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Page 21

by Penelope Sky

  Wordlessly, I walked to the couch near the TV and took a seat. I pulled my knees to my chest and watched the screen even though I hadn’t been watching it minutes ago. My arms circled my knees.

  Damien stared at me for a while before he joined me on the couch. He kept his distance by allowing a few feet to remain between us. He glanced at the TV. “What are you watching?”

  “Not sure. I haven’t been paying attention.”

  He watched it for a few minutes. “This is that new film with Robert De Niro.” He snapped his fingers. “Can’t remember what it’s called…the Scotsman?”

  “The Irishman,” I corrected.

  He nodded. “I’ve been meaning to see it.” With one arm on the armrest, he watched the screen casually, like he hadn’t told me my husband had cheated just a few days ago.

  I pulled a blanket over my lap. It was the first time I didn’t feel anything for Damien. That undeniable heat wasn’t there anymore. Explosive chemistry, desperate need, they were all gone. All my feelings were masked by rage.

  After a few minutes, he turned back to me. “You want to order a pizza or something?”

  “I’m not hungry. And you don’t need to stay with me, Damien… I’m fine.”

  “Really?” he asked, calling out my lie. “I can see the rivers of tears on your cheeks, see the redness in your eyes.”

  I looked away.

  “It’s okay not to be fine.”

  I looked out the large floor-to-ceiling windows and stared at the bright city beyond.

  He scooted closer to me on the couch, his arm sliding around the back of my neck. He turned to me as his hand cupped the back of my head and brought my face close to his. He examined me for a while, reading the pain in my eyes like words on a page. “I’m sorry.”

  “Why?” I whispered. “You warned me about him. This is your time to say you were right. Go ahead, say it.”

  He didn’t stoop to that level. He continued to stare at me with the same concern. “I didn’t want to be right, Annabella.”

  “I don’t believe that…”

  “I really didn’t. I wanted him to be what you deserved.”

  I couldn’t look at those beautiful eyes anymore. I turned away, feeling the pain in the pit of my stomach. “I feel stupid…so fucking stupid.” Tears burned all the way in my gut and coated my throat. I’d been crying on and off for so many days that they blurred together. Liam had hurt me this way once, so I didn’t think he could hurt me again…but he did. “How hard is it not to sleep with someone else?”

  “It isn’t.”

  “Well, Liam would disagree with you…”

  “He’s impulsive and disloyal. The second things go to shit, he jumps ship. But if he’s the captain of that ship, he should go down with the crew and the boat. That’s not him. You, on the other hand, have the kind of integrity that the mafia pays a fortune to possess. You have the loyalty of the mob, of a gangster, or a drug lord.”

  “Is that supposed to be a compliment?”

  “Damn right, it is. And it’s the biggest compliment you’ll ever get.” His fingers gently moved into my hair, lightly touching me as he looked into my eyes. His cologne was heavy in my nostrils, and his clean-shaven jawline looked so kissable. “What happens now?”

  I pulled my gaze away. “I told him we’re done.”

  He didn’t hide his approval. “Good.”

  “I grabbed a few things and left. But I’ll go back and get my stuff in a few days. I need to find a place to live…again.”

  “You could always stay with me.”

  I refused to look at him. “Damien, I’m not in a good place—”

  “That’s not what I meant. If you need a place to stay, I’ve got something like twenty bedrooms in that house. That’s all I meant.”

  I could rent my old apartment, but it wasn’t very nice. I’d saved most of my checks since I’d married Liam, so I could afford a nicer place, especially now that I was keeping my position at the hotel.

  His fingers gently caressed me. “You better take half of his money this time.”

  Liam had cheated on me twice now, and I was entitled to every single euro of his net worth, but I still didn’t want it. “He earned all that money. I never contributed, so I don’t want it.”

  “That’s not how it works—”

  “I don’t want his money. If I buy a house with it, I’ll think of him. If I buy a car, I’ll think of him. My old apartment sucked, but at least it was mine…”

  His fingers dragged down to my neck as he abandoned his argument.

  “I can’t believe he wasn’t going to tell me…just keep it from me.”

  “I was surprised too.”

  “I guess he feels entitled because of what I did, but our mistakes aren’t equal.”

  “Not at all,” he whispered. “I understand he was upset, but…that didn’t make his behavior okay.”

  I still didn’t ask for the specifics of what he saw because it would hurt me. I knew there were multiple women, and that disgusted me. What if Damien had never found out, and I’d continued to sleep with my husband after he’d been with others? What if I’d caught something? Had to tell every partner I ever had after him that I had herpes?

  I hated him so much right now.

  “I can get you a good divorce lawyer.”

  “I’ll probably use the guy I used last time…” I was going to be divorced twice, and I was in my twenties… So pathetic.

  “If there’s anything I can do to help, just let me know.”

  I stared at the carpet while the TV played in the background. I was a free woman who could do whatever she wanted now, but I had no urge to destroy those crisp sheets with our sweaty bodies. I was broken…deep down inside. “Thanks for coming by. I think I’m going to get some sleep…” I moved from his side on the couch and rose to my feet. My fingers ran through my messy hair, and I glanced out the large window.

