Book Read Free

Dirty Villains

Page 28

by Cheri Marie

As the door shuts I close my eyes. To say I’m beyond pissed is an understatement. Honestly, who does she think she is? Opening to the article I see where they mention Elle Queen Designs. She says “Who?” So Emmelia Langston thinks she can take my business down does she? Well, it will be all out war. My mommy and daddy didn’t front my company like hers did. I created Elle Queen Designs and built it into the thriving company it is today. Just then the intercom on my phone buzzes.

  “Elle, there is a Bram Sagan here to see you.”

  Well, my day just got worse. I always have a rule not to sleep with a client. He caught me in a weak moment, and the sex was great. He quickly killed the fun for me with his arrogance and talk of commitment. I don’t have time for all of that. That is why there is no way I can go there again! Putting on a smile that kills me, I stand to greet Bram.

  “Hello, Bram. So good to see you. What can I help you with today?”

  He moves in, kissing me on the cheek before speaking, “Elle, it’s been too long since I’ve seen you, so I thought I’d stop by and say hello. Would you join me for dinner tonight? Before you answer-” he pauses to lean in to whisper in my ear, “Remember how good it was?”

  “Bram, thank you for asking, but I have a charity event for Children’s Hospital tonight. I work very closely with them, so I have to be there.”

  “Well, my beautiful Elle, I might see you there. I received an invitation for tonight’s event. I had no idea that you would be there as well.”

  “Lovely, Bram. Then I’ll possibly be seeing you there. Now if you will excuse me I have some work to do before I leave.”

  Turning to go back to my office, I see Jenson laughing slowly. I raise my middle finger up in front of me, hiding it from everyone else in the vicinity. I blow a kiss at him as I walk by.

  “At least Mr. Sagan doesn’t think you’re an Evil Queen.”

  I whisper, “Fuck you, Jen!” I can still hear his laughter as I walk into my office. Sitting behind my desk, I pull out my portfolio glancing at some of the best work I ever have done. This is why I’m on top. Bring it on little girl, I will still win! We are booked solid for the next eight months and only taking special current clients’ requests. Usually I cave though and end up work day and night to finish it.

  I shut down my computer, knowing I have an appointment at the salon I cannot miss; I need to be on my a-game tonight. Especially if I have to dodge the likes of Bram all evening and that is not how I want to spend my night. Tonight is about the Children’s Hospital and helping them raise money for the new addition.

  Walking down the steps, I hear Jenson say, “Don’t forget to send me a pic in that dress. Also, wear the black lace lingerie. I have a feeling you will get lucky tonight.”

  Glancing his way, “I will not be getting lucky tonight, you little shit.” Laughter follows me out the doors.

  Chapter Two

  Leaving the spa I feel like a new woman- 60 minute full-body massage, hair trimmed and styled, manicure and a spa pedicure. Sliding into my black Range Rover, I making my way to my penthouse I purchased three years ago in Buckhead near my office. Being one of the most sought out neighborhoods to live in Atlanta, Buckhead was at the top of my wish list of where I wanted to settle.

  Getting off the elevator it looks like the penthouse across the hall from me is now occupied. I wonder who purchased the unit. I guess I’ll find out soon enough.

  Opening my door I’m greeted by Sebastion, my Persian Himalayan cat, he brings me so much joy. “Hi there, baby. How are you today? Did you miss me?” He responds with a meow and rubs up against my leg. “My poor baby. Let’s go run Mommy a bath, I have a party tonight.” If anyone heard me talking this way I would totally lose my Evil Queen reputation!

  Sitting in the bath I begin to wonder about my new neighbors- how old are they? What if they are young and love to party? If they are I’m going to be that bitchy neighbor, yes I am! Hopefully it is someone my age or older that will be respectful of their neighbors.

  After my relaxing soak in the tub, I look myself over in the mirror. My curves are fierce. What can I say, I love to eat. By eating I mean sweets. And it doesn’t matter what kind, I love them all. Sure my stomach could be flat if I cut out all the carbs, but oh my god, I love bread too much!

