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Disruption: An Academy RH Paranormal Bully Romance (Fallen Fae Academy Book 5)

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by Rachel Angel


  Year 3

  Fallen Fae Academy #5


  Rachel Angel

  Rachel Angel

  Disruption: Fallen Fae Academy #5

  Published by Sparklesoup Inc.

  Copyright © 2020 Rachel Angel

  All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage or retrieval system, without the permission in writing from the publisher except in case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

  All characters and storyline is an invention from Rachel Angel.

  Any resemblance to people alive or dead is purely coincidence.

  For information, please contact:

  1st Edition.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) DEDICATION

  This is dedicated to all girls and women who are bold enough to be true to themselves.


  Rachel Angel


  This is for the Amazing Angels in Rachel Angel’s Royal Readers Group who are great with their enthusiasm, passion, and support for me, my books, and projects. Thank You!


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) Note

  Fallen Fae Academy is a Reverse Harem New Adult Bully Romance Academy Series.

  What does it mean to be Reverse Harem? It means there will be three or more love interests for the Female Main Character, she will end up with three or more. Although this takes place at a high school Academy, the characters are 17+ and there are consensual sex, some language, and mature situations.


  Rachel Angel

  My name is Harley, as in Harlequin. Plucked from my home from Las Vegas, NV, and placed into a University on an arts scholarship. Suddenly I am the girl the four hottest and most popular boys have decided to


  This is no ordinary "hazing" ritual, and these boys are no ordinary boys.

  This mysterious University looks like any ivy league campus, but it isn't. Step in and you are transported beyond your wildest imagination. I should be ecstatic being here.

  Except surviving "Initiation" is going to take everything I've got.

  Don't let the beauty of the four fae boys fool you. They are as dangerous as they are beautiful. And underneath everything, runs a deep secret. One I need to find out before Initiation kills me.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) They think a human is weak. They think I shouldn't be at this university. I'm about to prove them wrong.


  Rachel Angel



  Facing the new challenges brought on by the discovery of April’s true identity as well as learning of the dark side of her father, Harley knew she would have to really up her game.

  It was time to put all her lessons, all the studying all the assignments and exams in the past.

  Now it was time to act. She had to concentrate on finding answers to the questions that now presented themselves.

  Those lessons from so long ago… that summer with Red and Zed. It now seemed like an eternity and she wondered if she would really be able to remember important facts as she needed them.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) Smiling, she remembered how she hadn’t been very happy initially to see Red and Zed in the same summer classes that she had opted to take.

  She’d expected a nice and quiet summer, taking classes with only a few other very studious students. But she had also underestimated just how complicated all the classes would turn out to be.

  Just one class was intense enough, but taking Glamouring, Magical Devices, Magical Arts and the Dark Arts all in the same summer soon proved to be disastrous.

  In addition to that, the twins were there, tormenting her.

  “Why are you ignoring me?” Red had said at that first summertime encounter.

  “Because you’re a jerk,” Harley had replied.

  She still hadn’t forgiven them for tricking her at the art gallery.

  She wondered if she ever could.

  But, although she was irritated to find Red in her class, she was immediately charmed by the diminutive professor with the amusing high-pitched voice; Professor Trudy.


  Rachel Angel

  “Glamouring has its pitfalls,” Professor Trudy was quick to warn her students as she waved her arms gesturing to the immensity of the room.

  “We need extra room to account for glamourings that don’t turn out quite right. So, may I suggest, you start small. It doesn’t take much for a glamouring to become troublesome.”

  That certainly turned out to prove correct. So many classes ended in disaster. Many had attempt to glamour wild animals, something that never turned out well. Others were intent on glamouring vehicles; buses, cars, motorcycles, and one ambitious student even tried to glamour an airplane.

  Thankfully, despite all the disasters, but by the end of the summer, Harley believed she had a good handle on glamouring.

  In addition to sharing that class with Zed, she then went on to find that she shared her Magical Devices class with Red.

  Damn, he had looked so good as he’d excused himself from a classmate and had come to see her.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) But just as with Zed, she showed her disdain and displeasure at seeing him.

  It was then onto Magical Arts where she once again found herself with Red.

  Would her next class bring her better luck?

  Would she have a class where she would have peace in which to study.

  No. Both Red and Zed were in her Dark Arts class.

  Entering the class that day, she’d passed them by, determined to get through every class on her own and undisturbed. That determination faltered after only a few classes. When she received the results of her first quiz in glamouring, her heart sank. She was in over her head.

