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The Astral Ordinance Book I

Page 22

by Meltem Y. K


  Saturday mornings were traditionally family time in the White household, and this Saturday was no different. Grace had prepared a rich breakfast; she had everyone’s favorite foods on the table, including freshly baked bread. The aromas were wafting in the air, making the kitchen a very inviting place.

  Paul helped himself to a mug of coffee while he helped Grace set the table. Grace didn’t call the children down until the table was ready. This was their ritual every weekend, Grace and Paul pattered around in the kitchen making breakfast for their family. It also gave them some time to talk about their week in a light hearted manner. When the table was ready, Grace walked up to the stairs and called, “Jayna, Liam, breakfast is ready. Come down guys.”

  Jayna was already dressed in jeans and a turquoise top that matched her eyes. She had a big day ahead of her and big news to deliver to her parents. She wanted to give Liam a heads up before she broke the news.

  Liam took the news with maturity and good cheer; he gave Jayna a big hug. “I am very happy for you Jay. I know how much you and Ethan love each other. It’s about time mom and dad meet him, too.”

  Jayna gave Liam a big squeeze, then she elaborated some more. “Liam, mom and dad will not really meet him in the physical plane. I will explain everything to them and tell them that they will be able to meet Ethan and his family in the Astral plane. You know they can’t shift like we do, so we need the help of the Masters to get them there. I feel good about telling them more of the truth. At least I have you as my back up, so they won’t think I am going crazy.”

  Liam was a very mature nine year old and had tons of respect for the work they did in the Astral plane. He knew the risks his big sister was taking with Ethan when they fought demons.

  They walked down and took their places at the kitchen table.

  “Good morning guys,” Grace said, and noticed how lovely Jayna looked that morning.

  “You are glowing this morning, Jayna.”

  Paul’s gaze shifted over his daughter. He smiled proudly.

  “Going somewhere Jayna?” he asked.

  “No, I wasn’t planning on going anywhere. I am just feeling especially happy today.”

  Both her parents looked at her with silent questions in their eyes.

  “The breakfast looks yummy, mom,” Liam said, hoping to divert their attention to the business of eating their breakfast. He figured Jayna needed some time to prep them for her big announcement.

  “Well, let’s eat then.”

  Everyone got busy helping themselves from the many serving platters Grace had prepared.

  “Everything is finger liking good, mom,” Jayna said as she licked a drop of honey from her finger.

  “Looks like you mean that literally,” Grace said.

  “Oh, I do, mom. This is quite the breakfast you prepared for us.”

  Grace’s hand froze in midair, holding her coffee mug when her eyes caught a pink glitter on Jayna’s finger.

  Jayna was wearing an engagement ring on her left hand.

  Paul caught Grace’s shocked look and instantly went on full alert, following the direction of Grace’s gaze. He, too, saw the ring on Jayna’s finger.

  Liam watched the unspoken words that flew between his parents, their facial expressions enough to convey what was going on in their heads, even if he could not read minds, which he could.

  Jay, say something before they both keel over and die from a heart attack, he said to Jayna telepathically.

  “Mom and dad, there is a very good reason for my happiness,” Jayna said in a very sincere voice. “Last night I got engaged to my boyfriend of four years.”

  After making the announcement, Jayna thought it wise to give them a moment to digest what she had said.

  Paul and Grace continued to look at each other without saying anything. Words failed them both.

  “Well, aren’t you going to congratulate me, tell me you are happy for me?” Jayna asked.

  Both her parents nodded, but words continued to fail them.

  “Mom, dad, you know that I have been going with Ethan for four years. I never hid that fact from you.”

  Finally, Paul found his voice. “But you never brought him over, introduced him to us, honey. This came as a shock. I would have thought that you would introduce him to us before you announced your engagement.”

  Paul sounded every bit the protective father that he was.

  “I know dad, but there is a very good reason for this. If you would just bear with me, I will explain it.”

  Grace was ready to hear what Jayna had to say. “We are all ears, Jayna. Go ahead and explain this to us.” Grace was scarily serious.

  Jayna took a slow breath and held it for a few seconds while she called on the Totem animals. Oh great Totems, I am calling all of you, not one. Please, come and help me. This is the most difficult thing that I ever had to explain. Give me just the right words to say to my parents, and give them the wisdom to understand what I am about to explain to them. This is very important to me; please, help.

  Liam echoed Jayna’s plea. Please, Totems, help Jayna explain this to our parents, and help them understand the stuff. Amen.

  “Mom, dad, the reason that I could not bring Ethan home to meet you is because I only saw him at night, while the two of you were sleeping.”

  Paul didn’t look amused. “Are you telling us that you snuck out of the house every night to meet this guy?”

  Grace’s face was as somber as her husband’s. “I am very disappointed, Jayna.”

  “Mom, dad, you have to give me a chance to explain something first before you pass judgment on me.”

  Paul and Grace remained quiet giving Jayna a chance to explain, not sure at all that any kind of explaining would make them feel better.

  “I did not really sneak out of the house; I was here the whole time.”

  “Oh, this is getting better and better; you let him into the house while we slept.” Paul said looking even angrier.

  “No, dad, I didn’t sneak him into the house either. While my body was physically here, my consciousness was not. I have been meeting him in the Astral plane, that is the reason I could not introduce him to you.”

  Grace shifted in her chair. “You’re going to explain that a bit better, Jayna. I don’t know about your father, but you lost me.”

  “Mom, I understand that this is a bit confusing. I will try and explain this in the simplest possible way,” Jayna said.

  “You do that, Jayna. Explain it to us in the simplest possible way, because right now none of this is making any sense.”

  Jayna nodded. “Four years ago, I accidentally shifted to a different dimension. I didn’t know what I was doing; I found myself in a different place that I thought was a dream. I met Ethan there.”

  Paul wasn’t sure that he wanted to participate in this charade, but he decided to play along just for a few minutes.

  “In that case, how is it that Liam met this guy many times? You aren’t going to say that Liam goes to this other dimension with you, are you Jayna?”

  Liam smiled and nodded.

  Grace wasn’t amused. “Liam, I know that you and Jayna are like two peas in a pod, but lying is not appreciated in this family.” Grace’s patience was eroding rapidly.

  “We aren’t lying mom, I swear,” Liam said.

  “Okay, you two. This has gone far enough,” Paul said. “I don’t want to hear another word of a lie.”

