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Obsession: Feral, Book 1

Page 8

by Nora Ash

  It wasn’t until after several minutes of that torturous, blissful orgasm my weeping sex finally gave up. Every strained muscle in my core shuddered one final time, and then relaxed.

  I lay still in shocked silence, only capable of gasping for air as suddenly, the alpha’s presence inside me no longer hurt. He’d finally fucked the last ounce of resistance out of my pussy.

  I moaned softly in between gasps for air as a calm unlike any other settled over me. His thrusts felt so good now… Soothing, even though his cock forced pleasure to rise deep inside once more, like a lazy serpent uncoiling.

  I couldn’t do anything to meet his thrusts, couldn’t move my body to clench around him and hurry the building climax along. But he was alpha… he was meant to dominate my body. Own it.

  I don’t know how long he mated me after my first orgasm, but I was almost at my second when my blissed-out mind began to wither at the edges. Something was starting to hurt again.

  Confused, I whimpered underneath the huge man, trying to gather my focus. Something was stretching my opening again, trying to force it even wider for every thrust.

  I whined in protest and tried to wriggle away, but there was no escape, and my sex was far too worn to put up any resistance.

  The stretching at my entrance grew and grew, until the alpha’s thrusts shortened to slow, grinding strokes that forced the swelling at my entrance deeper.

  His knot. He was trying to knot me.

  That snapped me out of it.

  I opened my mouth to wail out a plea for mercy, but it came too late.

  Growling with effort, the feral alpha shoved home one final time, popping the brutal knot inside my already gaping lips.

  My yowl rang through the room, wild and shrill. It was to much, too much! Too big!

  Large arms wrapped around my waist, holding me close as the massive man pressed his body down on top of me, holding me down so I couldn’t dislocate my joints while I struggled. I was so lost to the insanity coursing through my body from where his knot kept swelling, grinding mercilessly against my G-spot, I didn’t notice his teeth around the back of my neck before he bit down.


  I mewled, shocked confusion flooding my mind the second before the strongest endorphins I’d ever experienced hit my brainstem and my body went lax.

  I was faintly aware he was still rocking inside me, grinding faraway pleasure out of my G-spot that trembled through my limbs. I didn’t feel it, though. Not really.

  All I felt as I lay knotted underneath the feral alpha was his teeth piercing my skin as he placed his mating mark on my neck.

  Claiming me as his for eternity.

  Feral: Despair

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  Everything hurt.

  Every muscle in my body, between my legs and the back of my neck ached, and I was so exhausted all I wanted to do was curl up and sleep until the pain went away.

  But a furious growl rolled like thunder around me, and an urgent twang from behind my ribs made instincts buried somewhere in the fog of my brain fight against the yearning for sleep.

  “Jesus fuck, tranq the sonuvabitch again so we can check he didn’t injure her! She’s barely conscious,” a scratchy voice growled from somewhere far away. It sounded familiar, and made my hackles raise. I groaned in protest and tried to shake my head clear of the fog, even if my eyelids refused to open.

  A sharp pang from my neck made me moan in agony, which was immediately followed by a roar and the unmistakable sounds of flesh hitting something hard. Groans of agony followed.

  The panic in my chest finally made me force my eyes open, and I saw the blurry outline of a huge, naked alpha fighting against men with metal rods. They were shocking him with the ends of the rods, but he kept fighting and snarling, eyes locked on me.

  I whimpered in panic as the sensation in my chest constricted. He couldn’t get hurt—he couldn’t—

  Three darts bored into the alpha’s neck. His next roar came out as a groan—and then he sank to the floor in a heap.

  “No!” I croaked, my raw throat making me swallow thickly.

  A small jab at the side of my neck was the only response to my distress—and then everything turned black.


  More Omegaverse

  Addicted to brutal alphas who take what they want - when they want?

  Read Nora’s first Omegaverse serial, Alpha.

  But be warned - it’s scorching.

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  * * *

  I never thought being saved from pain, degradation and death could come at such a twisted price.

  He is nightmares made flesh, the living embodiment of everything I fear. Yet in my darkest hour, he is the one who comes for me.

  If he demands my submission in return, how can I deny him?

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  Taken is the first book in Nora Ash’s dirty, suspense-filled Omegaverse serial. Want your alphas dominating and your romance scorching? This is the story for you.

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  It usually takes a lot to shake me while I’m on the clock, but these political gatherings are tough to get through for most single women. I am no exception.

  I grit my teeth and pretend like my system isn’t being bombarded with alpha pheromones. As I glance to the side I can tell I’m not the only one in the throng of reporters who is on edge from all the airborn aggression—a couple of the other female journalists are fidgeting, and a burly man holding a video camera on his shoulders is flexing his free hand. Probably an alpha himself, judging by the size of him. But he’s been through this before, as have we all, and we’re all pretending like we’re not noticing the testosterone rolling off the mayoral candidates in thick waves.

  I clench my pen tighter and squirm in my chair from discomfort at the latent aggression as I take in the five candidates. Every single one is so obviously alpha, which I think is just another sound reason to avoid any and all politicians. When your job is not to cover them for the most volatile election in recent memory, of course.

  “I’d like to offer you all my warmest welcome to this our third debate.” The current Lord Mayor smiles from his podium up front, in what I’m sure his PR team meant to be a jovial manner. Lord Mayor Bremen is a man is his sixties, with dark gray hair and sharp eyes, and he has ruled Mattenburg with an iron fist for eight years. If there is one thing he’s not, it’s jovial.