  “I think you’re going to need a little help,”

  Professor Trudy had said.

  Harley had gotten the horrible grade of sixty-two percent. It was embarrassing. It was humiliating. But that humiliating defeat wasn’t the only disappointment that day. The professor of the Magical Devices class had decided to give the class a pop quiz.


  Rachel Angel

  Most of the questions had left Harley with a blank. She couldn’t even come up with a semblance of an answer. And, as for the questions that she bothered to answer, she felt certain she had most of them wrong.

  Feeling miserable, she nonetheless held out hope for her Defeating the Dark Arts class. Seated up front, she listened intently to the lesson given by the tall and lanky professor. She tried so hard to make sense of what he was saying. She tried to decipher the new language that spoke of portals, of spells and of dark realms. But when the professor turned to look straight at her, she froze in fear.

  Please, don’t ask me a question, she prayed.

  Please don’t ask me a question.

  “What should we do when we find ourselves in this situation, Miss Harley?” Professor Holsman said.

  Harley reddened as the entire class turned to listen to her answer. Her mind went blank and she had nothing to say.

  “Anything?” he said, looking expectantly at her.


  Disruption (Fallen F
ae Academy #5) Harley looked helplessly at him. “Fight?”

  With an exasperated huff, Professor Holsman looked over her shoulder and pointed to the girl behind Harley.

  “Easy,” the young girl said in a tone that was just a bit too chipper. “One should exit the realm, cleanse the path and close any possible gaps.”

  “Very good,” Professor Holsman said before turning to Harley and suggesting she do some serious reading and catch up to the rest of the class.

  Dejected, she left the class and seriously considered canceling a class or two. She simply had too much on her plate.

  But, she absolutely hated the thought of admitting that Red and Zed were right. They had both warned her. Early on, they had noticed just how overwhelmed she was. And they had both offered to help her multiple times.

  Stubbornly, she’d refused them. It wasn’t just her persistent anger for their part in the art gallery fiasco. It was her own pride. She hated the thought of admitting she needed help. She considered herself strong and capable; smart and 13

  Rachel Angel

  industrious. But now… She had no choice but to accept that she had taken on too much. She had to do something to improve her grades before it was too late. If not, she would end up spending her summer in school only to wind up where she had been when the summer had begun.

  One night at the library, as she and Red each studied on their own, Red once again offered his help and she agreed.

  “I’m glad you’ve finally accepted,” Red had said. “I think I can really help you.”

  “So long as we’re clear,” she’d warn him.

  “You are to help me with my studies. Nothing more. There is to be no hanky-panky, and no kissing, no hugging. In fact, I don’t even want you looking at me suggestively.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he’d said.

  After finally giving in to Red’s offer to help her with her Magical Devices, she’d begun to spend more and more time at the apartment he shared with his twin brother, Zed.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) In addition to being truly helpful with her lessons, the tutoring sessions were always relaxed and pleasant.

  Over time, lessons turned to much needed massages as kinks and strain tensed up her body.

  And, inevitably, despite her warning of no hanky-panky, the massage sessions turned into passionate sex. Her anger dissipated, replaced by a hunger and need for his flesh and the pleasures he brought her.

  Through it all, though, her anger at him remained.

  She had yet to forgive him for his part in the art gallery fiasco.

  And when she arrived at the apartment one night to find Red absent and Zed all too eager to tutor her, they, too, began to spend time together, going over lessons, reading books and getting a lot of work done.

  Zed proved to be particularly knowledgeable in the Dark Arts. He was also a good teacher, taking his time to explain various aspects of the dark arts to her.

  “Did you know that dark faes are destroying the Faery Realms? You see, they don’t come from 15

  Rachel Angel

  any particular kingdom.” He tapped himself on the chest. “Light faes like me are from actual kingdoms; like Spring, Fall, Sea and Wood. The kingdoms do their best to keep the dark faes out, but every once in a while, they find a way in. And when they do, they cause havoc.”

  “Sounds like scary stuff. How in the world do you manage to fend them off?”

  “Here,” Zed said, turning her back to him.

  “Let me show you.” He grabbed one of the linen napkins off the table and placed it over her eyes, tying it at the back of her head.

  “What are you going to show me if I can’t see anything?”

  “Your mind’s eye. Your internal eye. It’s your most valuable instinct. This is the instinct you need to fight a dark fae or the dark arts in general.