  “Dad, mom, I swear on everything that is holy to me, we are not lying. We’ve never lied to you. We only told you what we thought you could handle. You wouldn’t have believed us if we had told you more.”

  Paul and Grace looked at each other. What to say? Somebody was going crazy and they weren’t sure who; the kids or them.

  “So you are telling us that for the past four years, every night, the two of you have been going to another dimension?” Paul asked.

  “I have been going to another dimension called the Astral plane for four years
. Liam has been doing it for only two.” Jayna explained. “It isn’t that farfetched of an idea dad; you and everyone else do it too, in your sleep, but you just don’t realize that’s where you are going. We learned to do it at will, that’s all.”

  Don’t you blurt anything out about fighting demons to them, Liam. They don’t need to know that part.

  Okay. I’ll let you do the talking, Liam said to his sister telepathically.

  “If you have been seeing this guy for four years, why did he not come meet you here in plain daylight? Does he have something to hide? How can you trust someone you see only in a dream?” Paul asked in rapid-fire.

  “He did not come here because we are forbidden to see each other in the Earth plane. We don’t know why, we were never told the reason. You see, there are Ascended Masters in the Astral plane who - sort of - run the show. The Masters are highly elevated souls; they help people on Earth, give them guidance to do the right things, help them make the right choices. They do all sorts of other things in the Astral plane. We are two of the few who were given the ability to shift at will. We go there and do things, help the Masters with various projects, and also learn things.”

  Grace put an elbow on the table, rested her head in her hand, listening to every word that Jayna was saying. Here was the daughter they were so proud of, who had never lied to them in her life, or so they had thought. Could they believe even a word of what Jayna was telling them? Were both of their children delusional?

  “There are a few people like Liam and me in every corner of the world. We are new at this, but developing rapidly. In a few hundred years, there will be a lot more people like us. This is the next phase of human evolution. You all heard how people use only ten percent of their brain. Liam and I use a lot more than ten percent, but nowhere near a hundred percent. If we did, we would be able to make miracles beyond your imaginings,” Jayna explained.

  “What you are telling us is beyond our imaginings,” Grace said.

  “Then give me a chance to explain things to you in a bit more detail. Just keep an open mind, that’s all I am asking you.”

  Paul shrugged and gestured with his hands, “Go ahead.”

  “You see, Ethan’s whole family shift into the Astral plane at will. He was born after his parents became Lightworkers, so his abilities are the highest in his family.”

  “Lightworkers? What’s that?” Grace asked.

  “Lightworkers are people who are committed to serving humanity; they do humane acts, good deeds. Some are dedicated to helping people, others focus on helping animals, or the environment.”

  “This is a lot to take, Jayna. I want to believe you, but this is really pushing the envelope for me.”

  Paul looked sad. Anger was gone from his voice, but it wasn’t replaced by belief yet. Jayna’s heart ached. This wasn’t going well. Her parents believed in intuition; that was the extent of their participation in mystical phenomena.

  Jay, show them something they could see with their eyes. Words aren’t enough for them.

  Jayna perked up. Thanks kid. You are a lifesaver.

  Jayna looked around the breakfast table to see what she could do to show her parents that she wasn’t just spinning tales to cover a big fat lie. She decided on doing some demonstrations with water. She took the pitcher of water that her mother had put on the table and poured some water in her glass.

  Her parents weren’t paying any attention to her pouring a glass of water. Jayna had to call their attention to it.

  “Mom, dad, would you look at this glass of water I am holding?” she said.

  They both gave her a curious look, “What about it?”

  Jayna focused on the water for a few seconds and her parents followed her gaze. The water in the glass crystallized and turned into ice. Her parents blinked and blinked again, then turned and looked at Jayna.

  “Let me see that glass,” Paul said.

  Jayna gave her father the glass. Paul took it and touched the ice in the glass. He turned the glass upside down. Nothing fell out, the water was frozen solid.

  “How did you do that?” he asked.

  Grace’s eyes were ready to pop out of her head.

  Jayna took another glass and poured some water in that one too. This time her parents watched her closely, they didn’t have to be asked to pay attention to it. There was steam coming out of the glass, the water was boiling hot.

  Jayna held it to her mother. “Why don’t you take this one, mom?” she offered.

  Grace took the glass and felt the heat.

  “Is this some kind of a parlor trick?” she asked.

  “No, mom, this is not a parlor trick. By using mental faculties that are dormant in most people, I am able to raise or lower the core temperature of an object by focusing on it. It’s a skill that I learned in the Astral plane.”

  “Can you do anything else?” her father asked.

  “If you insist,” Jayna said and closed her eyes for a few seconds. Her parents including Liam watched her closely.

  Keep your cool, Liam, don’t act surprised, Jayna warned her brother, this is rather new for me too.

  Liam gave his sister a mental nod, Okay.

  When Jayna opened her eyes she was holding her mother’s diamond pendant in her hand.

  “How did you get that?” Grace asked. “That pendant was in my jewelry box upstairs.” Then doubt came into Grace’s eyes. “Did you bring that down when you came for breakfast?”

  Cool, Jay, very cool, but mom didn’t buy it.

  “Okay, dad you tell me to get you something small from your room.” Jayna waited for her father’s command.

  Paul was unsure. If this was a hoax, Jayna was going through a lot of trouble to make it look real.

  “Bring me the book I was reading last night. It’s on my night table.”

  Jayna closed her eyes and was in her parent’s room. Oh shit, she thought. The book that her father was reading was a heavy volume. She had previously transported only light objects, and felt fear creeping into her heart. Then she remembered how Ethan had brought that rope and tied up the two goons after beating the crap out of them. I can do this, she thought and focused all her energy on the heavy volume her father had asked for.

  When Jayna opened her eyes at the kitchen table she was holding her father’s book. She held it to her father. “Is this the book you wanted?” she said.

  Paul and Grace were overcome by what they had witnessed; Jayna wasn’t pulling parlor tricks, she really was performing unbelievable feats. What they had refused to believe only minutes ago seemed to be true.

  “Any more tricks?” Paul asked his children.

  “We can read minds,” Liam offered.

  Paul and Grace had forgotten about Liam for a minute.

  “Can you do those things that Jayna just did?” Grace asked.

  “Give me a break, mom. I am just a kid; Jayna’s got a lot more practice than me.”

  Both Paul and Grace nodded silently.

  “As I was saying, Ethan and I have been going together for four years, and last night we got engaged.” Jayna held out her left hand to show her ring.

