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Full Count (Cessna U Wildcats Book 3)

Page 11

by Kimberly Readnour

  A smile tugs at the corner of her lips. I hover over her and kiss that gorgeous mouth. “Will that hold you over until I can do this the right way?”

  “Fuck, if that’s your definition of wrong, then I can’t wait to see what doing it right brings.”

  I chuckle. “I think I like this arrangement, Lexie Jenkins.”

  “Give me a moment, and I’ll take care of you.”

  My dick pulsates at the thought, but I clamp that thought down and repeat her sentiment from earlier. “This isn’t a contest.”


  “There’s plenty of time for me, later,” I interrupt. “This was all about you.”

  Chapter Eighteen


  Current Day

  Garret: Fun Fact. I’m hungry.

  “We have a problem,” I say as I barge into Garret’s bedroom unannounced. He stands by his closet, but I barely notice him as I march to his desk and toss my backpack on the chair. Unease coils in my gut that must be wired to my brain because I can’t think straight.

  “Lexie, what are you doing here?” The surprise in Garret’s voice has me spinning to look at him.

  Oh. Oh my.

  Garret’s naked. Mostly. Stripped down to nothing but his jockey briefs, he stands there as if it’s perfectly normal to be naked in front of me. He has seen my body, but I haven’t the privilege to see his. Sure, I’ve seen him shirtless before, but it’s a rarity. The odds of spotting an albino deer are better.

  But those abs.

  Those deliciously glorious ripped muscles that run to the area I refer to as the holy grail are pure perfection. I want to lick every peak and valley. Damn, he looks edible. And I’m standing here like a perv checking out my best friend. I pull myself together.

  “Sorry, Dalton let me in on his way out. He said you were in your room. He didn’t mention you were naked. I mean, getting dressed.” I drop my voice to an apologetic tone. “I’m sorry. I should’ve knocked.”

  His low chuckle glides across my skin and tingles places that have warmed at seeing him. He steps to the bed and sinks to the edge. “Seems fair. I’ve seen you in the flesh.”

  Those light brown eyes lock with mine. My entire body warms as his gaze holds a mischievous gleam. The corners of his mouth lift to a smirk, and at that moment, I know I’m a total goner.

  “What seems to be the problem?”

  You not hovering above me. I snap out of my lust-induced stupor and focus on the reason I’m here.

  “Our project’s in jeopardy.”

  His smile drops, and I wish I could take my words back. I’d rather stare at a half-naked Garret sporting a sexy grin.

  “Why? What’s going on?”

  “The rumor was true. Shouster and Foyer’s selling out. I received an email confirming it.” I start pacing. “What if the new company’s direction is totally different from our proposal? There isn’t enough time to redo anything, let alone find the means to construct a new model. We have too many hours on this project.”

  “Shit. Did the email say anything about the current projects on hand?”

  “No. But I reached out to the new company and set up a meeting with their manager. This is a disaster. What if they don’t follow through with the promises?”

  “The scholarship is safe. That comes from a trust fund. But the job offer may be off the table.”

  I breathe out a heavy sigh. “That sucks if it is.”

  I stop pacing and turn to face Garret. He looks as deflated as I feel. I’m positive we nailed the project. Our building matches every specification Shouster and Foyer asked for, along with keeping the lines simple. Our high-rise was both structurally sound and aesthetically pleasing. We don’t have time to construct anything else. Not when we’re this close to being finished.

  “You have a meeting with new buyers?”

  “Yes, but I’m not sure you can make it. It’s three o’clock on the Thursday after Thanksgiving.”

  He winces. “That would cut into practice. I don’t know. Which company is it?”

  “Fernandez & Sons Real Estate Firm.”

  Garret’s face pales. His mouth opens and then closes. He seems completely taken aback by this development.

  “Are you familiar with the company?”