  It took him a moment to mimic my movements, to rise to his feet and walk with me to the door. Maybe he’d hoped something would happen tonight, that I would fall into his arms and tell him to never let me go.

  Maybe he didn’t understand I was genuinely sad my marriage was over. Genuinely hurt Liam had done that to me.

  I opened the door so he could leave. “I’ll see you later.”

  He stared at me for a long time, staying on this side of the door because he didn’t want to leave. He tried to think of something to say, but nothing was forthcoming. “I’m here if you need anything.” He didn’t try to hug me before he stepped into the hallway, giving me the space I obviously needed.

  I didn’t look at him again before I let the door close.



  “What now?” Hades sat next to me in front of his grand fireplace, drinking water instead of his usual scotch.

  “Not sure.” His sobriety didn’t stop me from raiding his liquor cabinet and enjoying whatever he couldn’t imbibe. “When I saw her in her hotel room, she looked dead inside. She was genuinely hurt by what he did.”

  “Can you blame her?” Sofia asked, holding a sleeping Andrew in her arms. “She was committed to that marriage. She wanted it to succeed. She wanted to believe Liam was the man she thought he was.”

  “Motherfucker.” I swallowed the profanity with a drink.

  “You mind?” Hades asked, nodding to his sleeping son.

  “He’s one,” I argued. “And he’s asleep.”

  “You’re in my house,” Hades threatened. “You play by my rules.”

  I rolled my eyes. “Alright…Father.”

  Hades gave me a glare but let the conversation drop.

  “She’s been at work all week,” Sofia said to dissipate the tension. “She’s quiet but seems to be okay.”

  I hadn’t called or texted her because I could tell she didn’t want me to. Maybe I was stupid for hoping she would jump into my arms the second Liam was gone, that she would fuck me right on that couch in her hotel room. Liam
was out of the picture, but that didn’t mean I would get what I wanted so easily. My fantasies warped my reality, and I could think clearly. “Did she say anything about filing for divorce? Finding a place?”

  “She did find a new apartment. Signed the lease,” Sofia answered.

  I hoped it was better than her old place. “Did she move out?”

  “I don’t think so,” she said. “But she got all the paperwork from her lawyer.”

  “Good.” That meant it was almost over.

  Hades turned to me. “I think I’m going to take him back as a client. What do you think?”

  I didn’t want to deal with Liam more than I had, but I wouldn’t mind watching him get his ass kicked in the ring—and getting paid for it. And if he did death fighting, that would be even better. “Fine with me.”

  “He never figured out it was you, so why not?” Hades asked.

  “Fucking idiot.” I couldn’t believe it. How many Damiens were out there?

  “Did he ask how she even knew what he did?” Hades asked.

  “Not sure,” I said. “She didn’t say.”

  “He must not have asked.” Hades took a drink of his ice water. “Otherwise, he would have connected the dots. You’re lucky Anna continues to cover for you.”

  “I told her she doesn’t need to.” I didn’t care if he came after me. He may be larger than me, but I was faster.

  Hades watched me. “I think it’s best for everyone if he doesn’t know. We can continue to milk him for millions, and he’ll have no idea that he’s making his wife’s lover richer.”

  “Ex-wife,” I corrected. “And she’s not my lover.”

  “Give her time,” Sofia said. “She’s getting divorced a second time. That’s rough.”

  “She wouldn’t have gotten divorced a second time if she’d just listened to me,” I said bitterly. I’d warned her about him so many times, tried to convince her this was a stupid decision. But she was too hurt to think clearly.

  “Be patient.” Sofia gently rocked her son as she looked at me. “She loves you. She just needs time.”



  I walked up to my own front door and knocked. The folder was tucked under my arm, and I wore a dress with a denim jacket on top. Springtime was here, and while the sun was shining, it was still a bit chilly.

  Footsteps sounded on the other side, and the door opened a moment later.

  Liam stood there, his eyes defeated, his frame weak. His chin was covered in a thin beard because he’d stopped shaving, and that brightness to his blue eyes was gone. It used to remind me of the sunshine reflecting off the blue waters of the ocean. Now they were gray, lifeless.

  I almost felt bad for him…almost. “Can I come in?”

  “It’s your house.” He stepped aside so I could enter. “You didn’t even need to knock.”

  My heels clapped against the hardwood as I stepped inside. The house was silent, abandoned. It was as lifeless as a vacant house, feeling almost haunted. I passed the table where I used to leave my keys and purse and entered the living area. It was an open room, the kitchen and living room one spacious area.

  Liam followed behind me, in sweatpants and a t-shirt. It didn’t seem like he’d showered in days.

  I opened the folder and pulled out the papers. I laid them out on the counter.

  Liam didn’t look at them.

  “I just need you to sign these. I’ll grab the rest of my things and be out of your hair.” I opened the drawer and found a pen before I uncapped it and set it on top of the papers. It rolled slightly until it came to a stop.

  He stared at me as if I’d said nothing at all.

  “Liam.” I felt like a mother berating her child.

  He crossed his arms over his chest. “I’m not signing those again.”

