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Beauty and the Assassin

Page 19

by Nadia Lee

  The fact that Roy hasn’t sent me anything yet seems worthy of note. It’s the first time in eight years. Still, it would be good to proceed with caution…just in case. Roy might decide to deviate from his usual pattern and send me something later. Or he might’ve discovered I moved in with Tolyan and sent something to the penthouse directly.

  Please, please, please. Nothing from Roy at the penthouse! Please!

  “Maybe stay in, have some takeout and relax?” I suggest finally.

  “We can do that,” Tolyan says. He unlocks his phone and hands it to me. “Order what you want.”

  I glance at him. Guess he trusts me a lot to hand me his phone like this. I tap the delivery app on the screen. “How about Thai?”

  “Fine. Green shrimp curry, spicy, with a side of jasmine rice for me.”

  I nod, tapping on the app. I pick prawn and chicken pad thai and a spicy mango salad to split, then hold on to the phone, since he’s driving.

  The SUV crawls through the L.A. traffic. We pass by Coffee Heaven. I look away, half annoyed and half sad that my first job in the city ended in such disaster.

  The delivery app shows an alert that our food has arrived as Tolyan kills the engine. I give him his phone back, and he puts it back in his pocket.

  “Let’s take the stairs,” he says, leading me to the staircase next to the elevator. The lobby’s only one level above, so it doesn’t make sense to wait for the car to arrive, when it’s currently on the tenth floor.

  A smartly dressed concierge receptionist nods at him. “Tolyan. Here’s your order.” She hands him two brown paper bags.

  He thanks her and starts moving toward the elevator. I hesitate, then ask the lady, “Is there anything for me? Maybe a package for the address, you know, for the penthouse?” I just want to be sure. I want to know if Roy’s forgotten about me…that maybe today really is as wonderful as it seems.

  “I don’t believe so,” she says in that same pleasant tone.

  Tolyan looks at me. “Are you expecting something?”

  Yes. “Something like that. I thought it might get here today.”

  “Give me one minute.” She checks the tablet. “No, there’s nothing for the penthouse unit. Why don’t you check with the sender or track it on the website? Is it USPS?”

  I shake my head. “They probably forgot. I don’t have a tracking number, so… Thanks for checking.” I shrug to hide my vast relief. I don’t want to bring up Roy’s habit of sending me birthday “gifts” and ruin the happy, light mood the office celebration has created. I’m going to cling to that as long as possible.

  Tolyan and I take the elevator. “Are you expecting a gift from someone? A friend, maybe?” he asks after a moment.

  “No.” Courtney never sends me anything. Actually, now that I think about it, she hasn’t sent me a text wishing me happy birthday like she normally does. Another aberration. This birthday isn’t unfolding like my previous ones. But Courtney forgetting about my birthday is a small price to pay for the rest of what happened—or didn’t happen—today.

  The elevator plunges back into silence. There’s part of me that wonders if Tolyan has something for me, but then another part says he himself is the greatest gift I could ask for.

  My life was full of loneliness and looking over my shoulder and praying that Roy would leave me alone. But now? I have more than I thought possible. I can dream of a future that doesn’t include running from Roy indefinitely.

  We walk into the penthouse together.

  “Let me go change,” I say, heading to my room. If we’re going to have the Thai takeout and chill for the rest of the evening, I want to be in something comfier than a silk top and pencil skirt. Monique’s right about my outfit being comfortable, but the clothes aren’t something I can just relax and lie around in.

  I put on a soft fitted cotton T-shirt and lavender lounge pants. I don’t bother with shoes. By the time I step outside the room, Tolyan has laid out the food.

  The dogs are sitting around the table wearing cone-shaped hats with “Happy Birthday” written in colorful glitter. I cover my mouth at seeing the three massive and potentially lethal Dobermans wearing party hats. Tears spring to my eyes, and I can’t breathe or think as shock and pleasure tightly clench my chest and throat.

  This day’s already gone perfectly, and now Tolyan’s added more to the perfection. My heart might just burst if he makes me any happier.

  Tchaikovsky whines at me. I lean down and cup his head. He unfurls his tongue, licking me in the face.