  “Your ring is beautiful,” Grace said.

  “Thank you mom, I love it. Ethan has impeccable taste.”

  “I’d say he does,” Paul said. “He chose you, didn’t he?”

  I think they are coming around, Jay. Keep talking, Liam said.

  “Last night, after he proposed to me and I accepted, he told his parents. They were thrilled for us. Their names are Roy and Estelle. They are both very nice people. I have met them on many occasions - in the Astral plane, of course,” Jayna explained. “Estelle asked when we wanted to be married.”

  When her parents heard the “m” word, they sat up a little straighter, bracing themselves, wondering what was coming next.

  “You see, they are used to living in both dimensions and know the restriction put on us by the Masters. To them the Astral plane is no different than the Earth plane, if any
thing it is more real than the physical plane we live in, on Earth.”

  Paul and Grace were waiting for the other shoe to drop.

  “We went to see the Ascended Masters and asked for their blessing, and for them to marry us.”

  “When?” Grace asked holding her breath.

  “Next week,” Jayna answered, trying to sound as casual as possible.

  “Next week?” Grace repeated.

  Jayna nodded, her eyes tearing up. “Mom, please, try to understand my side of it. I have been in love with Ethan for four years. As much as we love each other, we’ve been forbidden to make contact in the Earth plane. It’s been a very sore spot for me. Ethan knew that. Last night, he couldn’t stand my pain any longer and proposed. To my utter delight, the Masters blessed our union and agreed to marry us. Ours will be the first marriage of its kind.”

  “And how will you live, once you are married?” Paul asked.

  “The same way we have been living the last four years. We will see each other every night, in the Astral plane. Besides, we are always in contact with one another - mind to mind. Don’t worry about the phone bill, dad, we don’t need a phone. We communicate by telepathy.”

  “You communicate by telepathy,” Paul repeated.

  “Yes, dad,” Jayna said. “What I want from the two of you is to bless our union and agree to come to our wedding.”

  “How do you propose that we come to your wedding, Jayna? Is there a shuttle that will take us?” Paul asked.

  “In a manner of speaking; we will need the Masters’ help for that, but they have given us their approval. We are allowed to invite the closest people to us to our wedding. Ethan has many family members who are able to shift to the Astral plane at will, I am sure they will be there. I don’t want to be there only with Liam and Hope.”

  “Hope?” Grace asked. “Hope is part of all of this?”

  “Yes,” Jayna said. “The Masters will transport Pavlina and the closest family members for me. I am getting married only once, I want my parents to be there.”

  Paul and Grace looked at their daughter. They both sighed at the same time.

  “How will we ever be ready for a wedding in a week?” Grace asked.

  “That’s not a problem, mom. We’ll go through some wedding magazines and pick out our dresses. They will be ready for us in the Astral plane as soon as we choose them. Things work a little differently in that dimension. You won’t have to worry about a thing.”

  “What about your grandparents? If this marriage will be as real as an Earth marriage, they would want to be there,” Grace said.

  “We can bring them too, but first I have to explain all this to them. Maybe you can help convince them that what I am telling you is true. I worry about grandpa. I think he’ll have a harder time believing all this than grandma.”

  Grace nodded, “Yeah, good luck convincing your grandfather, Jayna. He doesn’t believe anything unless he can touch it.”

  “I am not sure that freezing or boiling water in a glass will convince him either,” Paul said. “Your grandfather is pretty stubborn.”

  Jayna nodded and sighed deeply. “I know; he will be the toughest one to convince. I will do my best. I need some time to think about how I will approach him. Are we going over there or any plans for them to come over?” Jayna asked.

  “I am sure they are going to be home later in the day. They usually go to the market Saturday mornings to buy fresh produce. Do you want me to call your grandma and let her know that we are coming,” Grace asked.

  “Sure mom; that would be great. I can go whenever you arrange the time for a visit, but I do want you and dad to be there. I need you all to back me up on this.”

  Grace got up from her chair, walked over to her daughter and gave her a hug.

  “I am happy for you Jayna, although this will take some getting used to. All I want for you is to be happy.” Grace took Jayna’s left hand and held it up to the morning light coming from the window. The heart shaped pink diamond sparkled brilliantly.

  “That is some diamond,” she said. “It’s a very elegant design, as huge as that diamond is, it doesn’t look gaudy.”

  “Yeah, that’s Ethan alright,” Jayna said. “Everything about him and his family is very elegant, and otherworldly. They have one foot in the Astral dimension.”

  Paul rose from the table too. “Liam, you come with me buddy and let the ladies talk about diamonds.”

  Dad’s gonna grill you with questions, Liam. Make sure you don’t say anything to him that you aren’t supposed to. Whatever you do, do not try to teach him how to shift. Just talk to him in generalities, Jayna said.

  No sweat, Jay. I’ll tell him about the playground and where we hang out. He won’t get anything out of me.

  Outwardly, Liam was all innocence, “Sure, dad,” he said and followed his father out of the kitchen.

  “Mom, I am going over to Pavlina’s in a couple of hours, but I’ve got some things to do first. I also need to discuss some stuff with Ethan, I am sure he is dying to know how my conversation with you went. I’ll help you clean up the kitchen, and then get going.”

  Jayna rose from her chair and carried the dishes to the sink, then filled up the dishwasher. Grace transferred the leftovers in smaller dishes and put them in the fridge. Jayna wiped the table. Kitchen duty was done in a very efficient manner. Jayna knew that whenever her mother was preoccupied she got busy with her hands. Her head was pretty loaded at the moment so her hands were working very fast, reflective of the furious speed at which her thoughts were running in her head.

  Grace suddenly stopped what she was doing and looked at her daughter. “Liam said you two read minds. Does that mean you hear everything that goes through our heads?” she asked.

  “If we tune into your thoughts then we do, but we don’t go around eavesdropping on people’s thoughts, mom. We respect people’s privacy,” Jayna smiled, “besides, it would be irritating like hell walking around listening to everyone’s internal dialogue. We tune it out most of the time.”

  “But, sometimes you chose to listen?” Grace concluded.

  “Only sometimes, when it’s appropriate to do so.” Jayna waited a beat, “or when it’s a matter of personal safety.”

  Grace sighed deeply and shook her head. “Like I said, this will take some getting used to.”

  “Nothing’s changed mom, we are still who we are. You just know a bit more about our abilities.”

  Grace was thoughtful. “The situation is a bit more tolerable when you put it that way.”