  “Ok Sebastion, let’s moisturize all of Mommy’s skin so it looks smooth and inviting to someone other than Bram tonight. Yeah, right!” I giggle at the thought, not that I have intentions of hooking up with a man tonight. Doesn’t mean I can’t look and feel fabulous for myself.

  Slipping into my red dress and zipping it on the side, I glance in the full length mirror. Oh my... this is why I bought this dress. Wow! It hugs every curve I have and it’s low in front without being too low. The slit runs up my left leg. I must say my legs are fabulous. I slide my feet into my sparkly Jimmy Choos, spritz on my Chanel perfume and grab my clutch. I’m all ready to go.

  Jenson hired me a driver for tonight because the evening traffic will be unbearable plus he knows how much I enjoy drinking wine. Making sure Sebastion is set for night, I open my front door and hear jazz playing across the hall. I’m a sucker for great jazz music. Maybe this new neighbor and I will get along just fine. My driver is waiting outside of the passenger door when I reach the sidewalk. I thank him as I sliding into the car and close my eyes.

  I usually dislike attending charity events, but I have a special love the Children’s Hospital in Atlanta plus it’s a very worthy cause. It’s also unknown to most people that I volunteer there a couple times a month. I don’t do this for the recognition; I do it for the children. It’s something near and dear to my heart- Yes, I do have one of those.

  I feel a vibration coming from the inside of my clutch. Smiling, I know the text is from Jenson before I pull my phone out. Sending him a pic had been a requirement tonight seeing as he helped me pick out this dress. I shoot him the full-length selfie I took of myself before leaving. My phone rings before I can even set it down.

  “Holy Fuck, El. You look delicious. Someone is bound to eat you up tonight.”

  “Jenson, I’m not looking to be on the menu tonight.”

  “Elle, let’s face it, you need a good shagging. Find a hot guy tonight, let him please you like never before. Also, make sure he has a big one and send pics of that to me too!”

  I just laugh and shake my head at him, “For real, even if I found one, I’m not snapping a cock pic for my assistant. You have enough hot men after you!”

  “This is true. Kick ass, doll. You look amazing, no RBF tonight.”

  I glance up as the car pulls up to the Ritz. I’m in need of some wine pronto. Walking into the hotel’s ballroom, I head straight to the bar in need of something to take the edge off. After taking a sip I’m thinking of maybe asking for the whole bottle.

  I turn to the right and see the most intoxicating man I have ever seen. I’m almost sure my mouth is hanging open. Blink Elle, blink. He’s tall, dark hair, blue eyes, and sweet Jesus his lips- I can’t stop staring at them. I force my eyes to move down to look at the rest of his body. Oh my god... his body matches his face- he’s wearing a tailored suit, no tie and the first three buttons of his crisp white shirt undone, but I can still see the definition of his tone muscles all over him. I moan out loud. Fuck my life, I hope that moan wasn’t loud enough that he heard. Guess the only way I’ll know is if I look up at him. Oh god, he heard me. He’s smiling at me like it’s Christmas morning and I’m his gift! Just like that I toss back my wine and start to choke. Are you seriously kidding me right now? My eyes are watering and he steps forward. I place my hand up with my resting bitch face is in full force now.

  Holding out his hand he proceeds to say, “Corvin Morris, at your service, sweetheart.”

  Am I just staring at him like I have lost my mind? I actually am. This is absolutely crazy.

  “I’m so sorry. Hi, I’m Elle Queen. It’s lovely to meet you, Corvin.”

  “The pleasure is all mine, Elle.”

Glancing across the ballroom I see one of the organizers needing rescued from one of the hospital trustees. I smile up to this gorgeous man that has me so excited I need to take a cold shower, “It was so nice meeting you, please excuse me.”

  Fifteen minutes later I am shown to my table. It’s close to the stage up front, they always stick me up here. For once I would love to be seated in the back for an easier escape. Just then the chair beside me pulls out and I look up to see who’s my seatmate is this evening and I lock eyes with none other than Corvin Morris.

  “Well if this night couldn’t get any better than a few moments ago... Looks like they paired us up, sweetheart.”

  “I see that, just warning you now I’m not very entertaining. I’ll probably bore you.”

