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Dirty Villains

Page 21

by Cheri Marie

  Taking a hit, she allowed the smoke to completely fill her lungs before exhaling slowly. “Slow down, girl. You don’t want to overdue. You’re not a professional like me,” Austin laughed.

  Turning to face Austin, Rainkor slowly felt her mind floating away as though a cloud was lifting it away from her body. She could see through her eyes, but she couldn’t feel her emotions as heavily. Her lips began to move, and she was inviting Austin to kiss them.

  “Rainkor, I don’t know if this is a good idea. We’ve always been friends, and I don’t want to ruin what we have. You’re the girl I tell everything to, and I don’t want that to change,” Austin looked directly in his friend’s eyes as he spoke.

  “We can still be friends, except now you can touch me here,” Rainkor guided Austin’s hand over to cup her breast, rubbing it slowly over her t-shirt. Neither spoke, but Austin’s breath began to grow shallow. Momentarily, Rainkor let go of Austin’s hand and removed her top. “They aren’t going to lick themselves, Austin,” she said while massaging her nipples. She watched him study her with wide eyes. “If I can make myself feel this good, just think about what I can do for you.”

  “I don’t think this is a good….” Austin cut himself off as he began deeply kissing Rainkor on the mouth. His hands moved to caress the back of her head in gentle waves, while his body inched as close to her as the center console in his car would allow.

  Rainkor’s hands moved to Austin’s head and lightly pushed it down her body. “That feels good, but I want to feel better. We could take it slow here tonight, but there is nothing holding us back. I see nothing wrong with diving right in.”

  “I’m good with that if you are,” Austin’s mouth fell to Rainkor’s breasts, and he began tickling them softly with his rigid tongue. After a few moments, he drew in a nipple and held it there with his lips while lightly grabbing her skin with his teeth. At the same time, his hands began dancing around Rainkor’s back until she shivered without intention.

  “I think I’m getting to you,” Austin smiled as he slipped one of his hands to Rainkor’s thigh and began running his fingers over the light material keeping him from her skin.

  Rainkor reached in Austin’s direction to guide his shirt over his head and threw it in the backseat of the car. Her mouth landed on his hard chest as she began leaving light kisses while working her way down to his jeans. Suddenly, she stopped, sat up and looked into his eyes.

  “What about the girls, Austin?” Rainkor looked at him seriously.

  “What girls? Did you invite other girls to this little party?” Austin’s eyebrows narrowed, and a look of confusion filled his face.

  “I’ve heard them, Austin! I’ve heard you hurting those poor innocent women! Does it make you feel like a man to berate them and physically beat on them?!” Rainkor’s eyes were wide as she screamed.

  “What are you talking about? What screams? I never hit a woman in my life! What’s happening Rainkor?” Austin’s eyes were wide with confusion, and a tear fell down his cheek.

  “Don’t play games with me,” Rainkor reached for her shirt and slipped it back on. Her hand felt for the knife, and she grabbed the handle to bring it toward her body. Uncovering the blade, she first looked at the shine it gathered from a nearby streetlight. Next, she turned her eyes to face Austin.

  “I’m sorry, Rainkor. I don’t know who you talked to or who you heard it from, but I’m not that person anymore. Please believe me,” Austin sputtered his words between deep breaths full of sorrowful tears.

  “So, it is true. I wasn’t completely positive, but you just told me all I need to know. I’ll make you a deal. I’m going to use this knife to punish you, and then we’re both going to keep our mouths shut. Your secret is safe with me, if your mouth stays shut about who stabbed you,” Rainkor’s eyes grew huge and her words became whispers.

  “You’re going to do what?!” Austin managed to speak before gasping as the jagged blade tore through the skin in his abdomen. Rainkor watched the color quickly drain from his face before she pulled the knife back out. Neither spoke for a moment, until Austin covered his wound with his hand and told Rainkor to go home.

  Without hesitation, Rainkor picked up the sheath and ran until she reached her room. Sweat dripped off her body as she gathered the fleeting thoughts racing through her brain. Mechanically, she removed her clothes and wrapped the covered knife in the center of them like a present. She placed them in a shoe box in her closet and turned on the water in her shower. Her hand felt the heavy droplets fall until it was too hot to touch.