  “I will be in my room, mom, if you need me.”

  Jayna got busy working on her portrait of Pavlina and Hope. She wanted to have it done and frame it on her way to Pavlina’s, later on. Hope would get a kick out of it, and Jayna needed to keep her own hands busy to calm her nerves. She had to compose herself and prepare a strategy for breaking the news to her grandparents. But first, she needed to touch base with Ethan.

  She went up to her room and lied down on her bed and closed her eyes. She didn’t shift, just turned on their internal communication system.

  Hi Ethan, she said. How is your morning?

  Great. How is yours? Did you speak to your family?

  Yes. It took some convincing, but they came around. We’ll be going to my grandparents later in the afternoon. I am trying to figure out how to approach the topic with my grandfather. He’s going to be the toughest nut to crack. He is sort of set in his ways and has a limited view of things. He won’t believe anything unless he has hundred percent proof.

  Don’t over think it, Jayna. You are worrying about it too much. Just go with the flow.

  Did your property manager call you about the arson attempt last night?

  Yes. The police have the guys in custody, but it was a dead end. They don’t know who hired them. The guys that were caught were hired help. Someone paid them a few hundred dollars to set the place on fire. They don’t know anything beyond that.

  Jayna was alarmed by t
he lack of answers. Ethan, are you in any kind of danger? Please, be careful. I’ll go crazy with worry if there is someone out there who wants to harm you.

  No, no, no, Jayna, don’t make a big deal of this. We already beefed up security. We’ll get to the bottom of this. There is no need for you to worry about this incident.

  Promise me that you’ll be careful.

  Okay, I promise. Will you relax now? You should be thinking about our wedding.

  I am thinking about our wedding. My mother likes my ring, Ethan. I absolutely adore it.

  By the way, how did you happen to have a ring handy?

  I didn’t just happen to have It handy, or steal it. Ethan laughed. I’ve been working on the design of this ring for a while now. I asked my mother’s jeweler to make it for me. It was delivered just yesterday. Quite timely, I would say.

  Do you mean you were going to just hang on to it? Wait for the day when we might decide to get engaged?

  No, I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time. I didn’t just ask you to marry me on the spur of the moment. Ethan paused for a second. Ring or no ring, we are soul mates.

  Jayna was quiet for a moment. Yes, I understand that, but I am a traditional girl and still want to follow Earth customs. We possess physical bodies; we aren’t just Astral beings. If we are never to see each other on Earth, why did they let us incarnate? I don’t understand.

  We shouldn’t push what we don’t understand. We love each other and that’s all that matters. Besides, my mother would never give up the chance to throw a big party, in any dimension. That woman thrives on organizing stuff.

  Speaking of organizing stuff, what can my mother do? It’s not fair to leave her out altogether, is it?

  You won’t have to. She can help you choose everything that you would like for the wedding just as if we were having it on Earth. You two start a file of magazine clippings. You bring them to my mother; she will make sure everything will be the way you choose it.

  I wanted to ask you about the venue, Jayna said. Do they have wedding halls there? I’ve never been to a wedding in the Astral plane in all my four years.

  We can check out a few spots and decide on the location tonight. Won’t that be fun?

  I can’t wait. Ours will be a dream wedding, literally and figuratively.

  And you will be the most beautiful bride ever. We will live happily ever after.

  Jayna completed her portrait of Hope and Pavlina before going to visit them. She stopped by a frame shop and bought a frame for it. When she went to Pavlina’s in the early afternoon, they were just finishing lunch. Hope came running and jumped on Jayna.

  Are you going to tell mommy your news? She asked Jayna telepathically.

  I sure will.

  “Hey ladies, look what I brought for you,” Jayna said.

  Pavlina looked at the framed portrait of herself and Hope and screamed with delight. “Oh, Jay, this is absolutely perfect. I love it. We have to hang it up right away.”

  Pavlina found her hammer and a nail and decided to hang the portrait on a wall where it would be the focal point of their sitting area.

  “Okay, Jay, you try to hold the picture right there while I take a few steps back and see if it is centered.”

  Pavlina looked at the portrait and admired her friend’s artistic talents and decided that it was exactly in the right spot, and then her eye caught something very sparkly on Jayna’s hand.

  She squinted and looked a little more carefully, blinked and looked again. Her heart skipped a beat. “Ah. My. God.” Pavlina screamed, “Jay, what are you wearing?”

  “A ring.”

  Pavlina forgot about hanging the portrait. “Let me see,” she commanded and ran to Jayna. She grabbed Jayna’s hand and held it.

  “Oh, Lord. Is this an engagement ring?” she asked her whole body shaking with excitement.

  “Yes, it is.” Jayna carefully put the portrait down on the kitchen table. It didn’t look like they were going to hang it just yet.

  The portrait forgotten for the moment, Pavlina hugged her best friend. “Do tell,” she insisted. “I can’t wait to hear all the details.”

  “We got engaged last night and will be married in a week; you are the maid of honor.”

  “How?” Pavlina asked.

  “What do you mean, Pav?”

  “I mean how will you be married? Is he coming here?”

  “No, the wedding will take place on the other side, in the Astral plane,” Jayna explained.

  “Then how the heck am I going to be your maid of honor?” Pavlina was confused.

  “You and my family are allowed to attend the wedding. The Masters will shift you for the wedding.”

  Pavlina was even more confused. “Wait a minute; your family is going too? You mean you told them?”

  “Yes, I did; this morning at the breakfast table. They had a hard time believing me, but I managed to convince them. We’ll be going over to my grandparents later on this afternoon to tell them. I am sort of worried about my grandfather’s reaction.”

  Pavlina nodded. “Yeah, I am worried about his reaction too. So, when is the big day?” Pavlina asked.

  “Like I said; in a week.”

  “How could you possibly get all your preparations done in a week? That’s insane.”

  Jayna shook her head. “I know it sounds insane, but you have to keep in mind that things work a little differently in that dimension. The most important thing that I have to do is choose my wedding gown and the outfits for the wedding party. We can start looking at wedding magazines today. Basically we will cut out the pictures of everything we choose, hand them over to Estelle and she will make sure that they are ready when we get there.”

  “Estelle?” Pavlina asked.

  “Ethan’s mother.”


  “She is a very cool woman, smart, attractive and dotes on Ethan; that’s her baby. Ethan’s nieces and nephews will also be in the wedding party. Estelle is taking care of the logistics; we get to choose whatever we like.”

