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Home for Christmas Series Box Set Duet

Page 16

by Di Jones

“You’re exquisite.” He moved so that their bodies were almost touching and every inch of her skin tingled at his nearness, and at the feel of his erection straining against her.

  She trailed her fingers down the gap between their bodies and he gasped then moved her back toward the bed. She lay down, Andy next to her, and again their mouths dipped against each other, heightening their arousal until she couldn’t stand it any longer.

  “Yes. I want this,” she whispered, answering the question he’d asked earlier. She was aching with desire, wet with lust and could think of nothing but him inside her.

  When it happened, she stiffened, groaned, then moved underneath him, and it was as if they had always been one. Her heart raced with pleasure and as his heart beat next to hers, and his body thrust above her, the night fractured and silver stars exploded before her eyes. His pace slowed until her pleasure increased again and then as she cried out, he brought her again to that place of joy. And this time, the quickening in his body and his urgency told her he was coming too.

  Afterwards he held her in his arms. “I didn’t know that was going to happen, but I’m glad it did. I like you so much more than I ever imagined I would.”

  “Because I was so cranky when you first met me?”

  He sighed. “No. Because I’m not staying I wasn’t going to let myself fall for anyone. I can’t be tied down right now. I have a big plan.”

  “Yes, your big trip.” Elizabeth tried not to sound sad, but she was because she didn’t just sleep with guys. Now she’d given herself to him and after his words, she figured this was going to end badly. She was so in to him she wasn’t going to be able to back off, but she was going to have to figure out how to keep this casual, how to make sure her heart didn’t get involved. Every day, this would only get more difficult.

  “Let’s get ready for the day and I’ll tell you all about it.” He kissed her temple. “You get the first shower and I’ll make breakfast.”

  How could she refuse such an offer? As soon as he left the room, she hopped out of bed, at the same time happy at what had happened, and sad that it would soon end.



  Elizabeth was the most incredible woman Andy had ever known and in the short time since he’d met her he decided that making her happy was the most important thing in his life. She was sweet and honest, had a huge heart, was intelligent and it didn’t hurt that she wasn’t too shabby to look at. Isn't too shabby to look at? He was kidding himself with that massive understatement. Elizabeth was a hot, gorgeous chick that turned him on intellectually, emotionally and sexually, and she was going to be a huge problem for him. Why had he pushed things the way he had? He hadn’t meant to, but it had happened anyway. In another time or place, he would've tried to become intimate with her even earlier, but this wasn't the right time or the right place. He was going away on his big adventure and he couldn't afford to get tied down before he’d done the things he wanted to. As well as that, he didn't think it would be good for Elizabeth to get attached to him because the last thing he ever wanted to do was hurt her.

  As all these problems went round and round in his head, he could hear her singing in the shower, sounding more happy and relaxed than she’d been since he’d arrived in Lewiston. And why wouldn’t she be after the incredible sex they’d had the night before? It had been mind-blowing sexy as hell, and he knew from her responses that it had been just as good for her.

  The water stopped and he imagined her drying her beautiful body, her skin soft and burnished from the warm water. He groaned…just what he needed, an erection before breakfast when she would be getting ready for work. Focus, this is a problem for pancakes. He’d perfected his recipe through the years, and though he hadn’t made it for some time, he was determined to make it as best as he could for Elizabeth. He went into the kitchen and checked the cupboards. Everything was there: flour, milk, eggs and in the fridge the best quality hickory-smoked bacon. He pulled out all the ingredients he needed, including a large mixing bowl, a whisk, and a pink candy-striped apron.

  What he loved most about cooking was that he was so adept at it he could think at the same time he cooked, but the cooking was so enjoyable that it absorbed the stress of what he was thinking about. Cooking was something he’d learned from his mother, and it was so second-nature to him that he could let his mind wander. He might look focused on not burning the bacon, but really, he was wondering how he was going to get out of town unscathed. If things progressed at the same rate they did last night then he was going to be leaving his heart behind. How had he become attached to Elizabeth so fast? It hadn’t started out so well with her being so grumpy on the first day. He’d charmed her—and as he’d done so and she warmed up to him and started showing her personality—his feelings for her had grown exponentially. He’d started to realize that they had a lot of things in common. They shared the same values, the same desires, and they had the same sense of humor. They were constantly laughing together, and the way he was attracted to her made his feelings stronger than he would've believed possible in such a short space of time. And then there was that crazy, blood-rushing sex that already he couldn’t get enough of.

  What did she think of the way things were developing between them? Were her feelings for him just as a friend, or did she feel something more for him? He knew she liked him, but it could be crazy hard to tell with women. There was a fine line between a good friendship and a developing romance. For sure the way she’d responded to him in bed had made him feel as if this was more than a one-night stand to her. He could picture them together permanently and hopefully in the next few days everything would become clearer. She must be wondering about him going away, and if she was going to get hurt.

  What if he took her with him when he went traveling? Hadn’t she been complaining that she wanted to do things, get out of this town she’d always lived in, and make plans? They could do all of that together. After all, she’d mentioned that her job could be done remotely, which was exactly where they’d be if he had his way…off the beaten track.