  “Thanks, buddy.”

  Mussorgsky and Stravinsky whine for attention, too. I greet them the same way, letting them run their tongues over my cheeks. “You guys are the best!” I say, laughing.

  I lift my gaze and see Tolyan watching, holding a glass of clear liquid that I’m certain is vodka. His eyes are soft now, their colors deeper somehow. A corner of his mouth is curved upward, and suddenly it’s impossible to look away. I can’t remember a time when he’s appeared this approachable.

  “Thank you,” I say. “This is an awesome way to celebrate my birthday.”

  “You’re welcome. Happy birthday,” he says with a small smile.

  Warmth blossoms in my heart, spreading all through my body so that my fingertips tingle and toes curl. Even though more people than ever before wished me happy birthday today, hearing it from his lips makes the day seem complete.

  Tolyan feeds the Dobermans, who immediately wolf down their food with gusto. Then we sit at the table for dinner. He pours me a glass of dry white wine to go with the meal.

  We clink glasses. The food is good, and the company’s even better. He doesn’t talk much, but I chatter as usual, then after a while we fall into comfortable silence. I’m aware of his movements, the methodical way he uses his utensils to eat the curry and rice, the way his Adam’s apple bobs when he swallows his vodka, the sheer enjoyment he seems to get from the simple act of eating. And watching him fills me with contentment…and a small bit of restlessness. I wish I could reach out and touch him. Just brush fingertips or something…

  But I pull myself back. It’s embarrassing to admit it, but I’m twenty-six years old, and I don’t know how to act on this attraction. I haven’t felt anything like this before. In high school, it was different, just kids shyly or brashly going for it. Now I’m an adult, and I don’t have the youthful energy, nerve and optimism of teens anymore. I can’t imagine ways to make up for my lack of practice. I haven’t dated or been close to anybody in the last eight years.

  When we’re done with dinner, I help him clean up the table.

  “You should sit and relax. Have some more wine,” Tolyan says, gesturing at the table.

  “I want to help.” I smile as I toss the cartons in the trash and come out of the kitchen into the living room. “You’ve been amazing. This is the best birthday I had in almost ten years.”

  And because I can’t stop the welling of emotions in my heart, I give in to my impulse and hug him, wrapping my arms around his massive frame.

  He stiffens for a second.

  Oh shit. He doesn’t want to be hugged.

  Embarrassed and awkward, I start to pull back, but his arms go around me. It’s my turn to tense, with surprise, then almost immediately I relax, my heart thudding. I tilt my head and look at him.

  As seconds tick by, his eyes soften with something that feels like affection. My heart is racing faster.

  “It can still be better.” His voice is low. “I haven’t sung you the happy birthday song.”

  “Um…” I blink, unsure how to respond.

  He frowns a little like he can’t believe he’s saying this. “I’ve…never done it for a woman.”

  Pleasure unfurls. He has a way of making me feel like I’m incredibly important. “Okay. Thank you. I’m listening.”

  He holds me like we’re dancing, his warm palm against my waist, and his other hand cradling my much smaller one gently. His cheek presses against mine. I can smell the subt
le scent of him, all woodsy and male.

  Everywhere we touch, I tingle. Air is thicker and sweeter, like honey.

  He sings, a little slower than usual, prolonging the moment. His voice is surprisingly melodious, a baritone with a hint of sexy rasp. We sway to the sound of his voice, his hands on me, his breath tickling. His lips are so close to my neck. Every note of the song feels like the ghost of a kiss.

  My blood thickens with desire. It pulses through me, lighting my senses with excitement.

  I inhale shakily. Never before have I felt this intense attraction and need. It’s like being with Tolyan, feeling safe with him, is bringing all my senses and desires to life.

  When the sweet song ends, I tilt my head, so our lips are a hairsbreadth away from each other. His eyes bore into mine, then shift lower.

  My head booms with need. It suffuses me until my entire body seems to be one throbbing mass of desire.

  “Thank you,” I manage to whisper.

  “My pleasure,” he murmurs, sending hot shivers along my spine.