  “Are you saying all we have to do is flip through wedding magazines and clip what we like?”

  Jayna nodded. “Yes, but we still have to imagine what the dresses would be like on various people. Ethan and I will scout out some venues for the wedding tonight. I am really excited.”

  Pavlina hugged her friend again. “Of course you are excited, Jay. It’s every girl’s dream, and yours will be a dream wedding in more ways than one.”

  Jayna laughed, “That’s exactly what I told Ethan, we’ll have a dream wedding.”

  Jayna picked up the portrait that she had placed on the table. “Are we going to hang this up or not?”

  Pavlina jumped up, “Yes, we are. You did an awesome job, Jay. You put that minor in Fine Arts to good use.”

  The portrait was hung in the place of honor in Pavlina’s small, but cozy home.

  “Will you do me a favor as my maid of honor?” Jayna asked.

  “Sure, what would you like?”

  “Could you pick up some bridal magazines so we can look at them? I will come back after speaking to my grandparents; we can go through the magazines then.”

  “Consider it done, and you let me know whatever else you need.”

  Jayna picked up Hope and twirled her around. “Are you ready to be a junior bride’s maid?”

  Hope nodded demurely, her golden curls bouncing.

  Jayna’s parents had arrived only seconds before.

  Perfect timing, Jayna thought as she pulled in the driveway.

  Evelyn hugged and kissed her grandchildren. They were definitely her pride and joy in life. Evelyn and Bill were delighted to see their daughter and her family. Grace was an only child, and as such she and her family were the focal point of their lives. They would have liked to have a big family, but God had given them only one child. Grace had two children of her own, and a husband who respected his in-law parents, thus giving Bill and Evelyn their wish for a big happy family. E
velyn loved having them over, it made her day, so when Grace had called that morning to say that they were coming, Evelyn didn’t think much of it; but when they walked in she immediately knew that something was up.

  All of Evelyn’s senses went on red-alert; she braced herself for whatever was up. Bill wasn’t as attuned to the subtleties as his wife, but he was very much in tune to Evelyn’s moods. He picked up on that instantly and gave his wife a questioning look.

  Evelyn shrugged to indicate that she didn’t know what was up; just that she had sensed something. She smiled to make her husband relax, a signal that meant “no worries”.

  “We bought fresh fruit from the market today, who wants some?” Evelyn asked.

  “Whatta you got, grandma?” Liam asked.

  “We bought some delicious peaches and fresh honey. The lady who sold us the honey said we can drizzle some on the peaches and try it that way. I got some ready if you would like to try it,” Evelyn said.

  “Sure mom, we’ll have some of that.”

  Evelyn went to the kitchen while everyone else got settled in their favorite spots in the family room and pleasantries were exchanged.

  Evelyn came back with a tray that held a big bowl of sliced peaches, six small bowls and a container of fresh honey. She carefully placed it on the coffee table. She put some peaches in each of the small bowls and drizzled a spoon of honey on top. She offered the first one to Liam.

  “Here Liam, you get the first one since you are the youngest.”

  Liam jumped out of his seat and went to get his peaches. “Thanks, grandma.” He went back to his seat and took a spoonful. He squealed in delight, “This is really yummy.”

  Evelyn smiled, “Well, I am glad that lady at the market wasn’t lying to me.” She handed out the bowls of sliced peaches. “Enjoy.”

  Evelyn’s eyes swept everyone in the room. Her family was enjoying the fruit she had served them. They seem to be in a fine mood, maybe she was imagining things.

  Evelyn was startled from her reverie by her husband’s coughing. Was Bill choking on his peaches?

  Bill quickly put his bowl and fork down. He pulled a tissue from the box and wiped his mouth and nose, cleared his throat and tried to pull himself together.

  “Are you okay, Bill?” Evelyn asked.

  “Yes, I am fine,” Bill said, but his color had changed; Evelyn didn’t believe him. She gave her husband a questioning look, “What’s wrong?”

  Everyone else had noticed the silent exchange between Evelyn and Bill.

  I think grandpa just saw your ring, Jay, Liam told his sister.

  Thanks, for the heads up.

  Aren’t you gonna say something?

  I guess I better.

  Jayna took a calming breath and crossed the fingers of her right hand while keeping her left hand in plain sight. “Grandma, grandpa, I have some happy news to share with you.”

  Evelyn and Bill turned their gaze to Jayna. Evelyn hadn’t seen Jayna’s ring yet, she was furiously trying to figure out what was up. Whatever it was, Bill had clued in on it before her, and that bothered her.

  “I am engaged to be married.” There, I said it, Jayna thought.

  Grace and Paul were holding their breath, waiting for a reaction, but they did put big smiles on their face.

  Evelyn put down the bowl she was holding. Jayna’s news had shocked her speechless. Both the grandparents were frozen in their seats. Finally, Evelyn found her voice. “I don’t know what to say, honey. I must admit this caught me by surprise.”

  “How about, ‘Congratulations, I am happy for you.’” Jayna asked.

  Evelyn got up from her seat, walked over to Jayna and gave her a big hug. “Of course, I am happy for you, sweetheart. Congratulations. It’s just that I wasn’t expecting this. You didn’t give us any forewarning on this, that an engagement was forthcoming.”

  “It happened suddenly, grandma. Even I was shocked how fast things happened. We are getting married next week.” I might as well say it all in one breath.

  I think grandpa will have a seizure, Jay. He’s turned purple.

  “Is this a shotgun wedding, Jayna?” Bill asked in his most serious voice.

  “No, grandpa, it’s not. We’ve been seeing each other for four years. I’ve told you that I had a boyfriend.”

  “But you never introduced him to us,” Bill said accusingly.

  “It wasn’t possible to do that, grandpa, but things have changed, you will be able to meet him.”

  Bill thought about what Jayna said for a few seconds. “Was he in jail?”

  This time it was Jayna’s turn to jump up. “Grandpa! How could you suggest such a thing?”

  “Young lady, I don’t know what to think,” Bill said.

  You are in trouble now.

  Shut up, Liam, you aren’t any help.

  “You’ve had this mystery boyfriend for some time; he never came to meet your family, to pay his respects, but now he’s given you a ring and you are getting married in a week. No, I don’t know what to make of this. Perhaps you could explain it.”

  Jayna smiled pleasantly, but inside she was quite nervous.

  “Dad, if you just give Jayna a chance she will explain,” Grace said as calmly as she could.