  “This is how I like it,” Ross verbalized.

  “I don’t care,” Rainkor stated as she turned the water to a cooler temperature.

  “I’ll allow you to have your way this time,” Ross spoke quietly in Rainkor’s mind.

  “Just give me the night off, please. Shut me down so I don’t have to think,” Rainkor’s voice sounded exhausted and frustrated.

  Shortly after Rainkor was dressed and in her bed, she heard a knock at the door.

  “Rain, can you please come here?” she heard her mother call a couple of minutes later.

  “Hello, Rain. I was just telling your parents that your neighbor, Austin Stone, was stabbed a short time ago as he was exiting his car. I’m here for two reasons. First, to let people in this neighborhood know there is an unknown assailant who could still be around. Second, I need to know if anyone saw anything. Your parents stated they have been in the house all night, but one of your neighbors mentioned seeing you outside a short time ago. Did you happen to see anything?” the uniformed officer questioned Rainkor.

  “No, I’m sorry. I don’t think I can help. Did Austin say what the person looked like?” Rainkor asked.

  “He doesn’t know very much, maybe he will remember more after he has some time to heal. But for now, he recalls a male of average height and weight, dressed in black with a mask and gloves. He didn’t hear the man speak, but there was a strong scent of marijuana in the car, so we suspect it may have been a drug deal which turned ugly. Do you know of any drug habit Austin may have had?” the officer directly asked Rainkor.

  “Um, I don’t believe so. I mean, I know he smokes a little weed on occasion, but I never thought anything about it, really,” Rainkor stumbled a little over her words.

  “Well, just lock your doors and keep an eye out, please. I’d better wake up more of your neighbors, but please don’t hesitate to call me,” the officer handed a card to Rainkor and one to her parents.

  Without saying another word, Rainkor turned, walked to her room, crawled into bed and fell asleep.

  Rainkor woke up the next morning in her bed with the sun peeking in through her curtains. “What happened?” she wondered out loud.

  “I had to take over, I could feel you begin to stumble. You’re just not ready for the important jobs, Rainkor. You know what happened because you were there. Well, not technically all the way there. You were like a guest star in your own life last night. It’s like you were reading your lines, but definitely not the director,” Ross said.

  “What happened with Austin?” Rainkor wondered.

  “Don’t pretend as though you don’t know the answer. You were there, and you did have a small part in deciding to jab that blade right into his gut. In fact, I was going for the leg, but you took it a step further,” Ross laughed.

  “I don’t like you very much right now, Ross,” Rainkor spoke loudly, not caring who heard her voice.

  “Well, you’d better find a way to tolerate me, although, enjoying my company would leave you much better off. Now, shall we prepare for your next assignment?” Ross suggested.

  “I just hurt my friend for you! You were his judge and jury, while I was his punisher! The blood is literally on my hands!” Rainkor spoke breathlessly.

  “What do you really want to tell me, Rainkor?” Ross mused.

  “Please fill me in on what we are doing next, Ross. I am ready to learn,” Rainkor said mechanically.

p; “That’s better. I am on the verge of taking over completely now more than ever, especially when you’re getting on my last nerve. I seem to be having to remind you of this over and over, and I am getting more frustrated as each day passes. But I also enjoy the challenge of training you. You can be somewhat endearing at times. Let’s try to keep our relationship civil. Do you agree, Rainkor?” Ross questioned.

  “I do agree with you Ross,” Rainkor complied.

  A knock at the door caused Rainkor’s head to turn quickly. Within thirty seconds, she heard her name being called. Standing stiffly, Rainkor couldn’t move, even though she felt in control of her own mind.

  “Do you need me to take control?” Ross echoed in the background.

  “No Ross, I can do this. I am intelligent and confident and have been very well trained. Someone who deserved to be stabbed has gotten exactly what he had coming to him,” Rainkor said. Stopping to put on a thick coat of red lipstick, she kissed the mirror before leaving her bedroom.

  “Hello, I heard my name called,” Rainkor looked directly at the police office standing in the living room.

