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Page 4

by R Phoenix

  He leaned to the side, reaching for the bottle of champagne again. He heard the door to the suite open, then close when someone — Leandro; no one else would dare — entered. Kolt had every intention of finishing the champagne before Leandro could take it from him, but it was clearly too late for that. He didn’t say anything, just put the bottle to his lips again and chugged while he fucking could.

  “Not sharing?” Leandro asked from the doorway, every inch of the fae’s nude body on display. Had he been anyone else, Kolt might’ve actually choked at the sight of Leandro in the buff.

  Not Kolt. He barely batted a lash, giving him a simple once over — as if Leandro was the one who had been naughty and needed to be punished.

  “And here I thought you’d suddenly gone and become selfless on me, Kolt.” Leandro strolled forward, tugging at one corner of the blanket Kolt lay upon.

  In turn, Kolt looked directly up at his master and painstakingly deliberately swallowed the mouthful of champagne. He didn’t answer the question. Words were dangerous things.

  Instead, he just licked his lips slowly — and the opening of the bottle that was nearly pressed against them.

  Leandro regarded him with that indecipherable expression, so removed from humanity that it was hard to imagine anyone might mistake him for a mortal. He took the bottle from Kolt, almost gently, and his tongue flicked against the mouth of it. “Good,” he said, though whether he meant the drink or the traces of Kolt, it wasn’t clear.

  Though given how expensive the bottle had been…

  “What took you so long?” Kolt asked quietly, tilting his head to the side to expose his collared neck more prominently for the monster that stood over him.

  “I couldn’t let you be the only one to fuck Detective Ackerman tonight,” Leandro replied, taking a sip before setting the nearly-empty bottle aside, his fingers curling around Kolt’s chin.

  “Who the fuck,” Kolt asked, deadpan, “is Detective Ackerman?” Not that he couldn't put one and one together. It wasn’t like he'd fucked anyone else, but it was better to pretend there was no one else in the world when dealing with the beast that was Leandro.

  Leandro, who was naked and beautiful — and about to fuck him up six ways from Sunday.

  One flick of the fae’s wrist sent the bottle flying across the room, and it shattered against the wall. Kolt stiffened but didn't flinch when the last of the expensive champagne splashed and began to seep down into the carpet.

  Leandro didn’t stop to examine his handiwork. He snatched the chain at Kolt’s throat and yanked him up, hissing, “Fucked so many tonight that you have to try to figure out which one he was, Kol’tso?”

  Clearly, he had erred, but he wasn't about to roll over and beg for forgiveness. It wasn't in his nature, not even with the choke collar digging into his neck. “You told me not to gloat,” he reminded Leandro with a purr, moving with the pressure on his neck and pressing a soft kiss to his master’s lips.

  Leandro immediately seized control of the kiss, his teeth digging into Kolt’s upper lip. His fingers wound around the chain, putting more pressure on his throat. “Do you think this is funny?” he demanded.

  “I think the look on Barsum’s face must have been a little funny…”

  Leandro’s teeth found his bared throat, digging into his skin. Kolt made a quiet sound in the back of his throat, arching up to alleviate the pain.

  Fuck, that was going to leave a mark.

  With the hand that wasn’t holding the chain, the fae touched the streak of black in his blond hair. “Keep mocking me, Kol’tso,” he dared, making it more than obvious that Kolt wasn't going to distract Leandro from his ire with the promise of filthy sex and victories.

  This ran deeper.

  “You told me to win,” Kolt reminded the fae, breathless. “I won.” In more ways than one, but he didn't say that. “I thought you'd be pleased…” he added coyly, though given he could barely draw a proper breath around the choke collar, the coyness looked a little puffier than usual.

  Leandro drew back enough to backhand him. “Liar,” he snarled.

  It wasn’t fair, the way the fae always knew when he was lying, but he’d hoped there was enough of the truth in there to trick Leandro.

  Obviously not.

  His cheek stung, and his eyes watered a little, but he didn’t make a sound, didn’t reach for his face. He only composed himself again before looking back up at his master.