  Evelyn knew it was time she said something to calm her husband. “Bill, I am sure there is a perfectly good explanation why Jayna’s boyfriend wasn’t able to meet us.”

  Evelyn tried to smile, but it didn’t quite reach her eyes. Inside she was pleading. This had better be good, Jayna. You know your grandfather.

  Yes, I know my grandfather.

  Jayna sighed. I need all the help I can get, Masters. My family isn’t like Ethan’s, especially my grandfather. He’ll think I am making everything up. Please, help me convince him.

  “Grandpa, I will explain, and I will try to make it as simple as possible. I just ask that you keep an open mind.”

  Bill’s eyebrows went up in an animated way. “Open mind, eh?” he said. “And you will make this as simple as possible. Don’t bother making it simple, Jayna, I am not stupid. Spit it out.”

  Jayna nodded, “I need you to keep an open mind while I explain this. First, I want you to remember that I’ve never lied to you in my life, and I am not about to start doing it now.”

  Bill’s eyes bore into Jayna. Every word that Jayna had spoken raised his guard even higher. He sensed that something totally unbelievable was coming. He didn’t say a word, but his intense gaze spoke volumes.

  “In way of an introduction and as background information, let me say that there is more than one reality; quantum physics is proving this phenomena.”

  “Don’t play the physicist with me, Jayna. I taught you most of the physics you know.”

  “Grandpa, you aren’t making this easy for me.” Jayna puffed out the breath she was holding. She was getting frustrated.

  “As I was saying, there is more than the eyes can see. Four years ago, I stumbled into another dimension. That’s where I met Ethan, and by the way, he is an outstanding citizen, not a jailbird.”

  Bill looked at his granddaughter and smiled. “That’s it? That’s your explanation?”

  Jayna nodded. “Yes.”

  Paul and Grace looked at one another, understanding dawning on both them. This was the reason Jayna had chosen to do her major in Physics and minor in Fine Arts - totally unrelated disciplines: Physics to learn more about dimensions and things; Fine Arts for the love of it.

  “Well, young lady, I am not buying it,” Bill stated vehemently.

  “What will it take to make you believe that I am telling you the truth?” Jayna asked feeling like a prisoner who was being cross examined by a very tough interrogator.

  “I suggest you produce some evidence.”

  “Okay, give me a few minutes. Maybe I can.”

  Bill gave her granddaughter a demeaning look as if to say, “You little liar, let’s see what else you can come up with.”

  Jayna sat straight up in her chai
r, keeping her spine perfectly straight; she closed her eyes. Her parents watched closely, wondering what she would bring down from her grandfather’s bedroom, or from his study.

  Whatta you gonna do, Jay? Liam asked.

  Jayna didn’t answer her brother. She focused all her attention on the vortex that connected the two dimensions.

  Liam jumped in his seat when he heard Jayna.

  Great-grandfather Arthur, please help me. I need to convince my grandfather that I am not making all this up.

  Sir Arthur of the Council of Ascended Masters from the Astral dimension appeared in the vortex.

  Jayna, my child, it is so wonderful to hear from you. I knew William would give you a hard time. You do not need to worry, he’s pushed you enough. I will deal with him.

  Paul and Grace were watching both Jayna and Liam. They were pretty sure Jayna would bring something from another room in an attempt to convince her grandfather as she had done earlier at home, but when Liam jumped in his seat they knew something was up.

  Liam looked pretty excited. Paul and Grace wished they could hear what the two of them were saying to each other.

  Jayna opened her eyes. She looked around, her face broke into a brilliant smile when she saw Sir Arthur standing behind her grandfather’s chair.

  Everyone else in the room had seen Sir Arthur, too - except Bill; but they were too stunned to utter a single word.

  Liam’s face also lit up. You did it, Jay. He cheered his sister.

  Sir Arthur looked at Liam, Hello Liam.

  Hello great-grandfather Arthur. This is really cool. Thanks for coming to Jayna’s rescue.

  Sir Arthur nodded to Liam, but no one except Jayna heard the silent communication between them. It is my pleasure young Liam, truly a pleasure.

  Bill felt a tap on his shoulder. He froze in his seat. Who was tapping him? He slowly turned his head around and looked.

  An old man dressed in flowing robes was standing behind him. The old guy shimmered.

  Bill rose from his chair ready to defend this intrusion into his home. “Who are you?” he asked, “How did you get in here?”

  “I am your ancestor, Sir Arthur. I believe you read about me in your research of your family’s background.”

  Bill’s mouth fell open as did everyone else’s in the room. Liam was enjoying the show; Jayna was grateful; Paul and Grace were duly impressed; Evelyn had no idea what was going on; Bill was simply not convinced.

  “Most likely, you are an actor from Stratford who is playing along with my granddaughter’s charade.”

  “William Thomas Rushton, are you calling me an impostor?” Sir Arthur’s voice boomed in the room. It had a very unearthly quality about it; it resonated in waves through the entire house. No human had a voice like this.

  “Would you like me to invite the entire Council of Ascended Masters into your living room to convince you that your granddaughter is not a liar?”

  Jayna and Liam rose from their seats and bowed to Sir Arthur in the way people bowed to each other in the Astral plane to show respect. Sir Arthur bowed back and when he straightened, he cupped his hands and threw Astral light on Jayna and Liam. He was very proud of them. Sir Arthur had high hopes for these two young ones. They would do great things in the years to come.

  Everyone in the room including Bill had witnessed the light that Sir Arthur had thrown on Jayna and Liam. He was also glowing as if lit from within; there was light radiating from his body. There was no way this was a theatrical production or a mass hallucination.

  Evelyn rose from her seat and approached the glowing old man. She bowed as she had seen her grandchildren bow to him. “Welcome to our home Sir Arthur. It is a great honor to have you here. Please, forgive my husband. He is pigheaded sometimes.”

  Sir Arthur was very pleased with Evelyn’s welcome. He bowed back to her.

  “You are correct, dear lady. William is pigheaded, but he is also a lucky man to have such a fine family.” Sir Arthur’s gaze swept the room to include everyone.

  “It is my utmost pleasure to meet my descendants; it isn’t every day one transcends dimensions to meet one’s family.”

  He turned to Bill, “William, your two grandchildren are Lightworkers. They are highly evolved humans who are able to travel between Earth and the Astral plane, where I reside. Jayna’s future husband is another such human. We, the Council, have given Jayna and her young man our blessing. They will be married next week. As a wedding gift to them, we have agreed to allow the family and a few select friends to attend their wedding in the Astral plane. Do you have any questions?”