  He’d love to have a traveling companion, especially her. It would give them both a chance to test the boundaries of their new relationship. What was it that people said about relationships and holidays? That it would either make or break them. So yes, it was a great way to find out. He didn’t want to leave her, not before knowing if this relationship would be as good as he suspected it would.

  As he was cooking the first of the pancakes, she wandered out, clean and fresh. He walked over to her, wrapped his arms around her, and took in the scent of her. She smelled of roses and a faint musky smell that made his erection rise again. “Last night was so good.” He kissed her lips and her mouth opened and when their tongues met, he forgot about the hot pan.

  “I feel so good this morning,” she said, drawing away just slightly. “I’d forgotten what it’s like to be loved.” She blushed, looked away. “Like, in a physical sense. It’s like we’ve…done it for years.”

  She felt as good as he did, he was sure. He bent down and found her mouth again, lust hammering at his temples.

  The smell of burning batter filled the kitchen.

  He pulled away reluctantly. “Hell, the pancakes.”

  “Focus. There’s more of where that came from tonight, you know.”

  He smiled at her shy expression and emboldened by the way she was expecting them to be making love again, he plowed right in. “So, I’m supposed to be leaving here after Christmas to start my big adventure.” He scraped the batter out of the pan, poured more in, and deftly coated the pan with the mixture.

  She took a deep breath. “Your big adventure…what does that mean?” Her voice was suddenly cold, and Andy felt his excitement and confidence leave him as flat as the pancake.



  Elizabeth had known since the day he’d arrived that Andy would be leaving Lewiston. It hadn’t mattered to her in the beginning but he’d won her heart withi
n days of arriving, and so it had mattered since then. She’d become accustomed to having him around, he’d turned into a friend and protector, and now he was her lover. Lover. The way he’d held her, kissed her, stroked her, and taken her was pure earth-shattering bliss. She’d forgotten what it was like to be worshipped in the way Andy had. He’d been tender, passionate, and erotic. How would she function without him and the amazing loving they’d shared?

  Even in the bookstore on those first few days when he’d sat at the big table by the window looking through the travel guides, they hadn’t discussed his future in any detail. She knew he was going on a trip but they hadn’t discussed it at all in the bookstore, on any of their outings, and somehow it hadn’t come up between the living room, the bedroom, and their romp. Oh hell, what had she done? She tried to stay calm, and not freak out about the fact she’d just slept with him. This was a big deal and she didn’t want to be the girl who fell for a guy—and fell into bed with him—just because he paid her a little attention. She’d always been fussy about whom she slept with, and hadn’t slept with many guys at all.

  “My big adventure.” Andy repeated. “Well, I spent four years protecting the United States, some of that time on foreign soil. I figured this would be a good time to explore my own country. I want to see every bit of it before I settle down in a job. I’ve been saving.” He shrugged and she could see that to him, this was no big deal, although to her it was major.

  “Wow. That’s...awesome,” she lied, trying to sound upbeat and excited for him. But she wasn’t…far from it. A hollow stone sat in the seat of her belly and when she swallowed it grew larger, threatening to consume her insides. It sounded like they’d never see each other again and she couldn’t allow herself to picture a future with him even for a second. He’d just told her there wasn’t a chance for one and she’d be a fool to disregard that. “I really need to get to work,” she said, trying to keep her breathing even. “You want to meet me there?” She turned and walked back into the bedroom, quickly grabbing her coat and purse so he didn’t see how upset she was over their discussion. The last thing she wanted was to talk about him leaving when she’d just found someone she could actually picture spending her life with.

  Why did it have to be that Andy Levee was going to be one more thing that she had to give up? This time, it really sucked. This was worse than the vacation she’d lost, worse than the lunch money that had been stolen by the schoolyard bully, and worse than the idea of always being alone. For a very short while, it had seemed like maybe—just maybe—she’d found someone to grow old with.

  Outside she yawned into the crisp morning air. It could have been therapeutic, if she’d bothered to admire the clear, cloudless blue sky, and allowed herself to breathe, rather than gulping the air, but her shoulders and heart were so heavy it was as if she was carrying a ten-ton raincloud on her back.

  At the store, she fumbled in the lock with her keys, then managed to shut her finger in the door she was trying to open. She bit her lip with the pain and swore out loud. Once inside, she flicked on the light and as her eyes adjusted her gaze swept over the displays Andy had put together so carefully. Cookbooks, travel guides, novels, all nested together in silver and gold tinsel, carefully curated by the man she’d fallen for. It would be easier if she were alone for the day. Surely he’d see she was upset and would want to talk about it? Talking wouldn’t help…it would only highlight how far apart their lives were, and she couldn’t bear that.

  By the time Andy arrived an hour later she’d managed to stay busy and pull herself together. Her strategy, she told herself, would be to stay away from him as much as possible. Finally, after one of the store’s regular customers, Anita, had left with a few books she’d ordered for her young son, Aiden, Andy cornered her in the back room, his muscular frame blocking the door.