  No matter what Leandro had said, the fae had clearly wanted him to lose. He’d figured that Leandro had wanted to humiliate him with Barsum before taking him to bed himself to mark his territory all over again. Now that Kolt had taken matters into his own hands, Leandro was legitimately pissed.

  “You’re just pissed I didn’t lose like you wanted me to,” Kolt corrected his earlier statement, the lie for which he’d just gotten hit. “I’m not your pawn,” he bit out.

  “You think I wanted someone else to use you?” Leandro demanded, kissing him hard enough to bruise. His fingers sought out the black strands of hair among the blond, tangling in them and pulling them so hard Kolt thought he might yank them out. He should’ve cut them when he’d had the chance. “You had everything you needed to win without letting the human defile you!”

  “You gave me a handful of tokens,” Kolt hissed. “Do you even know how much money Barsum made tonight? I was going to lose, and you’d have let Barsum have me!” he protested sharply, his hand coming up to tug at the choke collar around his neck. He wanted out, needed to get out. He needed fucking air!

  Leandro released the chain, but he didn’t let up on Kolt’s hair. “Yes, I know how much money one of my clients made in my casino tonight,” he snarled back.

  He felt claustrophobic, with the fae looming over him, twisting his hair and holding him down. There was a well of panic in his chest, and he yanked at the choke collar for breathing room. Not that he was about to get any, not with Leandro straddling his waist and bearing down on him. Even with the chain loose and as wide as it would go, Kolt still felt like he was suffocating.

  “I had my money on you! You know the games. You could’ve won at the tables, at the machines.” The fucked-up part was that there was so much conviction in the fae’s voice even though he’d had to have known Kolt couldn’t beat Barsum at gambling. “But you just couldn’t resist the urge to get to me, could you, Kol’tso?”

  “Liar!” Kolt snapped back. He struggled to be free of the fae’s hold on him, against all good judgment. He pushed up against Leandro’s chest, trying to buck up to actually dislodge him but to no real avail. Leandro was bigger and heavier than he was… and fae.

  Strands of hair started to rip free with the pressure against his scalp. Leandro’s cock was half-hard when it pressed against his skin, and Kolt shook his head violently regardless of the pain it put him through or the dark hair that was coming out.

  “When was the last time I let Barsum have you?” Leandro demanded.

  Kolt couldn’t fucking remember, especially not with the fae so close and yelling at him, his voice not much more than a snarl.

  “You. Are. Mine!”

  Tears welled up in Kolt’s eyes as panic turned to very real terror. He knew what was coming. He had known this was coming from the minute he’d bought the human the whiskey, and yet—! He clenched his eyes shut, breathing hard. “I’m yours!” he agreed hastily, writhing in the fae’s hold on him. “I’m fucking yours, okay?” He didn’t like the frantic edge his words held. “What do you want from me?” he asked, only barely suppressing a sob.

  The only good thing about the desperation was that it seemed to have an impact on Leandro. The fae shuddered, his voice quieting as he murmured, “For you to stop fighting me.”

  Leandro rocked slightly against Kolt, and he felt like he might throw up.

  “For you to stop pretending you want to be somewhere else.” The fae’s fingers loosened a little bit at a time, allowing him to begin catching his breath. “You let someone els
e fuck you. Why?” His voice was sharp, though there was something decidedly human about the reaction — the anger, and the jealousy, and the…

  Kolt drew in a sharp but shaky breath. “Because you—” He swallowed. “Because you weren’t expecting it,” he answered, and it was close enough to the truth, more so when he went on. “Because I hate Barsum, because it was easy, because I’m a fucking incubus.” The last word was practically snarled, but at no one in particular.

  Because he was a slut, because he was Leandro’s whore, because somehow, somewhere deep down, everyone expected him to.

  “Because it’s a fucking debt you’ll value above all else,” Kolt added hoarsely. He wiped at the corner of his eye with one hand, wicking away the moisture that had accumulated there — and had damn near fallen. Fuck, he hated being so weak.

  Leandro stared at him. He might not understand all these emotions — fucking fae and their emotional color blindness — but he understood debts. All of his kind did.

  “I understand if you don’t want to fuck me anymore,” Kolt said, deadpan, as if he wasn’t at all aware of the hard-on Leandro was sporting.