  “For what it’s worth, I hoped I would never sign these again either. But here we are…”

  He released a painful sigh. “No.”

  “Liam, I can get this divorce without your signature. It’ll just take a lot more time and work on my part. After everything you’ve put me through, the least you can do is make this easier for me. I’m just as devastated as you are…even more so.”

  He bowed his head. “Baby—”

  “Please don’t call me anymore.”

  When he sighed, his nostrils flared. “Please work this out with me.” He raised his head and looked me in the eye. “Let’s move and start over. Let’s have a clean break. This was a recipe for disaster, and you know it. I was constantly competing with another guy—”

  “And I was honest about that from the beginning. I didn’t hide any of that from you. That doesn’t give you…” I took a deep breath and closed my eyes to harden my emotions. When I opened my eyes again, I was calm. “I’m not having this conversation again. I’ve made my decision, and you can’t change it. Please sign these papers so I can collect my things and leave.”


  I grabbed the papers and prepared to leave.

  “Okay.” He grabbed my wrist and stopped my movements. “Fine.”

  I returned the papers to the counter.

  “But shouldn’t we talk about the specifics?”

  “It’s the same as last time. I didn’t change anything.”

  His eyes narrowed. “Anna, take the money—”

  “Never.” I didn’t want anything from him, anything to make me think I needed him. “I don’t need your wealth. I already have a nice apartment and a good job. You made that money doing something I never approved of. If I take it now, it would be hypocritical. I won’t take a single euro that you had you beat someone for, that you killed someone for.” It was blood money.

  He looked defeated once more, but he made was no argument.

  I held the pen out to him. “Sign where I placed the X’s.”

  He stared down at me for a long time before he looked at the pen in my grasp. He studied the writing implement for minutes, breathing deeply and evenly, before he took it and pressed the tip to the page—and added his signature.

  I walked away so I wouldn’t have to watch him. My echoing heels couldn’t block out the scratch of the pen against the paper, and the sound of the scrawl was heavy on my ears. I turned down the hallway and headed to the bedroom, where my clothing hung in the walk-in closet. It was the last time I’d ever be there, and I couldn’t stop the tears that welled in my eyes and streaked down my cheeks.

  I knew Liam loved me, but he’d still hurt me.

  Maybe love didn’t mean anything… Maybe it never meant anything.

  I moved in to my new apartment and hung up my clothes in the closet. I was missing furniture, so all I had was a mattress on the floor in my bedroom because I’d sold my old stuff when I’d moved back in with Liam. It was empty and lonely, having this place all to myself. I was starting over, again, and I didn’t feel motivated like I did last time.

  A knock sounded on the door.

  “It’s open.” After Liam signed the papers, he didn’t contact me again. Once his signature was permanently in ink, he knew there was no going back. He wouldn’t be able to convince me to take him back again. The only reason he was successful the first time because I was heartbroken over someone else.

  Damien stepped inside. His t-shirt fit his thick arms in the sexiest way, his sculpted muscles visible even through the fabric. He wore black jeans, so he was dressed completely in shades of shadow. He took a look around the empty space before he looked at me. “I like it.”

  “It’s much nicer than my last place.”

  He walked past the large windows in the living room and approached the kitchen, where my unpacked boxes sat on the counter. He looked at the fridge and the appliances before he moved down the hallway and examined the bathroom and my bedroom. “It’s in a better neighborhood too.” He walked back to me and glanced at the folder sitting on the counter, which held my finalized divorced papers. He must have assumed what the contents were because he stared for a long
time before he looked at me again. “Need help unpacking these things?”

  “It’s just clothes and stuff. I got it.”

  He leaned against the counter and crossed his arms over his chest, staring at me longer than the average person would. “What about your furniture?”

  “I ordered a couple things. They’ll be here in a few weeks.”

  His eyes lingered on my cabinets, taking in the features of the apartment even though he probably didn’t care about the details. “How are you?”

  I pulled the packing tape off the box so I could get the lid open. “I’m okay. I’ve been better, but you know…whatever.” I was still in so much pain, haunted by what Liam had done behind my back. Emotion caught in my throat, but I swallowed it.

  Damien continued to watch me, his eyes sympathetic. “It’ll get easier.”

  “I’m broken by what he did, but—”

  “You aren’t broken, Annabella.” He placed his hands in his pockets. “You’re bruised…but those bruises will heal. I promise.”

  “I don’t know…” I pulled out a few hangers and carried them to the closet in my bedroom. I hung up my stuff and knew he was behind me, following me into the bedroom. “I’m just over it.”

  “Over what?” His deep voice reached every corner of that room, filling it with heat and energy.

  “Men.” I turned back around and faced him. “I’m just done with it.”

  His face remained stoic, but his eyes filled with emotion. “Not all men are like that, Annabella. If you don’t believe me, think about Hades. You think there’s anything Sofia could ever do to break his loyalty? She could sleep with another man, and his response would be to murder the guy…not sleep with another woman. Don’t let Liam’s stupidity ruin the reputation of every other man.”

  “But Hades and Sofia are soul mates. The rest of us…are just people.”


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