  “Oh Miss Elle, I doubt anything about you could bore me.”

  Just then I wished I had put on panties because I’m soaked. The way his southern drawl smooths over me like a warm blanket, I can feel myself leaning toward him. His smile is so intoxicating, he has perfect teeth too.

  The chair on the other side of me suddenly pulls out and down sits Bram Sagan. This has to be a sick joke. Honestly, who in the world did I piss off for this to happen! I glance to see Bram’s face transform to childlike.

  “Wow! Corvin Morris, the retired NFL football player? I loved watching you play. The league sure has to miss you. It’s an honor to meet you.”

  “Thank you, Bram. It’s great meeting you as well. I’m not sure the league misses me that much. So much fresh new talent out there these days.”

  I’m honestly not sure what’s going on now, but I seem to have found out that Corvin is an ex-football player. I totally nailed the muscles. I’m sure he looks fantastic with his clothes off. What I wouldn’t give to be His Next Score. Ha, that was cheesy but true! When I snap out of the sex marathon happening in my head Bram is excusing himself, but not before he asks, “Elle, would you like to come over tonight?”

  Ok, the floor can open up wide and swallow me whole any time now. I don’t even want to look over at Corvin. Glancing at Bram I politely decline, “I’m sorry, Bram. That’s not going to work out for me.” I should have just stayed home because there is no way I’m explaining this to Corvin.

  “Guessing I have some competition now, or are you two seeing each other?”

  Looking Corvin in the eye I spill my guts without hesitation, “No, we are not currently dating or seeing each other. I went out with him several months ago a handful of times. Needless to say he’s holding out for more and it’s never going to happen.”

  “Good. I don’t like to share once I see something that intrigues me. Nothing can stop my pursuit.”

  Grabbing my wine and downing the entire glass, I signal for another. I am stunned speechless. No one has ever made me feel like this. I should be pissed he just acted like I was a prize that he was going to win. “I think you have this all wrong, Corvin. I’m not looking for a relationship of any kind.” Picking up my refilled wine glass I glance over at him which was a huge mistake. The smile he is giving me has me second guessing my no relationship status.

  “Remember, I love a challenge.”

  As the night progresses I find Corvin more fascinating. His interest in my designs has me more at ease with him. The more we talk I feel myself wanting to get to know him better.

  “Elle, I recently bought a new penthouse. I would love to have you take a look and give me some ideas. We could work together. My little sister was going to help, but I can never get a hold of her.”

  “I would love to give you some design ideas. Let me grab one of my business cards.” Handing him my card I know my smile is huge because my face is sore from smiling the entire evening. His fingers linger on mine and the goosebumps on my arm have him knowing exactly what he’s doing to me. Looking down at my card I see him reading it.

  “Would you like to dance, Elle?”

  Taking his hand I know it’s a mistake as soon as his arms circle me and pull me in- I’m done for. His cologne is intoxicating this close and I’m sure he knows the effects because suddenly I’m flush against him. Letting the music and this man take control, we glide across the dance floor. I honestly don’t want this night to end and I’m praying he calls me after this. As soon as the music stops he places his hand to the small of my back and walks me back to the table. I can feel many sets of eyes watching us. Stopping as we reach my chair I look up into his eyes, “I had a lovely evening tonight Corvin, but I’m really needing to head home now. You have my number. Please feel free to call me. I would love to help you with the design plans for your new penthouse.”

  Grabbing my clutch I start to walk away, but his fingers reach out to entwine in mine.

  “Sweetheart, what kind of man would I be not to walk you out.”

  As we walk together hand in hand out the main door of the hotel, I see my car waiting at the curb. My driver is standing by the door waiting to let me in, but from the corner of my eye I see Corvin waves him away and he returns to the driver’s seat. Corvin walks me to the door and reaches to open it for me, but then I’m suddenly pushed up against the car. Glancing up into those blue eyes my body is on fire as he leans down craving his touch. Sliding one hand into the back of my hair the other cupping the side of my face I rise onto my toes. As soon has his lips touch mine a moan leaves me. Our tongues slowly touch dancing in a rhythm all of their own. Pulling away, I’m looking directly at that panty melting smile of his. I then realize my fingers are still gripping the lapels of his coat, which is probably the only thing holding me upright. Letting go and smoothing them down his chest, I return his smile and slip into the backseat.