  “With only two weeks to election day, we have a busy schedule ahead of us, so let us get started with the evening’s topic of CO2 emissions and recreational planning.”

  I start to write notes on my trusty notepad, not bothering to look up while Bremen continues his introduction to the third subject the candidates have to discuss in a public forum before the elections.

  “To get us started, I am certain Mister Peter Leod will enlighten us on the Liberals’ viewpoints.”

  I look up, my pen pausing in time to see the Lord Mayor step backward and allow for one of the other candidates to take the floor. It is well known that he and Leod have been butting heads since before the election campaigns started, and as far as I know, Bremen has never allowed him to open a debate.

  If Leod is as surprised by the gesture as I am—as the rest of the room appears to be—then he doesn’t show it. He is a very tall man, who hides his alpha physique as best he can underneath an immaculately pressed, white shirt and a blue suit. No doubt in order to appeal to the liberal citizens his party represents—the ones who don’t care for archaic roles and biologically dictated power structures. I probably would have voted for him myself, if it wasn’t because I’ve been exposed to the lies and corruption within our city council for a few years now, thanks to my job. There are no Santa Claus, no Tooth Fairy and definite
ly no trustworthy politician in this city.

  “Thank you, Lord Mayor.” Leod lets his eyes sweep over the cameras and gathered reporters, the air of confidence that has made him rise from a relative nobody to a serious contender within the span of two years vibrating from him like a near-tangible entity.

  I frown and stare at his defined features in the hopes of seeing even a glimmer of surprise or annoyance, but there is nothing but cool, calm self-assuredness. Maybe I’m just grasping at air, hoping to see something—anything—that will make a three-hour debate on CO2 even slightly interesting.

  I’ve barely had the thought when his sweeping gaze catches mine.

  A jolt shoots through my body, almost like someone’s sent an electric current through me. I blink, startled, and immediately proceed to drop my pen. I hurriedly close my knees and catch it in my skirt before it can clatter to the floor.

  What the hell was that?

  I clutch my pen tighter as I suppress the odd tingling sensation in my tailbone left behind by whatever the hell that electric jolt was.

  But when I look back up, he is still looking right at me, his cool, gray eyes seemingly boring into mine.

  I am vaguely aware that my mouth hangs open and that tendrils of sensation are running down my arms until my fingertips buzz, but mainly, I’m just quietly freaking out. Why the hell is he staring at me? He looks… angry. His nostrils flare and a small frown makes its appearance on his forehead.

  This makes no sense. I am certain he doesn’t know me personally, and I’ve never written anything remotely exciting enough for a man like Leod to take notice.

  It seems to dawn on him that he was meant to be talking right now, because he jerks his gaze away, smoothing the small frown as he resumes his speech.

  I breathe a shaky sigh of relief at the loss of his attention, but I can’t stop my hands from trembling. I don’t understand what just happened—I don’t understand why he was staring at me, and I certainly don’t understand why my body is… is doing whatever the hell it is it’s doing. The buzzing in my tailbone seems to intensify for every shuddered breath.

  My bewildered thoughts come to an abrupt halt when my abdomen suddenly contracts in cramps. I manage to bite down on my yelp of surprise and pain, stifling it to a grunt.

  The woman next to me gives me a puzzled look, but no one else seems to have noticed.

  Sweat starts to trickle down my forehead, and my hands now shake worse than ever. Oh God, what is this? I frantically go through everything I’ve eaten all day to gage if it’s a really poorly timed food poisoning, but I’m interrupted by another cramp low in my belly. I bite my tongue hard to avoid crying out, clutching my pen and now crumbled-up notepad as hard as I can until it’s over.

  I have to get out of here, before I barf on someone. Once it’s finally over I scramble to my feet, doing my best not to make so much noise I draw any attention, and I manage to get to the passage that runs between the seated reporters before I have the next attack.

  Only this time, it feels different. Instead of pain, an intense heat blooms in my abdomen. It’s so strong I have to lean over and brace my hands against my knees while I gasp. And then, it’s like something snaps. Inside of me.

  I cry out as fluids rush from deep in my very core, and for a moment I think I am hemorrhaging. But the liquid that floods my panties and soaks through my skirt to make a puddle on the floor beneath me isn’t red. It’s clear.

  I stare at it in uncomprehending shock for two full seconds, gasping for breath. What the hell?

  A deep growl makes me look up, confused and embarrassed beyond belief. Everyone’s staring at me, and apart from the unwavering growl, you can hear a pin drop.

  I catch Leod’s eyes as I desperately try to get a grasp on the situation, and freeze to the spot. His eyes are no longer cool gray but deep black, and his nostrils are flared. But he’s not the one growling. Movement from closer by catches my attention in time to see the big alpha cameraman toss his equipment to the ground so it breaks into a thousand pieces.

  I gape at him, briefly wondering what on earth he’s doing, until I catch sight of his face. His nostrils are as flared as Leod’s, and his eyes pure black. And he’s coming for me.

  The second he lunges, all hell breaks loose.


  Also by Nora Ash





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  Wicked Soul

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  Into the Darkness

  Hidden in Darkness

  Shades of Darkness

  Fires in the Darkness

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  Demon’s Mark

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