  Bill shook his head. He had seen and heard enough to believe that Jayna was not spinning tales. He rose from his seat and bowed to his ancestor. Bill remembered his research well; Sir Arthur had lived on Earth eight hundred years ago. Apparently, he was now some sort of a respected personage on the other side.

  Pleased with Bill’s acceptance, Sir Arthur bowed back. Realizing that they were the only ones left who hadn’t bowed to Sir Arthur, Paul and Grace rose from their seats and also bowed in reverence. Sir Arthur reciprocated the bow.

  Always the perfect hostess, for once Evelyn was at a loss; she had no idea what she could offer Sir Arthur, but she decided she had to give it a try. “Sir Arthur, won’t you have a seat?” she asked, “May I offer you a cup of tea?”

  Sir Arthur bowed deeply and sat next to Liam. Liam sat up straighter and beamed from ear to ear, his bunny teeth showing. He was happy that Sir Arthur chose to sit next to him.

  In response to Evelyn’s tea offer, Sir Arthur produced a steaming cup of tea in his hand and sipped from it. Bill and Evelyn were stupefied as they had never seen anything manifest out of thin air before. Paul and Grace weren’t as bewildered since they had witnessed Jayna do something similar earlier in the day.

  Sir Arthur looked at his descendants with his amazing eyes that emanated light. “I am proud to be your ancestor. You have not one, but two exceptional children in this family who will do amazing things for humanity and the planet. You have to realize that Jayna has proven herself to be an extraordinary Lightworker in both of the dimensions she occupies. Young Liam is following in his sister’s footsteps. Now that you are privy to their extraordinary secret, I expect you will give them all the support and encouragement they deserve.”

  Everyone nodded their heads in unison, no words were spoken; still tongue tied.

  “Being a Lightworker requires total commitment. There is a code that must be followed. They are expected to live their lives to the fullest on Earth while upholding the values of Lightworkers. They must be honest, hardworking, helpful, protect those who need protecting, respect all life forms, and most of all be role models to the people in their community. Every good act they do magnifies and multiplies, causing other good acts to be performed, perpetuating goodness on Earth. The culmination of these good acts raises the vibration of your planet, hence allowing more Lightworkers to be born.”

  Sir Arthur was answering all the questions that were running through their heads. He knew that they were too stunned to articulate any.

  “In preparation for your visit to the Astral plane, I recommend that you abstain from eating meat until the wedding. It will be much easier to raise your vibrations to take you to the Astral dimension if you consume only foods that are plant based. And absolutely no alcohol can be taken between now and then. Your bodies should be as free of contaminants as possible. It is good that none of you smoke.” Sir Arthur nodded to punctuate his approval.

  “On the night of the wedding, I and several others will come to take you. You will be in the Astral dimension for most of the night. You will be brought back as your world awakes in the morning.”

  Having answered most of the unspoken questions, Sir Arthur rose. Everyone followed suit and jumped out of their seats.

  Jayna bowed deeply, Thank you for coming and explaining everything to my grandparents.

  Sir Arthur bowed back. You are most welcome, Jayna.
  Everyone else followed Jayna’s example and bowed.

  Bill finally found his voice. “It isn’t very often that I find myself at a loss for words. You have shattered my view of reality and changed it in a most dramatic way. I am sorry that I didn’t believe my granddaughter, but I am glad that my disbelief in her story caused you to show yourself to us. This has been a most amazing experience for me, as I am sure it has been for the rest of my family.”

  With Bill’s little speech, others also found their voices. Grace spoke next. “Sir Arthur, I hope that you and others are watching over my children when they go to this other dimension.”

  Sir Arthur scanned Grace’s thoughts to see if she knew anything about Jayna’s assignment as a demon fighter. Grace had no idea about demon fighting, but her protective instinct as a mother had kicked in and she was aware of some sort of danger, although not at a conscious level.

  “Your children are well protected, my dear. Do not worry.”

  “Thank you for coming to speak to us,” Paul said not sure if one shook hands with an Astral being.

  “I needed a very good reason to come to Earth; Jayna gave me the perfect reason. I am pleased to have met you all before the wedding.”

  Sir Arthur’s gaze swept everyone, he bowed one last time. The light emanating from his body intensified until his form could no longer be seen in the brilliance, and then it was as if a switch was turned off - he was gone.

  Bill quickly went to Jayna and gave her a big bear hug. “Will you forgive your grandfather for doubting your word?”

  “There is nothing to forgive, grandpa. I didn’t expect you to make it easy for me.” Jayna smiled as she hugged her grandfather.

  “Congratulations are in order. Let’s celebrate. This is a very special day. Champagne anyone?” Bill asked.

  Everyone laughed.

  “What did I say?” Bill asked.

  “No alcohol between now and the wedding, grandpa,” Liam reminded him.

  “Out of the mouths of babes,” Bill said.

  Liam didn’t like being called a babe. “I am not a baby grandpa. I am a Lightworker.”

  “Oh boy, I managed to upset not one, but both of my grandchildren today. I must be a grumpy old man.”

  “You got that right,” Evelyn said.

  There was another round of laughter in the room.

  “I know exactly what to do to celebrate Jayna’s engagement,” Evelyn said. “We will have a vegetarian dinner made from all the fresh vegetables we bought at the market this morning, and we’ll toast with fresh apple cider.”

  Grace was thrilled now that Jayna’s news had turned to a cause for celebration and everyone was elated. She could feel the joy in the air. She cringed remembering the tense atmosphere in the room earlier when her father had refused to believe Jayna.

  “Mom, I will help you with dinner,” Grace said, got up and started collecting all the fruit bowls.

  “I am thirsty, grandma. May I have some water?” Liam asked.

  “Sure thing, honey, let’s go in the kitchen.”

  Liam and Evelyn headed to the kitchen followed by Grace with the tray of empty dishes. Jayna remained in the family room with her father and grandfather. She wanted to make herself available in case there were things they wanted to ask her, but all three of them were startled with Evelyn’s shout.

  “Bill, come over here,” she called out from the kitchen.

  As Evelyn was a pretty even tempered woman, her excitement alarmed Bill. He ran to the kitchen to see what was up.

  Evelyn was looking into the dining room, her facial expression one of bewilderment. She pointed to the dining room table. Bill took another step and froze in his tracks. The dining room was overflowing with many platters of food.