  “I’ve had dealings with them before. Damn it. I hate doing this to you, but you’d be better to go alone. I seriously doubt I could’ve gotten out of practice anyway.” His clipped tone makes me wonder what’s wrong with the company. I can’t imagine what a real estate firm could’ve done to warrant his change in demeanor, but I know Garret well enough to know not to press. He’ll shut down completely.

  “Okay. I have no problem doing that.” I plop on the bed next to Garret and fall onto my back. He follows suit, lying right next to me. I try not to think about all that nakedness right next to me. Well, everything except for his manhood, which I’ve yet to see. I’ve felt his impressive size against my body, but he hasn’t let me touch. I need to rectify that. Soon. First, I need to calm my ass down.

  “The big question remains. If the new firm decides on a different direction, do we keep what we have or try to accommodate their changes?” I ask.

  “Honestly, I don’t see how we can make significant changes at this point. You’ve already constructed the building. It’s fucking awesome. Unless there’s some minor tweaking we can do, I say we proceed as usual.”

  His hand brushes against the back of mine, causing my heart rate to kick up a notch. Garret loops our pinky fingers together. That simple move warms my thighs as tingles shoot straight to my core. I think my breathing gets heavier. I will myself to stay neutral. But damn, this man turns me on.

  “I think you’re right,” I manage to say.

  “Feel better?”

  “Yeah, I do.”

  “Good.” He lets go of my finger. His movement is so quick; I don’t realize what is going on until his body is flush against mine, his erection pressing against my groin. “Maybe I can help relieve your stress.”

  “Is this a bad pick up line?”

  “Perhaps. I am out of practice.”

  I can’t hold back my smile. It may be wrong that I love the fact Garret’s willing to break those damn friendship chains, but I don’t care. If he’s going to have sex, there isn’t anyone I’d rather him be with than me. “You must be good because your moves are working.”

  That earns me his signature smirk and dimple I love. “When’s your next class?”

  “Not until two.”

  “Good. I have you for a couple of hours.” He dips his head and joins our lips. The moment our tongues touch, my mind becomes a whirlwind of desire and desperation—along with the determination to fill these needy emotions.

  His hands work to remove my shirt and shorts until I’m down to nothing but my black-laced underwear and bra. He draws back and soaks in my body. Thank God, I had the foresight to dress sexy. I wouldn’t want to miss the display of appreciation on his face. I have to admit. Garret looking at me as if I’m the sexiest thing he has ever seen is the biggest turn on.

  “Christ, Lexie. You look so fucking gorgeous right now. You have no idea how long I’ve wanted you.”

  I have some clue. Although, I garner my wait time has been longer. He doesn’t give me time to respond as he smothers my mouth with his. His palms cup my chin as he angles his head and thrusts his tongue deeper. I feel the kiss everywhere. He traces his fingertips down the curve of my neck, across my shoulder, and to my back. He unhooks the bra and works it off until it lands somewhere on the floor. He lets out a whimpering moan as he eyes my cleavage. And as if my body is conditioned only for him, my nipples harden as my breasts grow heavy. He takes his palm and cups the underside of my breast.

  “Damn, you have the best tits.”

  I’m not sure if I like that declaration. The praise may have been a blanket statement, not meant in comparison to others, but since I know little about his past, I don’t like it. But then, all is forgotten
when his tongue draws lazy circles around the edge of the hardened nubs.

  Then, I feel him everywhere, never knowing where to expect his touch. His mouth continues to suck and tease my breast, but his fingers trace across my shoulders down to my hips in no linear pattern. Every nerve ending awakens, ready to respond. I’ve never been so turned on in my life. He grazes his teeth along my nipple and pulls away. I arch my back aching for more contact. The soft puff of air sends chills along my spine. His shaft hardens to a steel rod against my core that aches for him to fill it. I can’t take much more teasing. I need him inside me. Taking charge, I tug on the waistband of his jockey briefs.

