going to answer her. When he finally did speak, his voice was soft.

  “They wanted to use you as a front. The innocent with a solid reputation to be the face of some of our more…discreet activities.” He lifted his head, looking her in the eye. “But you’re not to worry, that won’t be happening. I told them you weren’t part of the bargain.”

  Lois took a deep, shuddering breath, feeling fear shoot through her. “Is that what the fighting was about?”

  Dirk stroked her arm with his fingertips, holding her still against his chest. “Yes.”

  “They didn’t sound too happy. I was a little scared, to tell you the truth.”

  “They’re gone for now.” He tried to calm her by stroking the soft skin beneath her arm and next to her breast. The satin of his sheets held her like a second skin.

  “Dirk?” she whispered into his ear, running her tongue around the curve.

  “Ahhhh…” he groaned, moving his head closer to her.

  “Dirk? Will they be back?”

  She felt his head freeze and then nod, slowly and only once. He pulled away from her, sitting up against the headboard and leaning his head back against it, closing his eyes. She wasn’t entirely certain what that meant, but something in Dirk’s demeanor told her it wouldn’t be good. She made a decision.

  Sliding her arms around his neck, she pulled herself up and straddled his hips. His gray eyes opened in a flash, staring at her. They were asking a question and seeking permission at the same time. She rocked her hips once against his in response, and that was all he needed to move into action.

  He clutched her desperately, his hands reaching up to unbutton her sleepshirt. His fingers traced her nipples through the black lace and she felt her body shudder, heat building between her thighs. Button by button, he opened the shirt, his mouth lowering to kiss the skin as it was revealed. Dirk was hungry for her, throwing back the fabric to reveal the length of her body.

  His hands were strong, running over her body as if he was memorizing every curve. Lois moaned, her body flush against h
im, and found a sense of safety in his arms. He pushed her shirt off her arms and tossed it aside. Moving fast now, he rolled her to the side and laid her on the bed. He tugged at her panties until he had them off her as well; they joined her shirt on the carpet.

  He covered her body with his and she relished the weight of it. Her hands pulled at his shirt, wanting it off, and he quickly obliged. He got off the bed and pushed his boxers to the floor. Lois bit her lip at the sight of him. His naked body was every bit as impressive as she’d thought it would be. She wanted him, she wanted him inside of her. She reached for his cock, but he stopped her.

  “Not yet.”

  He sat on the bed beside her, running his hands over her body, admiring her. He parted her legs and spent time there, exploring her with his fingers, his eyes. It sent currents of desire through her to be so lovingly examined.

  “You’re beautiful. I knew you would be from the first moment I saw you on the sidewalk,” he whispered hoarsely.

  He bent his head and dove between her legs, his mouth fighting for sustenance in the juices he stimulated from deep within her. Lois gasped, trembling at the feel of his tongue sliding inside her. She turned onto one hip that she might make herself more available to him, sliding one leg backward to open the way. He twisted further into her and Lois drew in her breath as she realized his manhood lay within reach. She lowered her head and took his length into her mouth. He groaned and pulled away for the few seconds it took to reposition them. He lifted her up and slid in beneath her so she had one knee on either side of his head. Lois held herself up with her hands braced on his thighs, and bent to take him in her mouth again.

  He pressed his palms against the cheeks of her backside, holding her down onto his mouth as he pleasured her. Lois struggled to keep enough composure to rhythmically suck the throbbing length of him. His ministrations were excruciatingly exact and he knew just where to tongue her to send spasms shuddering through her body.


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