  I lose my balance slightly, my fingers clutching his hand. It’s like I’m slightly drunk. What little distance between us disappears as I press my mouth against his.

  He takes over instantly, his lips and tongue brushing, molding, licking, cajoling. Every touch stokes the lust burning through my veins. I wrap my hands around his neck and run my fingers through the short, silky texture of his hair.

  He smells like the cigars he loves to puff in the evening—spice and coffee. Underneath it is the scent of his skin, warm and intoxicating. I can taste the wine we shared and him, all wild and powerful.

  Pleasure like I’ve never known before courses through me like white-hot fire. I move closer, clinging and kissing him like it’s the only thing that matters in the universe. I crave him like a drug, and every touch intensifies the delirious high.

  I tug at his shirt, untucking it. I slip my hands underneath, bold and greedy. His skin’s taut over the gorgeous, lean muscles I’ve admired so many mornings. The tingling sensation starts at my fingertips, then spreads all over like wildfire.

  I glide my palms over his ridged abs and sides and trace the lines of his powerful back. All the while, I keep kissing him, keep pressing close, and revel in the feel of his rock-hard erection pushing against my belly.

  The sound of his roughening breath is like an aphrodisiac. My underwear’s already soaked through. A painful ache makes my nipples tingle, while the emptiness between my legs throbs.

  “I want you,” I murmur, my voice thick with desire.

  “Are you sure, little fawn?” he whispers against my wet mouth, tender from the endless kiss.

  I give him a small, but most affirmative, nod.

  “Once I start, I might not be able to stop.”

  He’s giving me a last warning, but instead of making me scared, excitement sparks like fireworks. “Who’s talking about stopping?” I wrap my limbs around him.

  His eyes are narrowed with barely leashed passion. He reclaims my mouth. The kiss is unrestrained. Out of control. He devours my mouth like he’s starving for all of me. And I’ve been hungry for him for so, so long. Maybe ever since that jogging trail encounter, when he appeared like an awe-inspiring avatar of retribution. My guardian angel.

  He glides his hands underneath my top. They’re large, hot and callused. He touches me all over, and it’s like pouring gasoline over the fire burning inside me.

  When my back hits something soft, I realize I’m lying on a mattress. Not my room.

  Faint whines come from someplace behind him. He doesn’t turn. “Out,” he says in a gravelly voice.

  The dogs leave, and he quickly gets up and shuts the door, exiling his birthday-coned Dobermans.

  I can barely take a breath before he’s on me again, pulling my clothes away and throwing them over his shoulder. He’s more desperate now, his movements impatient. I reach for him and yank at his clothes. I want him as naked as me, as vulnerable and needy as me.

  He obliges, stripping down. When the buttons on his shirt take too long, he rips them off and flings the shirt on the floor. His shoes, socks, slacks, underwear… He sheds everything, revealing the perfection of his well-honed body before my eager eyes. He’s even more gorgeous this close, his shoulders impossibly wide, his waist impossibly tight. All the thick, strong muscles of the powerful physique, all within my reach. My hands itch to touch him, caress every gorgeous, defined line, stroke every rugged inch in sight.

  And the thick and massive erection. The dark veins on the staff throb, and I lick my lips, imagining tracing my tongue over the lines they make. I want to hear the sound he makes when I do that.

  He cups my breasts. Heat sears my nerve endings, shatters all my thoughts. Air shudders out of me and I dig my fingers into his thick, broad shoulders.

  He wraps his mouth around a nipple. He sucks hard, his tongue flicking the tip. Layer by layer the pleasure builds. I arch my back, sinking my fingers deeper into him to anchor myself, lest I get swept away by torrential bliss.

  He’s greedy as he sucks on the nipple, then moves to the other one while pinching and tugging at the freed tip. I move restlessly, every cell inside me vibrating with need and pleasure.

  I’m so wet, so empty.

  Then his teeth sink lightly into my nipple, just enough to make them felt without causing pain.

  I cry out as a massive wave of pleasure crashes over me, then twists me inside out. My vision goes white. My toes curl. The flesh between my legs pulses, desperate for him, even in this tsunami of ecstasy.