  Jayna and Paul had followed Bill to see what had startled Evelyn. Now they understood.

  “Somebody heard our plans to celebrate,” Bill said.

  “Yep, it was great-grandfather Arthur,” Liam said and ran to the dining room to sample the food.

  Bill liked the sound of great-grandfather Arthur. Liam had no qualms owning up to the old man; and what an old man he was. Bill puffed out his chest, all proud that he was a descendant of this esteemed Master.

  “You should come and taste some this stuff, grandpa,” Liam invited his grandfather.

  “I think I will, Liam,” Bill said and grabbed a plate.

  “Looks like the feast is courtesy of Sir Arthur,” Grace said. “Maybe he is trying to show you that there are lots of things to eat besides meat and potatoes, dad.”

  “Well he did a fine job of convincing me,” Bill said.

  “Okay, let’s eat,” Liam shouted.

  There was no room to sit at the dining room table since it was jam packed with platters of food. Everything was finger licking good. There were so many dishes to choose from Bill didn’t know how he would fit everything on his plate. He filled up his plate as much as he could.

  “I’ll come back for more after I eat these,” he said.

  The family filled their plates with all the food that was so enticingly displayed on the table. They sat at the kitchen table to eat.

  “Sir Arthur is such an interesting character,” Evelyn said with admiration.

  “He is a lot more than an interesting character, he is an Ascended Master,” Jayna explained.

  “What exactly is an Ascended Master,” Bill asked.

  “An Ascended Master is a highly evolved soul.” Jayna continued, “They are capable of many things such as materializing on Earth in the flesh like Sir Arthur did, and rearranging the molecules in the ether to produce a feast as the one on the dining room table. Ascended Masters can perform miracles beyond your imaginings. They are also rulers of the Astral plane. Sir Arthur is a member of the Council of Ascended Masters. There are more evolved beings than the Masters, but not very many.”

  Bill listened carefully taking in every word Jayna had uttered.

  “What exactly do you and Liam do there?” he asked Jayna.

  Liam, make sure you don’t blurt out anything we don’t want them to worry about, Jayna warned her brother.

  “I play with other kids there, like Hope,” Liam answered.

  Bill and Evelyn’s eyes popped out and they both shouted with astonishment, “Hope?”

  “Aha, we play together every night when we shift to the Astral plane.”

  “Is there anyone else who is capable of shifting between dimensions?” Bill asked.

  “No, grandpa, Liam, Hope and I are the only ones from around here who can shift to the Astral dimension at will,” Jayna explained.

  Bill looked pleased, “Well, that makes me feel a little bit better. I would be annoyed if you started naming a bunch of people who can do this Astral-shift thing.” Bill stuffed his mouth with more food and chewed for a few minutes enjoying the explosion of tastes in his mouth. He tried not to moan with pleasure.

  “Any chance a more mature person can learn this trick?” he asked.

  “Bill, you aren’t thinking about becoming an Astral traveler, are you?” his wife asked.

  Jayna smiled. “Grandpa, Astral travel isn’t a trick. If you are really interested, I suggest you speak to Sir Arthur when you see him next week. Neither Liam nor I are qualified to teach it.”

  Bill considered what Jayna said and nodded. He wondered if he was too old for this sort of thing.

  “No, grandpa, I didn’t say you are too old,” Jayna said.

  Bill stopped chewing his food and swallowed hard. “Jayna, did you just read my mind?”

  Yes, you did, Jay. I think you should tell him that much.

  “Yes, grandpa, we have the ability to hear people’s thoughts.”

  Bill sat up straight in his chair, squinted and looked from Jayna to Liam then back to Jayna. He changed the angle of his head and looked again. He blinked a few times, chewed his lip, but didn’t say anything.

  Internally, he kept saying “wow”.

  This was an amazing
feat, to be able to read people’s minds. Maybe he was too old for time travel, or was it Astral travel? Whatever it was - travel between dimensions; but he was pretty sure he was not too old to learn mind reading if he set his mind to it. Boy, would that come in handy or what?

  Evelyn’s gaze was fixed on Bill. “You’ve been rendered speechless twice in one day, Bill,” she said.

  Bill shook his head, but still didn’t say anything. His mind was reeling with the possibilities. He would do as Jayna had suggested and speak to Sir Arthur when they would all meet again at Jayna’s wedding.

  “Jayna, are we permitted to drink coffee,” Bill asked.

  “As long as you don’t spike it with any alcohol,” Jayna answered.

  Bill shook his head, “No, absolutely no alcohol.”

  “You sure you won’t miss your beer, Bill?” Evelyn asked.

  “It’s called self-discipline, Evelyn.” Bill said. “I am looking forward to my granddaughter’s wedding next week. If that means I have to give up meat and alcohol, so be it.”

  “You are not aspiring to follow in your ancestor’s footsteps, are you Bill?” Evelyn teased. “I think you are harboring a secret ambition to be like him.”

  Bill didn’t take Evelyn’s comments as a joke, he was quite serious. “Apparently, this trait runs through the bloodlines, it skipped a few generations and eight hundred years, but look - the gene has shown itself in both Jayna and Liam. Who is to say that I don’t have it in me? Perhaps it’s dormant, waiting to be awakened.”

  Grace and Paul were trying hard to keep a straight face, not wanting to laugh and offend Bill. He wouldn’t appreciate being laughed at.

  Evelyn shrugged, “Who knows, maybe you are destined to be a Master of something after all.”

  “More food anyone,” she asked to the rest of her family.

  Grace stood up, “I don’t mind if I do, this is all very delicious and we didn’t have to cook it. Somebody remind me to thank Sir Arthur when we see him.”

  Paul also rose from his chair. “I want to try some of the sweets,” he said.

  “Me too,” Evelyn said and followed them to the dining room where all the food was laid out.

  This time it was Grace who spoke in amazement. “Mom, is it my imagination or is there more food on this table?”

  Both Evelyn and Paul came closer and looked at the food on the table. Evelyn spoke first.

  “I think there is more food here than there was a few minutes ago.”

  Everyone was back in the dining room checking the amount of food on the table. Not only there was more variety of food, but the platters that were half empty were heaping full again.

  “Well, then, let’s eat some more,” Bill said.

  “I want only some of the dessert,” Grace said, “I am stuffed, but I will put a pot of coffee on to wash down the dessert.” She helped herself to a variety of sweets from the table and went to the kitchen to make coffee.


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