  “Yes, Rain, Officer Thomas would like to ask a few additional questions about last night,” Rainkor’s mom said in between sips from her large coffee mug. “Officer, can I get you something to drink?”

  “No thank you, ma’am, I just want to clarify a couple of things with your daughter,” he replied. “Now Rainkor, I am having some difficulty with the fact that you were outside last night around the time of the stabbing, but you claim you didn’t see anything. Could it be that you’re missing something? Any details would be helpful at this point.”

  “No sir, I came home quite early last night and passed out in my bed until much later in the evening. I did wake up and go outside for a short time, but I didn’t notice anything unusual,” Rainkor answered.

  “I can be a witness to that, as I stated last night. Rain often comes home, takes a nap and wakes up later in the evening,” Stacey interjected.

  “Look, Austin was my first kiss, and I don’t even think my own mother knows this information. I care about him, and sometimes we hang out, listen to music and talk. But that’s basically everything. How is he doing?” Rainkor replied.

  “He’s stable, but still not remembering anything more than he did last night. I believe that’s all I need for now, Miss Harmony. Thank you, and I will contact you again if necessary,” the officer shook Rainkor’s hand as well as Stacey’s before leaving the Harmony home.

  “Listen, Rain, I’m making a casserole and a cake to take to Austin’s parents. I’m sure they are too exhausted to cook right now. Would you like to take it over there with me in about three hours or whenever I see them home? I’ve been looking out for their car in the driveway,” Stacey asked.

  “I have to work today, mom,” Rainkor responded as she walked to her room and shut the door. “How did I do? I think I did pretty well. I didn’t even really feel nervous,” she called out.

  “I liked what I saw, young lady. Your eye contact was constant, and your body language was open. I think you may be getting the hang of this,” Ross sounded proud in Rainkor’s head.

  “Well, look at my teacher,” Rainkor announced proudly.

  Rainkor was filling salt shakers at work later that day when Officer Thomas walked in, but he wasn’t wearing his uniform. He requested to sit in her section, and he seemingly studied the menu until she walked over to his table. “Hello, Miss Harmony, how are you? You must be tired after that long night and early morning.”

  “I’m fine, Officer Thomas. You must be exhausted yourself. Do you have some more questions for me, or are you just here for lunch?” Rainkor stated.

  “Well, I’ve been here before with my family, mostly for dinner. This is not a large town, Rainkor, and there aren’t a big number of restaurants to choose from,” Officer Thomas answered.

  “Why are you here now, and why did you request my table?” Rainkor felt braver with each word.

  “I believe you are hiding something, and I think I know what it is,” he whispered.

  “I don’t even want to know what you are referring to. Now, would you like to order?” Rainkor asked.

  “What if I told you we’re very similar people?” Officer Thomas offered.

  “I would say that you’re making me feel uncomfortable, and pretty soon I’m going to ask you to leave,” Rainkor’s voice grew louder.

  “I’m not here to make you feel uncomfortable. But I am here to let you know you’re not alone. I’ll have the chicken pot pie and a water please,” Officer Thomas spoke cautiously.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Rainkor sounded agitated.

  “Have you ever heard a particular voice in your head? I have, and there’s a way you can tell when someone else does too. At least, sometimes, and only the most strong, conniving voices come through. Yours is powerful Rainkor, and I sensed it right away. Mine is as well. You know that hug you feel sometimes by that voice? It’s not like a regular human hug. It’s more electric, like a pleasant shock, and a reward for doing a good job. I feel that, and when two people with powerful voices inside their heads are standing close together, you can sometimes feel that electricity. I’ve only felt it one other time, and that person told me this secret,” Officer Thomas spoke quickly.

  “Officer, I think you’re crazy, and you’re making me uncomfortable. I’m going to get someone else to wait on you,” Rainkor began turning in the other direction, but felt a strong hand wrap around her arm. “Let go!”

  “I’m sorry, I don’t want to frighten you. You cannot get rid of it, but you can learn to become stronger and more powerful than it could ever be. It doesn’t want you to know this, but this can become your greatest gift. You can learn to drain the strength it possesses and use it yourself. Essentially, you will control the voice! I can teach you, Rainkor,” Officer Thomas looked into Rainkor’s eyes as he spoke. She noticed his grey eyes were now a brighter blue color.