  “Oh, I’m not fucking you tonight,” Leandro said, sitting up and grabbing his cock. He started to slowly stroke himself, his eyes trained on Kolt’s. “You’re tainted. A human, Kol’tso. Really.”

  Kolt briefly closed his eyes, but he could feel it in his fucking bones. The mounting sexual energy in the fae called to him like it was prime rib, or fine wine… He wet his lips and opened his eyes again, meeting Leandro’s without wavering. His hands drifted to the fae’s thighs, stroking along the smooth skin there, right up to the junction of his hip.

  Kolt tightened his grip there. “I can suck you off better than you can jerk yourself off…” he said, aiming for sweetly, but only managing to sound just shy of apprehensive.

  “Wouldn’t want to tire you out. You’ve had a long night,” Leandro mocked — as if one very drunk human could actually wear him out or sate him. Before Kolt could argue, the fae’s finger was over his lips, keeping him quiet and in place. Leandro jacked himself off, still staring down at him.

  Kolt could feel the impending climax, the sexual energy feeding him even if he wasn’t actively participating. Much to his fucking annoyance, there was the flare of heat and excitement in the pit of his stomach at the sight of Leandro like this… until the fae’s breath hitched.

  Leandro moved his finger from Kolt’s lips, demanding, “Open your mouth.”

  Immediately, the excitement faded, and Kolt’s nose wrinkled in distaste. “No,” he said through gritted teeth, keeping his lips as tightly together as he could. “I’m not your cumdumpster,” he added angrily.

  “Open your fucking mouth,” Leandro hissed, slowing down his stroking. He glared down at Kolt, and against better judgment, Kolt met that glower with one of his own. “Now. You’ve pushed me enough for one night. Show me you’re sorry. Show me you’ll be anything I want you to be, even a cumdumpster.”

  Kolt wasn’t sorry, or not sorry enough for this, anyway. He pressed his lips tighter together in an act of pure defiance, even turning his head away.

  “Open your mouth and take your punishment like a good boy,” Leandro said. His voice turned oddly formal, distant, in that way that never meant anything good. “Thrice I ask, and done.”

  He hated that phrase, formal and ominous, only used when he was securing a fucking deal. Kolt wasn’t agreeing to anything. Had Leandro said anything else, he might’ve actually complied.

  Right. Like that was going to happen.

  Instead, he clenched his jaw a little tighter, staring hard at the wall and, trying to ignore the sounds of his master jacking off on his fucking chest.

  Leandro stopped holding back at last, the fae’s climax vivid from within his own emotions, and Kolt felt disgustingly hot. Instead of spilling into his mouth like he’d wanted, Leandro came on his face with a final groan.

  Kolt wasn’t sure if the warm ejaculate hitting his cheek, jaw, and chin was better or worse than having the fae come in his mouth. This wasn’t like giving head. It was different, humiliating, and he hated it. He shuddered and swallowed hard, not moving.

  “I got something new, just for you, Kol’tso,” Leandro purred, breathing hard as the last few beads of cum dripped from his cock onto Kolt’s face. “Do you want to see your new gift? I’ve been saving it for a special occasion.”

  Kolt didn’t like the sound of that, and he didn’t answer. He was afraid that if he did, he would somehow taste Leandro’s semen anyway despite so vehemently refusing it — and afraid of what he might say as well.

  Leandro rose at last, going to his armoire.

  Kolt took the fae’s distraction as the perfect moment to wipe his face. He quickly rubbed the drying cum off on the bedsheets and shuddered again. He heard Leandro open the doors to the armoire, then a drawer. Despite his dread, he turned his head and pushed himself up on his elbows to look at what his master was doing.

  It had to be something evil. Why else would he have saved it for a “special” occasion? All manner of things ran through his mind. Nothing he could think of was good, and most of the possibilities were downright terrible.

  He didn’t expect to see the thin golden chain that Leandro lifted from the drawer. His indignation briefly faded as he eyed the piece of jewelry. Ominous or not, it was exquisite, really. Small amber stones had been woven into the intricate design of the chain, and Kolt could feel the energy it gave off from several feet away.