  Do you realize that without even knowing it, you were using your natural instincts when dealing with Cici and Ashley?”

  As he spoke, Harley felt as if she was spinning around. That, or the room itself was spinning with her in it.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5)

  “Am I turning?” she said after a moment. “I feel as if…” She wasn’t sure what she felt.

  “That’s the thing to keep in mind when you’re fighting the dark arts. It almost always feels as if something is off. As if something isn’t quite right; quite level. Do you feel like you’re off balance?”

  “Yes. That’s exactly how it feels. Like I’m teetering to one side, then the other.”

  “That’s the sensation of dealing with the dark side. It throws you off. It makes you question what’s real or not.”

  “It’s so weird. Unpleasant, really.”

  “It usually is. But there are ways of working to get used to it. You can practice and get better at dealing with that strange sense of dizziness. You’ll also come to trust your instincts. You’ll learn to dig deep in your gut and you’ll react instinctively to that darkness that envelopes you.”

  As educational and interesting as his lessons were, spending time together brought about the inevitable. They were drawn to each other. It was like trying to fight a strong magnetic pull, and 17

  Rachel Angel

  Harley ultimately gave in. They fell into each other’s arms and enjoyed the sexual pleasures each had to bring to the other.

  And Harley very much enjoyed it.

  Before long, she enjoyed it twice as much as the three of them found themselves tangled up in a mass of limbs, young flesh and insatiable hunger.

  Together, they touched, caressed, kissed and found endless ways of pleasuring one another.

  The sweet orgasms were too blissful to give up and Harley couldn’t help coming back for more.

  Added to all of these pleasures, the guys cooked for her, kept her entertained and taught her so much more than even the professors could.

  Throughout it all, several details stuck with her and she knew now that those details could prove important.

  The Dark Fae had been driven out of the Faery Realm by combined forces. The kingdoms of the Faery Realm – Sea, Woods, Fall and Spring –

  had joined together. With the aid of the Queen of Spring and her all powerful magic, she’d made easy work of kicking the Dark Fae out.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) Harley knew she’d inherited that very special brand of magic from her mother. She also had a talent for creating worlds just like her mother.

  The queen, in all her wisdom, had created portals to the Dark Fae Realm and had pushed the Dark Fae through it.

  They’d become too dangerous, too bloodthirsty. The Dark Fae wanted to take control of all the worlds including the Faery Realm and the Human Realm.

  Harley knew that a special mortal or fae had the ability to allow them into the Faery Realm as well as the Human Realm through a leak or weakness in the glamour the Queen of Spring had created.

  Closing her eyes, Harley thought of the immense powers she had. Like her mother, she could create large worlds and universes… planets, moons, and stars. The possibilities were endless.

  She just had to harness it all.

  Just like that day, after an entire night of studying with both Red and Zed… despite the 19

  Rachel Angel

  exhaustion and stress, she had finally aced the final exam.

  Well, now, she had to put it to the real test.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) Chapter 1


  Harley sat on a stool in front of the window and stared into the distance. She once again found herself in the old dorm room she’d shared with April. The only difference was the new glamouring that gave the old dorm room a new breath of life.

  But the bright and joyful décor did nothing to lighten her mood.

  Outside, there was so much coming and going as professors and administrators came to the campus to prepare for the
semester to come and students came to get last minute material and directives.


  Rachel Angel

  After all, in just a few days classes would be starting again. In just a few days the campus would be filled with young men and women, human and fae.

  In just a few days, the world could completely change.

  Under different circumstances, Harley would be thrilled and excited at this new beginning. She loved the first day of school. New pens and markers, fresh white sheets of paper, crisp new books. She should have been looking forward to her classes, to seeing her friends and to all the learning to come. To all the projects and assignments. She should be eager to get back to her art, to express her emotions and to bring her art to life.

  But now, she just felt sad. What would her art look like now? How dark and bleak would her art be considering how she’d been betrayed.

  As she tried to understand how she could have been so duped, her eyes filled with tears of confusion and anger.

  April. Sweet, enchanting and lovable April.


  Disruption (Fallen Fae Academy #5) April had been her friend from the very start.

  That very first day at Fallen Fae Academy had been made tolerable and even enjoyable by April who had been so sweet and friendly. She’d quickly become her best friend.

  How could Harley have been so wrong about her? How could the girl she’d learned so much from be from the dark side? How could the girl Harley had had so much fun with turn out to be a dark fae?


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