  Pulling away from his grasp, she looked around the busy restaurant and noticed the stares from nearly everyone around her. “Uh, thank you for catching me, Officer Thomas. I’m grateful you stopped me from tripping on my own shoes,” Rainkor stated awkwardly.

  “You’re welcome, and I apologize if I startled you. Even off-duty, I’m here to serve and protect,” Officer Thomas stepped back as he spoke while maintaining eye contact.

  “I’ll be right back with your order. Thanks again,” Rainkor walked back to the kitchen and opened the door to the walk-in freezer. Stepping inside, she breathed in the frosty air in an attempt to clear her head.

  “It’s not going to work,” Ross spoke, slicing through the cold filling Rainkor’s mind.

  “What’s not going to work?” Rainkor questioned, already sensing the answer.

  “You understand you’re my helpmate, correct? You are and always be the submissive one. To put it bluntly, you are like a wife from those old black and white television shows who always wore an apron and pearls. There’s nothing wrong with being who you are, you just need to realize your place,” Ross grew louder in Rainkor’s head.

  Without speaking another word, Rainkor walked over to the ice machine, poured Officer Thomas a glass of water, and walked quickly to his table. “Here’s your water,” she announced.

  Looking up, his gaze froze on Rainkor’s eyes. They were large, and her head was slowly nodding up and down. Placing his hand lightly on hers for a moment, he nodded back in agreement.

  On her way home, Rainkor stopped by the small community hospital where her mom had told her Austin had been taken. “This is going to happen Ross! Do not take over or try to stop me. I need to do this so Austin doesn’t ever tattle. It’s your turn to take a backseat right now!”

  “As long as it’s for the greater good,” Ross replied.

  Breathing in deeply until her lungs felt full of fresh air, she walked in through the doorway and asked for the room number of her friend. Once she found it, Rai
nkor stood outside the door for several minutes listening to the laughter of Austin and his mom watching a game show on television. After considering knocking on the door, Rainkor decided to go in without a prior announcement.

  “Hello dear! How nice of you to visit!” Austin’s mom said with a smile on her face and outreached arms to welcome Rainkor to the room.

  “Thank you, and it’s nice to see you too. Would it be possible to speak to Austin in private for just a few minutes?” Rainkor asked politely.

  “Oh, of course! You two youngsters don’t need supervision! Can I get either one of you anything while I’m out?” Austin’s mom smiled but looked exhausted and concerned as well.

  “Thanks mom, but I think we’re good,” Austin replied for both of them.

  “I wasn’t in my right mind last night, Austin. That was something which should not have happened,” Rainkor said pointing to his bandaged abdomen. “But I need this to be the end of it. I’m sorry I hurt you, but I’m even more sorry you hurt other women. My solution to your problem wasn’t a good one.”

  “There’s one way to solve this dilemma,” Austin smiled. “However, you need to show me your tits and do a little dance for me. I want to see you bow down in front of me and beg my forgiveness without any clothes on in order for me to keep the truth hidden. I do want to point out that your weak girlie hands didn’t push the knife in very far, but you did manage to do a little damage. What’s it going to be?”

  Rainkor walked over to the door of the room and closed it slowly. Next, she shut the curtain surrounding his bed. “You’re going to have to pretend there’s slutty music playing because I don’t want to create any more attention to the situation. Now, watch closely, Austin,” Rainkor commanded in a whisper.

  Turning her back to the hospital bed, she began swaying her hips back and forth as though she could hear music playing in the room. After unbuttoning her jeans, she hooked her thumbs in two of her beltloops and lowered her pants to expose half of the firm round skin underneath. “Oops, I forgot to put on a thong today. I guess that means more skin for you, Austin.” Turning, she gathered a piece of the bottom of her shirt and raised it a little each time her hips swayed in the opposite direction. Once her bra was showing, she removed her shirt and walked closer to Austin’s hospital bed. Moving her breasts closer to his face, she spoke, “Is this what you want to see? Will this make you keep your mouth shut about what happened? Take them in, baby, and make them dance in your mouth.”


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