  “Give me your wrist,” Leandro ordered when he sat back down on the bed with him, holding out a hand.

  Kolt didn’t offer his. Whatever it was, he didn’t want it. He glared at Leandro. He didn’t get trinkets or jewelry, especially not after pissing Leandro off. He didn’t trust the fae at all. “What is it?” he asked, ignoring the hand held out for him.

  “As I said, a gift,” Leandro said.

  Kolt didn’t resist Leandro when he took his hand.

  “I had them match the gems to your eyes. Aren’t they lovely?”

  “It’s pretty,” he said, apprehensively.

  Leandro unclasped the bracelet, then secured it around Kolt’s wrist. Magic briefly shimmered in the air around them before dissipating. It took a concerted effort not to yank his hand back even as the piece of jewelry lay, seemingly harmless, against his skin. “There.” He patted Kolt’s hand. “Go clean up, Kolt.”

  No explanation, no hint or clue as to what all that magic was.

  Kolt felt a flash of rage like only Leandro could do rage — except this time, it was all his own. “What does it do?” he asked tightly.

  Leandro stood, not glancing back at him. “It’s jewelry, Kolt. It looks pretty. Does it need to do anything else?”

  Kolt could think of a thousand things, none of them good, but clearly, Leandro wanted to pretend it wasn’t brimming with fae magic. He looked more closely at it. The gems and the chain seemed normal enough, but then, that was the nature of fae magic. He touched the clasp, and after glancing up at Leandro’s turned back, he tried to unlatch it. It wouldn’t come undone. Magic sealed it closed, but there had been more at work than just that.

  Leandro didn’t even look back at him. He selected a shirt and pants, dressing. Arrogant asshole. “Your ingratitude this evening is testing my patience, Kol’tso.”

  Even though he knew it wasn’t going to work, he continued to try to pry open the clasp, putting his nails to work, and only barely resisting the urge to try and break it. He felt vaguely like a trapped animal, even if he wasn’t quite ready to chew his hand off yet.

  “I don’t want to lose it in the shower,” Kolt lied unabashedly, looking up at Leandro.

  Leandro turned back to face him, his expression unreadable, but Kolt could feel his satisfaction and irritation as clear as day. “You won’t.” His eyes went meaningfully to Kolt’s wrist. “Obviously.”

  Kolt left a pregnant pause as he eyed the fae. He wanted to know what the damn
bracelet was all about, but even more than that, he didn’t want to play another one of Leandro’s fucking games. Instead of asking, or begging, or prying, he simply took it in stride and got up off the bed to go shower.

  He didn’t want to feel Leandro’s seed on his face any longer.

  Chapter Four

  Bryce was surprised he was even upright, and the right side up at that. He had the mother of all hangovers. Even with the amount of booze he’d put away, this somehow felt so much worse than it should’ve been. This was blackout-drunk-in-college hungover. This was underwear on the flag post hungover.

  Except this time, he had no epic story, no funny memento for sober!Bryce to enjoy after drunk!Bryce was done killing brain cells.

  He shouldn’t have had so much to drink, and he became more and more aware of that as he went through the motions of his morning routine. Dress, eat breakfast — oh god, he was going to throw it all back up any moment now — brush his teeth, and go to the office.

  The new office, which was where he hit his first real snag. He couldn’t fucking find the badge that would give him access to the secured building.

  “Fuck,” he cursed, patting down all his pockets and earning a chastising look from the lady behind the desk — and of course she had to be a different lady than the one he’d met with yesterday to get all his paperwork in order. No, that would have been too simple. “Look, I’m sorry. I think maybe I left it in my car? I’m already late. Can you just—”

  “No,” she said without even letting him finish, but he was going to anyway now.

  “—give me a visitor’s pass?”

  She paused what she was doing and gave him a tired look. “What did you say your name was again?” she asked with a slow sigh, picking up the phone and dialing a number.

  “Detective Bryce Ackerman. I transferred from the 13th.”

  She didn’t look impressed. It didn’t help that he was still wearing his sunglasses, and he probably still smelled of alcohol. Regardless, she turned away slightly as the person she’d called picked up the line.


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