  “Please tell me you have protection.” My voice comes out raspy with just enough desperation for him to pop his head up and meet my gaze. A lazy smile slides across his face, and for a moment, I can’t believe this incredibly beautiful man is mine. At least for right now.

  “I do.”

  He stands and removes his underwear. Holy shit. I was right. Garret is impressive. And he’s also chuckling as he grabs a condom out of the top drawer of the bedside stand.

  “I’m glad you’re impressed.”

  My eyes widen as I take in his cocky expression. Shit, did I say that out loud? But that smirk tells me I did. So, I own it. “The gods have blessed you.”

  “From what I’m looking at, I’d have to agree.” He tosses the wrapper on the bed never taking his gaze off me and positions himself between my legs. I try not to think about the fact he’s just as impressed with me.

  “These have to go.” Garret grabs the waistband of my underwear with his teeth and works them lower until they join the rest of the clothes scattered on the floor. He grabs the condom, and I prop myself on my elbows and watch in awe as he rolls it on his length. I’ve never watched a guy do that before. My encounters have been more of a quick variety kind. I find the move extremely erotic. Or maybe I just find Garret extremely erotic. When he plants his lips on the inner portion of my thigh, I no longer think and just feel. An appreciative moan escapes as I fall onto my back and enjoy the tingly sensations his lips cause against my skin. He continues this onslaught of soft kisses and licks until he hovers back over me and settles between my legs. Right where he belongs. Those light brown eyes search mine as our heavy breaths fill the room.

  “Garret.” His name comes out a whispered plea for him to give me what I want. What I crave. I’m so close to finally having him, I think I’ll die of internal combustion if he backs out now.

  He runs the tip of his thick head along my slick entrance to my clit in a tantalizingly slow fashion. “Is this what you want?”

  I swallow past the sudden lump developing and hold his gaze. I’ve wanted this since the first day he returned my cell phone, but I’m smart enough to know the moment he enters me our dynamic will change. Time will tell if it’s for the best, but it’s one risk I’m willing to take. My mouth is dry, so I nod my reply and watch as relief mixed with anticipation transforms his facial features.

  It’s beautiful.

  It’s intoxicating.

  It’s… Garret drives inside. Hard. I gasp from the onslaught of his intrusion, which leads to an appreciative moan. God, this feels good. It’s been a while since I’ve had sex, but with confidence, I can say no one compares to his size—not even my battery-operated boyfriend. I’ve never felt so filled, so gratified. And he hasn’t even moved yet.

  “Fuck,” he grinds the word out. “I could spend all day seated deep inside you.”

  His words are like fuel to my already charged body. “I’d be down for that.”

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes.” I press my hips forward for extra encouragement. My subtle hint works. He pulls out and then eases back inside, finding that slow rhythmic movement that feels so fucking good. His lips are back on mine, and I welcome everything he gives. I’m overwhelmed by the taste of the fullness from him being inside me, the tingling sensations from his fingers toying with my nipple. It’s too much, yet not enough. I could never get tired of having Garret Cartel fuck me. And that’s when I know he has the power to break me.

  “Jesus. You feel so fucking incredible.” He bites his lip, face strained, as if he’s holding back. But I don’t want him to go easy on me. Not now.

  “Fuck me harder, Garret. Don’t hold back.”

  A slight tremble works through his body as his guttural groan fills the silence. He grabs my hand, weaving our fingers together, and picks up the pace until he finds a rhythm that’s both satisfying and sufficient. And, God, is this satisfying. Each thrust is a constant reminder of how well our bodies mesh. He may tower above me, but connected like this, it’s like we’re one—a conundrum of how two people our size can fit together being answered. Except there’s no pun or joke. Like an instrument he’s fine-tuning, Garret works my body.

  And my body responds.

  The sweet build to the climax just out of reach.

  The want of more.

  The knowledge that I’ll never be the same after this because this feels way better than I ever imagined. My body will always crave Garret Cartel. He must sense my need, keeping the fast pace, and driving deeper. My hips match each thrust as my breasts bounce beneath his chest.