  Tolyan gives a wicked, satisfied chuckle and gently licks my overly responsive breast. “Aren’t you a sensitive little fawn?”

  “Yes,” I say, nearly mindless with the need for more. The emptiness between my legs is now unbearable. I press myself against him shamelessly. “Please.”

  He reaches between my thighs. His fingers glide between my slick folds, pressing against my clit. Electric pleasure zaps through me. My nerve endings prickle.

  “Yes.” I whimper, clinging to him and rocking against his large hand, but he isn’t moving fast enough. I reach over and wrap my hand around his erection. It pulses like there’s a separate heart inside the shaft. He’s so thick, I can barely wrap my hand around it. And I want him to glide inside me right now, fill the emptiness that hurts too much.

  He hisses out a breath as I touch him, then pushes a finger inside. A moan vibrates through me. God, that feels so good. “Please, please.” I kiss him, suck his tongue, devour his mouth.

  I’m so close to what I want. The orgasm before was nothing compared to what I’m chasing after. What I really need.

  He pulls away with a curse. Then he moves to the nightstand and pulls out a condom from the drawer. He digs his teeth into the foil then sheathes himself. I’m shaky with hot anticipation. He pushes my legs wider, then puts them over his shoulders so I’m spread and completely exposed.

  I cradle his face and kiss him. He kisses me back and drives into me in one powerful stroke.

  I groan against his mouth, wrapping my arms around his neck. The wet friction is so delicious. The sensation of having him filling the most intimate part of me is overwhelming. It isn’t quite all pleasure, as I’m trying to adjust to the invasion. It’s been so, so long. But my body pulses with a happy thrill anyway. I’m cradling the man I want more than my next breath. The only man who makes me feel safe and protected and cared for. It’s more precious than all the diamonds in the world.

  Tolyan takes a long, steadying breath. “Are you okay?”

  “More than okay. Awesome.”

  He starts moving. Pleasure rushes over me, blanketing me, drowning me. I let myself get lost, trusting that he’s here, my anchor, my protector.

  Every thrust is powerful. Raw. It pushes me higher, farther, until I feel like I’m levitating off the bed.

  I shatter around him and cry out my climax. “Tolyan.” I chant his name like a prayer of gratitude and salvation.
  His movements grow more frenzied. Out of control. I feel the impact of his thrusts, the flesh slapping against flesh, all the way to the tip of my skull.

  Another orgasm hits me, wringing out every possible drop of pleasure. I clutch him as he shudders against me, my name falling from his lips like love.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  My internal clock says it’s well past wake-up time. But my body sinks deeper into the comfy mattress. It’s Saturday. No need to get out of bed for no reason.

  I bury my nose into the soft pillow. It smells so good. Like Tolyan. Every muscle in my body is pleasantly sore. That raw strength of his isn’t just for scaring the bad guys. It’s also for sex.

  Tolyan and I were after each other like animals all night long. His need for me didn’t abate, not even a little, after he came the first time. It’s like he’s got Viagra in his bloodstream.

  A hot, big hand traces up along my side. I squirm backward until we’re fit more tightly together. Mmm. His cock is hard, pressing against my backside. Guess he’s extra happy to be waking up with me.

  The hand slides around and cups my breast. I press my lips together to contain a moan. My body feels heavy and languid. One finger gently circles the nipple, which instantly hardens and sends a streak of hot pleasure through me. All the orgasms from last night haven’t done a thing to lessen my need for him. It’s like my body is a finely tuned instrument, responding to his slightest touch. I’m already wet.

  He starts slipping inside.

  “Condom,” I say urgently, putting a hand on his thigh to stop him. A surprise pregnancy isn’t on my agenda.

  “Already on. I’ve been just waiting for you to wake up.”

  My resistance vanishes. He pushes the rest of the way in and starts moving. It doesn’t have the urgency of last night, but there’s still a sharp edge underneath the honey-thick need.

  Kisses are pressed on my neck and shoulder as he holds me, one a hand on my pelvis as he moves a little faster and deeper. An orgasm shimmers like a bright light, just out of my reach but close…then abruptly fills me. I cry out softly.


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