  “Well, Miss Elle, I will be seeing you real soon, darlin’. Real soon.”

  We pull away as he closes the door and I rest my head back close my eyes thinking this man is going to have me for dinner and I can’t wait. Walking into my apartment Sebastion greets me with the sweetest meow. “Hello handsome man. Let’s go get ready for bed. Momma had an amazing night.”

  Chapter Three

  I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face, which is something new for me. The last few years of being on top of the designing industry has taken a toll on any kind of love life which was ok before, but that feeling I experienced last night has me wondering if I have been missing out.

  Slowly climbing out of bed I flip on the bathroom light looking into the mirror. I find myself quoting Mirror, Mirror, on the wall, who’s the fairest of them all? Oh my god, are those wrinkles around my eyes? Grabbing my aging cream I apply it liberally, then I start to laugh. I guess my work nickname is really living up to its hype. Just then I hear a text message come in. I am literally running to grab the cell. As I open it the breath leaves my body.

  Unknown Number: My darlin’ Elle, to say I enjoyed myself last night is an understatement. I’m hoping that you would be free for lunch today. I know it’s last minute, but seeing as how you will be helping me with the design of my penthouse, this could be part business. Corvin

  Me: I also had a wonderful evening last night and you are in luck, I am free to have lunch with you today, Corvin.

  Walking into my kitchen I slide my You’re Gorgeous mug under the Keurig machine and power it on to warm up. As I’m opening my front door to grab my paper, I’m suddenly aware my new neighbor has their front door open as well.

  HOLY. SHIT. I’m staring right at Corvin Morris. He’s my new neighbor with his pajamas bottoms hung low, no shirt, and a steaming cup of coffee in his hand. I then realized I’m in an off the shoulder almost transparent white shirt with black panties on. I see the look of hunger in his eyes, it has him slamming his door and coming for me.

  Not sure how it happened so fast, but we are inside of my place. I’m in his arms with my legs wrapped around his waist. My door is slammed shut and soon the mug of coffee on my counter is long forgotten. Our tongues are twined together and my hands are gripping his hair. One of Corvin’s arms is gripping my ass while the other wrapped aro
und my waist.

  “Darlin’, the bedroom is where?”

  “Down the hall, last door on the right. For the love of god, hurry!” Oh my, I’m almost certain I screamed that at him. His touch is setting me on fire, my panties are soaking wet as I grind myself on him. Finally, we are in my room. Kissing him feels so right; he nips my bottom lip as he lowers me to the bed. Sitting back on the pillows I look into his eyes. The hunger I see there has me moaning out loud. He gives me a devilish smile, and I’m fucking melting into the sheets. Just like that he slides his fingers around my ankle kneeling on the bed he raises it to his lips. Corvin takes his time running his tongue up my leg only stopping to place kiss behind my knee. As his lips graze the top lace of my panties I automatically lift my hips as they are slowly pulled down my shirt is bunched under my breasts I raise up to quickly pull it off.

  “Corvin I’m not sure how much more I can take.”

  Just then he takes my nipple into his mouth as his tongue swirls around the tip gently biting. Locking my legs around his hips I can feel his hard cock resting on top of me realizing I never saw him take those pants off. Digging my nails into his neck I raise my back off the bed. Jesus, I have never been this turned on. Running my right hand down the right side of his back, I leave nail marks and I’m not even sorry. His nose is trailing down the curves of my stomach. Just then I feel his fingers opening me. It feels like days before the wetness of his tongue touches me. Corvin bites down and I see stars. I’m pretty sure I screamed, “What the fuck was that!” Maybe followed up with “Do it again!”

  “Fuck baby, I don’t have a condom. Please tell me you have one, I’m not running back to my place.”

  “Top drawer left side of bed, Corvin and please hurry up!”

  Just then I hear him rummaging in the drawer... shit my vibrator is in there charging along with a huge box of condoms. He’s probably going to think I’m a whore, but you never know when you will need them.


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