  And then I feel it, that glorious tipping point. My inner walls clamp around his dick, and everything goes blindingly white as my orgasm slams into me.

  “Fuck, Lexie.” He drives in harder, faster until he’s balls deep. His hand tightens on mine and presses my wrist into the mattress while his body convulses as the last of his orgasm pumps through him. It’s the most erotic thing I’ve ever witnessed.

  He pulls out and collapses next to my side, his breathing heavy and labored. His massive paw rests on my belly.

  “We should’ve been doing that long before now. Why the hell did we wait so long?”

  I’ve asked the same question for the past three years. I don’t voice my thoughts. Instead, I offer a soft laugh.

  After we both collect our breath, he says, “It took you long enough to come and feed me. A man could starve, you know.”

  “What are you talking about?”

  “I sent the text five hours ago.”

  “Oh, you were hungry.” For me. “I get it now.”

  He starts tracing circles on my bare skin. “Go out with me tomorrow night. Just the two of us. We’ll grab a bite to eat and see where the evening leads.”

  I will my heart to slow down and my brain not to get grandiose thoughts. But what Garret proposes sounds an awful lot like a date. “I’m free tomorrow night.”

  “Good. I’ll pick you up after practice, which should be around six.”

  Chapter Nineteen


  Current Day

  Garret: Fun Fact. I’m looking forward to tonight.

  “Sorry, this isn’t quite the evening you had planned.” I give Garret half a smile, one born from sympathy. He wanted to go out to eat tonight just the two of us. Instead, he’s sitting at my kitchen table with my brothers and me, eating chicken potpie. And not the old-fashioned homemade kind. Nope, I only serve the ones that taste like cardboard.

  “Don’t worry about it. This is good.”

  “Liar.” My chuckle causes him to laugh. I’m not a cook. Or a baker. Being able to read and interpret recipes requires a particular skill set I didn’t inherit. I may be able to draw schematics and crunch numbers into a software program but dumping shit together in a pan to create something edible? No way. Not happening. Mom knows this. This is why frozen delicacies stock our freezer.

  “I’m here with you. That’s all that matters.”

  “Hey, Garret. Did you want to hear my awesome drum solo?” Chad asks, his eyes giddy with anticipation.

  “Sure, buddy, I’d love to listen.”

  Both brothers jump out of their seats. “Follow me. I’ll show you what real talent sounds like.”

  “Yeah, he’s really good,” Bradly draws out.

  Good God. No wonder Chad thin
ks he’s good. He has his fan club in my youngest brother. Garret stands, lips twitching, and follows behind the boys. Before ducking into the hallway, he glances over his shoulder and gives me a pained expression. I laugh and swipe the dishes up off the table. He’s good with kids. I give him that.

  As the horrendous beats fill the once peaceful silence, my guilt deepens at canceling our plans. A second shift nurse called in sick to work, so Mom volunteered to stay over. She’s supposed to come home after the residents finish their supper, but she hasn’t texted. I hope she gets here soon so we can salvage some of the evening. I apologized, but Garret didn’t seem to mind. He’s the most laidback person when it comes to disrupted schedules. I just feel bad because it’s always my brothers and me causing the issues.

  I place the cookie sheet into the sink when silence descends upon the house once again. Thank God. A minute later, Garret joins me in the kitchen. He picks up a towel and starts drying a plate.

  “You don’t have to help with the dishes. There aren’t that many.”

  “I don’t mind.”

  “Did you enjoy your private concert?”

  “It was interesting. It looks like you may have a future rock star on your hands.”

  “Next time, I’ll give you earplugs. They’re kept in the drawer next to the microwave.”

  “Duly noted.”

  I laugh and pull the sink plug. As I wait for the water to drain, I lean against the countertop. “Do the guys wonder where you are?”

  “Nah. They’re too busy doing their own thing to worry about me.”


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