  “You didn’t give me a chance to finish what I was saying this morning, Elizabeth.”

  “We can talk about it another time,” she said stiffly, trying to force her way past him.

  “Hey, what’s wrong?”

  His tone was concerned and tears welled in her eyes. She kept her head down, determined not to make eye contact with him. “Wrong? Nothing.”

  He put his hand on her arm, forcing her to look up at him. “I want you to come with me.”

  Had she heard him correctly? His face said she had, and as his meaning became clear, her eyes widened. “Why?”

  He kept hold of her arm. “Isn’t it obvious? I like you. I think you’d be an excellent traveling companion. And I think you need an adventure too.”

  She was happy he’d asked her to go, but his answer was a long way from romantic. Why hadn’t he talked about how much he loved her company? Why didn’t he say he wouldn’t enjoy himself without her? He’d made it sound as if they were just friends, and she wanted to be so much more than that. She wanted more of…what they’d done last night. At the thought of their lovemaking and his hands touching all her intimate places, heat washed through her. “Maybe I do need an adventure.” She nodded. “Let me think about it.”

  He stood back and gave her a long, lazy, sexy stare. “Well, don’t think about it for too long, princess, because I want us to start making plans.” He leaned over and his lips sought out hers. As his tongue explored her mouth, her insides tingled, making her dizzy with lust. He pulled away, leaving her wanting more. “Tonight is the concert. And I’m taking you to dinner first. We can start planning over our meal.”


  His mouth clamped over hers, and she knew she wouldn’t be able to say no to him.



  Their evening at the concert, with a romantic dinner beforehand, was to Andy their first formal date, and it was important to him that it went well. Although intellectually he knew things had changed between them, he wanted to cement that and to know that she viewed him differently. Sure, he’d started off as the guy who was a burden and who’d ruined her holiday, but he wanted to end the visit as the guy who she started a new adventure—no make that life—with. They’d slowly been building a wonderful rapport and now the intimacy between them had pushed his feelings for her to a whole new level. She was more than a hot, sexy chick now. She was his hot, sexy chick.

  He got ready enthusiastically, soaping himself in the shower, toweling himself dry, then putting on his one suit, a dark grey wool that he wore only on the most important occasions. What tie should he wear: the burgundy one, or the black one? He held both up, chose the black one and put it on, adjusting it in the mirror. It looked good, and as he scrutinized his reflection he considered that he’d never cared about his appearance before. He’d never felt about anyone the way he did about Elizabeth. Their life together was blossoming and he grinned with happiness as he considered that dinner that evening was going to be perfect. He’d made reservations at the only restaurant in town that accepted them, the little steak house called The Butcher Block. Yeah, it was going to be a special night and he couldn’t wait for it to begin.

  Once ready he waited for Elizabeth in the living room, and she emerged ten minutes later wearing a pretty red dress. Tight fitting on the top and flowing at the knee-length hemline, she looked perfect for dinner and the concert, and Andy felt a swell of pride run through him as he took in his woman. “You’re beautiful, Elizabeth,” he murmured as he kissed her lightly on the lips. He inhaled her scent—floral with a hint of spice. “And you smell good too.” He helped her with her coat and then looped her hand through the crook of his arm as they left the house. She was petite and usually came only to his shoulder, but tonight she was taller. He glanced down to see her heels were towering compared to what she usually wore, and he didn’t want her falling or slipping on the icy snow.

  When they reached the car, he opened the door for her.

  “I love the way you treat me. You make me feel special.”

  He got in, leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips. When he pulled away, his eyes met
hers. “You are special and don’t ever forget it.”

  Town was already busy and they drove around the block looking for a car park. When they made the restaurant, The Butcher Block was overflowing with patrons waiting in the tiny bar. “Just as well I booked,” he told her as the waiter led them to a small table near the back of the restaurant.

  “I’ve never seen town this busy, like, never.”

  “This is probably the first time Emery Dante’s ever performed here.”

  “Actually he did when he was young, but of course he wasn’t famous then.”

  “Do you know him?”

  “No. Of course I knew who he was, because it’s such a small town, but we weren’t friends.”

  “Are you sorry that you didn’t let Trisha push you into volunteering? Then you would have met him.”

  She reached over the table for his hand. “I’ve got someone far more exciting than Emery Dante.” He brought her fingers to his lips, his eyes never leaving hers. A flush rose to her cheeks but she held his gaze. “I mean, I’m sure he’s nice, but he isn’t you. So, no—no regrets.”

  They were interrupted by the waitress, who took their orders: a T-bone for him and an eye fillet for Elizabeth with pan-fried potatoes to share. “You can help yourself to the salad bar,” the girl told them, gesturing to the large island in the center of the restaurant.

  Dinner was nice. The steaks were cooked perfectly and the bottle of red wine Andy ordered complemented the meal. The restaurant was quiet and homey, and the lights were low. Andy looked around at the other couples and parties. Everyone looked happy and excited but he knew there was no one he’d rather spend the evening with than Elizabeth.

  After they’d finished eating he took her hand. “Are you still deciding about traveling with me?” he asked.


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