The Astral Ordinance Book I

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The Astral Ordinance Book I Page 11

by Meltem Y. K


  They were in an underground cave. Its beauty took Jayna’s breath away.

  The enormous cavern glowed with the inner fire of opals; different colors of light reflected off the walls of the cave. There were three bubbling whirlpools; one was a fiery red, another one blue, the third one white. All were incredibly inviting. Jayna longed to sit in one and let the bubbles wash away her fatigue.

  “That’s a pretty good guess, Jayna,” Ethan said.

  “What’s a pretty good guess?”

  “That if you went into one of those pools it would totally revive you.”

  “Really? Which one?”

  “The white one,” Ethan answered. “This is Opal Mountain. It exists only in the Astral plane. It’s a sanctuary of sorts; a safe place I come to rest and revive myself. The white pool will charge up your batteries. The blue one will open your third eye. The red one will help you hone all your skills, be the best you can be.”

  “What’s a third eye?”

  “Your third eye is what gives you Astral vision on the Earth plane; when it’s opened you will be able to see a lot more, things that you cannot detect with your physical eyes.”

  “Are we here to use these pools?”

  Ethan nodded, “When you mentioned how tired you were this was the first thing that popped into my mind,” he said and smiled.

  It dawned on Jayna how much she had gotten used to Ethan’s smile and his easy going manner; such a nice guy and so incredibly hot, and modest about it.

  Ethan pulled her into an embrace and kissed the top of her head. “How about we start with the white pool?”

  “Sure, but we aren’t going in with our clothes, are we? We didn’t bring any bathing suits with us. Maybe I’ll zip home and change,” she said.

  Ethan shook his and laughed. “Jayna, in the Astral plane we change our clothes the same way we travel. All you have to do is visualize what you would like to wear and there, you’ve changed.”

  “You mean I just visualize an outfit and I’d be wearing it?”


  Jayna gasped. “You mean, I’ve been walking around in my pajamas all this time, when I could have easily changed into something more appropriate?”

  Ethan tried to look innocent, but didn’t succeed. “The topic never came up.”

  “You gotta be kidding me. You let me parade in front of the Council of Ascended Masters in my pajamas and you thought that was okay?”

  “Trust me, Jayna. They don’t care about your clothes.”

  “But I do.”

  “You look great in everything; especially in your pajamas.”

  “Oh, thanks, a lot.” Jayna was upset, but the compliments helped dissipate her anger.

  “So, what do you wear when you go in these pools?”


  “Oh!” Jayna gulped.

  In the next instant Ethan was sitting in the pool submerged up to his shoulders - his sexy, well-muscled shoulders peeking out of the bubbles. She braced herself and visualized sitting across from Ethan, in the buff. Since she could hop from pool to pool in this manner, it was okay to be sitting across from him and be nude. She blushed to the roots of her hair. Every private thought she had was a reason for blushing. She had to train herself not to think about these things. Ethan could hear every thought that passed through her head, but being a gentleman he pretended he didn’t. He went out of his way, never said anything that would make her uncomfortable. Being embarrassed was Jayna’s own doing. Maybe she had to be a little more brazen, act more mature…….yeah, more sophisticated. She was acting like a thirteen year old. Frankly, most thirteen year olds had more experience flirting with boys than she had; and it was showing.

  Time to play catch up.

  “Focus on the energy. Feel the churning, will your body to absorb it,” Ethan advised.

  Trust Ethan to bring her attention back to the business at hand. She could feel herself getting stronger, more vibrant as soon as her thoughts went that way. Jayna sat back and enjoyed the scenery.

  The ceiling was as high as a cathedral’s. The walls were shimmering with an inner fire; how was it possible for this entire cave to be a huge mass of opal. She had seen opals in jewelry stores, but those were small pieces, no bigger than the size of a pea. This entire mountain was opal. She brought her attention to the bubbles on the surface of the water; willed herself to soak up the energy. Her gaze went up to Ethan. She was rewarded with a heart stopping smile. He was already charged, stronger; his aura was shooting off sparks in various directions. He was a human firefly.

  “Time to move to the blue pool,” Ethan said and was gone.

  Jayna followed Ethan to the blue pool. It was a lot cooler than the white one. The water was not churning, instead there were little ripples on the surface and it was opaque, also thick like honey.

  “We are going to submerge ourselves in this one, make sure you allow yourself to be totally covered in it. Go down for a few minutes and then come back up. Do it a few times till you had enough. Trust your gut. This pool is all about developing your intuition, telepathic abilities and opening the third eye. I am right here with you, no need to feel anxious.”

  “Yes, boss.”

  Jayna knew she was safe with Ethan next to her. She let herself sink into the pool’s cool, blue waters. Once her entire body was submerged in this dense liquid she saw lights behind her closed eyes. She was drawn into the fireworks; her mind stopped wondering and asking silent questions. She trusted that she was doing what was right.

  She dipped in the blue water several times before she found herself in the midst of a complex geometry. She had no idea what this was, the shape itself was too complicated for her to identify, but it had something to do with the sacred geometries, she understood that much. Currents were shooting into her from various points, down her body then traveling back to her head. It occurred to her that the sacred geometry was recalibrating her Astral body. She heard sounds like the pitch of tuning forks vibrate throughout her body. Colors exploded behind her closed eyes. She was feeling a bit woozy.

  She knew it was time to move to the next pool.

  Ethan was already in the midst of the flames of the red pool. This was the strangest of the three pools; the heat did not make her uncomfortable in any way. It was a delicious heat that licked her insides. This was the pool where she would be infused with the ability to master all her skills. Jayna immersed in the magic of the dancing flames and melted into them. She could feel no more; she had become part of the flames as Ethan.

  Jayna didn’t know how long she was in the pure energy state. When she came to she was out of the pool on the floor of the cave. Ethan was on the ground beside her. She had lost all her inhibitions. She looked at Ethan unashamed. His eyes were smoldering with desire. Jayna was completely connected to him. Their minds were linked.

  They both knew what was coming next; their bodies would follow what their minds had already accomplished.

  As inexperienced as Jayna was she knew that what was happening between her and Ethan was no ordinary encounter, even by Astral standards. Where their kisses had caused fireworks, their lovemaking was causing explosions in the cosmos.


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